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What do you look for in a story?


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What makes you start reading? Do you judge it by its brief description, the author, their reputation, the reviews? Do you go by genre or the age of characters? Do you have a specific age that you prefer your characters to be? Or is it something completely different?


You don't need to answer all of the questions, or any. I would just like to know what lures you into a story. :)

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Usually the description and the tags are what pulls me in. I prefer semi light hearted romance stories with high school age characters but I'm open to anything that draws me in. One thing that really annoys me is vague descriptions. I also kinda prefer stories that are completed but sometimes if it seems like something that I'd really like I'll start reading after a few chapters are out.

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If I'm just randomly browsing for stories from authors I do not know, then I'll start reading their story if I like the description. Catch my attention with the description and I'll probably read it. If not, then I probably won't read it unless somebody recommends it. If I like the author, then I'll read all their other stories as they publish them.

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Generally I read the first chapter of almost anything knew that I see. I confess to not seeing a lot of 'new' authors because they're still not out of Peer review. I also make it a point to read people who comment on my work. Might be a bit self promoting but honestly if someone took the time to give me feed back I try to do like wise. Then there are authors I like who don't comment on anything. But since I like them, I read. I'm not totally into one genre as you can tell from my writing. I kinda like variety. Second Shot is nothing like Purpose which isn't much like Archangel which is completely different from my fantasy writings like Not for Hire or The Price of Love. So genre isn't a biggie for me.


So yeah, I'm so dag gone helpful aren't I? :/



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B)................ I rarely go outside my preferred genre of a story, I don't care for either fantasy or Sci-fi, I like stories of coming to terms or out and adventure themes. I also like mystery and drama theme stories.
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What do you look for in a story?


For me it's about meaning and reason. What people are about and what makes them tick.


Reminds me of something I once heard a Vorlon say: Ah, you seek meaning. Then listen to the music, not the song.

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It's the description that grabs me, too. If the first chapter doesn't keep my attention, I navigate away. Poor grammar/spelling will turn me off faster than a bad plot. Having to constantly stop to try and figure out what's going on is too much work. Ironic, I suppose.


Of course I browse by tags and genres, and I have my favorite authors. I steer clear of high school/college stories as a rule, and I keep an eye on the sidebar for new authors.

Edited by Dark
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For me, I initially look for one genre, and that's coming of age (or coming out, if you will). When I realized I was gay, I struggled with it, tried to deny it, then finally came to terms with it. Luckily, I was online for the first time right about that time and I realized I was not alone with these confusing feelings.


Fast forward ten years and somehow I ended up at this website. And somewhere along the line comes this truly amazing story called Second Shot which just literally knocked me out of my socks. To be honest, in all of my years of reading gay fiction on the net, only four previous stories had stood out clearly in my mind:


Bill W, You Pass This Way But Once, the ending is semi-tragic.

Bill W, Boy For Hire, and only because the MC was also named Trevor.

Bill W, Castaway Hotel, I started that at Nifty and finished it here.

Dom Luka, Desert Dropping, only because the MC and I are both from Arizona.


All four of those are really good stories, but to be honest, none of them had the emotional impact on me like 2nd Shot did. Now granted, my relationship with my BF has had its ups and downs, but seeing as how I'm just barely older than Jase and Pete, I feel like I want to smack them silly for every single mistake that they make (cuz I've been there, done that). Posted Image

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Oh, I read a lot of different stories on G.A., all of different genres, character age ranges, authors etc. I don't like to miss a good story, so I try not to avoid specific genres or categories. If a story works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Regardless of its genre, its characters, its theme etc.

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Descriptions/past experiences with author mostly helps me pick. I'll read anything from any genre if I like what the story sounds like or if I've previously read and enjoyed works from the author. Though supernatural/alien tends to be my least read genre as I haven't really come across a lot of stories from that category that have drawn me in.

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I guess I am just one who likes to read. I will go in and read nearly anything. I've done work by Quonos, Nephy, Cia, Lugh, Anyta, Frostina, and dozens of others. IF the first chapter captures my attention then I'm in for the long haul. Once I do begin reading I will comment as well. I will also read anything. I love romance, science fiction, horror, fantasy, and mystery. I write a bit of all it as well. Those who have commented on my work I do go to see if they write. We do have a lot of people who join and just enjoy reading and aren't writers themselves. I guess that reading motivates me to write, and writing motivates me to read. Vicious cycle. :lol:

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I take your question to be a gay story on the internet, so my response will be about gay stories I read on the internet. As for me, I like to read stories that make me happy. I tend to focus on romance between two male characters and for which the romance is the plot. Usually stories that are about other things like scifi and fantasy and mystery don't interest me (unless they're really really good). I continue reading a story past chapter one is the personality of the characters does not annoy me. Hey, I'm very picky! If I find a story that I like I won't stop reading it day and night until I finish it! Also, If I find a story but it's going in a direction that is gonna cause me unnecessary emotional pain and angst (that I've already experienced in another story) I stop! Like this one awesome story on GA that I really liked and then realized that the guy was gonna fall in love with his sister's longterm boyfriend. It was on GA and I just couldn't take it! I saw the pain of the sister and just knew it would be painful and eeeh. Anyhow, it's just the way I read gay stories online - they're like comfort food that you love to stuff yourself with.

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I rarely read something just for entertainment purposes, so for me it's more interesting to see the author's personal view and why, what is he writing about. It is something like... hmm... experience. About the stories here, I read a few chapters and if it grabs me, I continue, without looking at tags, description, etc. =)

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I enjoy such a wide range of genres. To say that I only read this subject or that one is so limiting and there are so many good stories out there, here on GA and in the real world, I would hate to miss out on an awesome story just because it’s not something I wouldn't normally read.


For a story to get me, it has to grab me at the start. If it slows down too much in the first chapter, it’s over. I don’t have a long attention span so if it’s gonna keep me coming back for more, it has to engage me from the first sentence.



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I read a lot of different genres, but my favorite stories always seem to be romance/ drama driven. One thing that will stop me from reading a story is poor writing. When there are too many errors I just go into editor mode and it drives me nuts. Also, I like reading work that has an original plot. I think it's okay to focus on the same subject matter in works, but there should be something original about each story.

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I'm not stuck to reading one genre in particular but I definitely love stories (long enough to develop an interesting plot) including a lot of romance (not very fond of love triangle though) and enough drama to keep me entertained.

As weird as it might be, I do like every now and then being on the verge of crying while reading a good story (who said something about masochism ;-D) I believe it adds a little bit more depth to the story (not the other way around) if it's well done !

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  • 1 month later...

First, I always read the synopsis to see if it's something I'd be interested in reading. If I like the synopsis I go ahead and read the first chapter.

I usually like stories that focus on late teens and young adult. I also like coming of age and coming out stories. Stories that focus more on emotional connection rather than just the physical aspects. I stop reading a story if I see they have sex in every chapter. My favorite genre is romance with not a lot of drama and preferably a happy ending. I don't like the thriller/suspense genre or ones with too much angst.

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For me a summary or at least a brief description of the story is important, especially if it´s an author I´ve never read before - I find it extremely difficult to start reading something with out a single hint about where this story is about or where it´s going. The lack of summary/story-description is a problem with a lot of on-line stories I think.


If it´s an author I´ve read before and appreciated then that alone can make me proceed to his/hers next story, but I still need a summary. Character´s age is not important for me and what genre i read vary over time - I tend to read in one genre at a time (romance just now) before moving on to an other.


I often read reviews of a story I´m interested of reading myself, that goes for both online reading and published novels. If you read enough reviews you soon get a feeling of which reviewers have the same taste that you do. Recommendations are great.


Occasionally I like to read out of my comfort zone; a reading circle or group where someone else pick the stories is a really good way to read fiction i would never read otherwise, and I´ve found several good stories/novels and author´s that way.

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  • 3 months later...

Hmmm, i usually look for stories that are longer. If i like the first few chapters i continue reading.

I enjoy reading longer stories, that way i have someting to look forward to the next day because i never know what's going to happen next c:

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I'll read anything by either Bill W or Comicality - regardless of genre, plot etc.


Otherwise, I'll always read the first chapter of any story and then take it from there.


I love one on here called "Shane". It's had a few negative comments, but it's a lovely story. I also enjoy the occassional weepy.

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if you are talking about a story in a book it's usually that i read the discription of the story that the cover provides before actually reading it. Then i read it, and if that books good i'll get more from the author....

Online i just usually pick a random story and try to start reading it, however i read the description as well....

I also pick according to genre, i like science-fiction and fantasy stories, as well as action stories....sometimes horror...so that's what i read.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me, it's the quality of the writing. No matter how good the plot or hook is, i cannot keep reading if i struggle with the writing. On the same note, if it's well written, i don't care if it's sci-fi, fantasy, romance, coming out story, crime, the age of the characters, locations, length, whatever - if it's well written, flows, has good characters and can keep me reading until the end of the chapter, likelihood is .... i'm in.

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