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A Simple Question With Big Implications


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Interesting question. I had to think about this!

No, not now I've been able to accept who I am. But that took me a long time - before I accepted myself the answer would have been yes.


But if the question was "if you could have been born straight would you wish to have been?" then my honest answer is yes. Because growing up would just have been so much easier. In the UK gays now have legal parity across the board including civil partnerships, adoption, employment etc so gays are not disadvantaged in any way. But that doesn't stop me being a little envious of the conventional family lifestyle with 2.4 kids :P I guess some won't like that answer but I'm just being honest.


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No way. I've dated girls and I hated it. Not just because the sex was meh but I just don't like being that close to girls with their girl problems and girl differences and girl delicateness. And that probably sounds at least kinda sexist, so sorry if anyone's offended. The best relationship of any kind that I've had is with my boyfriend and I wouldn't want to go through life without that and have to try and find something like that with a girl, which I know for a fact I'll never be able to do.

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I have enjoyed the relationships I've had, so I am not sure that I'd take a pill as a reason to change my sexuality.


But I really would like to experience life as a straight guy. (ie - an experience as a real straight guy, not just sex with a woman)

I'd love to see the world through a straight man's eyes, at least once. Understand how erm tits are attractive  :o  :huh:  :whistle: , and some of the other mysteries of the straight mans world. :P 


So yeah I might try taking a pill, as long as there was a pill returning me to my normal state of life afterwards. :D

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No. I wouldn't. And I'm more grateful than I can say, to be able to say that. There've been many, many moments in my life when I'd rather have been anyone, anything other than what I am. I'm glad I've got to the point where I can appreciate myself to some extent.

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I would but then I'd have to start over my entire porn collection and that'll take years.


So, nope.

Do your parents have any idea why it took you two moving vans to move out?


To the original question,


No, I never wanted to be a woman. I wouldn't want to change my sexuality, either. I'm at peace with who and what I am. But when I was younger, I would've given anything to fit in. Seriously, who wouldn't want to actually be the person everyone expects, and not just pretend? Or work so hard to be who you really are?

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Not now, but in the past yes.


There are many things i would like to change, but why should a person change to fit in the world rather than the world be changed to fit the person.

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OH hell no! I like getting to ogle both sexes. Being open no matter the gender or orientation of a person means that I focus on the person I like (or body type I'm attracted to, I can admit to having preferences at first 'sight') rather than their body parts. I like being who I am; I've been comfortable as me for quite some time. Now, and this is by no means complaining about my married status, but sometimes I really miss those moments of first meeting someone and getting to know them. It'd be fun to experience that again without any threat to my current relationship, lol. I guess that's why I write so many first meeting romances.

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Not sure if that is a simple question if you are bisexual. 0:)   But no, I would not change. Enjoyed some of both worlds. ;)


I'm kind of with Joann.  If I am bisexual, would taking a pill make me 100% straight or 100% gay?  I don't think I would change either.    

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TetRefine at 15: "Hell yes! I'll give you my left nut for it!"


TetRefine at 17: "Hmmm, let me think about it."


TetRefine at 18: "Thanks but no thanks."


TetRefine at 21: "Haha, hell no! I enjoy cock and muscles too much." :D

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Honestly, there have been moments in the past where I might have said "yes". 


But now, it's a no. Being Gay is part of me. This part of me has contributed to where I am today and I wouldn't change it for anything. I'm way too proud of myself for overcoming some difficult obstacles in my life. And similarly I won't change my brown skin, black hair or any feature I was born with. This is who I am. 


Nice question, btw. :)




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Probably not. I mean, it's not because I feel strongly about being, erm, gay. I don't feel weakly about it either. It just is.  A simple fact that I don't believe needs changing. Been like that for pretty much forever, and I don't often fib. ;P


As leshy here, I'm proud of what and who I am, the rest of the world be damned.

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Absolutely not! I like being gay. I knew I was gay since I was 11 years old and in the 7th grade. I've never had any angst about being gay. I've never wanted to not be gay. I'm out (since my high school Senior Ball) and have never had any problems at school (high school, community college, and university) or at work. I have a partner who I met in the 7th grade and we've been together as boyfriends and now as Registered California Domestic Partners (starting when I turned 18 – Doug was already 18). My folks and family are fine with my being gay and having a gay partner. Doug's folks and family are fine with him being gay and having a gay partner. Maybe it doesn't work for some others, but being gay sure works for me. It's been totally positive.


Colin B)

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If I was much younger, yes.


As positive as it was for Colin, it was just the opposite for me.


There were times it seemed that the only people that didn't hate me were the ones that I was screwing. My parents gave me hell and hit me on occasion over it. People at school went out of their way to frak with me. If I fought back, I would be the one that would get in trouble and the aggressors got off scot free. I was denied doing things that other kids could do- like scouting. I had to fight to do the stuff that they couldn't actually ban me from- like sports.


When it came to relationships, very few people I knew wanted one. They would rather screw around. When I did get to see someone, both sets of parents tried to break us up. When we were a little older, our friends were like- you could do better. I don't even think many people even thought in terms of relationships past the next frak. Most people I knew of were in the closet and looked at you like you were nuts if you wanted anything more than a hook up.


When I finally found someone, I had to settle for an open relationship. Monogamy was completely unheard of. When AIDS and HIV arrived, it broke us up. It eventually ended up killing my significant other leaving me too old, too ugly, too fat and too burned out to be bothered with it anymore.


So yeah- being gay is swell if you like pain, want to see your hopes and dreams shattered, have doors slammed in your face and have a significant number of random people hate you intensely for no apparent reason.


I hope it's better for the young people. I'm not going to lie and say it has been wonderful. I've looked down the barrel of my Beretta more than once wishing for the courage to blow my brains out.

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James, you really need a hug and a move out of the deep south.


Hell, no one should need to live through shit like that.

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Matt, you should have a poll with this thread.  Some very interesting patterns might be revealed.


It appears to me the majority of yes or no responses here are in the negative.  Beyond that, the explanations given indicate that gays have grown to be satisfied with their orientation while bisexuals are having too much fun to change.  Am I drawing a valid conclusion?  Did everyone else already know that?

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I'd have to agree with Foster, if such a pill existed it would become a fashion assessory, everyone would want one....

OR it would be forced upon those who are unwilling to have it... ie sexual minorities.


No I wouldn't want to, and yet sometimes I do, but not because I am uncomfortable with my sexuality.

But because if I was strait my life would have been easier, Being gay is just adding topping to the cake of my life's problems.

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I don't take pills for anything, so no I wouldn't.   I don't think my sexuality is a problem to start with, and I think taking a pill for things that are a problem is....well....not very smart.   Consider the evidence.   People take pills by the truckload, and they don't seem to get rid of their problems.   People seem to think pills are the answer to everything.  If that was true people should have all their problems fixed by now considering how popular pills are.   The only people who actually benefit from pills are the people who sell them, the doctors and pharmacists.   Nope, no thanks, I refuse to be duped by the pill industry.   Oh, ya, and I refuse to change my sexuality,  with a pill or anything else.   If it was wrong then it probably wouldn't be what it is. 


I wouldn't mind if some people changed their attitude about my sexuality, but I don't think a pill would do it.  That would probably require something more realistic, like say a size 12 boot!   I have a pair that I would be willing to contribute to the cause.  :lol:

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