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Where Are All The Gods? (or, what happened to the people on the web wh

Sasha Distan

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It occurred to me the other day that pretty much all the artist, writers and web comics that i used to follow during my late teen and early adult years have vanished. (and i'm not that old that we're talking a really long time ago.)


In particular I mourn the "passing" of Jesse Hajicek, author of one of my all time top five favourite books The God Eaters, the man who inspired me to get my work out there and printed, and the writer and sometimes artist of the epically good web comic Metanoia (god is a bullet)


And after i think... 5 years now with not sight nor sound nor update, i have to admit that Metanoia isn't going to get finished and that we aren't going to be seeing any of the genius of this man any time soon. which is a shame, he'd have fitted in really well here on GA


Anyone else "lost" anyone? Where are the casualties of the internet? What happens to these people when they vanish from our browsers? 


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Just the other day I was weeding out my story alert list on FP and I realized there is one story I really miss : Alyn Drasil's Skiagraphia.

I think there existed several versions and somehow I hope he/she is still working on it and someday there will be an update, or just another version, final version, whatever. I'd read it in a heart beat.


Another story I really loved was abandoned due to job hunting, starting a new job etc. Two years later she wrote another chapter and I was overjoyed, but when I read it, it was nothing like the others before. I guess to some things we have to say good bye to, when they are still good and don't spoil the memory with lesser quality.

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It occurred to me the other day that pretty much all the artist, writers and web comics that i used to follow during my late teen and early adult years have vanished. (and i'm not that old that we're talking a really long time ago.)


In particular I mourn the "passing" of Jesse Hajicek, author of one of my all time top five favourite books The God Eaters, the man who inspired me to get my work out there and printed, and the writer and sometimes artist of the epically good web comic Metanoia (god is a bullet)


And after i think... 5 years now with not sight nor sound nor update, i have to admit that Metanoia isn't going to get finished and that we aren't going to be seeing any of the genius of this man any time soon. which is a shame, he'd have fitted in really well here on GA


Anyone else "lost" anyone? Where are the casualties of the internet? What happens to these people when they vanish from our browsers? 



I am pretty sure Jesse is still active. I follow him on Tumblr. But he's writing fanfic these days I believe. (Btw I fucken love the God Eaters. Such. An. Amazing. Story.)


Domluka vanished. I'm pretty sad about that.

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I am pretty sure Jesse is still active. I follow him on Tumblr. But he's writing fanfic these days I believe. (Btw I fucken love the God Eaters. Such. An. Amazing. Story.)


Domluka vanished. I'm pretty sad about that.


Jesse is on tumblr? *rubbish at social media*

and i hate to sound like i am belittling fanfic (totally valid format for creativity) but he could be doing so much more.

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Jesse is on tumblr? *rubbish at social media*

and i hate to sound like i am belittling fanfic (totally valid format for creativity) but he could be doing so much more.


I'm not usually a fanfic reader but some of the stuff my friend has recommended to me is truly amazing, way better than most of the MM published stuff around. 

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This was a literal casualty.  But it was sad none the less.  The author of gay teen superhero epic Hero, Perry Moore died unexpectedly at 35 a few years ago.  He was the one who inspired me that mainstream gay fiction for teens really could make it.  He also inspired my as of yet unfinished Superhero/villain epic that I should probably start working on again.


Also, as for webcomics, 5th and Main was epic.  And that got totally dropped on it's ass.  Domain ran out and everything.


And I know this may sound totally newbish, but who exactly is DomLuka?  There's like a reputation meter-mark and everything.

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Why the old literary Gods go away?


Worshipers and fans may not like the stories or genres anymore, the God may want to change their focus onto some other pursuit (I mean who wants to write "coming out" stories for more than a few years with the same plots and premises over again, repetition can only do so much as an art form), or they might have to deal with something outside their internet life, like reality from Family to natural disaster to terrorism.


The literary Gods of one generation disappear in the mist of time, so a new generation of Gods can arise from their ashes. As long as we keep the spirit of those that inspired us to write alive, they'll never disappear completely.


Now on the flip side of things, I miss the literary Demons of the past: really dark writers, who probe my inner demons and darkest desires from fetishes to vengeance and destruction. While the Gods disappear, so do their counterparts, no one ever writes dark fantasies (in a meaningful way at least) on plots that don't end well for the characters or where a real ending of alienation/destructive behavior/dread comes over much in gay fiction.


I wonder, who among us will be the new Gods and Demons of gay fiction in years to come.

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Sometimes, life happens- the entry of a significant other, career/professional life, unforeseen problems, and most probably, a mixture of all these. In those cases, GA, the stories, the characters, the fans become those friends with whom you have lost touch and you keep thinking, "One day, I'll see them again."


And let's keep fingers crossed that that day comes. :)




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People come and go all the time.  It wouldn't be much of a life for someone if they did the same things forever.  Change is the thing that makes life exciting.  It's what makes life....life!  If you look at GA it's the same way.  Nobody who comes here as a member stays forever.  If you look at the birthday list you see lots of people who haven't been here for a year or more.  They have new things going on, a life to live.  Someone else takes their place though.  It's the same for most people. 


I know some people never do anything different.  I think that's a little sad, even scary.  I think that kind of life would be so boring it would make me crazy.  If the future looked like today I would be working my butt off to find a way to change it.  Change is exciting.  It makes me want more.  I need new things to take the place of the old.  I need to live.  The old things are OK, but the new things are what makes life an adventure.

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This was a literal casualty.  But it was sad none the less.  The author of gay teen superhero epic Hero, Perry Moore died unexpectedly at 35 a few years ago.  He was the one who inspired me that mainstream gay fiction for teens really could make it.  He also inspired my as of yet unfinished Superhero/villain epic that I should probably start working on again.


Also, as for webcomics, 5th and Main was epic.  And that got totally dropped on it's ass.  Domain ran out and everything.


And I know this may sound totally newbish, but who exactly is DomLuka?  There's like a reputation meter-mark and everything.



I remember this. Perry wrote the first (and only) mainstream book with lgbt characters that I bought from the store and I used to really love it. I heard it was going to be made into a movie and was on its sequel and :< he was so young. 

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People come and go all the time.  It wouldn't be much of a life for someone if they did the same things forever.  Change is the thing that makes life exciting.  It's what makes life....life!  If you look at GA it's the same way.  Nobody who comes here as a member stays forever.  If you look at the birthday list you see lots of people who haven't been here for a year or more.  They have new things going on, a life to live.  Someone else takes their place though.  It's the same for most people. 


I know some people never do anything different.  I think that's a little sad, even scary.  I think that kind of life would be so boring it would make me crazy.  If the future looked like today I would be working my butt off to find a way to change it.  Change is exciting.  It makes me want more.  I need new things to take the place of the old.  I need to live.  The old things are OK, but the new things are what makes life an adventure.


I know no one stays forever, but it'd be nice to know they left rather than vanished you know? it's the vanishing without a trace that upsets me.

you make a good point though, no one sticks around forever.

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lol, I prefer the TV series SuperNatural n Ancient Aliens ... it makes sense as a post-bible story (angel civil war)

the problem in the series the angels n demons find a way of coming back ... and this god ... never makes an entrance

it clears up that these demons n gods need vessels to interact in the human world 


as for literary gods ... the old classic ones are there in spirit ... the new ones ... can they really be gods without using any other classic gods work

ie... if Star Trek invented the Warp Drive ... its not good for another syfy to use Warp Drive in their works (licencing rights)

ie: Asimov Robots ... the 3 laws ... without that would other author robot stories not be possible?

     of course its interesting when a human consciousness is in a robot body ... that can violate the three laws

     can an author writes a robot story w/o the 3 laws at all ... then argue safety protocols are broken (still isn't that an indirect reference to asimov?)

I've not read any literary court cases nor checked if these syfy stories obtained a licencing right


Why the old literary Gods go away?


Worshipers and fans may not like the stories or genres anymore, the God may want to change their focus onto some other pursuit (I mean who wants to write "coming out" stories for more than a few years with the same plots and premises over again, repetition can only do so much as an art form), or they might have to deal with something outside their internet life, like reality from Family to natural disaster to terrorism.


The literary Gods of one generation disappear in the mist of time, so a new generation of Gods can arise from their ashes. As long as we keep the spirit of those that inspired us to write alive, they'll never disappear completely.


Now on the flip side of things, I miss the literary Demons of the past: really dark writers, who probe my inner demons and darkest desires from fetishes to vengeance and destruction. While the Gods disappear, so do their counterparts, no one ever writes dark fantasies (in a meaningful way at least) on plots that don't end well for the characters or where a real ending of alienation/destructive behavior/dread comes over much in gay fiction.


I wonder, who among us will be the new Gods and Demons of gay fiction in years to come.

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I remember this. Perry wrote the first (and only) mainstream book with lgbt characters that I bought from the store and I used to really love it. I heard it was going to be made into a movie and was on its sequel and :< he was so young. 


It was planned to be a trilogy.  That's actually how I found out that he had died was when I was looking up info for the sequel.  It's a great stand alone book, but I definitely would have wanted more.

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God-hood is an exceptionally ephemeral state.


It does not take long to find the feet of clay and that being omniscient is an exceptional pain in the ass.

Edited by jamessavik
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God-hood is an exceptionally ephemeral state.


It does not take long to find the feet of clay and that being omniscient is an exceptional pain in the ass.


I would imagine the pressure to perform and to perform well would be intense too.  When I was younger I really wanted to be famous.  But now, I'm not so sure.  I don't think I could deal with all of the expectations.

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I am pretty sure Jesse is still active. I follow him on Tumblr. But he's writing fanfic these days I believe. (Btw I fucken love the God Eaters. Such. An. Amazing. Story.)


Domluka vanished. I'm pretty sad about that.


Link, plz?? 


I seriously LOVED Metanoia! And I have The God Eaters. I had one of my local bookshops order it for me when it was new, which means I must have been, what... eighteen, maybe? 

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This was a literal casualty.  But it was sad none the less.  The author of gay teen superhero epic Hero, Perry Moore died unexpectedly at 35 a few years ago.  He was the one who inspired me that mainstream gay fiction for teens really could make it.  He also inspired my as of yet unfinished Superhero/villain epic that I should probably start working on again.


Also, as for webcomics, 5th and Main was epic.  And that got totally dropped on it's ass.  Domain ran out and everything.


And I know this may sound totally newbish, but who exactly is DomLuka?  There's like a reputation meter-mark and everything.


Slightly off topic, but with regards to gay superhero comics, you should check out Alex Woolfson's work, if you haven't already.

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OH HELL YES.  I LOVE love LOVE the Young Protectors.  I will DIE if Alex goes missing.  I'm backing the project and everything!


I want to, but I can't really afford it right now... Might do it anyway, though. :P

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