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Missing Authors


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I find that I'm missing a few authors that have written and published here on Gay Authors. Perhaps someone can enlighten me as to why they may be here no longer.


Dom Luka - nothing published since 2010


Gabriel Morgan - nothing published since 2011

                          - '52 Panhead, is incomplete


viv - nothing published since Jan 2011

      - 'Underneath This Big Ol' Sky', this I would buy as a novel if it were complete


There are more, I'm sure, but these three so far have stood out among the authors works I have read. I know there are many reasons we may not hear from an author and whether death, illness or just moving on are the culprits, it would be nice to have some closure as a reader.



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It would, but unfortunately life does not work that way. Not all authors are lifetime writers, or something came up-sometimes even the worst thing-and we lose members. It is just the world of internet fiction; no way around it, with this level of anonymity there are downsides. One of those is the way authors can just ... not come back.

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Life likes to throw off our timing and realign our priorities. Some for the better, some not so. We just hope those that have left us, did so willingly, because their life pulled them to better places... 


Better to leave that way, I think, than feel obligated to finish stories for the sake of finishing them.


I, myself, am not a lifetime writer. So I don't feel angry that these authors are gone. I wonder where they are of course, but I'm no longer going to fault them for putting themselves first and not an unfinished story. I also don't think we as readers deserve closure. Doesn't that just make us nosy... 

Edited by Krista
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Look at me, I joined last year september. I thought I'd never come back and yet here I am. This is the closest I get to a gay community, a sophisticated one for sure. I may come in and out of the G.A.'s pages but I sure will try to return.


And the fact that I write so slow, also hampens me from my writing.


I do wish that my mind could record the things I think, or the stories I could write to make it easy, but life doesn't happen that way. Nor is the effort one puts in writing a good story. \

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I was thinking last night after I read this post, back to when I started posting on GA.. (Hurricane Krista, anyone?) Comicality, Dio, Dom, Viv, and others were going strong. For one reason or another, a lot of them have stopped writing and/or coming to GA. I don't want to say they got a life, because 1. That would mean I never got a life, because I'm here. 2. People that have been here longer than I are still waiting for their life to start. 3. That it diminishes what GA is, which for some, a very big chunk of their life/time.  So for what ever reason, the rest of their life took priority over GA's part and they stopped coming here or stopped writing all together.


When I started posting, there were a number of other people that I was promoted to Hosted with. Mark Arbour, ShadowGod, Nicholas James, Tiffani Chin, Luc, Gabriel Morgan, CJames, etc. To Shared Hosted with, Razor, AFriendlyFace, Formosa, and ect. And if you look around, a lot of those authors are no longer here as well. I'm not saying that I'm proud to have kept coming here or that I should get some award or anything. It's just an observation.


Along with those of us that have been able to keep writing and coming to GA, there are a lot of newer authors that have made big splashes, in big ways. Cia, Nephylim, etc, etc, etc.. another abundance of new authors and new stories.


I'd say most of the reading population would like the entire list of authors (and don't get mad if I didn't list you specifically, hopefully you know how much your own contribution matters..), were still here with all the growth GA has had over the years.  But in my mind, it is just a natural progression of time. Not all of the newer authors will last. Some of them too will likely leave stories unfinished for what ever reason. It just happens, a bitter sweet cycle... like everything else.


Asking for unfinished stories to become finished, to me, diminishes what the author has done for GA as a whole. Also it diminishes what the authors here now are doing. 


The best we can do now is appreciate them all while we can. 

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It would, but unfortunately life does not work that way. Not all authors are lifetime writers, or something came up-sometimes even the worst thing-and we lose members. It is just the world of internet fiction; no way around it, with this level of anonymity there are downsides. One of those is the way authors can just ... not come back.



Not just the world of internet fiction.  Granted his stories took on a life of their own and got a tad out of control, but look at best seller author Robert Jordan.  He was up to around 14 books in his "Wheel of Time" series with so many loose strings he would not have been able to tie them up, he would have needed to weave a blanket, when he passed away.

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I would like to thank everyone that has replied to my posted topic. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising considering the topic header but I was especially delighted to hear from the authors who replied.

There does seem to be some confusion and maybe it's me but I've re-read my original post a few time and I don't see it. What I posted wasn't a demand for authors to finish their stories and the closure I was speaking about wasn't about finishing stories either.

I did state that there were many reasons why we may not have heard from these and other authors. And many replies have expanded the reasons that this may be so. I appreciate all of them.

The question was and still remains a simple one. What has happened to these three authors? From topic 'Do newbies not read Dom Luka' posted by Private Tim, I've learned that no one knows what has happened to Dom and his absence is much discussed and worried about and not just by me. I've learned through Viv's own profile that she is, as of a year ago, in the midst of an possible divorce and I feel very bad for her. Even in her parting post to us she was eloquent, if sadly so. There still remains, Gabriel Morgan.

I hope no one asks me if I'm happy now knowing why Viv isn't writing. I will say that knowing has allowed me to exercise compassion and that's no small thing.

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All I can say about Viv, is she is well and alive :) She may pop in here once every so often.

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Two of my favorite missing authors with unfinished stories are : Acedias, A New Life and Dandevdrew, The Arrangement. I would love to see the stories finished or see the authors back around GA again.  

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I used to get frustrated when I first came here, and started a story, and realized it was not complete, and hadn't been updated in months.  I then started looking for complete stories or those that were regularly updated.  But it is hard sometimes when you are new, and learning the site.  I stlll see a few of the authors around with unfinished stories.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's really people come and people move on, I for sure will not be writing on this site for the rest of my life I am 19 at the moment and I still have a lot to give so I will be around for a little longer you ant getting rid of me that easy, but who to say in 5 years I may have moved with incomplete story on the site. But things happen and sometimes hobbies become second best to more important thing in life.

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