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GA wide RPG? Ideas welcome!

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So this is kind of an offshoot from the story by authors.  The idea of a roleplaying game across the GA community was born somewhere and I personally think it's a great idea!  So here we can talk about if this is something we really want to happen.


I think there definitely need to be rules (like Persinette has mentioned in the other thread) and there really should be someone like a Game Master to push plots and stuff.  Since we're all on a writing community, I have high hopes this won't turn into a mary-sue angst fest. :P  So yea!  Feel free to share your thoughts, I really hope we can get this off the ground!


https://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37277-a-story-by-authors/#entry427659 <-- link back to where the idea was born!


Hope to hear from ya!



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I'd be keen on joining in on something like this, whether as an organiser or a player. An RPG to sink my teeth into sounds just the thing right now!


I do figure it's probably best to keep the GM and players separate, though - the job of the GM is to run plots and NPCs (Non-Player Characters) for the players, so they need to be kept out of the line of temptation, so to speak. Having your own character in the mix makes you a little too unobjective about how you decide things go, or what cool stuff goes to which player/character. ;)


What kind of setting sounds interesting to folks? An entirely invented world, one based off something pre-existing - say, the Fallout setting or Dragon Age's or something - or a mixture of both? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Pirates? Or just good, old-fashioned mundane modern day? :P


(I vote sci-fi pirates. Because come on, it's pirates in space. Arr, splice the quantum core! :lol: )

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This looks to be a pretty fun idea, really hoping it goes ahead.


I'd certainly be happy to help with any of the organising / helping-run-things side of stuff. Keeping track of NPCs and what they are doing and what Characters are doing what, generally helping run plots, sort of thing. (I'm not sure how much of this would be needed, it's just some thoughts).  If we did do submitting characters for GM approval, helping to read through them - that sort of thing.


What are your thoughts for how to run things, Myiege? :)

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Was tried a year or so back.  Check out the posts by Joey.  Was an amazingly detailed world he was building.  We all had to do a cover story to represent our character history. :)

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Was tried a year or so back.  Check out the posts by Joey.  Was an amazingly detailed world he was building.  We all had to do a cover story to represent our character history. :)


If he was interested in setting up an RPG back then, maybe he'd be interested in coming on board now? The more people involved, the better the chance of getting it off the ground :D


(I want to check out the posts, but I can't for the life of me find them. How does I internets again? :P)

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Wow, I sleep for a few hours and this is seriously coming off the ground!  Space pirates sounds freakin' awesome.  I'm really not sure how I think things should work.  I've never really done anything with this much STRUCTURE, ya kno?  I'm open to suggestions!


There definitely need to be some rules laid down and I liked Persinette's idea about having multiple plots running at the same time, but I think there should be a limit: if you pick a plot, stick with it, don't just swamp all the other plots too.


Character approval is another thing we'd have to look more at in detail.  I'm open to suggestion, but I don't want this to turn into an application process you know?


Keep the ideas coming!

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I'm wondering if we should have a moderator type person (not necessarily an ACTUAL moderator XDD), like an offshoot of the GM who mods each plot?  Makes sure no rules are getting broken or whatever?


On a side note...I would love to do like an alien takeover, take earth back plot lol.


Thanks Jo!  We'll need ya, I'm sure!

Edited by Myiege
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Ok- I have no clue how RPG's work, and don't even really want to get involved in playing since I have seen supposed adults get hooked to the point of getting into trouble with their employers etc, but I would like to help out somehow. Sounds interesting to watch, so if i can help let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A little bit warning from me. The person who wants to be/ appointed to as a GM (or moderator, whatever you call it) needs to be DEDICATED and have a crystal clear imagination of the world itself.


In other words, that GM person needs to OWN that world.


Take an example, if the GM sets the story in an future fantasy genre with mother battleships, outer space, lasers, shield barrier and warp technology is a common thing, then he (the GM) needs to sets a lot of thing.


A whole lots of thing.


Race, for an example. Surely in a future where travel between space is so common, the humans already met other sentient being? Mother planet and its political standpoint is another thing that needs to be given a thought of. ...and many, many other things.


Eh, what the heck am I blabbering about. An example is worth a thousand words, so let me just dish out an example of an article that GM/Mod/LeadAuthor should write..




Let's just say Earth, human mother planet, is actually in the very center of the galaxy since it's first contact in AD 2999 thus made the planet prosperous and well-known throughout space.


Though the humans technology is somewhat inferior compared to other races, they make up for it through their sheer numbers.


Earth strategic location often made it prime target for inter-galactic bandits to plunder nearby travelling ships cargos.


Soon after the human first contact, Earth was under attacks of another aggressive races calling themselves the Satyr, trying to claim Earth for their own military purpose. Should they succeeded, they are going to make a major boost in their dominance of military and political power in the galaxy.


The only reason the humans avoid the fate of slavery, is through the intervention of "The Alliance", a congregation of mixed races under guidance of the prophetic race called "The Seer", who maintains the balance of power in the galaxy.




.... And that is only a glimpse of what must be done. See how much things that needs to be laid out? Being the one who laid out everything can be fun, of course, but... Well, I'm trying to warn you that there is a lots and lots and LOTS of work to be done.

Edited by AnimalMorph
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all my RPG characters, like my D'n'D characters, end up seducing lots of people in order to get what they want (including free breakfast). i love this, but i think my rather explicit talents lie elsewhere....


on the other hand, someone said space pirates? totally interested.

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On a side note...I would love to do like an alien takeover, take earth back plot lol.



Mass Effect theme? Do we really want to go there? I mean, I'm not against it it's just that it brings so much memories of how it ended monumentally horrendous. I don't want this story to be jinxed with a shitty ending.


I remember playing this RPG game on the PSP called Star Ocean - First Departure. It's was one of those RPG games that I couldn't put down because the plot was so cool and interesting.


The plot of the game was basically this:


> An advanced Interplanetary Space Alliance comprised of advanced civilisations from various galaxies, which includes Earth, assigns two agents to visit and investigate a lesser civilization located in some galaxy due to some disturbance in the present, , as they travel back in time to discover the root cause.

> The alliance takes care of lesser civs and maintains the balance and order.

> The lesser civ in trouble is located in a near galaxy that relies on a different magnetic field, which enables its people to use magic in their daily lives.

> So you have advanced earth people from the future who uses plasma guns and characters from the lesser civ who uses elemental magic.

> Everything equates to FUN in an RPG standpoint.

> The final battle scene was epic. The characters from the lesser civ, together with the advanced earth humans who worked for the alliance, battled in another planet nearby. It was very Star Wars meets Harry Potter-esque kind of theme, mixed with a Mass Effect i'll-save-our-planet-no-matter-what-it-takes sort of character agenda.


I don't know, I just like those interesting plot-lines to begin with; probably to break-off from the old ball and chain of common RPG story tropes.

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all my RPG characters, like my D'n'D characters, end up seducing lots of people in order to get what they want (including free breakfast). i love this, but i think my rather explicit talents lie elsewhere....


on the other hand, someone said space pirates? totally interested.


Maybe it's time to stretch abilities then hmmm~? ;) and you can seduce sure, but we'll just have to fade to black, lol.


That really sounds like a good idea, plot wise Henry.  I think we need to get more people interested, get a few more ideas running around before we can make any decisions.  We really need to get structure down and how we want this to work...  What I am afraid of is that the last time I attempted a multiple person RPG, everyone turned into mary-sues.


Has someone actually done a multiplayer (more than two) where this has been successful?  How did it work?  As I've said, I've never done this actually successfully, so I'm going to need some help lol.

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The plot of the game was basically this:





The only problem is, while that is a very good plot of a computer RPG, I'm not sure it would really work for a forum-based RP.


For a start, fight scenes don't really function. Like, if you really need to, I guess you can? But in my experience they easily drag out over multiple days and nothing ever really happens. Also, without hefty GM involvement at every stage of it, it doesn't really work. We aren't sitting down to roll dice or anything - there is no easily-definable way of saying whether or not your character should have been able to do what they did.


The main fun from any RP isn't so much going to come from the main plot - it's going to come from character interaction. the Main Plot is incredibly important - it is what will give us all a context for our characters to live and work and interact within. However, as players our main focus will still be mostly on interacting with other characters.



I think what we need is somebody willing to actually run the game, and then with a single person steering we can more easily come to group decisions about setting and rules and the like, because that one person, the GM, can ensure everything important is covered and agreed upon.


We also need to make sure we don't build ourselves up to a plot which is way beyond our capabilities. We don't want to work ourselves up and settle on something massively huge and overly-ambitious which leaves the GM thinking 'Great, how the sodding hell am I meant to run this?'



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hi, hi! seems like a great idea Myiege. I agree with Martin. it's not like people would kill or do stuff together. I guess you gotta find someone creative and willing to throw a world at the players and everyone comes up with a character, then see what rules need to be set.

It seems fun, i really wanna try.

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Maybe it's time to stretch abilities then hmmm~? ;) and you can seduce sure, but we'll just have to fade to black, lol.


That really sounds like a good idea, plot wise Henry.  I think we need to get more people interested, get a few more ideas running around before we can make any decisions.  We really need to get structure down and how we want this to work...  What I am afraid of is that the last time I attempted a multiple person RPG, everyone turned into mary-sues.


Has someone actually done a multiplayer (more than two) where this has been successful?  How did it work?  As I've said, I've never done this actually successfully, so I'm going to need some help lol.


I think the whole multiple character-driven, plot-based narrative, would work on a third person point of view.


But I'm befuddled with the mechanics, really.


If it's a game, then what aspect of a game would it represent? If it's supposed to be a game suited for GA authors, then what are we supposed to contribute as authors? Can someone give me the drop-down of how everything is going to work out. Haha.

Edited by Henry_Henry2012
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It's less of a game and more of an interactive story, Henry.  Where different writing styles and characters from different people come to...interact I guess?  That's where the playing comes in.  You're 'playing' as a character.  Everything would HAVE to be in third person paragraph form just for the sake of being able to follow it.


The thing that I am worried about is posting.  If two or three people post at the same time in response to the same post before, it could get a bit messy.  I'd hate to impose a posting order, but that's the only option I'm currently seeing as working.  I would love to hear other people's ideas on it!  I really would freakin' HATE having a posting order...><*


As for the GM...as long as I'd actually be able to take part and play, I would be happy to take the position and would gladly take input from other interested players.  This isn't just one person's world, it'll be all of ours.  So I want everyone to be able to have a say!

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It's less of a game and more of an interactive story, Henry.  Where different writing styles and characters from different people come to...interact I guess?  That's where the playing comes in.  You're 'playing' as a character.  Everything would HAVE to be in third person paragraph form just for the sake of being able to follow it.


The thing that I am worried about is posting.  If two or three people post at the same time in response to the same post before, it could get a bit messy.  I'd hate to impose a posting order, but that's the only option I'm currently seeing as working.  I would love to hear other people's ideas on it!  I really would freakin' HATE having a posting order...><*


As for the GM...as long as I'd actually be able to take part and play, I would be happy to take the position and would gladly take input from other interested players.  This isn't just one person's world, it'll be all of ours.  So I want everyone to be able to have a say!



I do think it needs to be a strict limitation that the Primary GM cannot have a character as well. It's required because... I'm trying to think how to put it. 


The GM is not liked. As in, people may be perfectly happy with that person as GM, and they may love the way that person runs the game, but at the end of the day it is always going to be the GMs job to give bad news to a player. The GMs alternate title is Captain Killjoy. :P




Two characters are engaged in a bitter rivalry. For the entire game, they have been moving to block each other and gain minor victories over each other in a myriad of different ways. It's been a lot of fun, both players have really enjoyed acting out the rivalry.


However, the balance has tipped very heavily in favour of one character. They have gathered far more support from other characters, they have prepared and planned in ways that the other just hasn't, and now they have made their move.


The GM has the unenviable role of telling the losing player that in this case? Their character loses. They didn't want to lose, they didn't envision their character losing, but the GM has to tell them that this conflict? It's over.


It isn't reasonable, within the greater context of the setting, for their character to win, it isn't even reasonable for them to continue posing a threat. They have been defeated, conclusively. If they want to pose a threat again, they will have to take the long path of building back up to it.


The player doesn't want that for their character, and it isn't nice for the GM to have to tell them, but it has to be done, and it has to be clear that the GM will do it, and will do it fairly.



And that is why the GM can't be a player as well. They need to be uninvested in these things. What if the GMs character was supporting the loser? Would they still agree that they are utterly defeated?


What if the GM's character was on the side of the winner? would the loser feel suspicious, cheated? It leaves too much room for accusations of bias if the Primary GM is running a character as well.



Another issue is the time. Between all of the jobs that running the game would entail, there wouldn;t be enough time for a Primary GM to play a character as well. Something would suffer.


That said, I'm sure there will be a need for Secondary GMs. People to help play the various shop-keepers / whatever other NPCs will be involved. It's only the Primary GM that needs that level of distance between themselves and the game - the Secondary GM can have a character, be involved, join in the game with no issues. Their only restriction is that they can't moderate things their character is involved in, everything else is cool.


(In all my years of tabletop experience, I have never seen a GM character that didn't go horribly wrong. Best intentions still left an utter disaster.)



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If people are interested, I'd also be happy to take the dead boring job of having no characters and telling everyone they can't do the fun thing.


So long as it came with someone to help me keep track of everything, of course. ;)


(I know what you mean about GMPCs, Martin - there's just something about them which turns good players into insane GMs! :P)

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If it was a two-person job, I'd be up for it.  I think that's a great idea actually.  Checks and balances and all that so that one person doesn't have ALL the power.


I also think secondary GM's are a good idea as well.  Keep throwing out idea!  GOGOGO!

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where are we gonna put this thing? can it all go in one thread or are we going to need a whole forum? and what happens if there are multiple plot threads in multiple threads....


logistical nightmare. i'm so up for this, but keep me away from all the string....

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It would have to be a subforum so we could have multiple threads going at the same time.  I, personally, would vote for a sub within Games and Humor, but if this thing really gets off the ground, I will ask an admin for their opinion on the matter as well.  No use right now, not when we're still trying to plan everything out.

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