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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

Is Ryan Seacrest (American Idol, American Top 40) Gay?


Is Ryan Seacrest gay?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Ryan Seacrest gay?

    • Yes, absolutely.
    • Probably.
    • It could go ether way.
    • No, definitely not.

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So... Is Ryan gay?

I just watched the guys on American Idol and Ryan starting untucking one of the cute boys and the judges all told the boy to run...

There have been rumors going around about Ryan.


What do you think?

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lol, Carlos Mencia is always making jokes about Ryan Seacrest being gay...


something like, "I say we have a gay woman in office, that's why I hearby nominate...Ryan Seacrest!"


and then there was this lil fashion show thing on his show and one of the clothing items were like relaxed clothes that turned into a rainbow cape and fist size holes on the ass cheeks of the leather pants...yea..lol, he's like "Certified 100% gay by Ryan Seacrest" lol, yep.




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I've never seen an episode of American Idol, but I've heard all the gossip, and I often flip threw the celeb. mags. while I'm standing in check out lines. I'd say yes probably.


Wasn't there some sort of controversy awhile back because one of his co-hosts (probably the one referred to above), decided to dedicate the song "It's raining men" to him?


Anyway untucking cute boys huh? Well "incriminating", but not so much as if he had been tucking instead ;)


Take care all,



Edit: and for the record I'd speculate that the whole thing is just a cheap (but clever and effective) tactic to boost ratings and hit a larger demographic. Which of course doesn't prove anything either way, maybe he's a straight guy and the whole thing's artificially created, or maybe he's a gay guy and the whole denial/suspect thing is just advantageous.

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Well, it is interesting to note that the boy mentioned above favorite male artist is Micheal Jackson. So maybe it is all a big ploy. lol

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thanks for that link. I told you he was undressing the cute boy Live on tv. lol!



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Besides Ryan Seacrest....what about Clay Aiken or as Kathy Griffin and her Gays (her term for her best friends who are all Gay) "Clay Gaiken".....plus there is a story coming out (no pun or buns intended) of Clay on Manhunt and another Guy who says he and Clay used to be BFs.....


and let's not add the fact that good old Simon Cowell doesn't like Gays (ask Jim Galanos from the first season...I may have messed up the spelling of his name..he was the only Out contestant that year)


But yep...that clip from Jay Leno says it all..and I have watched it this year....Ryan Seacrest gets real close and I roared when he actually took the shirt out of the poor contestan's jeans (he is 16) to do a make over on him..he gets huggy close and hot body contact with the guys..but um, as we see nothing with the girls...hmmm as Jules would say...

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So I pick up People magazine today intending to thumb through the Oscar red carpet while I was on break at work. I drop it on the desk in the office, flip it open, and the first picture I see is Ryan Seacrest ... getting his nails done.


I can't say for anyone else, but I was amused.

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Ryan Seacrest is gay.

He is also butt-ugly.

Clay Aiken is gay.

He is also butt-ugly.

He is also an asshole (long story).


I heard about that supposed fling some guy had with Clay before the contest, but I wasn't sure if it was true or not. Was it ever confirmed?

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RK..I heard the same thing about Clay Aiken...supposedly and allegedly one of the tabloids is or did run a story recently about the very thing you posted...mean about Clay's Boyfriend and their relationship and also about Clay being online (they said Manhunt.com) and published the internet chat he had with a guy he wanted to "hook up" with. The guy he allegedly was boyfriends with (before the American Idol stuff happened) says that he and Clay had a relationship.


I find Ryan Seacrest annoying....he makes dumb comments....and I feel bad for the contestants as he stands there next to them as he makes them..


You should listen to the comedian...Kathy Griffin talk about Ryan Seacrest and how rude he is....and her experiences and interactions with Clay Aiken...


but all in all, I agree with you...I wish Clay would come out...probably help others see that even "stars" can come out and live a regular life..etc. and I doubt his career would be hurt...


I wish that Ryan is straight.>>I don't want him on our team! But then I am sure our str8 friends don't want him either.....oy!!!



Edited by Rocketcnj
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Ryan Seacrest is gay.

He is also butt-ugly.

Clay Aiken is gay.

He is also butt-ugly.

He is also an asshole (long story).


I heard about that supposed fling some guy had with Clay before the contest, but I wasn't sure if it was true or not. Was it ever confirmed?

I don't really know anything about Clay Aiken, but I can't decide if I think he's attractive or not. Sometimes I think "ugly", sometimes I think "cute"...maybe he's cute in an ugly sorta way :P .

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I don't really know anything about Clay Aiken, but I can't decide if I think he's attractive or not. Sometimes I think "ugly", sometimes I think "cute"...maybe he's cute in an ugly sorta way :P .




I don't think Clay Akin is cute but the boy can really siiiing :music: I've seen one of his performances live, I wont buy any of his albums but hes pretty good

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Well, I have the privelage of living where Ryan Seacrest is on the radio every morning and while he definitely is a self admitted metro sexual... I dunno... I think it's more like he says what everyone else wants to say but is too afraid to... and besides, he is funny and sweet and working his way to the top... as they say, he already has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame if I recall correctly :P Maybe he's just secure with himself and likes to moisturize and sees the need for exfloiating! I mean come on, that's gotta be acceptable!

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