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Don't worry the chapter will still be up tomorrow and enlighten your feminist heart even more


But I want read it now! When you say it that, I want to read it even more!


I hadn't thought about it quite like than, but JAR is absolutely right. And in spite of the general sadness of Colt being gone there are bright moments in this chapter too.

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And there I thought I was already going overboard with my wicked feminism  ...


You make the mistake of thinking us smarter than we are, perhaps?


No, I think JAR is unaware of the level of independence of Scandinavian women, so what he thinks is blatant feminism is simply natural for Danes and Swedes. :lol:

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No, I think JAR is unaware of the level of independence of Scandinavian women, so what he thinks is blatant feminism is simply natural for Danes and Swedes. :lol:



Having lived in Stockholm for 5 years I do know the difference between equality and outright dominance of female values in a society considering male traits as immature

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Sitting here singing Superwoman with my women choir I should probably disagree, but I think you have point. (Ducks from lightning bolts...) Still, a balance would be nice, don't you think? Let people be who they are.


OMG heaven will disintegrate ... Pigs grow wings ... And we agree assertiveness can be helpful and sexy?


whats next? 

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So in Abba we have Cassandra... Another throw back to ancient greece and the Trojan War. This makes me want to go back and look at everything we've learned about what went on back then.

Helen was married to Meneleus. It is said that she was still a virgin as he was 'frail'. That a vampire entered her bed chamber and took her out of it. The vampire of course is Paris and is believed to have teleported in to obtain her. Then took her to the Vampire Empire of Troy.

They say many of the believed 'conceptions' by Gods were actually vampires using their flight and teleportation abilities. Does this mean that many of the Greek Demi-Gods were in fact half Vampires, Shamans or Shifters? Heracles/Herculese his 12 labors, Aeneas founder of Rome, Theseus the Labrynth, Perceus slayer of Medusa, Achilles who is listed as a shifter in MetaDeaths,  Hippolyta queen of Amazons, Helen of Troy, Minos king of Crete/Minotaur, Orpheus musician who travels to Hades,  Romulus and Remus nursed by the wolf Lupa.

Cassandra had the gift of prophecy and was a princess of Troy. Since this is a Vampire Empire one would believe this makes her at least a half vampire shaman. This would link well with her forsight since those with vamp genes seem to have the ability to see the future.

There are two sides of the origin story for Rome one is Aeneas a cousin of the royal family of Troy. Then there are Romulus and Remus sons of 'Mars/Ares' and a decendant of Aeneas who were nursed by the wolf Lupa.
We know the Trojan War resulted in the death of many queens weakening the vampires and allowing for both Greek and Roman civilizations to flurish until new queens rose and corrupted Rome then caused it's fall.

What about the orifices(does the entymology of this word come from Orpheus's travel to the underworld?)? We know that there are nine in total. The western most known location being in Troy. Others are suspected as being in Egypt, Mesopotamia(This is the area of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers), South of the Two Rivers (Tigris and Euphrates in Iraq? could this really mean Mecca?) in the Desert, North of the Inhospitable Sea(the Dead Sea could this mean Nazareth or Jericho?) and one far East in India. The Trojan War is believed to have closed up the Trojan Orifice. We know in modern times that one is/was in LA, California and probably Shanghai, China if Colt's coma vision/dream/alternate timeline is to be believed. Herculese, Orpheus and Aeneas all were said to have traveled to the underworld. Orpheus in the Dyavolsko Gurlo(devils throat) cave close to Trigrad in the Rhodope mountains of Bulgaria, Aeneas in on the western coast of Italy the Cumae Caves near Naples, Herculese at Taenarum,

We have two packs involved in the Trojan war the Thesauros and the Cheima. From the descriptions the Cheima are very barbaric insisting on total destruction of the enemy; with all their men and boys killed, their women and girls sold into slavery and their fields destroyed for generations to come. But it also sounds like this might be the origin of the Amazons. That would mean this is the ancestral root of the Winter Fir pack. The Thesauros pack though we have no information on but in trying to find a meaning for its name it seems to be the root of the word treasure in greek.

A blind Thespis with snakes is called for to tell Meneleus about a prophecy about a boy. In ancient Greece Thespis was the first known actor and specialized in tragedies. It also serves as the root origin of the word Thespian(actor). So could this be a title making the man a blind actor? Could he be spreading prophecy through acting?

Now what about this 'ssandra who Brian dances with? This is by far not the first 'ssandra we've met or had reference to. Jack the tattooist wolf has a tattoo from his 'wife' that reads Property of Alexandra could it actually be meant to be 'ssandra? Lunn, Giovanni and Arthur Loope met because of dancer named 'ssandra. She also tells him that all will be well as long as he keeps his faith in him. This obviously is meant to mean Colt his to be Meta. That he will stay strong as long as long has he does meaning he won't fall apart with Colt's 'death' like everyone else does.

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Wow. Maybe one day somebody'll write a thesis on Meta ...

I think it's already written...

Yeah, all we need is to collect all of PkC's posts and reviews, and it will only take a little work to make it into a Meta thesis.

Yes, please.. Because some of us, and by us, clearly I mean me, need it desperately!  -_-  :read:

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