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' Live-Poets Society ' – A Corner For Poetry

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Today, I challenge you to write a poem that includes a line that you’re afraid to write. This might be because it expresses something very personal that makes you uncomfortable

Challenge accepted, but it was 10 April for me. And I am going to give you Omar Khayyum Style Rubaiyat(just single stanza of four lines).


And Hey all, I haven't missed my April's poetry challenge. After tonight I am going to publish my first 10 days experience in April as poems. So guys better get ready for tomorrow... :lol:


@Tim2: Hey I loved these two poems, especially the flowers one. And thanks for the challenge. I needed it right now... :)

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I tried my hands at the lullaby. Please don't take this too seriously. Day 9:


I can’t sleep

You’ve moved on

I count sheep

You are gone

The mammals leap

And I’m in Bonn.


At least I got to keep the dog,

He is true,

Faithful too.

I feel blue.

Have no clue.

Damn, what to do?

I want some stew!


Tossing and turning in bed,

And fluffing the pillow.

Get out of my head!

The white curtains billow

Going to change them to red.



Always you,

No more you!

Can’t be you,

Goodbye you!

Never liked red!

I’ll buy a bed.

I listened to the whole thing, and could easily follow the lyrics. I love the treatment of the development section with short, clipped statements, and the fact that you mostly kept to a single rhyme ("you") added to the sleepy feel of a brain trying to cope.  


The Bonn reference takes on a significant meaning with the music, and by the recapitulation it seems positively devastating (about min 3:17). At first I had no idea why this reference was here, but by min. 3:17 it becomes clear the beloved is someplace else; Berlin perhaps ;)  


I took this seriously, because you offered a serious amount of work here. You did not just toss this off, so I respect it a great deal.

Edited by AC Benus
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Have planted my tomato, basil and pepper seeds, under grow lights:


Anxiously I wait

for any sign of sprouting

and summer's promise.


@Adi...thanks for the picture!

Lovely. Makes me see empty beds, turned over and supple, waiting for the plants to be mature enough for them.  

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Lunchy Brunchy Limerick


There was an invitation to brunch

But isn't that just fancy lunch?

You said no it’s not

But as long as it’s hot

I’ll be there to munch.


There.. a relationship with food poem

This is a great take on the prompt! Super cute.

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Well, after all this heavy liver, here's a complex offering for today...thanks to Val for the prompts!


"Hello, old self, familiar constant friend."
I wondered: should our interview extend
beyond our daily recap and critique
of each event and every goal I seek?
I asked myself, "Hey self, what do you think?
You want to go to town and have a drink?"
"I'll stay at home alone" that self replied.
"Which leaves me where?" I wondered as I sighed.
But now a complex quandary may arise,
for if myself may inner selves advise,
and all those myriad extra selves in turn
discuss me, soul and body, with concern,
Then what a mental babel I shall hear!
Perhaps next time I'd better stick to beer.


This is a very interesting poem. Almost seems like it's set on a bar stool, with a glass in hand, and a mind running over things.


I really do love it; it touches me.

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This is not poetry related, but if you are food adventurous, you should try this. Where I come from, we put raisins and almond flakes in the sauce instead of gingersnap cookies. There even exists a poem about sauerbraten, sadly it's in German. ;)

I posted my take on the Bevo Mill Sauerbraten here. This is the only version I know that utilizes orange juice to tenderize the meat. This is my mom's favorite.


I'd like your version too with the almonds and raisins. That'd suit my tastes to a tee ;)         

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There are two very nice German/Austrian restaurants near my folks. We went to one this past Monday evening. I had a very good jaeger schnitzel. Mum is doing roast pork with spaetzel and red cabbage for tonight's meal.

That meal sounds delicious! 

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Originally, I had thought I would ignore the prompts and do a lacrosse-related poem today for NaPoWriMo (I'm a coach). But Val's prompt was excellent, and I couldn't get this idea out of my head. So, here is my offering for today...





The river gently called today

a conversation to begin;

insistent in her quiet way,

my ear's attention tried to win.


She varies so capriciously,

now frowning dark and raging white,

then speaking right judiciously,

or gossiping into the night.


I knew we had to talk, although

the topic brought no comfort near.

I listened to her rhythms slow

and knew she'd spoken to my fear.


Tomorrow I will bring my friend

to meet her in her greening dress.

Together we may start or end,

perhaps a passion to profess;


But not before we've heard her sing

her ancient haunting melody;

So in our hearts, its echoing

confirms our souls' fidelity.

So lovely, Parker. Puts me in mind of the Romantic Poets, but you once again managed to outside them by not quaking or making too Classical a reference.  


The lovely grass and sound of the conversation to your heart, and most especially, the taking of the special man to this spot made me slowly relive the scene from Maurice where he and Clive have their one, perfect day of lovemaking in the country.


Thank you for this.

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Today's offering is a "mirror cinquain" on the "fame" prompt from Val...thanks to her for these!  It has a mathematical twist...





to foolish e

why π is far more famed;

irrationally beautiful,

it smiles.



perplexing e, geometry

can't comprehend your scope;

fame favors π.

Poor e.


A very, very clever take on the prompt. Jealous numbers...wow. Math rocks! 

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Day 8 Prompt: Write about flowers


When you’re gone

I’ll plant black roses

To remember the pain


When you’re gone

I’ll grow red roses

To remember the love


When you’re gone

Pink roses

To remember you





Day 9: Today, I challenge you to write a poem that includes a line that you’re afraid to write. This might be because it expresses something very personal that makes you uncomfortable


I’m afraid one day I’ll lose you

Afraid one day you’ll go

After you find another boy

One who’s smarter, brighter, younger

I don’t come with much but baggage

All I can offer, is me

...or, what if he never wants to lose you? Yellow and peach roses will show him you care. 


Lovely, although sad poems, Tim! More amazing work from your natural-born poet's mind. Bravo 

Edited by AC Benus
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Offerings for today...first, a lacrosse-related poem, then something with Val's prompt on old fashioned words...




Furious faceoff;

frantic, ferocious fight for

fast, fleeting foray.


Persistent passing

patiently prepares precise

picture-perfect point.


Delayed decisions

deflate dogged, determined

dirty defenders.






A flibberdigibbet passed me by,

I asked for the skinny, he asked me why;

'twas then I let out a curmudgeonly sigh,

and all when the sun climbed high.


My clodhopper colleague went off his way,

for no information could he parlay ,

to a crotchety greybeard at rest on the hay,

and all on a summer's day.


I ought to be glad I knew nothing of use;

a kerfuffle in town put him in the cayuse,

where the bamboozled deputy said "what the deuce!"

when a man he tried to seduce.


That night at the jail, a hullaballoo!

There was shouting and yelling; shots fired, too,

for my scalawag friend slipped away from their view -

they say he showed up in Peru.

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Day 10 –




Relief washes my soul clean

Like rain on my windows


Calm gentles my breaking heart

Like a mother’s cooling touch


Love buoys my spirit

Like a dog free of his leash


You fill me heart and soul

Like only you can




Day 11


It’s Okay to Go


I listen to you labored breathing

Watch you fight to swallow

You loved me when no other did

In self-pity I’ve no right to wallow


I cry selfish tears I cannot help

As you fade more each day

I love you my dear sweet friend

It’s okay to slip away


Live each day in joyous grace

That’s what you’ve given me

To you there is only now

In your eyes the world is beauty


I dread the day I know is coming

I guess by now you know

Ever you’ll be part of me

It’s okay for you to go

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Day 10 –




Relief washes my soul clean

Like rain on my windows


Calm gentles my breaking heart

Like a mother’s cooling touch


Love buoys my spirit

Like a dog free of his leash


You fill me heart and soul

Like only you can




Day 11


It’s Okay to Go


I listen to you labored breathing

Watch you fight to swallow

You loved me when no other did

In self-pity I’ve no right to wallow


I cry selfish tears I cannot help

As you fade more each day

I love you my dear sweet friend

It’s okay to slip away


Live each day in joyous grace

That’s what you’ve given me

To you there is only now

In your eyes the world is beauty


I dread the day I know is coming

I guess by now you know

Ever you’ll be part of me

It’s okay for you to go

Oh Tim... It's ok to mean a farewell and still hate it. It's not selfish, it's love. *hug*

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Day 10 –




Relief washes my soul clean

Like rain on my windows


Calm gentles my breaking heart

Like a mother’s cooling touch


Love buoys my spirit

Like a dog free of his leash


You fill me heart and soul

Like only you can




Day 11


It’s Okay to Go


I listen to you labored breathing

Watch you fight to swallow

You loved me when no other did

In self-pity I’ve no right to wallow


I cry selfish tears I cannot help

As you fade more each day

I love you my dear sweet friend

It’s okay to slip away


Live each day in joyous grace

That’s what you’ve given me

To you there is only now

In your eyes the world is beauty


I dread the day I know is coming

I guess by now you know

Ever you’ll be part of me

It’s okay for you to go

Day 11 grieves me for your sadness; Day 10 indeed uplifts and smiles.  The grace and love in Day 11 abounds even as you give thanks for that which you dread to lose. Day 10 feels like a cool evening after a hot day.  


these are both so expressive and full. Thank you for sharing them.

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The Day 12 offering is below...


You spoke aloud a single word;
it flew about, a frightened bird
within a room, without release.
It was too late, for I had heard. 
My startled heart would have no peace,
its loud tattoo refused to cease.
Your solitary word appalled,
I feared its urgent song's reprise.
And yet your word held me enthralled,
I knew it was your soul that called
to penetrate my windowed lair
where safely I remained installed.
No refuge could continue there,
you forced me venture out to dare,
to tame the feathered thing that flew
and with its wings disturbed the air.
That single word was life anew;
I pray you'll have no cause to rue
the moment when my spirit stirred,
for I can't help but love you, too.
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Offerings for today...first, a lacrosse-related poem, then something with Val's prompt on old fashioned words...




Furious faceoff;

frantic, ferocious fight for

fast, fleeting foray.


Persistent passing

patiently prepares precise

picture-perfect point.


Delayed decisions

deflate dogged, determined

dirty defenders.






A flibberdigibbet passed me by,

I asked for the skinny, he asked me why;

'twas then I let out a curmudgeonly sigh,

and all when the sun climbed high.


My clodhopper colleague went off his way,

for no information could he parlay ,

to a crotchety greybeard at rest on the hay,

and all on a summer's day.


I ought to be glad I knew nothing of use;

a kerfuffle in town put him in the cayuse,

where the bamboozled deputy said "what the deuce!"

when a man he tried to seduce.


That night at the jail, a hullaballoo!

There was shouting and yelling; shots fired, too,

for my scalawag friend slipped away from their view -

they say he showed up in Peru.



Day 10  Wild words woven wonderfully! Did you win?

Day 11: So many new words to learn, I absolutely loved ' I let out a curmudgeonly sigh'. It feels  as if you had fun with those words, I most certainly had.   :lmao:

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Sorry guys, for not being able to read you guys poems and say anything. But I'll be back and read all those and personally tell you what I think. So guys until then, I am sorry guys...


And for those who are still looking for something to start with on 12 day poem, here I have an open challenge/agreement. I am going to start my poem with this line and I am offering you people to write with the same line. So first line of today's my poem is:



Love is the pain I built-in Myself

Edited by The Eminent MGK
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The Day 12 offering is below...


You spoke aloud a single word;
it flew about, a frightened bird
within a room, without release.
It was too late, for I had heard. 
My startled heart would have no peace,
its loud tattoo refused to cease.
Your solitary word appalled,
I feared its urgent song's reprise.
And yet your word held me enthralled,
I knew it was your soul that called
to penetrate my windowed lair
where safely I remained installed.
No refuge could continue there,
you forced me venture out to dare,
to tame the feathered thing that flew
and with its wings disturbed the air.
That single word was life anew;
I pray you'll have no cause to rue
the moment when my spirit stirred,
for I can't help but love you, too.


It's beautiful. You venture into Poe territory, and like the master keep the revelation for the very end.


As I read this masterful poem, I seemed to recall a certain gentleman who not too long ago said he was but a dabbler. I see no evidence of that former gentlemen here.


Super poem, Parker!

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@AC... I confess, you have fueled my poetry addiction. 

            And now I am helpless in my affliction.

            To handle my itch, get a versical scratcher

            and comfort this humble old doggerel catcher.

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Today's offering....happy April 13....I should note that a "Flicker" is a species of woodpecker found near my home, which  communicates by drumming on a tree....


I heard friend Flicker drilling on his tree,
And thinking  in that moment did I find
myself in an epistolary mind.
What message could I write in timpani?
What note or composition could unwind
from man to bird in morning's clearest light?
What wisdom, mirth or solace could I write
my feathered correspondent, soon entwined
in avian embraces made in flight?
If I could write a word he'd understand,
I'd thank him for his vernal thought so grand
it made me shudder, thinking in delight -
So much that I will tell it to you now,
my lips devising lyrics on your brow.
Edited by Parker Owens
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