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' Live-Poets Society ' – A Corner For Poetry

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Here is today's offering....you can find the week in review at    https://www.gayauthors.org/story/parker-owens/occasionalpoetry/21



Today I saw my God edge near my chair;
his movement subtle caught my weary eye.
I wondered what the deity did there;
was this the dreadful moment I must die?
I looked at God, and he gazed calmly back;
what ploy divine did he have up his sleeve?
He was no fearsome angel white or black,
but just a simple man, a touch naive.
They say that when you die, your sorry life
replays within your mind all in a trice.
I know my own unwound in howling strife,
yet God moved closer still, it felt so nice.
I died then in your arms, and yet survive;
for by your kiss I'm never more alive. 


It's a brilliant sonnet, Parker. Knowing we die like that is such a familiar feeling to me....


If I can suggest, please work on not ending your quatrains on the second line (I know, I'm a broken record). And there is something unresolved about the way it heads into the couplet. I suppose it's the change in setting - from sitting and watching to being in his arms and kissing. Maybe a slight re-keying would be better, like "If I die in your arms, and yet survive." Does my comment here make sense...? 


Beautiful poem, Parker!          

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@AC...I think I catch your plea rightly, and if so, your point is well taken. I will have to think on this longer. I also see your point about the transition to the last couplet. I will want to go back to the sonnet drawing board...I still like the notion of seeing god in another's face, but there is much to think over here. Many thanks!

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Here is today's poem....two more to go in April!


Have I an honest choice to sleep or wake?
Perhaps may I declare, for pity's sake,
tormented restless slumber at an end,
lest sleeping cause my sanity to break?
Release me, please, oh Morpheus, I send
a fervent prayer; through twilight may it wend:
that some more worthy sleeper you embrace,
while all your servants carefully attend.
I cannot rest, my nightmare gives no grace,
it patently refuses to erase
the images burned on my inward mind,
or leave me in the dark without a trace.
I never knew the morn to be unkind
so as to tarry long enough to find
me wholly given over to that ache,
and in the bedsheet hopelessly entwined.
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Parker's poems emboldened me to post a few of my own and the response has been gratifying. Now Mikiesboy has invited me to this forum and here I am. I have posted to small sets of my poems and may put up a few more. As my contribution to the forum, here is (my attempt at) a sonnet.



When summer's burning heat at last is over,
and autumn rains again refresh the earth.
There is a burst of life which like a nova
hurls out the light that preceeds icy death.

The wind boils leaves in heaven's flashing cauldren
an endless stream of color swirls and falls,
and reveals Seurat's dappled vision,
a patchwork quilt that flows and covers all.

That which spring began and summer nurtured,
at autumn's end must safe be stored inside.
With winter's cold the cycle's finally ended.
Tender life digs deep, flies south, or dies.

At last comes winter's quiet time which brings
all life's return in resurrection spring.


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New offering for today.....


My body is an old house,
a sad ruin, overgrown;
neither historic nor worth a detour,
and ripe for demolition.
But I picnicked here once,
and danced with my lover
in the green, growing garden
under the afternoon sun.
My body is an ancient suit coat,
worn and hopelessly outdated,
missing buttons, with gaping holes in the lining,
which no tailor's art could improve.
Yet it is a favorite of mine,
as I inherited it from my father;
it fits me perfectly as it did him:
I wear it everywhere I go.
My body is a discarded tire
abandoned in the tall weeds.
Its cracked tread worn down to nothing
lets  broken steel belting peek through.
Once I carried a thousand children
safely on their varied journeys.
Perhaps another life awaits:
a planter,
or a swing stretching far out over cool, shining water.
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New offering for today.....


My body is an old house,
a sad ruin, overgrown;
neither historic nor worth a detour,
and ripe for demolition.
But I picnicked here once,
and danced with my lover
in the green, growing garden
under the afternoon sun.
My body is an ancient suit coat,
worn and hopelessly outdated,
missing buttons, with gaping holes in the lining,
which no tailor's art could improve.
Yet it is a favorite of mine,
as I inherited it from my father;
it fits me perfectly as it did him:
I wear it everywhere I go.
My body is a discarded tire
abandoned in the tall weeds.
Its cracked tread worn down to nothing
lets  broken steel belting peek through.
Once I carried a thousand children
safely on their varied journeys.
Perhaps another life awaits:
a planter,
or a swing stretching far out over cool, shining water.



Interesting and attention catching ... but ... what words will you write when you become old and worn?

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I agree with Tim... A lot of work, but so worth it!  I am crazy busy tomorrow, so I am pre-posting tonight for tomorrow with my last submissions.  You can find the whole week plus at 




Come, friend
and teach to me
the art of poetry.
I would unlock the secret door 
of words.
we'll dance with syllables all dressed
in finest metre sewn,
and trade looks of 
A poem rumbles in the distance
like a summer storm.
Its black clouds may pass by 
to the north
leaving the earth bone dry,
or with a sprinkle of little worth.
But the thrill of possibility remains,
a downpour to fill the drains,
and lightning to clear the mind.
Edited by Parker Owens
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I agree with Tim... A lot of work, but so worth it!  I am crazy busy tomorrow, so I am pre-posting tonight for tomorrow with my last submissions.  You can find the whole week plus at 




Come, friend
and teach to me
the art of poetry.
I would unlock the secret door 
of words.
we'll dance with syllables all dressed
in finest metre sewn,
and trade looks of 
A poem rumbles in the distance
like a summer storm.
Its black clouds may pass by 
to the north
leaving the earth bone dry,
or with a sprinkle of little worth.
But the thrill of possibility remains,
a downpour to fill the drains,
and lightning to clear the mind.


Is there an April 31???  Or is this just the bonus??? :heart:

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Congrats to all the April poets! I'm still playing catch-up, but I will get to read all your work in the coming weeks.


One of the prompts tempted me this morning; the one about using seldom-heard words. This, coupled with some blogs I've read recently, resulted this little 'gem.' hehe




Style guide writers, with their endless lists of 'DON'Ts'

Are like herniated bivalves

Bloviating it from both ends.



(I hope this made you laugh ;) )

I'll just get my dictionary... LOL

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Congrats to all the April poets! I'm still playing catch-up, but I will get to read all your work in the coming weeks.


One of the prompts tempted me this morning; the one about using seldom-heard words. This, coupled with some blogs I've read recently, resulted this little 'gem.' hehe



Style guide writers, with their endless lists of 'DON'Ts'

Are like herniated bivalves

Bloviating it from both ends.



(I hope this made you laugh ;) )

yup it did

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I made the first draft of May's Poetry Prompt this morning. In my research I gained new respect for Ezra Pound. I had always thought of him as rather dry, but I stumbled across this stunningly beautiful poem.


Δώρια [[Doria]]


Be in me as the eternal moods

Of the bleak wind, and not

As transient things are –

Gaiety of flowers.

Have me in the strong loneliness

of sunless cliffs

And of grey waters.

Let the gods speak softly of us

In days hereafter,

the shadowy flowers of Orcus

Remember thee.  



You can find most of his poems here.  http://www.poemhunter.com/i/ebooks/pdf/ezra_pound_2012_4.pdf

Edited by AC Benus
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I made the first draft of May's Poetry Prompt this morning. In my research I gained new respect for Ezra Pound. I had always thought of him as rather dry, but I stumbled across this stunningly beautiful poem.




Be in me as the eternal moods

Of the bleak wind, and not

As transient things are –

Gaiety of flowers.

Have me in the strong loneliness

of sunless cliffs

And of grey waters.

Let the gods speak softly of us

In days hereafter,

the shadowy flowers of Orcus

Remember thee.  



You can find most of his poems here.  http://www.poemhunter.com/i/ebooks/pdf/ezra_pound_2012_4.pdf

It is a rather chill and overcast day here, I am in the third day of severe migraine ... these words reached me where I currently dwell.

Thank you for sharing them.

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It is a rather chill and overcast day here, I am in the third day of severe migraine ... these words reached me where I currently dwell.

Thank you for sharing them.

Sorry you're in pain, Dugh. My doc has me on sumatriptan now, and it can make some days functional for me. Be well, my friend.

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Sorry you're in pain, Dugh. My doc has me on sumatriptan now, and it can make some days functional for me. Be well, my friend.

Thanks. I can no longer take any of the triptans. In a couple of weeks I'll get the second series of botox injections. There is still a chance they will help.

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