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New Members Welcome-Introduce Yourself!

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Thanks everyone for the welcome :)


If I'm right, we've chatted before at DW. How have you been, since it's been a couple of years since we last spoke.

Hi Graeme

Yes we did chat over at DW a few years ago. I've been doing OK.

How are you going, last I remember I think your kids where trying to give you a heart attack via bike riding :lol:

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  • Site Administrator

G'day, Jensen!


Welcome to GA :D If you've got any questions, please don't hesitate to ask myself or any of the other moderators.





Edited by Graeme
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Hey I'm a new writer on here, & just thought I'd drop by, leave a few scales lying around & say hi.


So, hi. :P


By the way, is there any quick way to link this with my e-fiction account?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by DragonFire
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  • Site Administrator

G'day, DragonFire! :D

By the way, is there any quick way to link this with my e-fiction account?

Thanks in advance.

I don't believe so, but I'll let one of tech support team confirm that. We used to have some software that did the link, but it didn't do the job well enough, or something like that....
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Hey all...


...leave a few scales lying around

Welcome to both of you...You've found a great site for readers and writers; excellent support from the more experienced folks (technical, editorial, and whatever). Looking forward to hearing more from both of you.

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Hey all my names Jensen i'm 17 hope to meet some of you,



Welcome to the site! :)


Hey I'm a new writer on here, & just thought I'd drop by, leave a few scales lying around & say hi.


So, hi. :P


By the way, is there any quick way to link this with my e-fiction account?

Thanks in advance.

Welcome Dragon!


This probably isn't what you're talking about, but you would be welcome and able to put a link in your signature to something you post in eFiction :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Site Administrator

uh hey, im new as a member, not new to the site.


*creeps off*

G'day, C.L.L! :D


I'm glad to see you've joined. You probably know everything you need to know already, but if you've got any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.




Graeme :wizard:

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Actually, C.L.L., I'm the one surprised...he told me he had suggested you should join...but, not that you're computer shy, you just don't spend much time online... If you need story recommendations, there are plenty...depending on what you like to read. Ask and ye shall receive.

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Hey guys! Been here for about a month or two and glad to find this awesome community. Aside from getting off(lol), I have read a couple of stories in here(hosted or not) that helped me realize things about myself. So thanks to this site! Authors and readers as well!

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Hey guys! Been here for about a month or two and glad to find this awesome community. Aside from getting off(lol), I have read a couple of stories in here(hosted or not) that helped me realize things about myself. So thanks to this site! Authors and readers as well!

Welcome to ga :) if you like a hosted or shared or efiction story, please feel free to review on Story Discussions forum.

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Hey guys! Been here for about a month or two and glad to find this awesome community. Aside from getting off(lol), I have read a couple of stories in here(hosted or not) that helped me realize things about myself. So thanks to this site! Authors and readers as well!

Hey blksantos, welcome.
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Hey guys! Been here for about a month or two and glad to find this awesome community. Aside from getting off(lol), I have read a couple of stories in here(hosted or not) that helped me realize things about myself. So thanks to this site! Authors and readers as well!

:o You mean there are rude stories on here?! :lol:


Joking aside it is a great place to be, so welcome to GA.

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