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16 hours ago, Marty said:
On 3/20/2021 at 11:09 AM, Timothy M. said:
On 3/15/2021 at 4:40 PM, Marty said:

the same biologist said something about another walrus having been spotted in the past day or so well south of their usual habitat in Denmark, or somewhere like that. Perhaps @Timothy M. has heard something?

:blink:  Uhm, we don't have walrus in Denmark, unless you're thinking about Greenland. So seeing one outside zoos, is major news here. But we do occasionally see young males on beaches in North Jutland and yes there was one here in February (only the fifth seen since 1900) https://nyheder.tv2.dk/lokalt/2021-02-17-hvalros-dukket-op-paa-dansk-strand-det-er-noget-af-en-sensation


Yes, I'm fairly sure that is the one that the biologist on Irish radio was talking about. I remember him saying that the one spotted in Kerry, Ireland, was definitely not the same one that had been spotted in Denmark a number of weeks earlier, as it had much longer tusks, and was therefore much older than the Denmark one.

Seems the walrus that was spotted off the west coast of Ireland has now moved to the Welsh coast...



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