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onanist   (one who practices coitus interruptus [withdrawal method of birth control] or masturbation.  The term comes from the name "Onan," the second son of Judah, as told in Genesis chapter 38.  Under what was  called Levirate Law or Levirate Marriage in the Old Testament, if a married man died without children, his brother was required to marry the widow and have sex with her, and any children she had with the brother-in-law were legally considered the children of her first husband.  If the brother-in-law (BIL) was already married, he was required to marry the sister-in-law (SIL) as a second wife [or third wife, or whatever number].  when Onan had sex with with Tamar, his brother's widow, he would "pull out" [coitus interruptus] and ejaculate outside her body instead of inside her, so she would NOT get pregnant.  That way, Onan and his younger brother would share the part of the inheritance Tamar's first husband, named Er, would have received from Judah, their father..
   Many men resisted the idea also because of jealousy from the wife they had married before the BIL had died and left them with the chore of having sex with the SIL and the required ejaculating within her.
   Later, the terms "onanism" and "onanist" were expanded to include masturbation and then other sexual acts of what was considered a "deviant" or selfish nature).

Edited by ReaderPaul
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