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Eh, my attempt at a joke wasn't much better. Let's forget it and get back on-topic.


B) ........Lets see, oh yeah!! nobody asked me what Joe & I did for the 20 minutes we were alone together. :whistle:

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B) ........Lets see, oh yeah!! nobody asked me what Joe & I did for the 20 minutes we were alone together. :whistle:

Unless you've got photos you can't prove it. That's the rule on my model car website. No photos...it never happened. ;)
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Probably better by Mason.



  • very well or satisfactory: in a good, acceptable, or comfortable condition ( informal )

    Everything's fine, thank you.


4. adverb to higher standard: in a more acceptable, appropriate, or effective way




Thanks Snow Dog!!!!!!!

Edited by Benji
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I always knew you guys were perverts, lol.


Two more reasons for Gary to hate Jack: Canada and Pennsylvania!


LOL j/k! Or am I? *shifty eyes*


B) ..........Gary & Snow Dog are guilty as charged!! Nice catch rknapp!!

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Guys, this thread is called 'Show Yourself' for a reason... meaning it's here to talk about members' pictures.


I do believe there are a few other threads for personal discussions :)

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Guys, this thread is called 'Show Yourself' for a reason... meaning it's here to talk about members' pictures.


I do believe there are a few other threads for personal discussions :)

We were talking about pictures, of members even ... to be specific, the non-existant pictures of you and Gary :P


:king: Dr. Mr. Snow "Ass" Dog

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We were talking about pictures, of members even ... to be specific, the non-existant pictures of you and Gary :P


:king: Dr. Mr. Snow "Ass" Dog

I posted my photo in the thread. It's also in my profile! Benji's photo is in his profile too.


Sorry for going off-topic Joe. Will you please spank me?

Edited by GaryInMiami
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I think you look 30 on it :P

Has it been a while since that picture was taken? :P


Anyhow, I, not even into fashion, sure hope you changed glasses and ties :P

This is the first time in my life I ever had a tie on. It was one my cousin lent me when his mom dragged both of us to the wedding of his sister's friend. All the clothes I had on were borrowed except for the socks and the undies. And yes, I have changed glasses :P


Older than me. :P

Come on now, I wasn't around when gas was 40 cents a gallon :funny:


B) ..........I'll bite, 35 - 40


I'll take a dig at that only.... 35-40... :)


It's no wonder I was never carded to buy beer or tobacco. Thanks for the guess' guys, That was very informative for me.


I was 15 in that picture, It was taken in the fall of 1992. I weighed almost 300 pounds in that picture.


And heres one taken last fall. I'm down to just over 200 now, But from what most people tell me, I haven't really aged much in my looks in the last 16 years.


Edited by Tim the Traveller
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It was probably the hat and glasses that did it, Tim. In that first picture you look sort of like a guy I work with who is in his fifties, since he wears that type of hat when he comes in. Take away those two and you would like look a lot younger. Honestly, I guessed that you were mid-20s in that picture.

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And heres one taken last fall. I'm down to just over 200 now, But from what most people tell me, I haven't really aged much in my looks in the last 16 years.

Dude, you have such a nice face it's a shame to hide it behind glasses. You need contact lenses!


You're old enough to be my grandfather. >.<

Ok me is going to shut up for now.

I would be proud to call you my grandson.


Ha, I'll bet you didn't see that one coming. Did you Mr. Frost? Sucker punched! Posted Image

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Dude, you have such a nice face it's a shame to hide it behind glasses. You need contact lenses!

Aww, how sweet of you to say! I've never thought I had a nice face, A little homely maybe.


I've thought about contacts, But I really dont care for the idea of something right on my eyeballs. And I get a lot of dust and dirt and crap blown in my face at work all the time, So I stick to the glasses. I'd go without, But I can't read 75pt typeface at 20 feet without them :(

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Aww, how sweet of you to say! I've never thought I had a nice face, A little homely maybe.


I've thought about contacts, But I really dont care for the idea of something right on my eyeballs. And I get a lot of dust and dirt and crap blown in my face at work all the time, So I stick to the glasses. I'd go without, But I can't read 75pt typeface at 20 feet without them :(

For work wear glasses. The rest of the time wear contacts. One of my nephews looks kind of like you. He used to wear glasses. I was shocked the other day when I saw him and he didn't have his glasses on. He's like you without glasses; can't see a thing. I asked what's up and he told me he got contacts. Now understand my opinion is slightly biased and I've always thought my nephew was a handsome young man. But wow, what a difference those contacts made. He's so far beyond handsome now not the least of which because his beautiful blue eyes are so much easier to see. Edited by GaryInMiami
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