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Im photogenic. I've had people ask if I was a girl. (I dont exactly see it Xp)

I hardly brush my hair either. XD

ArpeGGio...the reasoning behind that is easy to figure out...and two-fold...nevermind the fact that you are young, it also has to do with genetics...your facial features are somewhat angular, not altogether usual for male faces...but neither unheard of. Combine the angles and with your longish hair with the tendency to wear a hoodie and the confusion becomes rather easy to understand... :D

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ArpeGGio...the reasoning behind that is easy to figure out...and two-fold...nevermind the fact that you are young, it also has to do with genetics...your facial features are somewhat angular, not altogether usual for male faces...but neither unheard of. Combine the angles and with your longish hair with the tendency to wear a hoodie and the confusion becomes rather easy to understand... :D

LOL. My mom wants me to get a haircut so bad. I told her I would bite the barber so she hasn't taken me yet. XD

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LOL. My mom wants me to get a haircut so bad. I told her I would bite the barber so she hasn't taken me yet. XD


I think you'd still look real hansome, even with short (as in: normal haircut) hair :D , but the long hair does something that frames your face better, somehow B) . I think a shorter haircut would make you look a little harder, a little more unapproachable. :( I think it's because of the dark hair and eyebrows.... You're at an age where hair is an "identifying" factor...and shows a little bit of independence...whether in thought or action...I hope you get to keep it long...looks like it'd be fun to run fingers through.... :P

Edited by kjames
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This is a picture while I'm in the Inauguration, where I'm standing near the first jumbotron which I waited from 8:30 pm to 12:30 for the historic moments then 4 more hours to find a way back to Gallaudet, grrr...

*wolf whistles*
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Hey ArpeGGio, I'm going to have to go with with the others here on wisdom. You are frankly a very intelligent kid here, but you have left no room for your parents. I realizes that being 17 years old affords you defensive and antagonist reviews in your life. But you have pushed the issue beyond, why are you fighting? I

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...........errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. Son o a bitch, forum. ............think you should be more mature in your responses to your parents, you seem to lack it, I'm sorry to say. You have already espoused being a spoiled brat, I think that is true from your statements. If you think I'm going to say 'grow up' you are mistaken, only you can do that. Quit hating your parents, they may need time in their assessment, but you are not affording them a chance in the 'change' You should really think before you respond to your mom, sounds like she is trying to reach out to you. I feel your pain, but believe you are not the only one fault in the dramatics.

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...........errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. Son o a bitch, forum. ............think you should be more mature in your responses to your parents, you seem to lack it, I'm sorry to say. You have already espoused being a spoiled brat, I think that is true from your statements. If you think I'm going to say 'grow up' you are mistaken, only you can do that. Quit hating your parents, they may need time in their assessment, but you are not affording them a chance in the 'change' You should really think before you respond to your mom, sounds like she is trying to reach out to you. I feel your pain, but believe you are not the only one fault in the dramatics.


Benji, he's really trying to work out a shitload of crap right now. He does have a good head on his shoulders, and he seems to be the only one working on his rehab and counseling homework right now. It seems none of his three parents are even attempting to be the least bit supportive.

Cut him some slack, if you can't show any support, sometimes letting people vent is the best therapy.

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Ok, perhaps I'm not cutting him enough slack here, but it was his words that defined my comments here. He wasn't cutting enough slack towards his mom, sorry but he did suggest a bit of being a brat here. I totally support him, but beleive he needs to do also, I think his situation stinks. But I also think he could make it better by thinking beforeh speaks.

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  • Site Administrator

Please, everyone, let's keep this thread on topic :) Some of these matters should be handled privately, not publicly, or in a different thread.

Edited by Graeme
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