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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Morningstar: The Malaise - 8. Chapter 8 Hiding In Plain Sight

Burnt umber. It's complicated.

The Malaise



Chapter 8



“Do you see patterns all the time… like, constantly?”

Kellar was startled by the question. Watching the trees go by as Tobyn drove, and running through his checklist for closing up the cabin, he’d just concluded everything was taken care of. “Colors? No. I can turn them on and off.”

“That’s interesting. So you see the way others do when you turn them off, same as the vision you were born with?”

“Yeah, except when I look at someone for the first time; I always see their aura, but then I flicker it.”


“Sounds strange, right? I don’t know how else to say it though. It’s more or less automatic to me. There’s no need to keep seeing them once they’re fixed in my memory banks.” Kellar smiled at his new friend, wondering how it really sounded to someone hearing about all the aspects of it for the first time. Tobyn looked over at him with curious hazel eyes, and still, Kellar saw no judgement in them.

“You should stop thinking you sound weird or strange, because you don’t. I’m in awe of what you’re able to do. Man, think about it… you’re better than any doctor. So many times they don’t have any answers for what’s wrong with the people who go to them.”

Kellar didn’t know what to say to that. Tobyn’s faith in what he could do, worried him. “I may not have all the answers either,” he uttered softly.

“Hey, I didn’t mean for you to feel pressure. I’m hoping you can help Adelin, and if you do, that’s great. But Kellar, I don’t expect you to suddenly cure what’s wrong with my pack. I’m not expecting any miracles, okay? Not for Adelin or the malaise.”

“Okay.” The words were comforting, and genuine, but Kellar could read the hope in the man. There was an underlying protective feeling that showed itself whenever he mentioned his pack. There might be no pressure from him, but there was lots Kellar was putting on himself. Seeing this guy happy had somehow become a priority in his life, and there was no way he wanted to let him down.

“Can you tell me… what are Adelin’s symptoms?”

Tobyn looked out his own window before answering. “She’s weak. So weak she can’t shift, although that’s becoming more common in the pack. She’s pale, like, as a ghost, and when she walks, she tires easily. It’s hard to watch. Her appetite is practically non-existent, and she throws up constantly, even with hardly anything in her stomach.” He looked over at Kellar. “Does that tell you anything?”

“How long has she been this way… with symptoms this severe?”

“Oh, man… for months and months, and she gets worse with every week that goes by. Her skin looks translucent now… that’s recent, and you can see her veins through it. Tilly’s really scared. Those two are as close as sisters can be. It will be devastating for her if….” Tobyn’s words trailed off into silence.

Kellar experienced a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach at hearing Tilly’s name, and felt ashamed for it. He had to get a grip. He’d already admitted to himself he was attracted to the guy driving. In his almost twenty years, he’d never held such a fascination for any other person. It was a reaction that had been almost instantaneous. As soon as he’d caught his scent and followed his progress to his driveway, and then on to the woods, his interest had been engaged. The man’s colors intrigued and confused him, spoken to him, like none before ever had.

Carrying someone so incredibly handsome, pretty even, from the blood-stained granite to his bed had cemented a very powerful desire. His need for a connection with the sandy-haired man was almost overwhelming. The feel of him in his arms had awakened something, and he was certain it was there to stay. It had been a huge struggle to tamp down the worry the injury had invoked. It wasn’t often he felt panic, but he did that day. He’d never healed a shifter before, and some doubts had surfaced on the trip to his cabin. He belongs to someone else, so don’t go there... clue in…the man asked you a question.

“I’m sorry, but it doesn’t sound good; the illness I mean. I’ll do my best to help your girlfriend’s sister.” Tobyn gave him a funny look, and Kellar worried he’d given something away in his tone because he thought he’d kept his face expressionless. Maybe not. “I’m getting kind of hungry,” he commented, more to change the subject than anything else. The thought of food, though, did have its appeal.

“Me too. There’s a gas station up ahead that sells great sandwiches, and they usually have a pot of soup on. It’s nothing fancy, but the place is clean and the people are nice.”

“Sounds good. Our run burned off some calories.” Kellar stared straight ahead, and thought about how nice it had been to share what had always been a solitary endeavor. He could still feel Tobyn’s rich, sandy coat against his own. His wolf had been in heaven. He had been in heaven. Dozing on the big rock with the beautiful wolf had put him in a state of pure bliss.

“Twenty minutes now.”

“Huh?” Kellar was jolted back to the present.

“We’re twenty minutes from food.”


“You know what’s really freaky… in a good way?”

“The fact I haven’t said you drive too damn fast?”

“Hey, I don’t drive too fast. The speed limit’s too slow, that’s all.” He shot a smirk at his companion, and for what seemed the hundredth time since yesterday, Kellar’s heart experienced a few extra beats.

“Okay, so what’s freaky in a good way?”

“My wolf wants out.”


“Dude… that just doesn’t happen. Heck, this morning was already an aberration. I don’t think I’ve ever shifted that long in the daytime before. In fact, I know I haven’t. You must have done something when you healed my head… and my ulcers.”

“Maybe… I didn’t do anything different, but I’m glad you were able to do it as long as you did. It was a pretty special morning for me… running with another wolf, I mean. That rock is now my favorite rock.” Damn. Why did he say that? Kellar turned his head to look out the side window, and silence descended again for a couple of minutes.

“How long can you shift for in daylight?”

Turning back, Kellar had sufficiently composed himself. “Um, all day, all night. I can shift whenever I want for as long as I want. I don’t have any restrictions or limitations on it.”

The blond man looked amazed. “You can hold a shift as long as you want? That’s unbelievable!”

“I don’t understand. Why is that unbelievable? When Fendral ‘wolfed out,’ wasn’t he doing the same thing?”

Tobyn shook his head. “No. I don’t understand exactly how it works, but what Fendral did wasn’t shifting. He let the wolf take over, so the human form becomes, I guess you would say, secondary. Some of the pack think of it as a kind of suicide. When he would show himself as human to us kids, that was his shift, and he never held it for long. So, he’s the reverse of what he was. Does that make sense?”

“In a way, yes. It would explain why his burnt umber is so strong.”

“What did you just say?”

“I said his burnt umber is strong.” Kellar smiled at the open-mouthed look Tobyn shot him. “As far as I’ve seen, all shifters have this color—burnt umber—that no other animal, human or plant has. It’s unique to us. I’m pretty sure it’s added after we shift, because the first time I saw my own colors was a few minutes before I had my first one, and there was no burnt umber… it’s a shade of brown. It wasn’t till after I shifted that the new color appeared.”

“Oh, cool. That means you know right away if someone’s a shifter, even if you can’t smell them?”

“Yup. So anyway, the old grey has about double the burnt umber you and I have. You solved a mystery for me. It must be a choice we can make.”

“Yeah, from what I understand it’s a choice, but it hasn’t happened often. The stories say it comes from tragedy, and the person totally gives over to the wolf. I remember as a kid, listening to the adults talk about what a terrible state Fendral was in when he lost Esther. They say he became a different person. Before he ‘wolfed out,’ he’d become unresponsive. According to the old keeper tales, when this happens, the wolf usually goes away to die within a year or two, so no one knows why Fendral has hung around this long.”

“Well, I can tell you his brain smells wrong, and the colors are a little off, although there’s nothing I can pinpoint, like a tumor, or even depression. I think there are herbs that could help him, but I’m not sure. It would be easier if I could flicker him in human form. The time I was close enough to him, my wolf just wanted to play, so I didn’t really try to get much of a read on him. He didn’t stick around long. When I shifted back, I hoped he would too so we could talk, but no dice. He wanted nothing to do with me after that.”

Tobyn sighed. “Yeah, like I said before, he refuses to interact with adults, and even children now. It’s a sad thing, but we all love him as if he was still our leader.”

“You know, I’ve read stories, fiction stories, about werewolf packs, and the leader is always referred to as the Alpha. Is that what Fendral was, or is that all hogwash?”

“Werewolf stories, eh?” Tobyn snickered before he continued. “No, not hogwash. That part is accurate at least. Fendral was our alpha, but we have learned to be very careful about what we say, for fear of discovery. Everything is different, and the old ways have been adapted. It’s safer for the pack to not use certain words, and alpha is the one which would stand out for anyone hunting our kind.”

“That makes sense. If I heard someone referred to as Alpha, it would raise my curiosity. Who is the leader now?”

“We don’t have one leader anymore. When Fendral left us, we hoped he’d eventually return, so a committee of three was formed. Some shifters want a new alpha, but so far, we’ve stuck with the status quo, and it seems to work. My mother happens to be one of the three.”

“Your mother? I never thought to ask you about your parents.”

“There’s not much to tell. My father died when a tractor flipped on him. He was trapped, and had bled out by the time someone found him.”

“Jeez, I’m sorry, Tobyn.”

“Thanks, but I was five when it happened. I don’t remember him much at all. It would have been nice to have him around, though.”

“I don’t remember my parents either. They burned up in a car crash when I was four. I was thrown clear somehow. It was all foster care after that. What about your mom? What’s she like.”

“Wow... I'm sorry too, Kellar. Maybe you can tell me more sometime… my mom? She’s cool. She never remarried after my dad died, but she handled it okay, I think. They weren’t earth mates, of course. You’ll like her. She’s tough on the outside, and she worries way too much about everything, but she’s great.”

“Something tells me you two have that in common.”

“Have what in common?”

“The worrying part.”

“Why do you say that?” Tobyn directed another curious glance his way.

“I can read you, man. Every time you talk about the pack, I can sense your loyalty, and the fears you have.”

“So this is another one of your powers? You can tell what people are feeling?” he asked jokingly, but with an underlying uneasiness present.

Kellar took note of it immediately. “Not normally, but I can read you. For instance, the only time you were truly relaxed today was on the rock in the sun. You let everything go, for just a little while. The rest of the time you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

Tobyn slowed down, and surveyed him with only some attention on the deserted road ahead. Kellar met the look, his face as open as he could make it. “Well, I guess you have me pegged. Just don’t go reading my mind, all right?”

Kellar laughed, and it broke the seriousness. “Yeah, I definitely don’t have that power… not yet, anyway.” He gave his friend a smile, and it was returned.

“Okay, we’re here. Time to feed the lumberjack.”

“I have a feeling I shouldn’t have told you about that," he said with a groan.

“Sure you should have. I want to know everything about you.”

Wondering what that meant, if anything, he maneuvered his large frame out of the truck and stretched. With all he was feeling, reading the handsome sandy-haired man’s mind would certainly come in handy. Regardless, there was no place else he wanted to be at that moment, or no one he’d rather be with.

Much thanks to my editor, Timothy M., and to all those who support my writing. If you wish to discuss this story, you can do so in the COTT thread of the promising author forum:
Copyright © 2017 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

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Chapter Comments

On 06/08/2016 10:44 PM, spikey582 said:

Like others have said, I'm really enjoying how you're feeding information about the world and how everything works. It's really well done. Actually I want to commend you on this, this is something many writers struggle with, especially in this genre. Often, especially newer writers, will cram info dumps or the infamous "as you know" speech into the writing. Instead you've fed the right amount of information into these chapters that I'm learning but still caught up in the story and you're using natural story interaction to impart these details. So you're doing great here.


This tension between these two is going to become overwhelming soon enough. Like I said before, trying to fight a tidal wave. Tilly's sister doesn't sound too good, I hope Kellar is able to help. Overall this was another enjoyable chapter in a story I now look forward to every week.


One question (forgive my slowness) why was the chapter titled "Hiding in Plain Sight"?

Thanks, spikey... what you said means a lot. I have tried to do exactly what you describe. I worried a little that readers would get a little frustrated with the slow reveal, but that appears not to be the case. That makes me very happy. I agree with what you say about the tension between the two... especially for Kellar, who isn't kidding himself. Adelin is the focus now, and she may be too ill for Kellar to help... but hopefully some good will come from trying. As for the answer to your question, read Timothy M.'s review. He has it exactly right :) . Thanks for another awesome review, spikey... cheers... Gary...

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On 06/09/2016 03:34 AM, Timothy M. said:

I know, I know, dragon :D

The shifters / packs are Hiding in Plain Sight by being careful with the words they use, and what they do and don't do. Unfortunately, the latter includes not using human hospitals, so they cannot get help with the malaise or even with the illness of Tilly's sister.

But more importantly, both men are hiding their new and scary feelings, yet putting them out there in plain sight for us to see - well, also for the other man to see, if he chooses to notice and think about it. Tobyn saying he wants to know everything about Kellar, and the healer saying their rock is now his favorite place. The way they both react to the word 'girlfriend' and lots of other small but significant details sprinkled around by our clever author. ;)

The Burnt umber. It's complicated. also points the same way. Being a shifter is complicated, even without the malaise, and sorting out your feelings is difficult, espcially when they are new and you're not only getting the burnt umber color but perhaps more. Their wolves know how right their connection is, but the humans have to work it out too. For Tobyn he has to try to understand Kellar's descriptions and explain all the shifter stuff and answer the questions arising from Kellar's abilities, and at the same time deal with his attraction to the amazing man who may be able to save more than Tilly's sister.

It's difficult to remember those two men are barely out of their teens, but i guess taking on responsibilty so young has matured them fast - another thing they have in common. :yes: Wonderful chapter once more. :hug:

LOL. Yes, you do, although I think you were confusing spikey with skinnydragon hehe. I knew you would get the Tobyn and Kellar part, but I must admit I was surprised you got the pack part... I shouldn't have been :) . The burnt umber was good too. Once you get the burnt umber... it gets complicated as a shifter, and the hiding begins. I give you 5 gold stars for this one, Tim. As far as the age thing, I thought long and hard about it before writing the story. Kellar's almost twenty is a lot different from a human's or even a shifter who was raised in a pack. He has built a life all by himself with no help from anyone, but is still young enough to adapt to what is being thrown his way... so much more to come... thanks for a wonderful review, Tim :hug: Cheers... Gary...

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On 06/09/2016 11:59 AM, FlowersBite said:

I really love this story, I like seeing how he describes the colors he sees. I keep wondering what exactly is wrong with the pack, I can't wait for the next chapter! :)

Thank you, FlowersBite! This is what every writer want s to hear. I really appreciate the feedback. I'm glad you like the color aspect of Kelllar's healing. We all get to go along with them as they try to figure out the malaise. I'm pleased your eager for the next one... it will be here soon... thank you for the support and the review... cheers... Gary....

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On 06/09/2016 12:14 PM, Defiance19 said:

Oh, I so want to focus on the unspoken feelings between Kellar and Tobyn. Instead I find my self drawn to all the other details that make this story. It just draws me further into the story. We learn more of how Kellar uses his gift and I feel sad, but admire him for figuring it out on his own.

The fact that Tobyn and his wolf are feeling better after Kellar treated them is good, yet I'm worried by Adelin's symptoms. Is she too far gone? I mean translucent? Are there more like her? No pressure Kellar. Fendral knows things I'm betting, but how to convince him to return to his human form, and why hasn't he passed yet, if he's only supposed to last a year or so. Is he waiting for Kellar? Does he even know who Kellar is? I am ever more curious as to how the malaise started and is spread.


Why did Tobyn look at Kellar funny when he mentioned Tilly being Tobyn's gf.. There's more to the story? We know that Tobyn won't act on his feelings because he's dedicated to the pack and he's still trying to work out why he's feeling that way toward Kellar. Kellar definitely won't want to lose this new found friendship, possible inclusion in a pack of his kind by crashing their relationship. So we're left with watching them keep those feelings at bay while they build a friendship and get to know each other. And we get to know their world too..


So amazingly well done my friend.. I enjoy every chapter..

Yeah, really. No pressure, Kellar. I'm glad you like the details of the story... there is so much for my brain to work out lol. I understand wanting to focus on those unspoken feelings, but they really can't be the focus right now, for either man. I find Kellar's situation both sad and a little heroic. For all his strength and trials, he is still an innocent in many ways... just going through life trying to do the best he can. Fendral is an enigma... whether he has any impact remains to be seen, but at least he helped bring these two together in a roundabout way. As far as Tobyn's look, I think he sensed something in the way Kellar said 'girlfriend'... it comes back to Kellar's innocence... he fails at guile, and if Tobyn really looks, he'll be able to see it... but I don't think Tobyn really wants to look because he's afraid of his own feelings. This was another one of those amazing reviews from you that makes my day, and I thank you... cheers, my friend... Gary...

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Very cool, the more we learn about Kellar's gifts. Little hairy, too. Enough, even, to make Tobyn a little uneasy. He's got to be wondering at this point just what kind of man - or wolf - he's found here. I like the way that each of them keeps considering what he is feeling for the other, yet no one is saying much of anything - yet.Duty can only carry a man, or wolf, but so far. When something gives, it's going to be very fun. Getting to the compound is certain to trigger off some surprising new events.
The explanation of the colors - the auras that Kellar sees - is interesting and well done. Great idea.
Makes me realize I have to look for burnt umbra in the mirror the next time I shave.

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There is a slow intrigue forming between these two. I can see that it will continue to grow with each chapter, and I can't wait to continue following their friendship-with-potentially-more connection that you've woven together. The pace you've set for the story and for the relationship between Tobyn and Kellar is smooth and captivating. And, of course, the writing is superb.


There are no lulls to this story, just a sweet, even pace that keeps my attention and prompts me to keep reading. I can't wait to meet the rest of Tobyn's pack and to learn more about Kellar's gifts as he attempts to heal the malaise. You've created a shifter story that is unlike any other. It feels authentic, even real. Another great chapter, my friend! Cheers - Mac

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On 03/13/2017 07:34 AM, MacGreg said:

There is a slow intrigue forming between these two. I can see that it will continue to grow with each chapter, and I can't wait to continue following their friendship-with-potentially-more connection that you've woven together. The pace you've set for the story and for the relationship between Tobyn and Kellar is smooth and captivating. And, of course, the writing is superb.


There are no lulls to this story, just a sweet, even pace that keeps my attention and prompts me to keep reading. I can't wait to meet the rest of Tobyn's pack and to learn more about Kellar's gifts as he attempts to heal the malaise. You've created a shifter story that is unlike any other. It feels authentic, even real. Another great chapter, my friend! Cheers - Mac

Thank you so much. My head may just have gotten a size bigger :) . Seriously, I'm glad you like the pacing of the story so far. So many kind words... I'll take 'authentic,' and 'unlike any other' any day. Wonderful review, my friend... cheers... Gary....

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17 minutes ago, Timothy M. said:

I think in every chapter there has been at least one reader who has mentioned how unique this story is. By the time we get to the end, everybody felt this way, and no wonder. You really did a fantastic job, Batman.

:blushing:  ... with your invaluable help, Robin. Thank you so much. I am really proud of this story, and whenever I need encouragement, I revisit a chapter's comments. :heart: 

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23 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

What can I say I just love this story thanks for writing it:yes:


Another Great chapter:thankyou::worship:

Thanks, buddy! This was a short but important chapter. It allowed for a better understanding between Kellar and Tobyn as they learned new things about each other, and shifters. There is a bond in place., a friendship developing as each minute passes. Glad you liked it... cheers... Gary.... :hug: 

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So, I had to laugh at myself out loud when I read Tobyn's line. “Wow... I'm sorry too, Kellar. Maybe you can tell me more sometime… my mom? She’s cool."  Such a serious topic of sharing the loss of Keller's parents at the tender age of four. Yet, answering Keller's need for more information on the pack, as well as Tobyn.


Your dialog is excellent as ever and spot on to each character's personality.  What struck my funny bone is how polite these two young men are in conversation.  These boys are definitely Canadian.  :D  I absolutely love this story!  I totally understand why their focus is elsewhere than on each other, too.  It also adds an element to Tobyn's avoiding the gay feelings for now, and Keller's to understand what would be best to make his man happy.  Thanks for such an amazing unfolding in such an amazing world.  ~ Ms. V

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3 hours ago, Y0rite said:

So, I had to laugh at myself out loud when I read Tobyn's line. “Wow... I'm sorry too, Kellar. Maybe you can tell me more sometime… my mom? She’s cool."  Such a serious topic of sharing the loss of Keller's parents at the tender age of four. Yet, answering Keller's need for more information on the pack, as well as Tobyn.


Your dialog is excellent as ever and spot on to each character's personality.  What struck my funny bone is how polite these two young men are in conversation.  These boys are definitely Canadian.  :D  I absolutely love this story!  I totally understand why their focus is elsewhere than on each other, too.  It also adds an element to Tobyn's avoiding the gay feelings for now, and Keller's to understand what would be best to make his man happy.  Thanks for such an amazing unfolding in such an amazing world.  ~ Ms. V

LOL. Yes, they are good Canadian boys. :)   I like very much that you see there is something much bigger than both of them going on. The timing for these two to meet might be fortuitous in some regards, but there is also an element of suckiness to it... at least on a personal level. :P  Returning to Kellar's POV gives us so much more, I think. This is his story first and foremost, and it's important to be inside his head as he strives to do the right thing, and not get overwhelmed by the situation or his feelings. 


Thanks, Ms. V for another positive comment... any time someone comments on my dialogue, I am a happy writer. :D  Cheers... Gary.... :hug: 

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A salient point that came through for me was, just how vulnerable, Kellar and Tobyn are becoming as they open up to eachother. Tobyn knows that Kellar can read his feelings, so it's scant comfort that he can't read his mind. After all, his most important thoughts will end up as feelings anyway.

Kellar is similarly breaking new ground, by trusting Tobyn, with everything he has learnt about himself but never shared before. What if Tobyn were to dismiss Kellar's understanding, for a simpler explanation, that any pack member would know.

I wonder if Fendral's, extra umber colour will prove important later on. I suspect that some herb with the same colour aura will be needed as part of a cure for the Malaise, further down the line. 🤔

The two of them are on a tight schedule right now but they are already taking stock of important questions that they need to ask eachother, once things settle down. Things that the best of friends would do.

Edited by Bard Simpson
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10 hours ago, Bard Simpson said:

A salient point that came through for me was, just how vulnerable, Kellar and Tobyn are becoming as they open up to eachother. Tobyn knows that Kellar can read his feelings, so it's scant comfort that he can't read his mind. After all, his most important thoughts will end up as feelings anyway.

Kellar is similarly breaking new ground, by trusting Tobyn, with everything he has learnt about himself but never shared before. What if Tobyn were to dismiss Kellar's understanding, for a simpler explanation, that any pack member would know.

I wonder if Fendral's, extra umber colour will prove important later on. I suspect that some herb with the same colour aura will be needed as part of a cure for the Malaise, further down the line. 🤔

The two of them are on a tight schedule right now but they are already taking stock of important questions that they need to ask eachother, once things settle down. Things that the best of friends would do.

See, you're already speculating. :D  They really are opening up to one another, aren't they? That initial connection appears to be strengthening in an interesting way. This is Kellar's first chance to share this part of himself, and as scary as it is, it must be a relief too. Maybe he will learn more when he meets the pack, things that never occurred to him.

Burnt umber, at the least, is important in identifying shifters, and I can imagine Kellar's healer mind is whirling. :) 

Great point that the boys are on a tight schedule... a lot is happening in a short amount of time, and what will that mean for their feelings. Tobyn has one heck of a lot on his plate, and Kellar has been living in isolation for a long time. Hoiw will it all settle out? :X  

Thanks, Bard, for another great comment... cheers... Gary....

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It keeps getting more interesting, Everytime I read another chapter. Well I have a feeling that the reason why Keller could read Tobyn, is because they're earth mates– holy shit! Are they really earth mates? Nevermind, I know you're not going to tell me. Lol. But I think what they have is more than just mare chemistry. Can't wait to see Keller meeting the pack members, especially his mother in law.😜

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2 hours ago, Jasmine94 said:

It keeps getting more interesting, Everytime I read another chapter. Well I have a feeling that the reason why Keller could read Tobyn, is because they're earth mates– holy shit! Are they really earth mates? Nevermind, I know you're not going to tell me. Lol. But I think what they have is more than just mare chemistry. Can't wait to see Keller meeting the pack members, especially his mother in law.😜

:X  :X  :P  . I think you'll find that each new chapter gives you more information. There is a heck of a long way to go yet, and this is not just an adventure... it's also a mystery. :)  I love your anticipation, Jasmine. It makes me happy. I also love what you say about Kellar and Tobyn having more than mere chemistry. Thanks for another wonderful comment, my new friend... cheers... Gary.... :hug: 

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Well with this reading and knowing you as I do it brings to mind many questions Such as I know you wanted to challenge yourself but you could have written about

Mountain climbing or Park Rangers and it would have been just as good. So why did you choice Werewolf's? Which I just love btw. Best Werewolf book I have ever read:yes:

Great Story Great Chapter what can I say :thankyou:

Edited by Albert1434
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27 minutes ago, Albert1434 said:

Well with this reading and knowing you as I do it brings to mind many questions Such as I know you wanted to change yourself but you could have written a story about

Mountain climbing or Park Rangers and it would have been just as good. So why did you choice Werewolf's? Which I just love btw.

Great Story Great Chapter what can I say :thankyou:

It's true I wanted to challenge myself, Albert, but that was after this story first popped into my head. Once it appeared, my brain started running of on tangents all on its own about where this story could go, but I really was reluctant to write it. The more it built, the more intimidating the idea of pulling it off became. I did have another new story I've been putting off for years... two actually... and I was planning to write it, but this one persisted. I guess you could say the story chose me, and not the other way around. Even so, I wrote many chapters before I was confident enough to start posting, and up until that time, I would post chapters as I wrote them. One thing I was sure of was my story would have to be different from other shifter stories. There were already some really awesome ones out there, and I didn't want to just do a new version of them. 

Not going to lie... this one was hard... it took a lot of planning and focus to get everything right. It wasn't only my first shifter story, it was also my first mystery. :)  Thanks, Albert, for the support and for the question. :hug: 

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Well here I am so many great parts to this story!  This part was a great twist which I have always loved:yes:

“I said his burnt umber is strong.” Kellar smiled at the open-mouthed look Tobyn shot him. “As far as I’ve seen, all shifters have this color—burnt umber—that no other animal, human or plant has. It’s unique to us. I’m pretty sure it’s added after we shift, because the first time I saw my own colors was a few minutes before I had my first one, and there was no burnt umber… it’s a shade of brown. It wasn’t till after I shifted that the new color appeared.”

Any time Keller could spill the beans :rofl:

“Maybe… I didn’t do anything different, but I’m glad you were able to do it as long as you did. It was a pretty special morning for me… running with another wolf, I mean. That rock is now my favorite rock.” Damn. Why did he say that? Kellar turned his head to look out the side window, and silence descended again for a couple of minutes.

Wolfing out was a damn nice touch which I loved sure help to build up this story!

I love this story:thankyou::worship::worship:




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9 minutes ago, Albert1434 said:

Well here I am so many great parts to this story!  This part was a great twist which I have always loved:yes:

“I said his burnt umber is strong.” Kellar smiled at the open-mouthed look Tobyn shot him. “As far as I’ve seen, all shifters have this color—burnt umber—that no other animal, human or plant has. It’s unique to us. I’m pretty sure it’s added after we shift, because the first time I saw my own colors was a few minutes before I had my first one, and there was no burnt umber… it’s a shade of brown. It wasn’t till after I shifted that the new color appeared.”

Any time Keller could spill the beans :rofl:

“Maybe… I didn’t do anything different, but I’m glad you were able to do it as long as you did. It was a pretty special morning for me… running with another wolf, I mean. That rock is now my favorite rock.” Damn. Why did he say that? Kellar turned his head to look out the side window, and silence descended again for a couple of minutes.

Wolfing out was a damn nice touch which I loved sure help to build up this story!

I love this story:thankyou::worship::worship:




I saw you'd liked a comment and started reading right away, so I was reading the exact same time you were, buddy. :) 

Lol to your bean comment, but no comment. :no: 

I'm reminded of just how much thinking and rethinking I had to do with this story, so afraid I would screw it up. Seeds had to be planted, but so carefully....

The burnt umber quote is part of the information I am slowly doling out here, and it is a big deal as you well know from rereading. This dance they are beginning to do is torturous for some readers later on, but I find it beautiful. And yes, wolfing out has an important message in it... somewhere. :P Cheers and thank you, my dear friend... G. :hug: 

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