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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Morningstar: The Malaise - 31. Chapter 31 The Stuff of Fairy Tales

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Morningstar: The Malaise



Chapter 31



It was Tilly who approached the enamored pair at their table, suggesting it was time to leave before they were all thrown out. Kellar and Tobyn shared a chuckle as they listened in to her asking, “Hey, are you guys listening to me?” When a contrite Warren stood at Adelin’s introduction of her sister, so did they.

“Let’s go while he’s on his feet. I was worried we’d need a cattle prod to get them to pay attention to anyone else.” Kellar started moving toward the door with his mate following.

“It’s beautiful to see, though, isn’t it? When I think about how we all prepared ourselves to say goodbye to Adelin, before you came into our lives, it’s just….” Tobyn turned his head away, but Kellar, as always, was tuned into him.

Waving to his foster-brother as he stood at the door, Kellar beckoned him to follow, and received an assenting nod. Taking Tobyn by the hand, he led him through the double set of doors and out into the sunlight. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Got a little emotional there." He wiped at his eyes. “You saved someone so precious to us, and you’ve found her mate. The stuff of fairy tales. There really is something special about you besides the obvious.” He was grinning now.

“Oh really? The obvious, eh? You’ll have to explain what that is exactly, later. And, we saved her, Tobyn. Your strength and mine combined. Here comes the happy couple now. Do you think we should start ordering their silverware and stuff?”

“Maybe, but behave yourself,” he warned, eyes dancing from Kellar to the door. “I haven’t officially met your infamous brother yet.”

Kellar smirked at him, and then at the trio converging on them. “Finally. I thought you guys were never coming out of there." Kellar laughed at Tilly, who was behind the blushing pair, rolling her eyes and shaking her head in amusement. "Let’s move away from the entrance so we’re not in the way.” They walked en masse over to one corner of the parking lot, next to the truck.

“Warren, this guy attached to me,” he said as held up their hands, “is Tobyn Berenger.”

“Your mate, I presume?” There was a twinkle in the eyes of a face that seemed a couple of years younger than it did a half hour ago. “He’s pretty.”

Kellar guffawed while his mate scowled. “I really don’t know you anymore, do I."

“And I’m not sure if I want to know you after that remark,” Tobyn muttered.

Warren held out his hand. “I’m sorry, Tobyn. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m feeling a little giddy, probably from too little sleep, and my sense of humor is a little weird to begin with.” He looked suitably apologetic, and Kellar felt Tobyn relax.

“So, you don’t think I’m pretty then?” Tobyn’s eyes showed some humor now.

“Oh, no… I meant that. Not as pretty as Adelin… or Tilly, but Kellar’s a lucky man.”

“Dude, you’re freaking me out.” Kellar stared at him like he had two heads. He was warming up to this guy more and more.

“What? I can tell when a guy’s good-looking. Besides, I figure it’s smart to butter up my bro-in-law. You haven’t told me yet whether I passed my interview and maybe he has some influence?” A note of nervousness had entered his tone.

“Hey, I think I like this guy. Maybe I picked the wrong brother.”

Before Kellar could open his mouth to retort, Warren answered. “Trust me, dude. You picked the right one. I wouldn’t be much good to you at all, no matter how pretty you are.” His dry delivery had them all laughing.

“Oh my God,” Tilly said. “Is this a comedy show? I don’t know, Adelin… I think we might have too many men for the ride back.”

“No, we’ve got just the right amount,” she said with a wide grin as she kept her eyes on Warren. “So tell him, Kellar.”

He looked at her, Warren, and their clasped hands. “You gonna treat this woman right, and never touch another drug?”

“I swear to Go… no, I swear to the earth mother. Adelin told me everything. I know all that’s involved, and I’m in. Totally in. I didn’t know a person could feel this way. I will never let her down, I promise. Her pack will be my pack if you give me the chance to prove myself.”

He turned to his mate. “What do you think?”

“For God’s sake, put the man out of his misery… that’s what I think.”

Kellar chuckled. “Like I have a choice with Adelin here. For what it’s worth though, you passed the brother interview. I’m putting my faith in you, Warren. Welcome to Morningstar.”

“Holy shit… I mean crap. Adelin told me not to worry… that you would say I did, but until I heard it, I thought maybe….”

Holy crap is right. Warren Apsley has actual tears? Wow! The man embarrassment was clear as he wiped away the sudden moisture, but he also looked extremely pleased. It hit home for Kellar, the rollercoaster Warren had been on as he watched Adelin move in against him, putting her head against his chest. He knew what that gesture felt like from your mate. We get it. We all get it, bro. You’re among friends here. Finding your mate is pretty powerful, so just go with it, okay?”

“Yeah, I intend to. I’ve never been so happy. I feel like I’ve found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, except it’s a pot of Adelin, which is so much better.” The glowing girl lifted her head to share a look, and giggled at his words.

“You’ve got yourself a funny one, Adelin,” Tobyn said.

“Yeah, funny and handsome and sweet. You can kiss me if you want?” She was still staring up at him.

“Adelin,” Kellar spoke sharply. “That can start the joining.”

“I know, and so does Warren. So, are you going to…?”

He cut her words off with the touch of his lips as they all watched. Tobyn shrugged at his mate, and he returned the gesture. It was up to this new pair of mates how they handled things, but he was pleased Warren showed restraint in that the kiss was relatively chaste. Still, it was enough they seemed lost in another world when they drew apart. He knew what that felt like too, and felt himself warming inside at the knowing hand squeeze from his mate. Tobyn, as always, was tuned into him too.


Questions kept coming from the back seat. A constant barrage of them. Kellar learned something interesting. A human’s health was bolstered by his mate just like a shifter’s was. Warren’s colors had perked up considerably, and even his liver looked more robust. It made his healer mind curious. Would his senses improve as well… even if he chose not to change?

As he’d suspected, Warren wasn’t giddy from lack of sleep… he was that way because of Adelin’s presence. He'd never realized how funny his brother was. What he remembered most from the old Warren were scowls, smacks, and insults. This one was animated, but not annoying, and his comic timing kept them in stitches. His ability to poke fun at himself was eye-opening. It had to be a revelation for all of them, especially after the picture he’d painted of his foster-brother. Tobyn drove, but was also very engaged in the back and forth banter dotted with question periods.

Warren wanted to know everything about hunters, and after recounting the brush with death at the hands of Reznick and how Tobyn had rescued him, the truck was silent. Tilly and Adelin had never heard the entire story before, and they were quite shaken at the revealed harshness of such men.

It was the only time since they started their trip home there was silence. Warren finally broke it. “So he’s the only hunter you’ve ever encountered?”

Kellar glanced at Tobyn before twisting partially around to tell Warren about the episode in the woods with the nephew. It was something he needed to know and be on the lookout for. The girls and the rest of the pack had already been warned. When he concluded the telling, the truck was again silent.

“Man!” Warren finally said. “You guys were lucky twice. You might have been killed then too, Kellar. Do you know what this guy looks like?”

“No, just that his last name, if he uses his real one, should be Reznick. I still have no idea how he became aware I was there. If he looks at all like his uncle, though, he should be big and ugly, and he could have Slavic features, but who knows.”

“At least you have his last name, and that’s something. Maybe there’s a way to track him?” Warren appeared deep in thought before he directed a few words to Tobyn. “I owe you, bro, for saving my brother and making it safer for Adelin. I owe you both.”

“Dude, you’re full of surprises,” Kellar said.

“And you’re not?” Warren was instantly intense. “I have a life now because you decided to give me a chance. You could have chosen to ignore my pattern, and I wouldn’t have blamed you if you did. But you didn’t. You called me and made this possible.” He held up Adelin and his joined hands. “I’m indebted to you just as much as I am to your mate.”

“You don’t owe me anything. As long as you are a solid member of the pack, we’re good. The past is the past. Besides, I kind of like having this new you as a brother.”

“Same here, bro-in-law,” Tobyn added earnestly. “No debts here either. Just be a good mate to this very special girl.”

“Heck, that’s going to be the easiest thing I’ve ever done.” He again raised the hand he had never let go of, and kissed it. Adelin returned the gesture, kissing Warren’s hand before she snuggled in against him and closed her eyes. “Kellar?”


“I’ve felt like I haven’t had a family for years… but I don’t feel that way anymore. Thanks for saying what you did… you too, Tobyn.”

Kellar twisted again in his seat to face the man directly. “You’re welcome. You’re going to find you have a huge family back at Morningstar.”

“I hope they like me. Do you think they’ll like me?”

“I know they will. Just be yourself.”

Warren let out an ironic snort. “No one has ever said that to me before.”

The self-deprecating way he said it didn’t hide the pain of the words, triggering sympathy for this new and improved version of Warren. “Not everyone is as judgmental as Karen and Don… you won’t find that anywhere in your new family.”

“Thank… thank the earth mother for that.” He gave a ghost of a smile as he leaned his head against his mate’s.

“You know, shifters still believe in God… it’s just we believe in our earth mother too,” Adelin murmured.

“Good to know, my sweet.”

Kellar watched sleepy eyes begin to close, and turned around, but not before seeing the little smile on Tilly’s face. His brother had won her over with his open honesty. It was clear she liked him.

He didn’t have far to reach for his mate’s hand. They settled into watching the road and sharing little looks of satisfaction. The new pair were enjoying that sublime sleep of mates, and Tilly appeared to have joined them. All of Kellar’s concerns had been swept away, and once again the pack had been strengthened. Even he was beginning to wonder at their good fortune. But they were far from done.

The gentle tightening on his hand brought him out of his reverie. “What are you thinking about?’ Tobyn asked, keeping his voice low.

“First, that even though it’ll take longer, we should pick up my truck on the way back… and that we’ve been unbelievably lucky… not just you and me, but the pack too.”

“I’ll drive it back,” Tilly’s sleepy voice said from the back seat, causing them both to smile.

“And?” Tobyn asked knowingly.

“It’s a deal, Tilly. And we have to spread that luck around. Other packs need to know the same stuff we do. Who knows what kind of shape they’re in? Denver’s old pack sounds worse off than ours.”

“There’s my healer mate. So, when do we leave?”

“Are you ready to do this? It could be dangerous.”

“Stop. Don’t you dare say I don’t need to come with you. You’ve already tried that... it didn’t fly then and it won’t fly now. I’m ready, and as long as we’re together we’ll be fine. I’ll watch your back and you’ll watch mine.”

Kellar got that he was dead serious. “Hey, I wasn’t going to waste my breath,” he lied.

“Uh huh… right. So, tomorrow too soon?”

“As soon as we get Warren settled in. I don’t want to take off on him right away… he’s had enough of people bailing on him.”

“That’s true. You’re a good brother.”

“Yeah? Well, I want to try.”

“You don’t need to try… like a really smart guy once said, just be yourself,” Tobyn said with a smirk.

“That is smart advice,” he responded with a straight face. “Whoever said that was brilliant.”

“He is, actually… and he has great taste in mates.”


Kellar stood back feeling proud as Tobyn gave the group a quick tour of his cabin. Warren appeared in total awe of what his foster-brother had accomplished for himself, and it wasn’t long before pride became evident on his face as well. His eyes shone with it.

He almost hated to usher them out, but they still had a long drive before they were home. “Are you sure you want to drive, Tilly?”

“Yes… why? Are you worried about me crashing your precious Dodge?”

"Ah... no... not at all," Kellar responded quickly, leery of the challenge in her look.

“Trust me, doc. Tilly’s a great little driver.”


“Sorry, Till. You know what I meant. You’re an amazing driver.”

“That’s better. And to answer your question, Kellar, I’m sure. I need a break from all that lovey dovey stuff going on.”

Adelin burst out in giggles. “Yeah, Tobyn and Kellar are a little much, aren’t they?”

“Hey,” they both responded in unison.


“Denver, I’d like you to meet my foster-brother, Warren Apsley. He’s the one I told you about.”

“Adelin’s human mate, then.” The man looked stern as he gave Warren the once over. “We weren’t expecting you back for a while yet. Have you seen Elinor?”

“No, haven’t made it that far yet. Warren wanted to meet you, and he didn’t want to wait. He insisted we stop when I pointed out the garage. Tobyn and Adelin are sitting out in his truck, and Tilly’s out there in mine.” Kellar shrugged at Denver, leaving the conversation to them.

“Eager, are you, boy?”

“Yes, sir. I, ah… I wanted to make sure you had a job for me. Kellar said you’d need to talk to me first before anything was settled. It’s best for me to keep busy and I love fixing cars more than anything.”

Denver cracked the slightest of smiles. “Anything?”

Kellar chuckled at his brother’s blush.

“I meant anything that isn’t Adelin, sir, but I really do love working on cars.”

“I hear that… was lucky enough to find my mate too. Okay, boy. You have yourself a job to go with helping the pack get stronger. I take it you know what you’re doing when working on a vehicle?” He winked at Kellar.

Denver’s reminder that Warren already had something special to contribute, pleased and impressed him. His brother needed the boost, and Denver was proving to be a fitting mate to a leader of Morningstar.

“Yes, sir. I know most every engine ever made… for cars and trucks anyway. I don’t know too much about the small ones, though… or boat motors, but I’m a quick learner.”

“I’ll make you a deal. You don’t call me sir, and I won’t call you boy. When can you start?”

Warren looked around the four bay shop. “Now, if you want.”

Denver laughed… loudly. “You really are an eager one.”

“I want to prove myself, sir. Sorry… Denver. I want to earn my keep and make Adelin proud.”

Kellar, standing off to the side, reached for his brother’s shoulder. “You need to relax. You’ll prove yourself, and Adelin is already completely in your corner. I guarantee you she is staring at the door this very minute, waiting for you to come out. Why don’t you start the day after tomorrow, once we get you settled? You still have to pick a house and meet some people.”

“I think that’s the best idea,” Denver said, backing up his suggestion.

“Okay, but would it be all right if I came by for a few hours tomorrow? I’d really like to stay busy.”

“That’s fine, but I won’t expect you. See how it goes tomorrow. I will expect you bright and early the day after, though. We have a lot of work lined up. We start at eight and work to five… sometimes later if it’s necessary.”

“Sounds good to me, sir... ah... Denver.”


“Bro, are you worried about relapsing? Is that why you want to keep yourself occupied?” They’d just gone through the door to see he'd had been right about Adelin.

“No, honestly, I’m not. I’m just really nervous that I’ll screw up and people won’t like me. That’s usually what happens… and look at me, man. I was a damn druggie and it shows. If I stay busy, maybe I won’t freak out so much.”

“I get that, but you don’t have to worry about that here. If you do your share, stay clean, as in drug-free, and you’re nice to people, they’ll like you. You’re Adelin’s mate, which means you’re family, so that means instant acceptance. That’s how it works… trust me.”

“Yeah? I do trust you… I do. Kellar?”

“Yeah?” they were almost at the truck.

“I don’t want to get all sentimental and shit, but I really like having you call me ‘bro'. It feels good.”

“You know, I’ve been thinking. How about we drop the ‘foster' and just say we’re brothers? It’s a lot easier that way.” He looked sideways at Warren, who had stopped dead in his tracks.

“You serious?”

“Yup. I am. So? You agree?”

“Hell yeah, I agree. You’re right, bro… it’s a lot easier.” They shared a smile that quickly turned into a laugh.

Kellar looked through the window to see his mate giving him one of those approving looks that made his heart speed up. This time it was him that blushed.

Just before they opened the door, Warren, with his hand on the back door handle, exclaimed, “I get to pick a house?!”

“Yes, you do. Every pack member does. If I was you though, I’d let you-know-who do the choosing.” He winked at his brother and smiled at Adelin as he opened his door and slid in beside his mate.

A big thank you to my editor, Timothy M., and to all those who support this story.
Copyright © 2017 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

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Chapter Comments

On 11/21/2016 02:13 PM, hohochan657 said:

I've read the chapter and the reviews and your responses ... AND I'm worried ... A lot of us (your readers) think the on going, happily ever after, fairy tale atmosphere won't last long and something bad is going to happen ... (incessant nail biting sounds)




Hey, buddy. Well, I can tell you SOMETHING is going to happen. There will be answers... and questions... and answers... let me know what you think after this next one... and leave some nails left for later chapters :) . Thanks for the support and the review, hohochan... cheers... Gary....

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I can see Litlover has covered most of the fairy tale stuff, but I'd like to add one thing: The way Warren has changed and become someone Kellar can appreciate and like is truly amazing. He never expected that, and nor did we. It's a miracle or as you say The Stuff of Fairy Tales. From Warren's point of view the whole earth mate business and meeting Adelin must feel like he's in a dream or high. Not drug induced but like a fairy tale with a HEA in sight - he even uses the metaphor of finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
The All in of the chapter note has several meanings too: Once Kellar has talked to Warren (and after teasing him a bit) he does go all in with welcoming his brother as family. He lets him have time with Adelin, he does his best to reassure him he will be welcome in the pack, he stops to see Denver at Warren's request, and of course most telling of all: he agrees they are true brothers from now on. On a side note, Tobyn is all in about seeking out other packs and of course finding Tilly's mate - and chasing anyone flirting with Kellar away. :lol:
Of course, Warren is even more all in: with becoming Kellar's brother, Tilly and Tobyn's brother-in-law, a useful pack member, a good employee for Denver, a reformed character, staying away from drugs, and of course most of all with being Adelin's earth mate and protecting her, loving her and caring for her. For the first time in his life Warren has people who trust in him, who want him for himself, and I bet this second chance feels like the stuff of fairy tales too. I'm all in for Warren to help with dealing with the hunters, the fact he is a human may come in very handy, if the hunters can somehow detect shifters (and I had this thought the first time Kellar explained about the Reznicks).

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On 12/13/2016 09:06 AM, Timothy M. said:

I can see Litlover has covered most of the fairy tale stuff, but I'd like to add one thing: The way Warren has changed and become someone Kellar can appreciate and like is truly amazing. He never expected that, and nor did we. It's a miracle or as you say The Stuff of Fairy Tales. From Warren's point of view the whole earth mate business and meeting Adelin must feel like he's in a dream or high. Not drug induced but like a fairy tale with a HEA in sight - he even uses the metaphor of finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

The All in of the chapter note has several meanings too: Once Kellar has talked to Warren (and after teasing him a bit) he does go all in with welcoming his brother as family. He lets him have time with Adelin, he does his best to reassure him he will be welcome in the pack, he stops to see Denver at Warren's request, and of course most telling of all: he agrees they are true brothers from now on. On a side note, Tobyn is all in about seeking out other packs and of course finding Tilly's mate - and chasing anyone flirting with Kellar away. :lol:

Of course, Warren is even more all in: with becoming Kellar's brother, Tilly and Tobyn's brother-in-law, a useful pack member, a good employee for Denver, a reformed character, staying away from drugs, and of course most of all with being Adelin's earth mate and protecting her, loving her and caring for her. For the first time in his life Warren has people who trust in him, who want him for himself, and I bet this second chance feels like the stuff of fairy tales too. I'm all in for Warren to help with dealing with the hunters, the fact he is a human may come in very handy, if the hunters can somehow detect shifters (and I had this thought the first time Kellar explained about the Reznicks).

Thanks, Tim. I think everyone is all in... Warren, Kellar, Adelin, Tilly and Tobyn... even Denver. I'd say Warren is on cloud nine right now and only cares about not screwing anything up. I'm not sure he fully realizes how the pack is... they won't harshly judge him in the land of magical shifters :) . Good catch on the 'pot of gold' comment. I love how you pay attention to the little things. I thought it was an important line, but I never really connected it to the title until now... thanks for that! Once again your review is spot on... and it reinforces the happy feelings I was looking for, came through... cheers, buddy... Gary....

  • Like 5

Man, you sure know how to make a reader invest in your people. I just patted my pockets and they're all empty - wallet included!
I am looking for the other shoe to drop. Usually, it's when everything is going along wonderfully that a sudden blow is felt most keenly. The calm before the storm makes the winds seem harsher, and all that.
Warren dancing on air sure is nice to see, anyway. I have to admit to feeling just a bit of a smile at what the future holds for him. It's really going to be like someone stuck a flashlight up his butt and illuminated his entire inner world! And I think it's Adelin who has her finger on the switch. :heart:
Thanks for the great journey this far. Back for more soon!

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On 01/15/2017 05:56 PM, Geron Kees said:

Man, you sure know how to make a reader invest in your people. I just patted my pockets and they're all empty - wallet included!

I am looking for the other shoe to drop. Usually, it's when everything is going along wonderfully that a sudden blow is felt most keenly. The calm before the storm makes the winds seem harsher, and all that.

Warren dancing on air sure is nice to see, anyway. I have to admit to feeling just a bit of a smile at what the future holds for him. It's really going to be like someone stuck a flashlight up his butt and illuminated his entire inner world! And I think it's Adelin who has her finger on the switch. :heart:

Thanks for the great journey this far. Back for more soon!

Thank you, kind sir, for your way with words :) . And your perceptiveness. I must admit, Warren has got to me... a tragic figure becoming luminescent... I guess a flashlight up the but is as good a way as any hehe. And I would never steal your wallet, but I might put my hand in your pocket :) ... cheers, buddy... Gary....

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1 hour ago, Albert1434 said:

Sure is a nice chapter! Love the turn around in Warren feels like it happened. Which is always a good thing in a story! I love how you create charters cant wait to read more.

Big Fan:P

Big fan, eh? Freaking awesome to hear :) . I'm pleased you liked how things are turning out for Warren. Everyone had thought they'd seen the last of him when Kellar left him in the driveway, so it has been really rewarding to finally let him back in the story... I've been waiting a long time for this part. Thanks, my friend... cheers... Gary....

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24 minutes ago, Albert1434 said:

Well i read this chapter twice because it is great watching Warren. 


A great chapter:worship::thankyou:

Warren is definitely the star of this chapter. I liked this exchange... it shows how vulnerable the man is...


“I hope they like me. Do you think they’ll like me?”

“I know they will, Warren. Just be yourself.”

Warren let out an ironic snort. “No one has ever said that to me before.”

The self-deprecating way he said it didn’t hide the pain of the words, triggering sympathy for this new and improved version of Warren. “Not everyone is as judgemental as Karen and Don… you won’t find that anywhere in your new family.”


Glad you liked the chapter... thanks for the support, Albert! Cheers... Gary.... :hug: 


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Warren's comment about Tobyn being pretty and Kellar being a lucky man definitely seemed to seal the deal.

I doubt there'll be a funnier exchange than this one lead by Tobyn:

 “Hey, I think I like this guy. Maybe I picked the wrong brother.”

Before Kellar could open his mouth to retort, Warren answered. “Trust me, dude. You picked the right one. I wouldn’t be much good to you at all, no matter how pretty you are.” His dry delivery had them all laughing. 🤣

Every kid deserves a break so what a great opportunity this is for Warren: the girlfriend of his dreams, a new house, a new job, new bro's and a new family in a completely new healthy country lifestyle.  

To think, it could have been so different if not for Kellar. I expect Warren will want to repay the favour, in full, before this story is out.

Real pity that Warren was too weak to demonstrate how his scar gave him the ability to detect Shifters early. The way you manage to suppress this reveal, time and again, is nothing short of genius, G. :worship:

Edited by Bard Simpson
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7 hours ago, Bard Simpson said:

Warren's comment about Tobyn being pretty and Kellar being a lucky man definitely seemed to seal the deal.

I doubt there'll be a funnier exchange than this one lead by Tobyn:

 “Hey, I think I like this guy. Maybe I picked the wrong brother.”

Before Kellar could open his mouth to retort, Warren answered. “Trust me, dude. You picked the right one. I wouldn’t be much good to you at all, no matter how pretty you are.” His dry delivery had them all laughing. 🤣

Every kid deserves a break so what a great opportunity this is for Warren: the girlfriend of his dreams, a new house, a new job, new bro's and a new family in a completely new healthy country lifestyle.  

To think, it could have been so different if not for Kellar. I expect Warren will want to repay the favour, in full, before this story is out.

Real petty that Warren was too weak to demonstrate how his scar gave him the ability to detect Shifters early. The way you manage to suppress this reveal, time and again, is nothing short of genius, G. :worship:

LOL... you're pretty confident in your theory, aren't you? :P  I repeat... :X  

I'm glad you liked the exchange you quoted. We get to see, despite his drug-ravaged condition, Warren has a great sense of humor. Luck finally appears to be going his way, thanks to his foster brother. You're right that it all could have been so different for Warren, but he has a chance now to have a good life... and a real family.  Once again, I appreciate the wonderful support, my friend... Cheers... Gary....

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WOW! I really enjoyed this chapter. I love the fact that Warren and Keller are making amends and it was heartwarming to hear Keller say (You know, I’ve been thinking. How about we drop the ‘foster,’ and just say we’re brothers? It’s a lot easier that way.) I bet Warren must be dying happily in the inside. He got a life to live now, a real good life for all that matters. So happy for him. 


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1 hour ago, Jasmine94 said:

WOW! I really enjoyed this chapter. I love the fact that Warren and Keller are making amends and it was heartwarming to hear Keller say (You know, I’ve been thinking. How about we drop the ‘foster,’ and just say we’re brothers? It’s a lot easier that way.) I bet Warren must be dying happily in the inside. He got a life to live now, a real good life for all that matters. So happy for him. 


This is such a feel good chapter. I'm glad you liked it, Jasmine. Warren has a second chance, and I can't see him screwing it up, certainly not on purpose. He's impressing every one with his candor and his eagerness... and the earth mother knows Adelin deserves a good mate. :)  Thanks again, my friend. I enjoyed coming back to this chapter... cheers... Gary. :hug: 

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Just Wow great chapter! I love this bit:yes:

“I swear to Go… no, I swear to the earth mother. Adelin told me everything. I know all that’s involved, and I’m in. Totally in. I didn’t know a person could feel this way. I will never let her down. I promise. Adelin’s pack will be my pack if you give me the chance to prove myself.”

And I believe he will

I just love this Chapter:kiss::thankyou:


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1 hour ago, Albert1434 said:

Just Wow great chapter! I love this bit:yes:

“I swear to Go… no, I swear to the earth mother. Adelin told me everything. I know all that’s involved, and I’m in. Totally in. I didn’t know a person could feel this way. I will never let her down. I promise. Adelin’s pack will be my pack if you give me the chance to prove myself.”

And I believe he will

I just love this Chapter:kiss::thankyou:


Yeah, I believe him too. It's easy to, after hearing his sincerity. Warren is a special guy... circumstance has molded into someone different from who he was when we first met him. He's like a puppy who wants to please... to be loved. He's found the right home for that. :)  This road trip turned out to be awesome. :D  Thanks, buddy! :hug: 

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Hmmm, I wonder if Warren is thinking about becoming a hunter of the hunters. Since he is human and not a shifter, he would be more difficult to detect. This reunion is going all too smoothly. Could Warren be a 'plant' and thus a danger to all or is Warren destined to be a hero?  Time to ponder......

And speaking of detection, why can the Reznick nephew detect Kellar?  Only logical conclusion is that the nephew is a shifter!  

Reading on for more revelations.  Love mysteries.

Edited by LD Stratton
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13 minutes ago, LD Stratton said:

Hmmm, I wonder if Warren is thinking about becoming a hunter of the hunters. Since he is human and not a shifter, he would be more difficult to detect. This reunion is going all too smoothly. Could Warren be a 'plant' and thus a danger to all or is Warren destined to be a hero?  Time to ponder......

And speaking of detection, why can the Reznick nephew detect Kellar?  Only logical conclusion is that the nephew is a shifter!  

Reading on for more revelations.  Love mysteries.

Ponder away, buddy. You'll get :X  from me. :P Hmmm... your conclusion is interesting....

So glad you love mysteries. This is the first and only one I've written, and it was rather nerve-wracking at times. 

Warren is one of those tragic characters we all want to root for... will he be worth the effort? Time will tell. :) 

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, LD. I always enjoy watching a reader advance through the story... I usually reread as they go along, and remember what it was like when I posted this. Cheers... Gary.... :hug: 

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29 minutes ago, Story Reader said:

I am SOOOOOOOOO happy for Warren and Adelin! I bet though if Kellar had not said anything, that Adelin would have chosen the house anyway! hehehe Women are like that! If the earth mate is not happy then the other earth mate is not happy! hehehehehehehehe

Warren is slowly stealing everyone's heart. :)  He really is a changed man, so the earth mother did know what she was doing. I think Warren would agree to anything Adelin wants... and yes, women are good at getting what they want. :P  Cheers, my friend. :hug: 

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