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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Change of Heart - 13. Chapter thirteen

I expect to get a lot of strongly worded (pitchforks and torches) comments. Yeah, you guessed it, this one has the antithesis of happy endings, a cliffhanger. Not only that I think it might be... a compounded cliffhanger.
Please let me know... yes let me know what you think about the confounded compounded cliffhanger.

Jeff guided Paul to the passenger side of the Tahoe. As he opened the door he caught a grin creeping across Paul's face. “I don't give a fuck if they think you're my girlfriend or not. Just get in.” Paul was amazed that he had found something to smile about on this, of all days.

As Jeff drove down the dirt road away from the abandoned ranch house, Paul kept his eyes focused straight ahead. He was grateful he would never have to see that place again. “Do you think it's all over? I mean, I know we will be questioned tomorrow. I mean… after it was over… after I knew he was dead, I figured we would be taken to jail and have to put up bail or even be held without bail. My God! What would have happened to Maria? What if I go to jail tomorrow! The county will take her! Jeff! I can't let that happen! What am I gonna do?”

“Babe, Relax! They have no reason to hold you. It would have been possible grounds for a harassment lawsuit if the Sheriff had taken you two in. That State Trooper said as much himself. Unless they come up with unrelated charges, you have nothing to worry about.

"It's a good thing Maria is staying with Aunt Mellie tonight. You can freak out as much as you need. I'm here for you."

When we get home I’ll draw up a power of attorney to place Maria in my care should anything happen to you… Better yet we'll make Uncle Joe and Aunt Mellie her primary guardians. They are a solid, heterosexual couple, well established in the community. No one can object to them taking care of a little girl. Whereas, a judge might not be inclined to relinquish care to a single gay man who hasn't lived in the area for the last three years. I’ll make sure I am added, just in case.”

That seemed to immediately lessen Paul's anxiety. “I can almost see it now. That asshole Sheriff convincing a judge not to let some queer get near an innocent child. Even if the child is female. How did that man ever get elected?

“I cringed every time the bastard looked at us. I think he would have gladly shot us both if he had half a chance and the flimsiest of excuses.

“The way Dave told him off didn't help any. I really thought he was going to handcuff him after he called him “Daddy”. I can't see him how anyone could confuse him with professional lawmen like Danny and that State Trooper.

“Having met him, It’s easy to believe he blew off investigating the fire despite the presence of the out of place gas can. That certainly didn't make him look good when Danny showed him Morgan's fingerprints from that same gas can.”

“Well, we’ll get the POA taken care of and tomorrow I’ll be by your side along with Uncle Raymond and some of the finest criminal defense legal minds Texas has to offer.”

“Jeff, I don't know how to thank you and your family for all you do for us. Joe and Mellie practically adopted us the minute Julie sent us out to the ranch to ask about renting a house. We didn't even have any furniture. I still don't know how she convinced me to drive out there unannounced. We had just settled into a month by month apartment. I shudder even now to think about what constitutes “furnished” in those apartments. Unless, of course, you include cockroaches.

“Given what I know now, there's a good chance Morgan would have killed me and Maria, if not for you. I would never have had the presence of mind to squeeze that trigger as I did without Ilya's training. Not to mention having a reliable handgun.

“You came into our lives like some Christmas Spirit determined to make our lives better. In spite of all the bad things that have happened lately, knowing you love me and Maria like we love you makes it all bearable.”

Jeff was a little too choked up to respond, so he clasped Paul's hand in his and brought it to his lips for a tender kiss.

As they pulled into the drive Jeff nodded to indicate a gleaming, turquoise and white,1970, F-150 pickup, “Looks like Tom has come back early. I was hoping he would stay there at least through Christmas like he had planned. He only gets to see his nieces and nephews once a year."

Paul got out of the Tahoe too quickly for Jeff to even think about coming around and getting his door. Inside they found Tom and Rosarita in the family room sipping coffee and ignoring “Good Morning Abilene” on the tv. While Pup nested at Tom's feet. All of them jumped up to greet the new arrivals. Rosarita wrapped her arms around Paul in a quiet but firm show of support. She had already talked to Fred so she and Tom knew about the shooting.

Tom had arrived in time to follow the Police. By the time he got there the road had been blocked to all but through traffic. He decided to come wait for them at Jeff's place.

Jeff having checked with Paul, assured Rosarita they were not hungry and that they would see her for breakfast. She got the guys fresh coffee and then excused herself.

Tom, having stood since the two arrived, began pacing back and forth in front of the sofa upon which the hand holding couple were seated. Finally, he seemed to gather his thoughts and faced the two, “I want you both to know how sorry I am that all this shit happened. If I had any idea that bastard was batshit crazy, I would never have put him to work here at the ranch. Let alone take him as a roommate. Having sex with him was never the reason I gave him a job. I just thought I was helping out a man who was down on his luck. I never knew he had any feelings for me. I certainly never encouraged that. I never even told him I liked him. When he fucked up I chewed his ass out like I would any other hand. I got tired of his don't care attitude and told him to move out and find another job before I got back.

“I’m truly sorry I arrived too late to help kill the son of a bitch. I know y’all don't want to see me around here reminding you of that fucked up piece of shit. So as soon as I can get my stuff together and clear it with your Uncle I’ll be quitting the ranch. I figure that is the least I can do given this is all my fault. I got a little put away toward getting my own spread. I need to add to it and in a few years...

“But, anyway, Paul, I want you to know that I was seriously interested in trying to build a relationship with you and the little Princess. She stole my heart long before I got to know you and realize what a truly fine ass you have.

“I know Jeff is a good man. He’ll treat you right and help take care of little Maria. I can see you two are already pretty much a tight fit. I just wish you both the best and hope somewhere down the line you two can forgive me for being a part of all this.”

Paul looked into Tom’s eyes for a moment. He then shared a look with Jeff. Standing, he pulled Jeff to his feet, “Tom, I consider myself lucky to have escaped death today.” He visibly swallowed. “I also consider myself lucky to have a man like Jeff to love and to have that love returned. I know I am blessed every day to have my Maria.

“I don't know what made that drugged up fuckwad want to kill me. I am glad I shot him before he could shot me.

“As far as you, Jeff and I are concerned, we were going to sit down with you and explain that we are together now and that will never change. Jeff has told me what a good friend you have been and what a good man he thinks you are. You're rushing back here convinces me that you really are his good friend. You're trying to take some responsibility for what happened also tells me you're a good man. You have nothing to be sorry for. You had no way of knowing your helping hand was being extended to a psychopath. I had told Jeff that I thought we all could be good friends. I still think that and I hope you agree.”

Tom’s eyes glistened with moisture.

Jeff also tried to relieve the guilt his friend was obviously feeling. “Tom, I’ve known you for years. I know the kind of man you are. We don't want you to change the way you are because of one mistake.

“As far as leaving, well, you’re too important to the ranch and this family. Replacing you would be like trying to replace me, or Uncle Joe or Uncle Raymond, it can't be done. If you decide to leave, we can't stop you. But, understand this! Nobody blames you for any of this. Hell, Morgan was a batshit crazy son of a bitch, but he hid it well. Anyone of us might have hired him. We don't expect much from someone whose main job is to shovel shit.

“Now, forget all this talk about leaving the ranch. How about we get your bags out of your truck and we'll get you set up here for the night. Most likely your place is marked off with yellow crime scene tape. Just don't be getting no funny ideas about sleepwalking and winding up in bed with us cause me and my man don't share.”

For a moment Paul was sure Tom was going to lose his battle to hold back his tears. He was almost certain the big handsome lug was about to cry when he felt himself, along with his lover, pulled into a serious bear hug.

In a voice, cracked with emotion, “I could kiss you guys, but I know you're not into threesomes. I know you're fun as hell in bed, Jeff. And I’ve jerked off more than a few times thinking about how much fun you could be, Paul. But, truth be told, I'd rather have a lifetime of friendship with you two than even the hottest casual one-time romp. Besides, thinking about you two all serious has me thinking, there just might be someone out there for me.”

It was early evening by the time they got Tom squared away and checked on Paul's animals, which Seth had already seen to. Upon hearing Paul's stomach growl, Jeff proposed they drive into town to the diner for supper. Paul offered to cook up some pasta. Tom insisted he would be glad to help out with cleanup. Jeff was persistent. For some reason, he just, right now, had to have a piece of pie from the diner.

Alone In their bathroom, Paul almost convinced him to change his mind about going anywhere. They were interrupted by Tom pounding on the bedroom door. “Alright hombres, y’all decided to eat in town, so save all that for dessert. Get unknotted and shake a leg. I’m so hungry my belly’s thinking my throat's been cut. ”

As they came into the hall, Jeff totally ignored Tom’s rant. Paul was blushing in guilt for what he had tried to get Jeff to do.

Tom noticed. “Paul, I didn't mean to embarrass you. Hell, I figured a man with enough balls to own a dog that fugly couldn't never be ashamed about anything.”

“I think I liked you better when I thought you had some manners. You might want to think hard before insulting Pup. Ever seen Monty Python’s rabbit?”

Moving toward the front door, “Hey, that guy has a pet shop on the backside of Dallas. Tried to sell me a Norwegian Blue Parrot. Beautiful plumage, but it never squawked or nothing. I am pretty sure he was dead. The lumberjack behind the counter tried to tell me he was resting, but I’m pretty sure it was dead.”

Just as Paul was about to respond, Jeff interjected, “Enough! Enough with the fugly dogs, killer bunnies, and dead parrots. For the love of Brian! Can't we inject some sanity into this discussion?”

At Jeff's outburst, both men came a sudden halt. Once he said his piece they moved to either side of Jeff and swept him up in a packsaddle carry. Jeff accepted the ride with grace. With a minimum of shuffling, they made it through the front door. Paul called out, “On three! One! Two!”

At this point, Jeff was sure all bets were off. He was about to be hurled into the front yard. His arms that had been draped across the other men’s shoulders now pinched a death grip around their necks. “If I go, I’m taking two knights who say… Ow! Ow! Ha! Ha! No! No tickling! Not fair. I give! I give up!”

About the time the guys released each other they became aware they were being watched. Paul reached for his sidearm just as he remembered it had been confiscated. His hand came to rest in his hip pocket. He noticed Jeff had his hand ready to draw his own weapon. At the same time, Sam and Dave stepped up onto the porch from either side of the house.

Sam spoke up, “Evening gentlemen. We’ve been having a look around. Ilya was not happy with today's events. He was right. We should have checked the vehicles more thoroughly. We came away with mere remnants of our asses intact. If we miss anything under our watch again he has promised our next assignment will be guarding remote segments of the trans-Siberian pipeline, at opposite ends.

“Mr. Braxton you will be pleased to know your classy pickup is free of any obvious threat. Though there may be a few unexplained slobbers. My partner was drooling while we were checking it out.”

Dave frowned at his lover, “Yes, my partner is lucky he didn't leave pecker tracks on the finish. He is a heavy leaker and he was half hard the whole time. But, then it should be understandable, it is a beautiful machine.”

After Jeff made introductions all around, it was decided they would clear out the backseat of the Tahoe and all have dinner at the diner. Sam insisted on driving.

The diner was busier than anyone had expected. They only had to wait while a table was being cleaned. Paul nudged Jeff and indicated a table where Fire Marshal Bumpkis was having dinner with the Mayor and two other dressed up rancher types. Bumpkis saw them and made a face like a goat eating barbed wire. He leaned over and spoke softly into the Mayor’s ear. The Mayor’s head jerked around in disbelief. Bumpkis continued the soft talk, obviously identifying Jeff and his group.

Paul was not happy to realize the next available table was the one next to the exalted Mayor and Bumpkis. He was not as unhappy as Bumpkis and the Mayor. Bumpkis called loudly so everyone in the place could hear, “Can't you set that murderin' bunch of sodomites somewhere else? Let them take their order to go. So decent Christian folk, like us, can eat in peace.”

Before anyone could respond the two dressed up rancher types shared a disgusted glance, stood up and dropped some bills onto the table. Jeff's group was pulling out their chairs to take a seat. The two bodyguards had positioned themselves with their backs against the wall. At Bumpkis’ remarks, they all stopped and remained standing, carefully eyeing the two ranchers.

The two approached and extended their hands and introduced themselves as Bart Breedlove and Jim Stanton. They explained they had been friends with Jeff's father and were sorry to hear about Paul's recent misfortune with the arsonist. (at this they both stared pointedly at Bumpkis making it plan they understood he had ignored the obvious evidence of arson.) Bumpkis didn't even have the decency to look chagrined.

The ranchers collectively opined it was a Texan’s god given right to protect himself and his property. They congratulated Paul on his deadly aim. As they made their goodbyes they ignored their dinner company and assured Jeff they would see him at his Uncle Joe’s at tomorrow night's get together.

Just as they decided it was safe to sit, someone grabbed Paul's bicep from behind, “Don't even think about drawing that thing in here, mister. Paul turned around to face his foe. Instead, he looked down to see Julie staring a challenge up at him. He sputtered an apology as she simply wrapped him in a motherly embrace. “Sweetie, you did a good thing today. He wasn't going to stop killing unless somebody stopped him. It had to be you and Dave. Now, don't lose hope. Tomorrow may not be one of your best days. Don't despair, you and Jeff and our Princess have many good years ahead. Just be strong and be patient. Remember sweetie, Christmas is a time for miracles.”

Julie let him go with a peck on the cheek. She patted Jeff on the shoulder saying, "Honey, you wanted and needed a change. Now you've got what you needed, make sure you don't let them go.”

To Sam and Dave she offered, “Well, if you two stay on your toes, I can see a lot of Texas in y’all’s future. If not… well, I hear Siberia gets awfully cold and lonely in the winter when your mate is 2,357 kilometers away.” Sam and Dave gulped and clasped hands under the table.

Then smiling at Tom, “You can’t miss out on something that was never meant to be. Be patient he’s closer than you tink.” With that, she laughed uproariously all the way into the kitchen.

Bumpkis did not hear any of what Julie had to say to Jeff's group. But, he had seen two of those faggots holding hands. He nudged the Mayor to make him look. He then dropped money on the table and made his exit, with a scowl.

Sam noticed the Mayor disgustedly looking at them holding hands. He twisted his hand around, still resting it in his lover's hand and gave his honor the Mayor a single digit salute and a shit eatin’ grin.

The Mayor flushed a bright red and sputtered, “Well. I never!”

Sam offered, “Maybe you should. I hear it can clear up constipation.”

The Mayor would have turned even redder if it were possible. Just loud enough for Jeff's group to hear, he muttered, “Fucking faggots.” Then he slammed his napkin onto the table and rose to leave.

His crimson flush turned ghostly white as he craned his neck upward to see Tom’s piercing blue eyes glaring down at him, “How’d you like to explain to your constituency how you got your fat, bigoted, lily white ass kicked by a fucking faggot? Mr. Mayor? Wanna trip and fall over a chair on your way out? A fat, old, faggot your age doesn't recover from a fall like us younger ones do.”

The Mayor was trembling in fear as he sputtered, “Y, Y, You can't… th… th… that's assault.”

Tom looked at the Mayor like he had just told him he had ten fingers and toes, “I know that. Now, apologize to my friends and get the fuck out of here.”

Nodding jerkily to the bigger man, he turned to the still seated men, “S, S, Sorry.” Then he ducked around Tom and skittered toward the exit, with all the dignity his desperate old ass could muster. Paul figured the odds were even as to whether or not the old bastard soiled his depends.

Tom rejoined his friends. Jeff simply shook his head and asked, “What is it with all you guys and authority figures. I don't like the thought of lying to keep your sorry asses out of jail. Tom, if anyone else had heard what you said we’d be bailing your ass out of jail tonight. You're almost as bad as Dave was with our Sheriff.”

“Hey! Boss, I just said he was a hot looking Daddy.” Turning to bring Sam’s hand to his lips for a kiss, “ Was I right honey-lamb?”

Sam jerked his hand away and spat, “You know I hate it when you talk that shit to me!" Mellowing even as he spoke, "But, yes, sugar britches, he is one hot Daddy.”

Dave shrugged at Jeff as if to say, “See, I told you so.”

Their waitress had brought their drinks and had taken their orders. As she counted the money from the Mayor’s table, it was clear that she was unhappy about something. Paul asked, “Melissa, did they stiff you on your tip?” The obvious teenager was embarrassed at being caught grumbling. Paul continued, “I waited tables all through high school. I hated it when I’d provide good service and they'd barely leave enough to cover the check.”

Recognizing a kindred spirit Melissa, for once, let her guard down, “It wouldn't be so bad but the Mayor and the Fire Chief do it every time. It's like they count the money on the table and leave just about enough to cover the check. Tonight, it looks like the Mayor left nothing and the Fire Chief left next to nothing. They both know I’m saving every dime for college next year. I’ll be the first of my brothers and sisters to graduate high school and the first in my family ever to go to college.

“I am so sorry. I never get upset in front of customers. Miss Julie has been so kind helping with my schedule so I don't miss out on many school social functions. She deserves better from her waitstaff than some whiny teenager. Please don't say anything.”

Julie came out of the kitchen. One glance at Melissa, “Those bastards did it again, didn't they. I figured they would be too ashamed to stiff my staff tonight, in the company of Jim and Bart, City Council Members. I swear by all I hold sacred, next time they come in, they have to pay in advance. Spread the word, Melissa. I’ll put up a sign at the welcome station for all to see. Better use their names without their titles.” Winking at Jeff, “They won't be in office very much longer.”

Surprisingly, dinner conversation was relaxed and pleasant all around. When Melissa presented the check, Jeff paid with a card and left a tip far greater than the bill.

It started with Paul. One by one each man slipped a twenty dollar bill under his plate. Jeff, caught up in the spirit tried to hide the two fifty dollar bills he slid under his plate. Paul was the only one to see the amount but remained silent.

Before they walked away Julie pressed a piece of paper into Jeff's hand, conspiratorially she whispered, “You’re gonna want this.”

Apparently, Melissa began to clear the table as they reached the door. They heard her squeals of delight. For the first time this year, Paul really felt the Christmas spirit. He was pretty sure the others did too.

He also felt the comfort of having armed professionals watching his back. It seemed that one bodyguard ate a bit while the other kept watch. Then the process would be reversed. At all times, one or both were scanning the room, while appearing to be totally engaged in the conversation. Paul was convinced there would be no more unlocked Explorers.

They had barely turned onto the farm-to-market road when the discussion applauding their desserts suddenly quieted. The flashing lights fast approaching from behind silenced everyone. Paul noted subtle movements from both Sam and Dave in the front seat. Dave turned on the Tahoe’s emergency flashers. “Alright, bossman my first inclination is to turn around slowly, with the flashers on, and head back to town. We may outnumber them, but I wasn't speeding and there is no valid reason for this stop. After meeting the Sheriff this morning we have to think this is enemy action.”

Jeff spoke almost without thinking, “Slow down but don't stop. Do twenty-five. Paul get Uncle Joe on the phone. Tom, use your phone and start recording this make sure you keep the camera on the patrol car.”

Jeff pulled out his phone and dialed 911.

“You have reached emergency services. What is the nature of your emergency?”

“I am being pursued by a Sheriff’s patrol car and I am in fear for my life. My name is Jeffrey Grant. I am an attorney and I had an altercation with the county Sheriff this morning. I repeat I am in fear for my life.”

“What is your location?”

After conferring with Tom, Jeff offered their approximate location.

Paul in the meantime connected with Joe, Raymond, and Ilya. Joe insisted they stay on that road at the reduced speed. Raymond admonished them to use more than one cell phone to record this encounter. Making sure each covered the patrol car as well as occasionally scanning their own speedometer. Joe was talking to the District Judge at his home. Joe, Raymond, Ilya, and company would join their convoy ASAP.

The patrol car seemed to be getting impatient, indicated by the sporadically squalling siren. ”Mr. Grant the Sheriff's office reports there is no patrol car in your vicinity at this time.”

“Well, I can't show you the flashing lights, but I am recording this on my cell phone as we speak. I’m pretty sure you can hear the siren blaring at me. Can you eliminate the highway patrol? I am definitely being chased, at 25 miles an hour, by some vehicle that for the world appears and sounds like a real police car.

“I assure you as an officer of the court I am aware that prank calls to 911 are prosecutable offenses. This is not a prank call. My name is Jeffrey Grant and I am in fear for my life. I had…” Jeffrey repeated his plea.

“Mr. Grant our Highway Patrolman was having his supper. He is now en route to your location. He says he is familiar with your situation and suggested you maintain course and speed.”

For the first time since the “chase” began, Jeff could see another vehicle approaching from the opposite direction. They were flying low with emergency flashers on. Almost before they passed, the vehicle made a three-point turn and came screaming up behind the patrol car.

At this time the patrol car turned off the flashing lights and sped around the Tahoe. As it passed, even without the flashing lights, the Sheriff’s department markings were clearly visible. As fast as the patrol car pulled away the civilian car was right behind and clearly gaining on it.

Jeff was relating all this to the 911 lady. She reiterated there was no Sheriff’s patrol car in his vicinity. Jeff stated that the video date/time stamp and his own eyeballs said someone in the Sheriff’s department was lying.

The 911 lady told Jeff they just had another emergency call along his road and asked if he had witnessed an accident.

Without answering her he directed Paul to call Uncle Joe. “Dave now is the time for you to show us all how fast this mother can go. Uncle Joe, Uncle Raymond and Ilya may need our help.” Dave didn't wait for Jeff to finish, he simply floored the big supercharged V8.

As fast as they were going, another set of flashing lights could be seen behind them in the distance, steadily gaining. Jeff was too concerned with the fact that Uncle Joe was not answering his phone. The bile rose in his throat as he thought about another auto accident that happened years ago. Silently he began to pray.

Paul could sense his partner's distress. He squeezed Jeff's thigh in an attempt to offer solace. “I read that Teslas are the safest cars ever built. They got better than five-star ratings in all types of collisions."

When they came upon the scene it was clear, by the once again flashing lights, that the Sheriff's patrol car had missed the curve and rolled over.

The Tesla was parked alongside the road. Also parked alongside the road was a black Suburban. Milling about smartly was a number of Ilya's heavily armed soldaty. Ilya was apparently assisting someone who Jeff recognized as one of the Deputies from this morning’s investigation.

Once they parked Jeff and Paul approached Uncle Joe who was standing beside Ilya as they asked the Deputy questions. Jeff quickly ascertained that what he was witnessing was a forced interrogation. Apparently, if Ilya was not satisfied with the Deputy’s response to a question, he applied pressure to some injured part of the disarmed Deputy’s anatomy.

As soon as Jeff understood what was going on, he led Paul away from Joe, Ilya, and the Deputy. Ignoring the occasional scream, they walked up to the Suburban where Tink was sitting in the front passenger seat typing away on his ever-present laptop. His submachine gun, again, draped over his shoulder, Tink looked up and smiled devilishly as he watched them approach. Jeff thought he looked like an Uzi-toting elf.

“Ah, Mr. Jeff, Mr. Paul, I have video you must see. You will most definitely think is hot. Dah?” He twisted the laptop so they could see a tall hairy stud violently throat fucking a smaller, slimmer guy.

Just when Paul had convinced himself his life and especially this day couldn't get any more bizarre, Tink was showing him gay porn while their chief bodyguard tortured a Sheriff’s Deputy. Then the camera angle on the video changed and the bizarre aspect of his day was suddenly magnified a thousandfold.

I know, I know... I promise to write more and post faster...? There is something sick, twisted within me. I hate all cliffhangers... except those I create.
Copyright © 2017 sojourn; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

You said it was going to be a cliffhanger and it sure was.  I love it.  Now, what exactly was on that video Tink was showing.  I have my guesses - so we'll see.

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Well that was interesting....and you delivered on the cliffhanger as promised.  When is the next chapter due?

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This town seems to have a mayor and a sherif each with death wishes!


Intriguing end...looking forward to the resolution...

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I am really liking this story and I don't mind a cliffhanger unless it doesn't get fleshed out in another chapter. Keep up the good work.

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Well you promised a cliffhanger and you delivered. Just wondering who th hairy guy is. Anxiously awaiting the next chapter.

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7 hours ago, JayT said:

okay list of tall hairy studs...Raymond 

hmmm what's really going on? 

Raymond huh? Well, Raymond is hot, hairy hunk. But, no.

Thanks for taking your time out to post your comments.


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6 hours ago, Terry P said:

You said it was going to be a cliffhanger and it sure was.  I love it.  Now, what exactly was on that video Tink was showing.  I have my guesses - so we'll see.

Well, Tink is a highly skilled hacker. So, the video could show any of a number of men. We'll just have to wait for the next chapter.

Thanks for taking your time to make your comments. They are always appreciated.


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4 hours ago, Daddydavek said:

Well that was interesting....and you delivered on the cliffhanger as promised.  When is the next chapter due?

As much as I am kind of snickering inside... As you, a fellow writer, should well understand.  I really do hate cliffhangers, especially those that hang too long.  So, I will probably begin chapter fourteen later today and post tonight or sometime tomorrow.

 Thanks for posting your comments. I always look forward to them.


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4 hours ago, Canuk said:

This town seems to have a mayor and a sherif each with death wishes!


Intriguing end...looking forward to the resolution...

I think it is just a case of no one looking over their shoulders. They have gone unchallenged and are really surprised at the effrontery.

Thanks for hanging in there with me. I look forward to your comments.


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4 hours ago, mayday said:

cliffhanger it is... can't wait for more your story to continue

Well thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy it as it unfolds.

Thanks so much for taking your time to comment.


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3 hours ago, Hlasota said:

What type of the cliffhanger was it exactly?

Good chapter:D

I hate all cliffhangers no matter delineated.?

Again, thanks for taking time to post your comments.


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3 hours ago, hohochan657 said:

Would that hairy person in the video be the Sheriff ?  But who would be the poor slimmer guy ??


I can neither confirm nor deny the presence or absence of any elected officials purportedly appearing in a video that may or may not exist... is the iCloud real?

Thanks for continuing to post your comments. They really do make me smile.


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2 hours ago, LilDaddy98 said:

I am really liking this story and I don't mind a cliffhanger unless it doesn't get fleshed out in another chapter. Keep up the good work.

I do tend to raise questions even as I answer some, especially in the middle of a story. I don't think I have ever left any significant issue hanging. Trust me. I like happy endings and leave a reader, as they said in "Sweet Charity"... "hopefully ever after".

thanks for taking your time to comment again. I look forward to them.


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1 hour ago, Crazyd1965 said:

Well you promised a cliffhanger and you delivered. Just wondering who th hairy guy is. Anxiously awaiting the next chapter.

I can't answer that question here. The next chapter is coming soon... Trust me. I used to be from the government and I am here to help.

Thanks for taking your time out to post a comment. It makes my day.


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Really interesting chapter, can't wait to see what happens next.  Love how they handled everything with the Mayor and Fire Chief in the diner.  The slow speed chase was something else...  Have to wonder what caused the accident?  Who was on the tape???

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46 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

Really interesting chapter, can't wait to see what happens next.  Love how they handled everything with the Mayor and Fire Chief in the diner.  The slow speed chase was something else...  Have to wonder what caused the accident?  Who was on the tape???

I can offer, the accident happened when the Deputy failed to make a curve. He was flabbergasted this his souped up patrol couldn't simply outrun some civilian vehicle. 


You know, that chapter came together as it was being written. It was written last night. I had something entirely different in mind when this chapter began. The scene at the diner was different than I had thought it would be. That whole "chase scene" was something I had never even considered until I wrote them leaving the diner. Still, I am pleased with it.

i am glad you enjoyed it. I really look forward, in particular, to your comments.

thanks again,


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Tom & Tink ! Love it. I swear our friendly psychic waitress should have her own advice collum . Keep bringing it. 

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On 4/17/2017 at 0:48 AM, Tazzle001 said:

Tom & Tink ! Love it. I swear our friendly psychic waitress should have her own advice collum . Keep bringing it. 

LOL! Julie with an advice column... if you notice her gift is really encouraging people. Maybe she should be a motivational speaker.

thanks for posting your comments.


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Jeff is insistent on going out to the diner. Julie has advice for all the men. The guys make Melissa's day and show up the Mayor. Things are falling into place quickly  and yet you still manage to keep us guessing. I'm glad I'm not having to wait for your next post or the cliff hanger may have irked me!! Fantastic place to stop the action though.

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41 minutes ago, deville said:

Jeff is insistent on going out to the diner. Julie has advice for all the men. The guys make Melissa's day and show up the Mayor. Things are falling into place quickly  and yet you still manage to keep us guessing. I'm glad I'm not having to wait for your next post or the cliff hanger may have irked me!! Fantastic place to stop the action though.

Thank you. I did rush to post the next chapter. Even with that there were a few moans and groans.

Thanks for commenting.


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Now I'm glad I'm coming late to this story. ;)  Was the civilian car chasing the sheriff the Suburban or the Tesla? And I hope they stopped recording before the reached Ilya. 

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