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Family Struggles - 15. The Protected Becomes the Protector
The Protected Becomes the Protector:
The week was a somber one, Blu barely held it together, Kyle let his husband have some time to himself when he got overwhelmed but kept a close eye on him giving comfort where he could. Kyle agreed with Blu, to let Lily and Doug break the news to the kids along with everybody else on Saturday. Lincoln was mad at his Dads and Liv because Cody didn’t come over for dinner on Tuesday and canceled again on Friday. Liv informed the guys that Cody was having a bad time health wise and was in the hospital.
Little did Lincoln know, or their other two children, that Kyle and Blu had met with Liv during the week to talk about what would be involved to take in Cody. They didn’t want the kids getting their hopes up, Link especially, he seemed so connected with the young boy. The biggest concern they had taking the boy into their home was his health and what they would have to do to make sure they could care for him properly. Liv assured them they would be able to handle it, and gave them as much literature as she possibly could, along with connections to support groups and websites with legitimate and helpful information.
Saturday morning Kyle found himself up before everybody else, as usual. He found himself sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee worrying about his husband and how the kids were going to react to the news their grandparents were going to reveal to them later in the day.
Blu wandered into the kitchen bare-chested wearing long pajama bottoms with Sylvester and Tweety on them. Kyle gave Blu an amused smile, all be it a little sad. Blu detoured from getting his coffee going for his man, straddling his lap. He cupped his husbands face with both hands, lovingly gazing into his eyes.
“Love you Blondie,” he whispered before kissing him. “Thank you for being patient with me, but I have been selfish. I haven’t once asked how you are doing with the news.”
“I love you too, Babe,” Kyle’s eyes glistened with unshed tears. “You and your parents made Kaleb, Jared, and me a part of your family. I can’t thank you enough for sharing them with us.”
Blu gently kissed Kyle, it was full of love and affection, tender and sweet.
“My beautiful man, you aren’t part of the family, you are our family. You, Jared, Kaleb, Davis, and Mason, the six of us are their kids, whether we like it or not. I don’t see it as sharing, we belong together – all of us,” Blu said.
“I’m worried how the kids and everybody else will handle the news. I’m still struggling to understand why this is happening,” Kyle wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
“Me too, baby, me too.” Blu hugged Kyle tightly, resting his head on his shoulder.
The two sat there hugging for a while until Khan tried to wedge his way in between them for his own cuddle. Blu slid backward off of Kyle’s lap.
“Aghhhh!” Blu screamed as he turned around and came face-to-face with Scarlett on the kitchen counter.
“Damn cat is going to give me a god damn heart attack.”
“You know that means the twins are awake?” Blu chuckled.
Kyle smiled giving Khan a scratch behind the ear, “Yes, Master Lincoln wouldn’t be far from his dog's side.”
Blu shook his head as he moved to the back sliding door to let Khan out to go potty.
“Khan, where are you?” Lincoln asked as he rounded the corner into the kitchen.
“Morning bud, Pop let Khan outside,” Kyle kissed Lincoln on the top of the head as he claimed a seat in his Dads lap.
“Mornin’, can we go see Cody today?” Lincoln asked as he snuggled into Kyle. Kyle ignored the question knowing what the family faced today was more than enough for everybody.
Levi came in the kitchen.
“Buddy,” Blu said with clenched teeth, “Please go and wake your sister, tell her to come feed this damn cat before I mail this thing to a new address.”
Levi laughed, “Bella would destroy you.”
“Ha! Like I care at least this stealthy fur bag wouldn’t be here.” Blu snapped.
Levi chuckled heading part way up the stairs before stopping and yelling, “Bella, Pop just mailed Scarlett to Alaska!”
He turned walking back to the kitchen smiling sheepishly.
“I could have done that,” Blu mumbled as he reached for a mug.
Levi shrugged his shoulders, “I’m hungry, so I’m conserving energy.”
Levi started rummaging through the cereal cupboard.
“Don’t bother Levi, Kaleb is coming over to make us waffles.”
Blu pulled out his phone and called Kaleb. As soon as he answered he shoved the phone at Levi.
“Tell him to come make waffles,” Blu whispered to Levi.
Levi smiled as he put the phone to his ear, “Hi Uncle Kaleb.”
“Would you come make Lincoln and me blueberry waffles?”
“Pop, offered to make them but he pulled out frozen ones. Yuk!”
“Khan sniffed the box and threw up.”
“Okay, see you soon. Thank you.”
Levi handed the phone back to Blu, who high fived him.
“So, can we discuss a raise in our allowance Pop?” Levi smirked.
“Sure, we can discuss anything you like.” Blu smirked back.
“I think fifteen dollars would be nice, since I do the hard stuff for you,” Levi chuckled.
Blu laughed, “How ‘bout ten, and the occasional bonus,” Blu said swiping a couple of one dollar notes out of Kasey’s swear jar since he only had his PJ pants on.
“Oh, wow, Link we got a bonus,” Levi danced around stuffing half of the money in his pocket, giving the other portion to his brother.
Khan tapped on the back door with his paw.
“I got it,” Lincoln hopped up running to the door.
“Come on boy, Uncle Kaleb is gonna make us breakfast. You can have extra syrup and bacon,” Lincoln talked to Khan as he strutted casually alongside the boy.
“Okay kids, by my calculations we have at least one hour before the sh… ahem… Uncle Kaleb gets here. That gives us all a chance to get one chore done along with a shower and be able to get dressed.” Blu told his family.
Lincoln smiled, “Khan and me will dust Cody’s room.”
“I’ll take the garbage out,” Levi called out as he pulled the bag from the kitchen trash.
“Give me ten minutes to clean your bathroom guys before you get in there, and Link you can dust the living room as well,” Blu said not wanting to get into an argument about Cody.
Lincoln shrugged his shoulders, grabbing the furniture polish from under the sink.
Kyle grabbed the dustmop from the laundry room.
Blu went upstairs with the cleaning bucket to do the bathrooms. He dropped the cleaning gear in the kid's bathroom then went to Bella’s room. He knocked on the door slowly opening it.
“Girlie, you awake?” Blu asked.
“Oh good, I sold your cat to a local restaurant. Uncle Kaleb is on his way over to make waffles, we are all doing chores before he gets here. I need you to get up please, feed that damn ninja fur bag, then empty the dishwasher, and bring everyone’s washing hampers down to the laundry,” Blu said then sung, “Thank you.”
Khan howled from downstairs as he heard Blu starting to sing.
“Rude, maybe I’ll sell you to the glue factory, ya damn horse,” Blu mumbled making his way to the bathroom.
Later that evening the family gathered at Kaleb and Davis’s condo, for the family meeting. The only ones that knew what the meeting was about are Blu and Kyle, the twins were horsing around with Kaleb, who found it amusing to see how red he could make their faces by tickling them.
Kasey looked at Kaleb with concern, “Unc Leb, Evi an Ink can breave.”
Kaleb chuckled as he reached for Kasey.
“No! Unc Leb meen,” Kasey ran to Lily.
“Aw, my sweet boy.” Lily gathered Kasey up off the ground. “You boys stop roughhousing you’re scaring this precious little boy. Knock it off.” Lily admonished her grandsons and their Uncle.
“See who gets the next cheesecake,” Kaleb laughed as he got the Kasey death glare.
Blu chuckled watching his family be idiots, as per usual.
“Blondie, I don’t think Kasey should be in the room for this,” Blu said softly to his husband, “I don’t think I can hear it again either, do you think I can stay in the living room and watch ‘Cars’ with Kase.”
“If that’s what you want Babe, I’ll be here with everybody else,” Kyle whispered before kissing Blu chastely.
“Aww, Blondie, I’m sorry, I’ll stay with you, I want to be there for you too. It’s not just happening to me as a kid, it’s happening to all of us.”
“Babe, it’s ok. You and I know what is happening, Kasey is too young to hear what is coming. Jared is going to need Mason here with him,” Kyle gave Blu a sad smile.
Leaning into Kyle, Blu tucked his head under his chin, gathering all the love and comfort he could. Thankful to Kyle for his strength. The man was truly amazing, and Blu couldn’t imagine his life without Kyle.
Kyle looked over at Kasey who was in his Grammy’s arms, “Kase, Uncle Blu wants to watch ‘Cars’ and play legos.”
Kasey kissed his Grammy and slithered out of her arms.
“Unc Boo, you fraid to wats cars?” Kasey asked taking his hand.
“No, I’m brave, sorta,” Blu let Kasey lead him around.
“Guys!” Doug called out from the dining room, where he was speaking with James and Teddy.
All the boys, with Lily, sat down at the table, all eyes on Doug as he gentlemanly seated Lily then taking his place in the seat next to her. He took her hand in his, sadly smiling at his wife giving her the nod to start.
Kyle pulled Lincoln into his lap, Kaleb noticed his brother's odd behavior causing him to pull Levi into his. Bella slid over to the chair beside her Dad, uncertain what was happening.
“Boys, we’ve asked you to come today because we have some news,” Lily said as she put her free hand on the top of the one Doug was holding.
“Oh, you're getting a puppy?” Lincoln asked innocently.
Lily giggled lightheartedly at the boy’s ever-present innocence and zest for all things cute and playful.
“No, baby, I wish it were.” Lily took a deep breath. “Grammy is sick.”
Levi looked at Lily, “You don’t look sick.”
Lily smiled, “Thank you sweetie, but I am. I have breast cancer, they found a mass. The doctor will be operating Wednesday, I’ll spare you the gory details of that.” Lily’s eyes bulged at the thought. “If that is successful, I will have to do a treatment of Chemotherapy as a precaution.”
She wiped her tears away that had fallen while she spoke.
“I’m so sorry to put you boys through this. So very sorry.” Lily said as Doug sat stoically next to her, his eyes devoid of any emotion.
“Mom, you’re gonna be alright. Right?” Kaleb asked emotionally.
“That is the plan yes,” Lily blew out another breath, “The doctor is confident with the mastectomy they should be able to remove all of the cancer. The tests so far have been good, and the cancer hasn’t spread and it’s localized just to the one breast.”
Jared leaned into Mason, “You’re a strong lady Mom, you’ll get through this.”
Levi looked at Lily with tears in his eyes, “We just got you, you can’t leave us.”
Arabella jumped from her seat going to the living room, everyone heard her yelling.
“You knew didn’t you?” she yelled at Blu, tears streaming down her face, “You knew and you didn’t tell us.”
Arabella stormed out of the Condo angrily. “I hate you Pop.”
Kyle kissed the boys, “Davis, can you hold Lincoln? I need to check on Blu quick and find Bella.”
“Kyle, son, go check on your husband, I’ll go find Arabella,” James said making his way to the elevator.
Davis nodded pulling Lincoln to his side.
Lincoln sobbed into his Uncle’s shoulder.
Kyle walked into the living room, finding Kasey trying to comfort Blu.
“It ok Unc Boo, I love you,” Kasey hugged Blu.
“I know buddy, I love you too.” Blu hugged the toddler to his body tightly like a lifeline.
“Babe, James went to find Bella. Are you ok?” Kyle asked as he sat beside his husband wrapping an arm around him.
“Yeah,” Blu croaked out his words.
“She didn’t mean the stuff she said, she’s just upset.”
Blu gave Kyle a sad smile, tears falling for the umpteenth time. “I know Blondie.”
“I wish I could make everything better, I’m so mad, everything was going so good for everybody. Then whoever that decides how stuff happens in life decided to make Mom sick. We are gonna get through this,” Kyle leaned his head against Blu’s.
Jared appeared to make sure Kasey was okay.
“Blu do you want me to take Kase, so you can have some time to yourself?” Jared asked with concern for his brother-in-law.
“No, but I’d like to go and find Arabella,” Blu said, looking up at Jared, lost and distant.
“Anything I can do to help?” Jared watched the look on Blu’s face.
“No I don’t think so, are you okay?” Blu asked dazedly.
Jared shrugged his shoulders, “I guess, this is like a bad dream. I’m just hoping I wake up and that’s all it was.”
Blu laughed with no humor, “Ain’t that the truth.”
“Kase give Uncle Blu another hug, for strength, so he can find Bella,” Jared said to his son.
Kasey gave Blu the biggest hug he could manage with his small body.
“Thank you, Buddy,” Blu said squeezing the youngster tight.
“You fin Bella. I reed her sorey,” Kasey kissed Blu’s cheek before sliding off his lap.
Blu left the room quickly going after his daughter, while Kyle followed his brother and nephew back to the family. Lily went to Kyle hugging him.
“Is Blu okay?” she asked.
“He’ll be okay. He’s afraid of the unknowns, Mom, we all are.” Kyle kissed Lily’s cheek as both of the twins came to his side wrapping their arms around him.
Kyle looked at the boys, “Are you guys ok?”
“I don’t want Grammy to be sick,” Lincoln said above a whisper.
“This sucks,” Levi griped.
Lily stayed by Kyle’s side. “Boys, Grammy is going to be just fine. The doctor said he can fix me. I’m just teary because it’s a bit of a shock that’s all.”
Lincoln looked at Lily with tears in his eyes, “Is chemotherapy the chemo stuff Cody takes?”
“I don’t know sweetheart,” Lily said sweeping Lincolns hair back affectionately, “I don’t know who Cody is.”
Lincoln glanced up at his Dad, “He’s gonna be our little brother, right Dad?”
Kyle placed his hand on Lincoln’s shoulder, “Son, your Pop and I haven’t really decided what’s best for Cody, or you guys. Any decisions we make affect all of you.”
“Link, sweet boy, why don’t you take your brother and cousin and watch television. Pappy and I want to talk to the adults for a minute.” Lily told Lincoln.
Blu, James, and Arabella returned to Kaleb and Davis’ condo. Bella saw the dining room full of adults and went straight to the living room. James squeezed Blu’s shoulder and took his seat next to Teddy. Blu slid into the chair next to Kyle, leaning his body into him and resting his head on Kyle’s shoulder his eyes puffy and red.
Kyle kissed the top of Blu’s head, “Is everything ok between Bella and you, Babe?”
“No,” Blu said just loud enough for Kyle to hear.
“Give her a while to work it out in her mind. Remember, you were and still are doing the same thing.” Kyle placed another kiss on Blu’s head, giving him all of the love and support he could.
“Guys, Blu and Kyle have an issue, I think it’s best if we let them bounce what they are thinking and feeling off of their family for some advice and support. It will be a good distraction,” Lily said.
“Not as much as you’d think Mom,” Blu said.
Kyle looked around the table, all of their families eyes were fixed on them.
“Last Monday, we took the boys for a checkup. We ran into Liv there with a boy named Cody, he’s a cute little guy. He has dark brown hair, and icy blue eyes. He just melts your heart the moment you meet him. But he’s… he has –” Kyle became lost for words.
“–he has leukemia. He really is the cutest kid you ever saw and so sweet. He’s in foster care and going through all of this on his own, Cody is only ten years old. Can you imagine how strong that kid must be?”
Kaleb was the first to speak, “So, that’s why Link asked if chemo is the same as chemotherapy.”
Kyle nodded his head.
Jared looked at his brother and Blu, “Are you guys strong enough to handle whatever happens to Cody?”
Kyle took Blu’s hand in his, “I’m not sure anybody is strong enough. I… We know that little boy deserves to have a family sitting around to worry and support him, while he fights for his life, just as much as any of us do.”
“He needs love, there’s nothing we can do about his health except what the doctors are doing. He just needs to be loved, nobody loves this little boy. He’s ten, we have enough love. I think Lincoln is going to try and adopt him alone. Liv has given us all the literature, she’s put us in contact with support groups for us, the kids, and one for the whole family, all he needs is to be loved,” Blu said angrily at the situation.
Doug slammed his fist on the table, “How could you boys even consider taking in another child, while your Mom is fighting for her life. I don’t understand why you would put your kids in a situation where they’re gonna get close to the kid, to possibly lose him. I don’t understand you, boys.”
“Doug!” Lily gasped. “Honey, think about it, he’s an innocent little boy. You aren’t going to lose me, and love is powerful, our boys could make the difference between this boy living or not. How could you not want them to do this.” Lily picked up Doug’s hand kissing his knuckles.
Doug looked at his wife with such love and fear. “I can’t lose you, you’re my love.” He leaned in kissing Lily tenderly before pulling back.
“I’m so sorry boys,” Doug said sheepishly, looking at his hands as they held Lily’s.
“Dad, we know you didn’t mean to say the stuff you did. Blu and I have spent the last week worrying about Mom and Cody. His foster family decided they didn’t want to deal with Cody’s health issues. They called Liv on Friday and told her not to bring him back once he gets discharged from the hospital. Liv said she is gonna have to place him in a group home –” Kyle was cut off by Lincoln.
Lincoln stormed into the dining room with pure rage in his eyes.
“If you ever loved us, you won’t let them send Cody to a group home. He needs us, he’s a little guy, who needs people to look out for him, like Levi did for me. He needs big a big brother who is gonna protect him, I swear if you don’t help Cody, I’m never speaking to any of you again.” Lincoln crossed his arms defiantly across his chest.
Levi walked across the room to stand by his brother.
“Link’s right, Cody needs a family… this family. You guys didn’t give up on me, when I screwed up all the time when we first came to live with you, don’t give up on Cody,” Levi pleaded with his Dads.
Kasey wandered across the room taking each twin by the hand.
“Unc Boo, Unc Ky, you elp Evi an Ink?” Kasey asked with sad puppy dog looking eyes.
“What about your sister?” Blu asked.
“She’s mad at you for hiding Grammy being sick, but she wouldn’t want Cody to not be loved,” Levi answered, while Lincoln continued to refuse to speak anymore.
“It seems the inmates took over the asylum,” Blu said quietly to Kyle, “what do you want to do?”
“Babe, this isn’t about what one of us wants to do. This needs to be a family decision. I think we know where the boys stand. I guess we should ask Bella to come in here so we can see what she has to say,” Kyle glanced from his husband to his sons, “Go get your sister.”
The three boys went to get Arabella.
“What do we do about this lot,” Blu said indicating to the table, “it’s going to affect them too.”
“What would you expect us to do? The Waters family lives by its own rules, we all find our way through life together,” Kyle smiled lovingly at his husband.
“I love you,” Blu kissed Kyle chastely, “I think James might have himself a part-time job again if he’ll accept. We are going to need help with this Blondie. We’ll be helping Dad, too.”
Kyle smiled and looked at James, who held up his hand.
“When do you need me to start?” James chuckled.
“Yesterday?” Blu asked.
James smiled at his boys, “I’ll be over at 5:30 am sharp, breakfast will be ready when you wake up.”
“Monday is fine James,” Blu chortled, “weekends we’ll manage, only come then if you bring Teddy and it’s too hang out with us as a family.”
Teddy belly laughed, “I think we can handle spoiling the grandkids,” he rubbed his hands together plotting how to spoil them first.
“You don’t need to spoil them, Teddy,” Kyle laughed.
“Oh, we have too. I never had kids of my own, this will be fun,” Teddy attempted speaking as if he were twenty years younger.
“You wanted me, Dad?” Arabella stood in the doorway indignantly, arms across her chest.
“Actually, Pop and I want to speak to you. I’m sure Link has bent your ear over wanting Cody to be a part of our family. What do you think about having another little brother?” Kyle squeezed Blu’s hand.
Bella answered to her Dad ignoring Blu, “I want you to be his Dad, he needs someone who will love him.”
“Okay, sweetheart, thank you for wanting Cody to be loved.” Kyle smiled lovingly at his daughter.
“You should contact Liv, let her know when Cody is released he has a new home. See if she’ll agree to let the twins tell him.” Blu said solemnly.
“Yes!” Lincoln shouted. “I love you Pop, you too Dad. I’m gonna be the best big brother there ever was.”
Levi stared at Lincoln, “Who’s the best big brother?”
“Um… you were to me. I get to be the best one to Cody,” Lincoln smiled apologetically to his twin.
“I can deal with that, I got you right Kase?” Levi looked at his little buddy.
“Mhmm, we sare egos and see ovies,” Kasey hugged Levi.
Blu and Kyle invited the brothers home so they could all have dinner together. Of course, they would make Kaleb cook. At the very least the six brothers could talk properly and try and process the news together. Before everyone arrived the family busied themselves making sure the house was fit for visitors.
“Bella, did you bring down the washing hampers?” Blu asked.
“Dad, tell him I did.” Bella stomped out of the room.
Blu just looked hurt and upset, but turned and went to the laundry room.
“Babe, I’ll fix this. I shouldn’t have let it go this long,” Kyle kissed Blu as he headed after Bella.
Kyle sighed as he walked into Bella’s room, “Sweetheart, you’re being hard on Pop. He didn’t tell you Grammy was sick because he’s afraid if he admits it, that something bad will happen. You know how bad you felt when your Mom died, Pop is feeling the same way.”
Kyle sat down on Bella’s bed, as he watched their daughter.
“He should have told us?”
“I can’t say we handled things correctly, I’m as much to blame as Pop. You have to understand sweetheart, it took Pop three days before he could even tell me what was wrong. I know that man downstairs would die for any of you kids before he would let anything happen to one of you,” Kyle said solemnly.
“Why does Grammy have to be sick?” Bella asked rubbing her hand down her jeans.
“Sweetheart, that’s a question that I can’t figure out. Grammy treated me like a son since the day I met Pop. I’m afraid of losing her too.” Kyle patted the bed beside where he was sitting.
Bella sat silently curled up against her Dad. Kyle sat quietly beside his daughter waiting for her to process what he had told her.
“I’m going to read for a while Dad,” Bella said sitting up and reaching around her Dad for her kindle.
“Bella, think about what I told you. You’re hurting Pop, more than Grammy being sick,” Kyle kissed Arabella’s forehead before he stood up to leave her room, “We love you.”
Sunday morning Blu and Kyle got the kids up and hustled them out the door.
“Come on Link stop stuffing around, you are the one that wanted to visit Cody, now move your hind end.” Blu twirled the car keys around his finger, Kyle walked by snatching them up on his way past.
“Pop, who says stuff like ‘stop stuffing around?’” Lincoln imitated Blu.
“I do, when I keep getting busted by a stealthy well-timed two-year-old who owns half my paycheck each week.” Blu chuckled, “Now move your cute butt.”
Lincoln smiled as he headed for the door, “Since I’m gonna be a big brother, am I still cute?”
“You buddy will be cute until the end of time. Even better looking than Levi.”
Lincoln puffed up his chest, “Levi’s goin’ down.”
“No fighting today, do you hear me. I’ve had about all the drama I can take.” Blu rolled his eyes.
Lincoln opened the car door scooting in beside his brother, “Does Cody get to come home today?”
Kyle chuckled, “Liv said the doctor is going to check on him tomorrow, if he’s doing alright he might come home tomorrow after school.”
“Do we get to go to pick him up?” Lincoln asked after he fastened his seatbelt.
“Your Dad, you, and Levi will,” Blu told him.
“This is gonna be so cool,” Lincoln smiled.
Kyle shook his head at their overly enthusiastic son.
The drive to the hospital was brief thanks to the Sunday traffic.
Kyle found a parking space and shut the car off.
“Boys, no running in the hospital and keep your voices down,” Kyle warned the boys.
“Dad, we’re not little kids,” Levi grumbled as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“Ya, not cool Dad, we’re big brothers,” Lincoln whined.
“Oh god, what have we done Babe? Do I have grey hair yet?” Kyle whined as he done his best impersonation of their sons.
“You’re gorgeous, even with your few grey hairs,” Blu said jokingly moving away from his husband quickly.
The boys giggled until Kyle grabbed both of them in headlocks.
“Wow, it’s quiet, who would’ve thought?” Kyle said as the boy's faces were buried into his side as they walked.
Blu wandered away for a moment spotting the gift shop. He looked at the cards, then spying comic books.
“Hey, morons, you want to grab a comic for Cody?” Blu called over to his family.
“Yeah,” Lincoln shouted.
“Ha! You are a moron.” Levi laughed at his brother.
“Shut it chicken boy,” Lincoln sniped back.
“Khan might accidentally kick you to the floor to sleep tonight,” Levi grumbled as they walked over to Blu.
“He’s really into baseball Levi, why don’t you check and see if they have a magazine you could give him.” Blu tried to be quiet so Levi could have that to himself.
“Thanks, Pop,” Levi browsed through the magazines.
Bella picked up a stuffed teddy bear that was dressed as a surgeon with a mask on. “Dad can I get this for Cody?” she asked holding it up for her Dad to see.
“That’s cute honey, sure.” Kyle smiled at the little bear.
Blu paid for the gifts for Cody, when they walked out of the shop, the two Dads noticed Bella undressing the teddy bear.
“What are you doing to that poor bear?” Blu chortled.
“I’m making him a patient that needs to wear the germ mask. That way Cody won’t be the only one.” Bella held it up to show the end result.
Kyle’s eyes teared up, “Sweetheart, that was nice of you to think of.”
Grinning, quite pleased with herself Bella inspected the bear. She nodded her head before stuffing the surgeon's clothes in her pocket so when Cody was better he could have them for the bear too.
They rode the elevator up to the children’s ward.
“Okay his room number is 435, let's watch for it,” Kyle told the boys as they walked down the hall.
Lincoln’s eyes locked onto the plaque on the wall showing 435, “He’s right here! Can we go in? Should I knock?”
“God, Pop, he’s definitely a moron,” Levi rolled his eyes.
“Stop it,” Blu said trying to hide his smile.
Kyle chuckled, “Just knock on the door and go in Link.”
Blu pulled Levi back for a second, “Remember what we talked about this morning, let Lincoln tell Cody first. He’s so excited please don’t spoil it for him. I realize you’re excited too, but your brother looks up to you.”
Levi smiled at Blu, “I know Pop, I might pick on the twerp but he’s mine.”
“Good boy,” Blu hugged him quickly before they both entered the room.
Cody’s eyes were closed when Lincoln walked up to the bed.
Lincoln watched him before he reached over tapping his shoulder, “Cody are you awake?”
“Huh, ya I am now.” Cody yawned as he stretched.
“Are you feeling better?” Lincoln asked the boy.
Cody straightened his mask, “I’m just tired, but I feel better.”
“Good, I can’t wait for my new brother to come home,” Lincoln was practically bouncing on his feet.
“Who’s your new brother?” Cody asked Lincoln.
“You are silly,” Lincoln nudged Cody’s shoulder. “If you wanna be.”
Cody had a twinkle in his eyes, “I wanna, but I’m sick a lot.”
“You’re gonna get better. All of us are gonna help you, and I’m gonna be the best big brother ever for you,” Lincoln sat on the edge of Cody’s bed.
Cody sniffled wiping his eyes.
Lincoln reached out putting his hand on Cody’s.
“Hey don’t cry, save the tears for when I kick your butt on video games,” Levi chimed in.
Cody giggled, “I’m small but mighty, I’ll beat you.”
“Here, Pop told me you like sports. I think baseball is pretty cool, I’m gonna try out this summer.” Levi handed Cody the magazine.
“Wow, thanks! This is sooo cool, I love baseball,” Cody said gleefully.
“Pop, where did you put the comic book I got him?” Lincoln looked at Blu pleadingly.
His Pop pulled it from the paper bag he held giving it to Lincoln.
“I wasn’t sure which comic book you’d like, so I figured Superman was a safe bet,” Lincoln smiled as he watched his new brother.
“I’ll read anything, I think I read everything the volunteers have on the cart,” He motioned for Lincoln to come closer, “Except that old people stuff.”
Kyle chose to step closer toward the bed, “Cody, I’m Kyle, or Dad, or whatever you’re comfortable calling me. If you need anything you make sure you tell one of us.”
“Thank you, Sir.” Cody sounded all formal for being so young.
Levi laughed, “Sir, ha! That’s funny, Dad, Nan called you a bunch of names but definitely not sir.”
“Shut it,” Kyle said under his breath. “You’re gonna terrify the kid before he ever meets Nan,” He thought to himself.
A young nurse came into Cody’s room. “Sorry folks, visiting hours are almost over. You can come back later tonight for a while if you like, four until eight.” She smiled.
“Do we have to leave?” Lincoln looked panicked.
“Uh… Nurse…” Blu started. “We are his new foster family, would it be okay if one of us adults stayed along with one of the kids?”
“We don’t have any record of there being a guardian,” she said warily.
“Could my husband and I speak to you in the hall for a moment?”
“Yes, sir, we can,” she said tersely.
Kyle looked at the kids, “We’ll be right back, no funny business boys.”
“We’d never do any funny business.” Lincoln looked innocently at the nurse.
Blu guffawed, “Don’t try and sell me a chicken and tell me it’s a turkey.”
“But turkey is good,” Cody giggled.
Blu and Kyle both rolled their eyes at the boys before leaving the room closing the door behind them.
“You need to call Liv Wynter at child services, she handled all our paperwork.” Blu gave the nurse the card.
“Fine, I’ll look into it.” The nurse snatched the card from Blu spinning on her heel and walking away.
“Is it me or do all the hospitals in this town require employees to lack personality?” Kyle asked his husband.
Blu shrugged, “Probably a requirement upon employment.”
“If she agrees to let one of us stay, I think you should stay with Cody. I think the kid would need to be transferred to the psych ward if he was cooped up in that tiny room with the boys for an extended amount of time.” Kyle leaned against the wall, waiting for Ms. Personality.
The nurse eventually returned, an attitude in place just as before, rigid and stuffed up her rear end.
“Are you the Waters family?”
“Yep, fresh as a daisy,” Blu said to be ridiculous.
“Hmm,” she gave Blu a look of disdain, “well I need to see some Id and only one of you are permitted to stay in non-visiting hours.”
Blu looked around at the other kid's rooms, some had two parents in them.
“Yeah right!” he said pulling his license from his wallet.
“Here’s my Id too so you have it on record,” Kyle handed her the card.
She snatched their id’s and stomped off.
“Jesus, when she first came in the room she was nice as pie.”
“I think Jesus is the problem, did you notice the little pin she had stuck to her lapel? It’s the same one Hiscock wore,” Kyle mumbled.
“For eff sake, we have better things to be concerned about. Why can’t they just live and let live? Churchgoers are the biggest sinners of them all.” Blu wagered in.
“I just want our family to have some peace, without being ridiculed.” Kyle sighed crossing his arms.
“You tell ‘em Blondie, damn fuckers.”
Kyle looked up and down the hall, “I’m expecting Kasey to jump out with his hand at the ready,” he chuckled.
Blu threw his head back laughing raucously.
“If you can’t keep it down I’ll have you escorted from the building,” Nurse Sunshine said to Blu.
“Oh, for Christ's sake, get a grip Nurse Cratchet,” Kyle was beyond pissed as he snatched their Id’s from her hand, then he planted a huge kiss on Blu leaving him breathless.
“I’ll get the kids, and we’ll be back with dinner.” Kyle turned to stare at the woman who was doing an impersonation of a fish.
Blu chuckled, “Really Honey, I was going to see if Nurse Sunshine here wanted to split a pizza with me since I won’t be leaving this place while she’s on shift.” Blu winked at Kyle.
“Oh, the boys know the perfect pizza shop,” Kyle smirked.
The nurse huffed and stormed off.
Kyle and Blu walked back into Cody’s room finding the kids chatting away.
“Well they look like a happy family,” Kyle said as he slid his arm around Blu’s shoulder.
“They do, get in there with them Blondie, I want a picture.” Blu pulled his phone out of his pocket.
Kyle walked over to the bed, “Ok boys make room this is our five minutes of fame, after that, it’s a situation only Nan and Kaleb save pictures of.” The guys all crammed into the tiny hospital bed while Bella stood behind the bed rolling her eyes at the guys.
“Everyone say ‘Homo’,” Blu said holding up his phone to snap a picture.
“Homo!” the group shouted other than Bella who said, “Cheese.”
Blu snapped the picture then looked toward the nurse's station.
“I think we’ve upset your new girlfriend Blondie!”
“Oh my god, I think I’m sick. Let’s go, guys, Pop wants us to bring him and the nurse a pizza, extra anchovies and hot peppers.” Kyle paused as he went to get off the bed, “Cody can I give you a hug?”
Cody looked at Lincoln who nodded his head.
“Okay, I don’t think I’ve ever been hugged,” Cody rolled on his side exposing his backside to Bella in the process of hugging Kyle.
“We’ll bring something for dinner, you don’t wanna eat hospital slop. It’ll make your stomach upset,” Kyle released Cody from his hug.
“Bye Babe, if you guys need us call. We’ll be here in a flash. Okay out you heathens,” Kyle smirked at Blu and Cody as he herded their tribe out the door.
Once the family was gone Blu threw a fresh deck of cards down on the bed tray.
“It’s just me and you now kiddo, and I’m going to show you how to win all the pocket money you need from your brothers, oh, and your uncles. They are the ones with the deep pockets, you want to save all your crafty tricks for them. Just watch out for the two-year-old. He’s sneaky and takes your money.”
Cody looked at Blu laughing, “How can a two-year-old beat you?”
“He’s stealthy like a Ninja, it’s really just blackmail,” Blu smirked as he opened the deck of cards shuffling them.
“So who is the little ninja?” Cody giggled.
“Your cousin, which only makes it worse.”
Thank you for reading, remember we love to hear from each of you, leave us a comment and reaction. A special thank you to our Beta-Readers who have stuck beside us during this chaotic arch in the story.
Next Chapter: The long-awaited wedding of Kaleb and Davis!
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