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Family Struggles - 19. Too Close To Home
Too Close To Home:
Monday during a lull in his schedule, Kyle decided to return the Federal Prosecutors call. The call left more questions than answers, why would Rudolph have written a letter to him? The Prosecutor informed him that the letter should have been delivered at his residence today. Once he had hung up the phone he immediately called James to verify that a letter was delivered.
Kyle sat quietly in his office feeling nervous, he hasn’t spoken to Rudolph or Penelope in over two and a half years.
The bell rang signaling the end of the day, Kyle grabbed his jacket and briefcase, heading to the car.
Kyle unlocked the car and crawled into the passenger seat, electing not to drive home and that’s exactly where Blu and the kids found him. Blu hopped in the SUV, his eyes plastered to Kyle. Something was wrong and he knew it. He started the car and waited for the kids to buckle up before he headed out of the school. Even though things had been strained between the two men Blu loved Kyle more than anything. He took his husband's hand in his and squeezed it. Kyle glanced at Blu giving a strained smile and turned his head staring out the window lost in his thoughts.
Blu gently pulled on Kyle’s hand to get his attention.
“Do you need a distraction Blondie, but we’ll talk later?” Blu asked quietly so only Kyle could hear him.
Kyle mouthed the name ‘Rudolph’ to Blu and returned to his thoughts.
Blu spied a car dealership up ahead and pulled over.
“Hey kids,” Blu said turning around to face the back, “you want to check out those trucks?”
“Oh look at that car over there,” Levi pointed to a fire red colored Viper. “Pop, we need that!”
Levi hopped out of the car with Lincoln, they were going car shopping for the best car they could find. Bella followed behind them shaking her head as she texted Tony.
Turning back to Kyle, Blu gently ran his knuckles down Kyle’s cheek.
“We better get out and keep an eye on those buggers, I don’t want us having to pay for a Viper we don’t need or want.” Blu chuckled looking out the window at the kids. “Shit!”
Blu jumped from the car, “Levi!” he yelled to his son. “Stop that.”
“I need to test drive it if we’re gonna buy it,” Levi yelled as he attempted to open the door setting the security system off.
Kyle jumped out of the car and ran up to Levi grabbing him in his arms, “We’re not buying a Viper. Where the hell would you sit, on the roof?” He didn’t even realize how he spoke to his son.
“Blondie,” Blu said as he pulled Kyle away. “Levi, buddy, please don’t touch anything. You kids look around the lot, we aren’t buying anything but see if you can find something you like. It has to be able to seat all of us though, and have room for Khan, okay?”
Lincoln smirked, “A school bus?”
“Hell no, we want something cool, not a dork-mobile.” Blu laughed. “It has to be black.” He called out as the kids went on the hunt for a car they weren’t going to buy.
Blu turned to Kyle, kissing his lips gently. “Talk Blondie, we have at least seven minutes before Levi has a car salesman talked into taking him for a test drive in the Viper.”
Kyle shook his head, “Rudolph waived his right to all appeals. He… he wrote a letter.”
“A letter?” Blu tilted his head in confusion.
“I’m not sure what’s in it. James said it was delivered earlier today,” Kyle looked much like the day Rudolph had confronted him long ago in their dorm room.
Gathering Kyle in his arms Blu hugged him tight, “Everythings going to be okay honey, he can’t hurt you anymore. Did you want to get out of here, I only stopped because we wouldn’t be able to get any privacy to talk at home and you looked like you were about to explode.”
“I don’t understand why he wrote a letter to me.” Kyle looked across the lot spotting Levi standing on the running boards of a large pickup truck, “Levi! James just called Uncle Kaleb is bringing a new type of cheesecake for you kids to taste. We need to go.”
“Really? Awesome,” Blu said excitedly.
“Yeah didn’t you see me talking on the phone old man?” Kyle shook his head.
The boys stormed across the lot and loaded into the SUV. Bella just rolled her eyes as she nonchalantly got into the vehicle.
Kyle put his hand on Blu’s shoulder as they approached the front of their car, “Babe, I’m going to need to read that letter without the kids being around when we get home. So if you don’t mind I’ll do that in my lesson room.”
“Nah, no need. I’ll take them out, Cody could use a break from Link anyway. We’ll drop you off, but you call me the minute you need to and I’ll come straight back home. Okay?” Blu said reaching out for Kyle’s hand.
Kyle nodded his head and squeezed Blu’s hand before they both headed to the car.
After Blu left with the kids, Kyle picked up the letter from the dining room table. He walked slowly into the living room like he was walking down death row to face his execution. Kyle sat down on the couch and stared at the envelope for quite a while as his hands trembled. His finger slid under the flap opening the envelope, he pulled the letter out and began reading.
It has been a long time, you and that Waters kid have a nice family from what I have heard. How could you throw our family name away like rubbish boy? I also understand that you both work for a wretched school district, I’ll never understand why you decided on such a horrid profession. I hope you don’t screw up your children’s lives as much as you have mine.
I understand you made both of your brothers as queer as you are. You must be really proud of your gay little family.
I’m sure by now the attorney has informed you that I have decided to forgo my appeals. You have sealed my fate, I hope you are proud of yourself boy.
Maybe someday when my grandchildren are older you will come to understand you’re much like me. You’ll do anything it takes to make sure your children are given nothing but the best, you never appreciated the finer things in life.
You should have kept the manor, it was part of my legacy.
I also understand your brothers and you have started a foundation to help underprivileged kids, that is rather unsettling to me, that you would continue to squander my hard earned money on riff-raff.
Tell your brothers goodbye for me.
Your Father,
Kyle sat there staring at his father's handwriting, he said goodbye, it left him shaking with anger and yet concern for a man that deserved none. He pulled his phone out of his pocket sending a quick text to Blu.
Kyle: Babe, bring our family home. Please!
Blu: On our way gorgeous. LU
Kyle: Love all of you
He laid his phone on the table, continuing to stare at his father's words, ‘Tell your brothers goodbye for me.’ Kyle couldn’t get beyond that simple statement, as he sat there his eyes glassed over the old wounds that he carried since he was a child seemed to open up all over again. How could Rudolph continue to carry so much power over his life, even though he is incarcerated in a federal prison?
The family arrived back home, Blu ushered the kids upstairs to do their homework straight away so he could check on Kyle. He found him curled up on the couch asleep with a tear-stained face. James had already left for the day, and there was no sign of Cody so he must be asleep too. Hopefully comfortable in his own bed.
Blu sat down gently next to Kyle trying not to wake him. He ran his hand through his hair lovingly, thinking how much he loved him and wished he could take his pain away. Blu bent down and kissed Kyle on the forehead and went to stand up, spotting the letter on the table. He didn’t know whether to read it or just leave it be and let Kyle tell him. He heard one of the kids on the stairs and quickly put the letter back in the envelope so the kids couldn’t see it. Levi poked his head around the corner.
“Is Dad okay?” Levi asked Blu with concern.
“Shh,” Blu’s tone gentle on Levi as he guided him into the kitchen. “Dad got some bad news and he just needs a little rest. He’ll tell when he’s ready.”
“It’s that Rudolph guy, huh?” Levi stared at Blu.
“I think so, do you want to help me make a cheer-up dinner for Daddy?”
“Ya, do you think we should ask Link and Cody?” Levi smiled.
“You don’t want to hang out with me by yourself, huh?” Blu smirked.
“I… I didn’t say that. I just thought if we’re cheering Dad up, you know,” Levi stammered trying to explain his thoughts.
“You can if you want, I just thought me and you could hang out for a bit.”
Levi smiled at Blu, “What’re we makin’?”
“Hmm, what’s Dad’s favorite do you think?” Blu smiled.
“Charcoal?” Levi smirked and laughed.
He huffed out a laugh at his son, “that’s what he’s good at making, not his favorite to eat.”
“Oh.. Pizza!” Levi said excitedly.
Blu rolled his eyes, “No anchovie’s, no peppers. Order a chicken side salad for Cody please. He can’t have pizza at the moment.”
Levi snickered, “You’re sure Dad doesn’t want hot peppers?”
“I wouldn’t mess with Dad today Bud, you do it at your own peril. We should probably be nice to him yeah? He’s not having a very nice day.” Blu ruffled Levi’s hair.
“Okay,” Levi mumbled as he grabbed the phone and to-go menu.
“Hey Levi, I’m not saying don’t mess with Dad, but just not today okay?” Blu smiled at young Levi.
“Alright, maybe we can make him a cake for dessert,” Levi tapped his finger on his chin.
“Or while you ring for pizza, I’ll get Arabella to watch the boys while Dad’s asleep, and we’ll go and raid the coolroom at Waters Catering?”
Levi smirked at Blu, “I’m in Pop, Uncle Kaleb stashes the best stuff.”
The two miscreants set about their tasks, then quietly made their way to the car. On the way to Kaleb's work kitchen, he rang him using bluetooth.
“Hey Siri,” Blu said.
“Yes, Master. Blu Balls?” Assholes!
“Call Shithead!” Blu growled through clenched teeth, while Levi sat next to him wetting himself with laughter.
“Calling Shithead,” answered Siri before the phone started ringing.
“What’s up Blu Balls?” Kaleb laughed.
“Asshole, my kid heard that, as if you can’t hear him laughing in the background.”
“Levi thanks for helping me,” Kaleb snickered.
“You’re welcome,” Levi gasped out.
“You’ll get yours,” Blu said to both of them. “How’s Mom doing Asshole?”
“Mom’s doing good, her and Dad have their own little domain in the guest suite, she’s still sore but she insists on doing stuff for herself.”
Blu rolled his eyes, “Of course she does.” He sighed.
“Listen who’s working in your catering kitchen tonight please tell me it’s not Rosy?”
“Nah, she finally went off on maternity leave, Darcy is working. I think she’s close to killing her husband if that baby doesn’t pop out soon. Why? What’s up?” Kaleb chuckled.
“Uh… I can’t really say, elephant ears is next to me. Just make sure you come and see your brother when you can he needs you and Jared at the moment. He’s sleeping at the moment and I don’t want him disturbed. Anyhow, we want a cheer-up dessert for him so we are going to raid your coolroom.”
Levi looked at Blu after calling him ‘elephant ears’ and looked in the window at his reflection, “I don’t have big ears do I?”
“No, you don’t have big ears, but you hear e-v-er-y-thing.” Blu chuckled.
Levi smirked and nodded his head.
“Okay, listen at the back right-hand side of the walk-in there are a few blue colored round pie containers, take two of them, they have turtle cheesecakes in them.” Kaleb said with concern seeping through the phone, “And Blu, I’ll be over as soon as dinner rush winds down.”
“Awesome, thanks, Kaleb. I’ll transfer the money into your business account when I finish dinner,” Blu said.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. Take care of my brother. I’ll see everybody soon,” Kaleb said as he ended the call.
Blu and Levi made a game of it when they got to the kitchen, they were diamond thieves and had to sneak into the coolroom and get out without being caught.
Levi pulled out his cell phone and searched for the “Mission Impossible’ theme song and turned it on.
Blu laughed alongside Levi as they ducked and ran from the car to the staff entrance at the side of the building.
Levi pretended to be the lookout as Blu used his key to jimmy the lock.
“Turn the music down bud, they’ll catch us.”
The boy turned the music down and it switched to the ‘Pink Panther’ theme.
Blu huffed a laugh, “Keep an eye out, I’m gonna check the hallway. It’s best if we use the rooms as cover so we don’t get caught. You ready?”
Levi held his phone out like a weapon with his back to Blu’s who opened the door an inch to spy in.
“Keep low, let’s go,” Blu said swinging the door open enough for them to get in and they both ran quietly, keeping low until they hit the second doorway which was open. “Okay Levi, spy around the corner, find our next cover. When it’s clear we go – and Levi, remember to tell me before you go.”
The boy peeked around the corner as he crouched down. He spotted the next room was clear which happened to be the bakery area. Levi poked Blu in the side and crawled like a crab into it. Blu followed Levi, now he was in front and had to find a place. He poked his head and he could see most of the kitchen from where they were.
“Okay switch places with me, do you reckon we can make it to behind that counter without being seen?” Blu asked moving around Levi.
Levi nodded his head as he ducked down and they made a break for it. When they got there Levi peered over the counter-top so only his eyes could be seen, he spotted a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies on the counter. He stood up grabbing a cookie and stuffed it into his mouth, before ducking back down.
“Ow, what?” he whispered harshly at his Pop, “they were right there.”
“I know but where’s mine,” Blu whispered back.
Levi glared at his dad, “I’m a growing boy and you’re old fend for yourself,” After Blu made a growling sound Levi stood up and then proceeded to fill his pants pockets.
“Good boy, look after your ol…” Blu sniffed the air, then started talking at a normal volume, “Jesus Levi, did you let one rip?”
Levi smacked his hand over Blu’s mouth, the kid's eyes admonishing his Pop for being loud.
“I was making room for more cookies,” Levi giggled as he stuffed another cookie into his mouth and done an impersonation of a squirrel storing food for winter.
Rolling his eyes, Blu bobbed up to see over the counter.
“Crap, someones coming, quick, over there,” Blu pointed beside the coolroom where they kept the cleaning supplies, mops, and buckets. “Stay down, go, go, go!”
Blu pushed Levi along, they just made it the alcove when they heard a female voice yell.
“Hey Joanie, I thought you said there were five batches of cookies.”
“I swear I baked them earlier,” a female's voice bellowed from somewhere distant.
“Are you off your meds again?” Darcy shot back.
“No! I just skipped them, thank you miss nosey ass.”
Joanie walked over to Darcy, “Damn girl, did something die inside of you?” she asked waving her hand around.
Blu and Levi snickered while the two women argued over strange smells and missing cookies.
The pair tip-toed to the walk-in and quickly went inside, closing the door behind them.
Levi stared studying all of the different food that was stored.
“How much can you carry Pop, we hit the mother load!”
Chuckling Blu went to see what Levi was looking at, “Damn, yum. But sadly we can’t take these they are obviously for a job. It’s nice enough Uncle Kaleb is letting us have the turtle-thingymajigs.”
“Joanie forgot her meds, remember?” Levi smirked, “Maybe she got the munchies too.”
“Maybe,” Blu scoffed a laugh, “but it wouldn’t feel right to take these six, lovely tasty delicious looking red velvet mini-cakes.” He put the lid back on the container and picked it up. “Grab the turtle thingys,” Blu said to Levi waving his hand.
Levi grabbed the remaining bounty and was quickly on Blu’s tail.
“Do we make a run for it?” The boy asked his Dad.
“Are you crazy, and ruin these lovely desserts, not a chance. Hold the containers high next to your face and walk – not run – damn fast. Are you ready?” Blu asked smirking.
“You’re not gonna break a hip walking fast right?” Levi chuckled as he held the containers per Blu’s instructions.
“No,” Blu answered sarcastically, “but I might break my size ten in your hind end, mouth. Now let’s get out of here before we get caught. Are you okay with those containers?”
“I’m good, it would be food abuse if I wasn’t,” Levi rolled his eyes.
Blu opened the coolroom door slightly, the ladies seemed to have moved to another part of the kitchen. He pushed it further so Levi and he could get out with the containers. The pair moved as swiftly as they could to the exit. Nobody seemed to notice them, so they kept going until they reached the SUV and were laughing their hind ends.
“I thought your fart was gonna give us away Dude,” Blu said giggling like a little kid.
Levi waved his hand dismissively, “Secret weapon, nobody lives through it.”
“Except Khan, who thinks it’s a competition.” Blu laughed.
“Link runs a close race with him,” Levi chuckled.
Blu was laughing hysterically by the time the two of them headed back home. He and Levi had fun together, it was the first time they’d really hung out and bonded without the family around. He looked over at Levi once he’d parked the SUV in the driveway.
“Thanks, Bud, I had fun hanging out with you.”
“You’re welcome, for an old guy you’re pretty fun,” Levi quipped.
Blu scoffed, “Yeah, well this old man also has the power to get you extra chores.”
“As long as it comes with extra allowance money,” Levi chuckled as he unfastened his seatbelt.
“Aw, it’s nice that you have dreams. It makes me sad that I get to squash them.” Blu exited the SUV.
He rounded the car and helped Levi with the cake container’s as the pizza guy showed up. Blu gave Levi some cash and waited for him to deal with the pizza guy.
“You ready?” Blu asked.
“Yeah,” Levi laughed. “Can we discuss not squashing my dream of more allowance money?”
“Sure buddy, we’ll do that on the twelfth.” Blu opened the front door balancing the cakes in one hand.
Kyle stepped around the corner looking directly at Blu and Levi, “What have you two been up too?” He asked with little emotion.
“We’re gonna show you how much we love you Dad,” Levi said exacerbated.
“Yeah, Levi ordered your favorite pizza and then we raided Kaleb’s coolroom for dessert.” Blu said, kissing Kyle as they walked by him, “Come eat while it’s hot. Your son wants to cheer you up.”
Kyle smiled weakly at the pair before turning and shouting up the stairs, “Bella, Link, Cody, supper is here.”
“I could’ve done that Dad, take a seat. How many pieces of pizza do you want? Four? Five?” Levi asked.
Kyle shook his head as he walked into the dining room, “Maybe two bud, I’m not really hungry. But I appreciate you thinking of me.”
“Hey,” Levi said a little harsher than he meant, “you’re always worrying about all of us, let us do this. Okay?”
Kyle held his hands up signaling defeat.
Blu tried not to laugh, “He gets that from you Blondie.”
“Uh huh,” Kyle rolled his eyes.
Lincoln and Cody slid down the banister giggling until they spotted the look their Dads were giving them.
Cody pointed at Khan who was trotting alongside them, “He said we wouldn’t do it.”
Khan let out a low growl like he was arguing with the boy.
Kyle pointed at Khan, “Haven’t we had this argument before? You’re not allowed to dare the kids to do stuff like that.”
Cody and Lincoln snickered while Khan looked at the pair with his head ducked down growling.
Blu went upstairs when Kaleb arrived with Jared, and surprisingly Dad in tow. He didn’t want to interfere if Kaleb brought Dad there was a damn good reason. He had greeted them and then went to get the kids ready for bed before going to his own room, showering and sitting in bed with a good book.
“Do you want to explain what’s going on?” Kaleb asked as he sat next to Kyle.
Kyle looked at the three men and then decided he couldn’t look at them without breaking into a million pieces, “If I said no?”
Jared walked over sitting on the arm of the couch, “Bro, what has you so worked up?”
Kaleb watched his brother for a few minutes as the room remained eerily silent.
“Only one fuckin’ person can intimidate Kyle like this,” Kaleb rubbed his temple, “Mmm… yeah, it has to be… Rudolph.”
“What’s going on Son, it has to be bad for Blu to call all of us and then disappear to give you space. That’s not like him.” Doug put his hand on Kyle’s shoulder.
“He… he sent me a letter. I haven’t even showed it to Blu, he still has people watching all of us. How am I to protect the people I love?” Kyle’s eyes showed so much conflict in them as he stood up and retrieved the letter handing it to Doug.
Doug carefully opened the letter, while he read it, Kyle’s brothers peppered him with questions. By the time he was finished reading his face was red with anger, his nostrils flaring and his knuckles were white as the paper crinkled in his hands. He whipped out his phone and called the Judge.
“Stephen, Doug, I need you at Kyle’s right now, don’t bring my mother with you. We need your help.”
Doug ended the call without even a goodbye.
“Are you okay Son?” Doug asked Kyle.
Kyle sat back down between his brothers, “Yes… I don’t know… No, I’m not, I have four people upstairs that depend on me to protect them,” He clenched his fist smacking it against his chest. “I can’t protect them from him, he controls me. I’m afraid of him, and he’s all the way across the country in fucking prison. I’m a fucking coward. No matter how hard I try to distance myself from him, he finds a way to knock me down.”
Jared slipped his arm around his twin, “Stop that, Kyle. You have so much heart, you care more about the people in your life than you do about yourself.”
“Ya, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have the life I do now,” Kaleb said as he placed his hand on Kyle’s arm.
Stephen let himself in the house walking into the living room, “This better be good, I’m pretty sure that I’ll be sleeping on the sunporch again tonight.”
“Read this.” Doug handed it to Stephen without even a hello in greeting. “I wouldn’t normally ask you for a favor, but I need you to help us with this. You have contacts in California, he’s stalking the boys from there. Is there anything you can do?”
Stephen ran his hand through the few stray straggly hairs that remained on his head, “I can make some calls in the morning,” he mumbled. “Rudolph has definitely had people watching each of you.”
“How wonderful,” Jared sighed, “he didn’t want anything to do with me when I was born but now he has people following me.”
“Fuck him,” Kaleb shouted, “I can’t wait to be at his execution.”
Stephen looked around the room, “Boys, you guys need to calm down. Until this is handled each of you need to pay attention to your surroundings. Don’t take normal routes to places you go, and never go anywhere alone.”
“Really Judge? We’re adults and now we need babysitters?” Kaleb flung his hands in the air.
“Stop it!” Stephen shouted at Kaleb. “I didn’t say you needed babysitters, however, now might be a good time to contact Teddy and ask him to get protection details for each of your families.”
“I’ll call James and Teddy,” Kyle mumbled.
“No Kyle, I’ll do it. I don’t think you boys have taken in quite how dangerous this situation really is,” Doug said worriedly.
Doug left the room phone in hand, leaving the Judge to talk some sense into the boys. At least he could trust Stephen to actually knock some sense into the boys, being on the bench he would have seen how bad these types of cases can go. The boys would treat it as an annoyance and think they could protect everyone but cases like this can turn deadly, or end tragically. Doug wasn’t willing to let that happen, they had a personal security expert in the family, Teddy would make sure the boys were safe and had all bases covered. After he made the phone call Doug returned to the room.
“Kaleb, son, is there any chance you and Davis could be at the school tomorrow at ten? And Jared could you have Mason meet us there. Mom and I will be there too. Teddy is going to make sure your houses have upgraded security systems, you and Nan as well Stephen. He’s also going to organize personal security for you boys.” Doug crossed his arms waiting for the arguments the boys were going to come back with, he didn’t have to wait long.
Kaleb glared at Doug, “I don’t need a security detachment, I’m not a politician.”
“Teddy will make sure they are discrete, he’s promised they will fit in with your workplaces. Nobody will know.” Doug answered firmly, he wasn’t budging.
Jared sat beside Kyle. He mumbled, “We’re gonna be treated like prisoners in our own homes.”
Doug could see this was going to go nowhere good, even though he was probably the most even-tempered man on the planet he lost his cool with the boys for the first time ever.
“Enough,” he said loudly, “You’ve all just sat there bitching and moaning about protecting your families. Well, you’re mine and Mom’s family and this is happening whether you like it or not. You’re our kids, and we’ll do what we have to do to protect you.” By the time Doug was finished he was panting from his anger, and Blu was coming down the stairs.
“What’s going on,” Blu said coming into the room, “the kids are asleep.” He looked at the Judge, “seriously what’s happening?” he looked between his red-faced Dad and the three brothers.
Kyle stood up taking Blu by the hand, “Babe, I can’t protect our family from him. Teddy is going to provide security details for each of us. Please don’t hate me.” He begged.
“Blondie, I don’t even know what’s going on, why would I hate you. Can somebody translate what’s happening, Kyle’s not making any sense,” Blu said worriedly looking at the other men in the room.
Stephen looked at Doug, “You should show him the letter. He deserves the truth, Doug.”
Blu took the letter warily from Doug and read it while the others waited. When he finished, his anger level had risen.
“Okay, now I understand why the Judge is here.” Blu glanced at the man. “Are you able to stop Rudolph from contacting the outside world?”
“I’m not on the bench any longer, I’ll contact some people in the morning and see what I can do.” Stephen himself had a worried look on his face.
“Fair enough, I’m sure you’ll do what you can. I still don’t understand the whole Teddy thing, what’s happening?”
Kyle looked at his husband, “Babe, he’s having us followed. He knows about our families, each of ours. We testified against them…” His voice trailed off. “He’s doing this because we put him in jail.”
“Fuck,” Jared mumbled.
“Okay, that seems smart to me, at least for now.” Blu tilted his head for a moment thinking. “Maybe we should put off construction for a while if we don’t want strange people around the house. They’re supposed to start next week.”
Stephen held up his hand, “Blu, you need to have some form of normalcy for the kids. It’s going to be bad enough you’ll have people following all of you around until this whole thing is straightened out. Teddy’s men can vett all workers for security purposes.”
“Okay, whatever you think is best. Kyle, you need to let Dad, Teddy, and the Judge do their thing. That’s how you protect the family. Do what they say, we take precautions,” Blu said shrugging a shoulder.
Doug looked at his son shaking his head, “When did you grow-up?”
“About two minutes ago.” Blu chortled.
James and Teddy let themselves in using their key, they both were dressed in military style clothing with guns in shoulder holsters, which caught everybody’s attention.
Teddy stepped into the center of the room, “I know I said we’d meet tomorrow, but dammit to hell I’m not comfortable letting our family go unprotected. I have a small detachment outside each of your houses. And Kaleb your place is a pain in the ass, I had to call and argue with your damn Home-Owners Association, it seems they frown upon armed security guards. You guys have to promise to let these men do their jobs, they’re all former military, don’t try to ditch them either Kaleb.”
Kaleb shot Teddy a glare, “I wouldn’t do that.”
“No,” Blu yelled, “No guns in this house,” he swept his hand in front of his body. “Jesus Christ, Levi, and Lincoln are going to kill the entire family. All weapons stay outside that front door, you can bring tasers or giant fucking bats I don’t give a shit, but no guns.”
“POPPY!” Cody called out, “DADDY!”
Kyle flew out of the room and up the stairs in the blink of an eye.
“What’s wrong buddy?” Kyle asked as he picked his son up hugging him tightly.
“Everything hurts,” Cody cried.
Kyle let out the breath he had held since he ran out of the living room.
“I’ll get you some kids Tylenol,” Kyle kissed his head as they walked into the kid's bathroom.
Cody sat on the counter while Kyle rummaged through the medicine cabinet.
“Everything okay Dad?” Bella came into the bathroom, yawning and rubbing her eyes.
Kyle jumped, “Yeah, Cody is having some pain. Go back to sleep Sweetheart.” He hugged her before she headed back to bed.
“Love you guys, come to my bed if you need a cuddle later little man,” Bella said over her shoulder as she walked away.
Cody gave his sister a smile.
“Love you too honey,” Kyle said as he opened the pill bottle. “These bottles are supposed to be kid proof not adult proof, Jesus,” He mumbled.
Cody giggled as Kyle handed him two tablets and got him some water.
“Down the hatch buddy,” Kyle urged his little one to take the medicine.
Cody handed the empty cup back to Kyle.
“Thanks, Dad,” Cody said as he wrapped his arms and legs around Kyle for the trip back to bed.
Kyle placed the boy back in bed kissing his forehead, “Love you, Cody, if you need Pop or me you just call us we’ll come running.”
Cody nodded and snuggled back into his pillow.
Kyle pulled the door partially closed leaving some of the hall light shine into Cody’s room and returned to the living room.
All eyes were focused on Kyle as he sat back down.
“He’s fine he was having some pain,” Kyle said as he took Blu’s hand and then he looked at Teddy, “You do whatever you have to. If it means guns to protect our kids, I don’t care, nobody is gonna hurt them, for the first time in my life I was worried something was happening to them because of me.”
“Way to go, Kyle, thanks for discussing it with me beforehand. You know how I feel about guns. I’m going to bed. Let me know what’s happening tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.” Blu shook Kyle’s hand away and went back upstairs. He laid down next to Cody letting the young boy snuggle into his side.
“Well, I’ll be sleeping on the couch for a while,” Kyle sighed. “I can’t let them get hurt, I don’t care what happens to me.”
Jared smiled sadly at his brother, “I know how you feel. I won’t let anybody hurt Kasey either.”
“Actually, I kind of agree about the guns around the kids. Maybe only let James and Teddy in the house with weapons.” Doug suggested.
“I’m fine with that Dad, but if our security detail deems a threat then I think we should let them inside to handle the situation,” Kyle said as bit nervously on his fingernail.
“That’s fair,” Doug said, “Teddy, is that possible to do?”
“That’s actually what my team had planned,” Teddy smiled at the group. “James and my weapon will be concealed so the kids will never see them.”
Doug made a sound of relief, “Thank god, I think Blu’s right about Levi taking out the family if he had a gun, then he’d shoot a man in Reno just to watch him die.”
“I could think of one in California that I wouldn’t mind that happening too,” Kyle muttered.
“I think we all can son,” Doug smiled and squeezed Kyle ’s shoulder. “All right guys I’m going to go home and check on my love and see how she’s feeling.”
Teddy looked at the group, “By the time all of you wake up your full detail will be in place, if you have issues or concerns call me on my cell, I’ll come by tomorrow evening and introduce you to each of them personally. James and I will be covering the detail here tonight.”
The family split up and headed to their own homes, after hugging one another.
Kyle went upstairs to speak to his husband, he located him laying in Cody’s bed. He tapped Blu lightly on the shoulder.
“Babe, can we go talk where the kids can’t hear?” Kyle whispered.
No answer, or movement from Blu.
Kyle sighed, no matter how much he promised to discuss things he seemed to keep messing up. He walked out into the hall and sat at the top of the stairs stretching his legs out that nobody could go up or down them without going through him. He somehow fell asleep in that position, it was the only way he could think of to protect his family.
Lincoln came out of the bathroom and noticed his Dad sleeping across the staircase, and then went and found Blu.
“Pop,” Lincoln tapped Blu’s shoulder.
“Huh?” Blu jumped up, “what time is it?”
“I dunno, the suns up,” Lincoln shrugged his shoulders, “Why’s Dad sleeping on the top of the stairs?”
Blu looked at his surroundings, then at Lincoln, “Shit, I fell asleep in here. Crap! Where’s Cody?”
“In my bed,” Lincoln laughed, “he always ends up in there.”
“Oh, okay. You better get ready for school, I think James is here so you can guarantee breakfast will be awesome.” Blu pasted a smile on his face.
“Okay, but why’s Dad sleeping in the hall?” Lincoln asked again.
“Couldn’t tell ya, buddy, why don’t you wake him he’s the Principal and can’t be late. What example would that set for the other kids.” Blu sent Lincoln off.
Lincoln shrugged his shoulders, “Adults lie so bad,” he mumbled to himself.
“Goddammit!” Blu thought as he rolled out of bed.
Lincoln knelt at Kyle’s side, he reached over and held Kyle’s eyelid open.
“Are you awake?” Lincoln asked as he stared at his Dad.
Kyle woke up with a startle, “Jesus Christ, Link, why would you wake me up like that?”
“I wanted to see what your eyes looked like when you were sleeping,” Lincoln giggled.
As Kyle stood up his back cracked.
“Dad, you’re too old to sleep on the floor,” Lincoln rolled his eyes.
“Go,” Kyle pointed, “Get dressed for school or I’ll give you detention.”
“We’re not at school.” Lincoln crossed his arms.
Kyle elected to quit arguing, “Buddy just get dressed okay?”
Lincoln wasn’t happy with the threat of detention but turned and went into his bedroom.
Kyle sighed and went into the master, he sat on the bed as he peeled off his shirt and socks.
Blu came out of the bathroom not saying a word to Kyle, he didn’t even look in his direction as he got dressed and left the room to get some breakfast and hurry the kids along.
“Morning James,” Blu said as he sat down at the breakfast table.
James had set up a quick continental for the family as they were running late.
“Morning,” He smiled at Blu, “Where’s Kyle?”
“Still getting ready,” Blu mumbled while he poured a bowl of cereal.
James frowned crossing his arms over his chest, “Blu did you speak to him after everybody left?”
Blu shook his head, “Nope, I fell asleep with Cody.”
“Let me guess you avoided him this morning,” James let out a long deep breath.
Looking around to see if any of the kids were around before speaking, Blu’s face sad, “I can’t do this anymore James. He just bulldozes right over me, not caring about what I think or feel. I’m in this relationship by myself. I’m done.”
James carried his coffee over and sat beside Blu, “Let me explain what happened after you stormed off in a tizzy last night. I love each of you boys but by god, if I threw a tantrum like that in front of my Mama she’d had taken a cast iron skillet to my head. Kyle agreed that the security guys would remain outside since their guns will be openly visible. Teddy and I will carry one but the kids will not even know we have them.” James stood up spinning around to prove even Blu couldn’t spot the gun.
“Screw you James, if you think this is just about guns, you’re as clueless as Kyle.” Blu pushed his chair out from the table.
“Sit your ass down right now, or I’ll call your Mother! I’ve already spoken to her about this,” James bellowed.
“Call her, you don’t even know why we’re fighting James. Neither does Mom, I’m going to work, tell Kyle I caught a cab or something.” Blu left the room picking up his briefcase, wallet, phone and left the house.
As Blu stalked down the street, one of Teddy’s guys followed him ten paces behind. Blu whirled around, stopping in front of the guy.
“You can stop following me, you look ridiculous. I’m just going to work,” Blu said.
“Sorry Mr. Waters you’re my assignment, and I take your safety very seriously,” The huge intimidating man stated.
“Yeah well you better call a cab, cos I’m not sharing. Mine’s on its way.”
“Fuck! Now I’m just being a petty prick!” Blu mumbled to himself.
The man motioned his hand and an all black SUV pulled up.
“Mr. Waters, my names Brent,” He opened the rear door motioning Blu inside. “I know security details can be a bit overwhelming, I assure you I’m only trying to protect you and your family.” He stated as he got into the rear seat.
He reluctantly got into the SUV. He’d promised to do what they asked what choice did he have.
“Can you just take me to work please?” Blu croaked.
The driver nodded his head and pulled away.
The day was pretty much a waste of time for Kyle, he couldn’t focus on anything. He spent most of the day peaking into classrooms checking on his family. By the time the school day had ended Kyle had probably walked more than any teacher does in a months time.
Kyle stood by the exit waiting for the kids and not far beyond him were four armed security guards spread about.
Levi and Lincoln wandered out the door and Kyle stepped in front of them.
“Wait up guys, where’s Pop and Bella?” Kyle asked the twins.
“Not sure,” Lincoln stated.
“Maybe Tony and her are makin’ out,” Levi chuckled.
Levi saw the four armed guys standing around, a grin forming on his face.
“What are the mobsters doing here?” Levi asked as he poked Kyle’s side.
Kyle turned around and glanced at the security detail, “They’re not mobsters they work for Pappy Teddy.”
“Is it because of those people that were here outside the school, the other week?” Bella asked as she approached the family.
Kyle saw an out, that would alleviate him from explaining about their current situation. “Yes honey, it has to do with that.”
Blu eventually joined the family, his face and body language rigid.
“You ready?” He asked Kyle flatly.
“Ya, if you are Babe,” Kyle glanced at Blu who wouldn’t look him in the eyes.
“Yep,” he answered walking out the door to the car.
The security detail flanked the family as they approached the vehicle and their black SUV pulled up so they could load in to follow them. It was a very fluid motion that was normally seen by a high valued asset or president would be accustomed too.
“Oh this is sooo cool, I can't wait to tell Brody about this,” Levi twisted in his seat snapping pictures of the security vehicle.
“Who’s Brody?” Lincoln asked his twin.
“A friend from my baseball team, why you jealous dweeb?” Levi stared at his phone as he sent the picture to his friend.
“Enough boys,” Blu said frustratingly, “can we please make it home without one damn fight.”
Kyle took different roads as they made their way home.
“Kids, when we get home go in and check on Cody, please. I need to speak to Pop,” Kyle said as he glanced out mirrors the entire time watching for anything out of the ordinary.
Blu glanced at Kyle, shook his head then turned and watched out the window silently.
“We’ll do that Dad,” Lincoln called out.
The SUV came to a halt in their driveway, the kids hopped out and hustled into the house.
Kyle turned off the motor, “Babe, I know you’re beyond mad at me, but could you at least look at me for a few minutes?”
He did as he was asked and turned to face Kyle.
“I’m putting our family in danger. I’m terrified something is going to happen to you or the kids, I can’t do this anymore. I love you, I’ve always loved you. Maybe it would be best if I found somewhere to stay for a while until we know you guys are safe. I slept at the top of the stairs so if Rudolph’s guys came hunting for me they would take me and leave you guys alone.” Kyle wiped a stray tear from his face. “I’m too much like him, I do what I want without considering the consequences.”
Blu looked into his lap where his hands fidgeted, “We’re safer in one place. Even Teddy will tell you that.”
“Babe, they’re mad at me, not you and the kids. If I’m not here, you guys will be safe.” Kyle spun his wedding ring around on his finger. “I couldn’t forgive myself if something happened to any of you.”
“Jesus Christ Kyle, not everything is about you. They’ll go after us whether you’re here or not. If they hurt one of us, all the better for them because they know how it will affect you. We’re better off together in one place, it’s less they have to secure.” Blu huffed. “Look, when this is all over, I’m going to stay with Liv until I can find a place. I can’t be here anymore Kyle. You say you love me, but I’m not sure you do anymore. I’m sick of being in this alone. You never consider me when making decisions, and you seem to think what you want is what everyone wants without even asking. We’re supposed to be in this together but you seem to think that means I don’t get a say. I’m done.”
Kyle looked at Blu as tears streamed down his face, “I’ll go the kids will be better off with you, I can stay at Kaleb’s for now. Security won’t have to change. I’m not gonna let you leave them with me, I mess everything up. You have Mom and Dad, that can help out, your name is on the bank account I won’t touch it. Give me a few minutes I’ll go pack a bag and get James to drop me off.”
Blu shook his head, his eyes filled with tears. “So you don’t love me anymore, you just give up, not even fight for us. You should go pack. The house was paid for by you, when this is over I’ll move out once the adoptions go through.”
Kyle looked at the house, their home, “I never gave up on us Blu, you don’t want to be with me. I can see it every time I look at you, god, you can’t even look me in the eyes anymore. Do you know how much that hurts?” He wiped tears that freely running down his face. “I have no clue how to fix us, I try talking to you but you ignore me now or shake your head or fall asleep. I want what is best for you and the kids. I mean it when I say I want you to have the house and money to take care of you and them. Money never meant anything to me, hell I never felt alive until the day I met you.”
With eyes fired up and angry Blu yelled at Kyle, “I don’t want your fucking money or your damn house. I want you, you asshole. I want for you to love me the way you used to, before that money got in the way. We used to make decisions together before that shit came into our life we would talk for hours debating what to do and how to handle things. You don’t even do that anymore, I’m your husband, not that fucking trust fund Kyle.” Blu broke down into tears, covering his face with his hands sobbing.
“Babe, I’ll give it away, just tell me what to do.” Kyle reached out running his hand through Blu’s hair.
“I want you to consult with me about things. Like the foundation, why did you hide it, or not even talk to me about it? I think it’s a great idea, but you never said a word. Before we would have talked it to death, come at it from every angle together. I get that it’s something you want to do with your brothers, but you could have talked to me about it. Last night even about the guns, we would have talked about that between us and come up with a compromise, but you just steamrolled right over the top of me. This morning I had to endure a fucking lecture from James about how I embarrassed you with my apparent tantrum. He has no idea why I was mad and yet I got to be humiliated again. Do you not trust me? What? Kyle what did I do to make you think I’m not worth considering?” Blu asked through his tears.
“I trust you with my life, you’re my heart and soul,” Kyle wiped his eyes. “I don’t want to lose you. I’m not perfect, hell lately I seem to fuck up more than Kaleb.” He laughed at himself and glanced into Blu’s eyes, “James said you had a tantrum?”
“Yep, something like that anyway. He has no idea why I was pissed off. Anyway, I told him to go fuck himself. I’ll probably get a pounding from Teddy when I go inside, be nice call the ambulance in time.” Blu chortled wiping his eyes.
“Can I uh… kiss you now? Or would you rather hit me? You can claim I threw a tantrum,” Kyle smiled shyly at his husband.
“I don’t know Kyle,” Blu looked away, “we haven’t really solved anything. Are you willing to at least try to include me in your life, instead of shutting me out?”
“Yes, hell I’ll run up and down the road naked declaring my stupidity. Just don’t leave me,” Kyle said as shoved Blu’s shoulder.
“Don’t do that, firstly I don’t share, and the old man on the corner has been eyeing you off for months. And secondly, you’ll get arrested with that damn baseball bat hanging between your legs. I ain’t got no bail money for you.” Blu smiled weakly at Kyle, “I spent it all on candy.”
“You should’ve asked Link for some of his stash,” Kyle chuckled.
“That’s why I needed the candy, I stole his stash.” Blu said sheepishly. “I got hungry the other night while I was binge watching ‘Republic of Doyle.’”
Kyle smirked, “Nothin’ like a pissed off sugar addict.”
Blu shrugged his shoulder, “You’ve never hidden Nan’s racing tickets then have you.”
“I don’t have a death wish,” Kyle laughed, “That woman terrifies me of what she’s capable of.”
Blu smashed his mouth into Kyle’s, he just wanted his husband back. His hands came up and cupped Kyle’s face as he softened the kiss. As the two were kissing a pounding on the window stopped their makeout session.
Kyle moaned and rolled the window down, “What Cody?”
“Dad, he’s gonna kill him. You gotta hurry,” Cody stammered.
Kyle rolled the window up and opened the door.
“Who’s killing who?” Kyle asked as he stood up.
“Levi is gonna kill Link. Lincoln blamed him for his missing candy, then he called him a chicken to admit it. Then Levi grabbed him in a chokehold like wrestling on television. Lincoln made some clucking noises and that really made Levi mad.” Cody was out of breath by the time he narrated the situation.
Kyle laughed and picked Cody up, “Babe, let’s go deal with the kids. You want good cop or bad cop?”
“I want to be good cop for a change. It will scare the shit out of them.” Blu smiled evilly.
Kyle winked at Blu, “This could be fun.”
The walked up the front steps and flung the door open.
“Levi Alexander Dalton get your hands off of your brother,” Kyle shouted as they walked in the door, “And you Lincoln Abraham Dalton quit blaming your brother for stealing your candy, also no more calling him a chicken.”
“How do you know my hands are on Link?” Levi yelled out.
“I’m your Dad, I’m trained to know such things,” Kyle grumbled menacingly.
“Fine, whatever,” Levi said hastily.
“Why are you boys fighting?” Blu asked as he and Kyle entered the kitchen.
“He,” Lincoln pointed at Levi.
Kyle glared at his son.
“Somebody stole my candy, I had it hidden and it’s gone,” Lincoln pouted.
“You had candy hidden? Why?” Blu could barely contain his laughter.
“Well, I… uh… used my allowance,” Lincoln slid his foot around on the floor, “Can’t we just forget it?”
“Uh… No, we can’t. You know you're not supposed to have candy,” Blu said to Link staring him down.
“If I’m gonna get in trouble can’t I call the cops to find out who stole from me?” Lincoln asked innocently.
Blu held up a bag, “Do you mean this candy?” he smirked watching Kyle’s shoulders jump up and down, silently laughing.
“Pop, don’t you know how mean that is to steal from kids?” Lincoln scolded him.
“Do you know how grounded you are for being sneaky and hiding candy?” Blu chortled.
Lincoln put his arm around Blu’s waist, “Maybe we can compost a settlement and forget the grounding?” He suggested.
“I don’t know, what do you think Dad?” Blu asked Kyle.
Kyle stared evilly at Levi, “I say we eat his candy while he watches, and he doesn’t get grounded.”
“Ooh, I like that. Levi should get first pick since he didn’t actually take the candy yet was falsely accused. You know as compensation for his suffering.” Blu said seriously.
“You wouldn’t dare,” Lincoln mumbled to himself.
“Oh, yes we would. Now, what do you say to your brother?” Blu was deadly serious this time.
Lincoln crossed his arms over his chest, “Fine, I’m sorry and you’re not a chicken.”
“Levi?” Blu warned.
“I’m sorry I choked you,” Levi smirked, “but at least I didn’t body slam you.”
“Great, I’m going to put the candy back in it’s hiding spot. As punishment, you’re both on dish duty tonight, and no candy for two days for either of you.”
“What? I thought we made a compost?” Lincoln huffed.
Kyle finally lost his shit and burst out laughing while he tried to explain the difference between compost and compromise.
Cody tapped his Dad’s shoulder as he laughed, “If you guys adopt me, do I have to admit they’re my brothers?”
“Yup, you do. We’re all in this together.” Blu smiled.
“Hmpfft, I don’t mind claiming Khan as a brother but when they talk about making compost I don’t know,” Cody shook his head.
Cody got a serious expression on his face, “Why are all the G-men outside?”
“Levi is out of control, we had to bring in reinforcements,” Blu explained as he turned the coffee maker on.
“Cool,” Cody shrugged his shoulders, “Can I use one of their tasers?”
Blu hung his head, and his shoulders slumped. “I give up.”
Kyle roared with laughter again, “We’ll do that on some rainy day.” He stated as he put Cody down.
“Don’t forget Dad,” Cody stared at him, “They say the mind is the first thing to go when you get old.”
“GO!” Kyle pointed as all the boys scattered, laughter filled the air.
Kyle walked over snaking his arm around his husband, kissing him passionately.
“Where were we? Oh yeah,” Kyle marked Blu’s neck like he did in college as Cody walked back in the kitchen.
Cody’s hand flew over his eyes, “Oh god, get a room! I’m blind, that’s child abuse or something yuck! Blah!”
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