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Family Struggles - 22. Chapter 22 - Looking Into The Future
Looking into the Future:
Sunday breakfast was in full swing, the kids talking excitedly over one another about the last few days of the school year and their upcoming pool party since construction had finally been completed.
“Bella, how many friends are coming on Saturday sweetheart?” Blu asked.
He was trying to keep track for Kaleb to cater for the party. He and Kyle wanted the kids to have fun and enjoy themselves but they didn’t want the numbers to get out of hand.
“Uh, Tony of course,” she said with a smitten look, “his friend Keith, and two of the girls in my math class.”
Blu smiled at Arabella, she was really starting to come out of her shell. She no longer had the weight of the world on her shoulders.
“And what about you Kyle, are you bringing anyone?” Blu fluttered his eyelashes at his husband.
Kyle smirked, “Well there’s this really cute guy from work,” he chuckled. “About your height and has your hair, and he’s married. Oh, the scandals we could make.” Kyle reached out goosing Blu’s ass.
“Nice.” Blu giggled fanning himself like a school girl.
“God you’re so gross,” Levi grumbled as he shoveled some of his breakfast into his mouth. “I invited fen people fom baseball.”
Cody shook his head, “I think if he didn’t have his mouthful he meant ten people from baseball. Didn’t anybody teach you to not talk with your mouth full?”
“Little brothers, Link do something with the twerp,” Levi said before stuffing more food into his mouth.
Link smiled at Cody, “We could go put Icy Hot in his jock that would give him a different attitude.”
Cody smirked as he glanced at Levi, who shot daggers at his twin.
“What about you Link? How many people have you invited?” Blu asked interrupting before breakfast became all-out war.
“Ah, nobody really I figured Cody and me could hang out together.” Lincoln patted Cody’s shoulder.
His Dads looked at Lincoln fondly, the boy knew Cody didn’t really have anyone to invite and was letting his little brother know he had his back.
Monday morning the family rushed through their normal routine. Kyle wandered into the kitchen, finding Blu rummaging through the pantry.
“What are you doing Babe?” Kyle asked as Blu shoved stuff from one side of the cupboard to the other.
Blu stood up from the pantry startled, “Nothing,” he said sheepishly biting his bottom lip.
Kyle smirked, “Babe, we’re out of Chocolate Chip cookies.”
The horrified look on Blu’s face caused Kyle to laugh hysterically.
“Nah-uh,” Blu whined, “I hid some in the back of the pantry.”
“Yeah, nice hiding spot by the way. Cody needed a little pick me up the night before his last treatment.” Kyle said as he poured Blu and himself coffee.
Blu gasped, then let go of his heartbreak. “It’s a good excuse I suppose,” he said resignedly. “Thank you, Blondie.” He took his coffee from Kyle.
“I’m sort of excited about giving out the information about the privatization of the school. The kids deserve way better than they were receiving from the district,” Kyle sipped his coffee.
“I know Blondie,” Blu smiled affectionately at his husband, “you guys are going to kill it today. Don’t forget that we have to take our baby to get his test results at four.”
“We’ll have plenty of time to get to the doctors for Cody’s appointment,” Kyle smiled as the boys raced into the kitchen.
“Hey, Dad. Hi, Pop. How’s it hanging?” Levi said as he grabbed a piece of fruit and froze after he realized what he said.
“To the left, son, yourself?” Blu chuckled.
“Can I go drown myself in the pool?” Levi mumbled.
Lincoln smiled, “I can give you CPR.”
“You’re embarrassing,” Levi shook his head, “I’m not sucking face with my twin brother yuck.”
“Be nice, besides if he was giving you CPR, you wouldn’t be sucking face,” Kyle chuckled.
Blu silently laughed at the banter between the boys and Kyle, “Blondie, did you want some cereal?” he looked at his watch. “Hmm, we don’t really have time. Can we hit the drive-thru and grab a muffin somewhere?”
“Oh an Egg McMuffin sounds good,” Levi said as he took a bite of his apple.
“I was thinking more blueberry or orange poppy-seed.”
“Old people,” Lincoln waved his hand, “it probably makes them go to the bathroom regularly.”
Rolling his eyes Blu scoffed, “Jesus, you’re turning into your Uncle Kaleb.”
“It could be worse, I could take after Nan,” Link chuckled.
“God forbid, we only need one of those.” Blu cringed at the thought of more than one Nan, although Grandma Elsey was turning out to be a loose cannon now that she wasn’t suppressed by her husband.
Kyle chuckled as the boys grabbed their backpacks as they headed out the door, “If we hurry we can stop at the donut shop and you can get a bacon, egg, and cheese croissant.”
“If you give that to the kids we are driving with the windows down. We need to invent aftermarket window openers for cars. It’ll have a sensor if it gets a whiff of gas it automatically opens the window and sucks the smell out.” Blu grimaced. “We can use Levi as our test subject.”
Levi shrugged his shoulders, “Sounds good to me. What’s my cut of the profit? You just don’t appreciate the bodily digestive system.”
The school day was filled with mostly turning in books and chatting about plans for the summer until all of the students and faculty were summoned to the auditorium.
Once the students were settled Kyle walked across the stage to the podium, he adjusted the microphone. Kaleb and Jared stood flanking their brother.
“We wanted to update everybody about the move to the updated school next year, renovations will start as soon as school lets out today. You guys will have modernized classrooms along with a computer lab. The football field will hopefully be resurfaced in time for the upcoming season, while the baseball field and track should be completed by spring.” Kyle glanced over the crowd spotting Blu and Mason standing near the back of the auditorium both of them offering supportive smiles. “We want each of you kids to have the opportunity to succeed in life, the new school will provide each of you the best chance to become a successful adult.”
Jared whispered in something into Kyle’s ear making him chuckle and nod his head.
“Mr. Jared just reminded me, there is not going to be a set uniform. Just dress casually using common sense, I don’t want to be calling your parents the first day of school,” Kyle smiled at the students.
A mild round of banter and cheering erupted throughout the students.
“Okay so did everybody bring their gym clothes?” Kyle asked the students who moaned at the mention of physical activity.
“Well, we thought since today is the last day for anybody to ever use this building, we are going to have a student versus faculty softball game.” Kyle smiled, “Everybody can make their way to the gymnasium and take turns getting changed and wait for the teachers before we head out to the field.”
Kyle and Blu were driving home with the kids who were continuously rubbing it in on how bad the faculty played. Kyle tapped his cellphone and said, “Call Kaleb.”
“What’s up, bro?” Kaleb said cheerfully.
The kids continued their verbal assault on their Dads.
“Do you hear your nephews?” Kyle asked.
“Yeah, what’s your point?” Kaleb asked nonchalantly.
“How can you suck so bad at sports?” Kyle grumbled. “You struck out every time you were up to bat, and you couldn’t catch the ball.”
“You only hit the ball once, Kyle.” Kaleb laughed.
“I made it to second base,” Kyle huffed.
“The only homerun you can make is with Pop,” Levi laughed out.
“Enough, you kids won 23 – 2. Don’t you think we’ve suffered enough?” Kyle glared into the rearview mirror.
“Pop, when you split your shorts running around the bases,” Link gasped to catch his breath, “that was hilarious.” Lincoln roared with laughter.
“Bite me,” Blu mumbled as his face went bright red.
“Nice heart boxers by the way Pop,” Levi chuckled as he smirked.
Chuckling Blu answered, “I’m glad you like ‘em. Dad got them for me on valentines day.”
Cody sat on Kyle’s lap while holding Blu’s hand.
The specialist walked into the room smiling as he looked over Cody’s chart.
“How are you feeling young man?” the doctor asked.
“Good, but what does that paper say?” Cody shifted nervously on Kyle’s lap.
“Hmm,” the doctor glanced over the papers continuing to smile. “I don’t think we will be seeing each other often, your next visit will be in six months for routine blood work. Congratulations Cody, I’m glad to be able to tell you that you’re in remission.”
Cody bounced excitedly in Kyle’s lap as he spun around hugging Kyle and then Blu.
“Congratulations little man,” Blu’s voice just above a whisper, tears in his eyes.
“Thanks, Pop,” Cody wiped his eyes as he snuggled back into Kyle.
“I told you with all of our love you’d get better,” Kyle said as he kissed the top of Cody’s head.
“We need to celebrate,” Blu grinned wiping away his tears.
The doctor smiled, “I hope you guys have a good time, just stop by the reception desk and she’ll set up Cody’s next appointment. I need to go take care of a few other patients, have a great summer, Cody.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” Cody shook the man’s hand before he left the room.
Saturday morning was soon kicking off the family’s summer break, the boys snuck into their Dad’s bedroom as they both continued to sleep. Levi motioned for everybody to get on the bed, so his brothers crawled onto the bed holding onto one another to balance themselves. Levi did a countdown with his fingers, when they reached one the three boys commenced jumping on the bed.
“Wake up old men, it’s summertime, lets party.” Levi laughed as Kyle and Blu bounced around on the bed.
Cody crawled onto Blu’s chest and pinched his Dad’s nose closed, “Wake up Pop.”
“Five more minutes,” Blu whined sticking his head under the pillow as his body bounced around.
Lincoln pointed at Blu’s feet and Cody nodded as the two proceeded to tickle his feet.
Their Pop screamed and flung his legs trying to shake the boys off with no success.
“Noooo, Blondie, quick sell the kids on Craig’s List… Hey!” Blu sat up quickly laughing, “Who bit me?”
Kyle slid out from under the cover smiling innocently, “It had to have been Khan,” just as the dog wandered into the room yawning. “Damn, ok, maybe it was the cat.”
“Hey get back here don’t leave me alone with these savages,” Blu cried out.
“Savages?” Cody smirked then pointed at Blu, “Khan, doggy kisses!”
Khan hopped on the bed pinning Blu back down on the bed, as he slathered Blu’s face with his tongue.
“Gross,” Blu screamed as he struggled to get out from under the dog and the kids.
Lincoln rolled on the bed laughing, “The savages beat ya Pop.”
“Oh my god,” Blu laughed. “You kids always beat me.”
Levi chuckled, “But Dad beat you to the last hot shower!”
Kyle shuffled back into the room wearing boxers, “That was refreshing,” he said tossing his towel into the hamper.
“Nice is there any hot water left,” Blu asked as he swung his legs over the side of the bed grabbing Lincoln in a headlock.
“Would you settle for luke warm?” Kyle asked as he slid on a pair of shorts.
“I guess I’ll have to.”
Blu let go of Lincoln, “You guys have breakfast, when you’re done we have chores to do before your friends arrive.” He clapped his hands. “Chop, chop.” He walked to the bathroom.
Once breakfast was over, Kyle started dishing out chores to everyone. Even poor Kasey who had chosen the wrong moment to make an appearance with Spotty. He was helping dust the photo frames while Lincoln pulled them from the walls and put them back once Kasey was done. Bella was vacuuming the upstairs. Blu and Levi were making sure the bathrooms were clean, while Kyle cleaned the kitchen and Cody helped to fold the laundry.
At midday, Kaleb appeared with his catering entourage. He shooed everyone out of the kitchen to get ready for the pool party while he and his staff got the food ready. The family went upstairs to get ready, Scott and Brody were the first to arrive. They were wearing their board shorts, muscle shirts, and big wide excited grins. Levi greeted the boys with a dap of their fists, returning their grins.
“You’re gonna love the pool, Pop is worse than a lifeguard so walk when you’re near it,” Levi whispered to his friends.
“Hello boys,” Blu said as the kids walked through the kitchen and out the back door.
“Hi, Mr. Waters,” Scott stated as he followed Levi.
“No going in the pool unless there’s an adult present,” Blu called after them.
Levi rolled his eyes, “See total Lifeguard.”
Brody gave a faint smile, “At least your Dads care about you.”
Blu was saddened when he overheard the comment and the tone in which it fell from Brody’s lips. Once the boys were out of sight and earshot Blu looked around for Brent.
“What have you found out about his Dad?” Blu asked concerned for the young boy.
“Well we are having a bit of a hard time getting information on him, it seems Carson’s father is a deceased. Senator from Boston his name was Alphonso Grecco. Carson is the Chief Financial Officer for Grec Corporation, which makes microchips for military drones. One issue we have run into on his background search is his birth certificate seems to have been altered. I spoke with the Judge and he’s going to have his contacts look into it.” Brent looked around the room before facing Blu, “I think somebody is trying to hide who his mother is.”
“Hmm, intriguing. No history of violence though or anything?” Blu asked; he didn’t really give a crap about the rest of it.
Brent shook his head, “Nothing on record, I dug into Brody’s school records. He has good grades, but his teachers stated he’s withdrawn from most adults, and his counselor has mentioned his lack of friends.”
“Unc Blu!” Kasey shut the sliding door behind him, turning to face Blu with his hands on his hips. He was dressed in his little swimmers, with floaties already blown up and on his arms. “Com’on wanna sim, Evi says no simmin wifout you.”
“Later,” Blu said to Brent lifting his chin as a thanks to the guy. “Come on then little man, what are you waiting for.”
He slid off his stool and opened the sliding door indicating for Kasey to walk through. As he was about to the close the door behind himself, Lincoln and Cody stopped him and followed out the door. The four of them made their way to the pool area.
“So what do you guys think of your Dad’s gift to the family?” Blu held out his hands indicating around the pool area.
He’d managed to put up the photo of the family holding their certificates on the wall, along with the certificates. There were a few potted plants sporadically placed about, six or seven chaise’s around the pool area. In one corner of the pool sat the jacuzzi off to the side, a refrigerator with a huge gas grill had been added as part of the outdoor kitchen. Blu had made sure there were safety signs all around the entertainment area, much to the dismay of his family.
“It’s awesome,” Lincoln shouted as he flung his shirt and raced into the pool.
“Ya, it’s great Pop,” Cody shouted as he jumped into the pool forgetting about removing his shirt. “Oops, sorry,” he threw his shirt at Blu.
Kasey waved at his cousins and got his feet moving as fast as they could before launching himself into the pool, “Cow-a-Bunga,” he shouted just before a wave of water splashed through the air.
Jared laughed as Kasey swam to the top of the water spitting out water, “We finally got rid of the damn purple dinosaur show, he settled for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.”
Blu threw back his head and laughed as his best friend approached. “The turtles are cool Dude, it could be worse, ‘The Wiggles’ come to mind.”
“Oh god, no, the ‘I love you, you love me,’ makes me wish I could strangle the creator of Barney.” Jared cringed.
Kyle chuckled as he walked up to Jared, shoving him in the pool.
“Remember I love you, you love me,” Kyle laughed as his brother sputtered water.
“Remember that at Christmas, you have another son. Cody, what do you want from Uncle Jared for Christmas?” Jared asked as he swam towards his youngest nephew.
“A parrot!” Cody said as he treaded water.
“Hell No!” Blu cried out, “I ain’t putting up with any animal that can talk.”
Jared smirked at his twin, “That’s a wonderful idea, Cody.”
“Yeah, he can visit it when he comes to your place.” Blu shook his head. “I’d rather get another Great Dane.”
“Really? Cool!” Cody shouted as his arm pumped in the air. “A Great Dane puppy will be fine Uncle Jared.”
Jared laughed, “Blu, you might need to add-on for the zoo if you guys get any more kids.”
“You’re hilarious,” Blu rolled his eyes looking at Kyle, “Nope, don’t even think about it, husband of mine.”
Kyle chuckled at Blu, “Maybe an indoor aquarium with a shark?”
“Hey Jare, where’s Mas–”
“What the hell is that?” Blu jumped at the loud sound ringing through the outside of the house.
Kyle doubled over laughing, “That’s our new programmable doorbell. I had it originally programmed to the horn of General Lee from Dukes of Hazzard, but it echoed a little too much.”
“Please tell me your kidding… hey did Tom Wopat come with the doorbell?” Blu asked excitedly.
“Nope Willie Nelson’s version of Uncle Jesse did,” Kyle laughed out.
“Hmpf, bummer. Oh well, at least I’ll be too high to care.” Blu laughed.
Levi splashed water at Blu and Kyle, “Are you old farts getting in the pool?”
“I’m not sure are you able to save us? You know in our condition we have to worry about such things,” Kyle laughed as he peeled off his shirt tossing it in Blu’s face. “The last one in does the cleanup,” Kyle shouted over his shoulder as he plunged into the pool.
Chris and his family came out to hang with everyone. Jared winked at Blu and they slowly walked to greet the family. They hugged everyone, and as soon as Blu wrapped Chris in his arms, Jared grabbed his feet and they carried him to the pool as he threw out profanities at everyone around him. The two men even swung him back and forth counting before they let go on three. Chris spluttered as he came up for air.
“I’ll get you assholes back,” Chris said waving his fist in the air.
He can’t have been too concerned because when he turned around Link was behind him and Chris dunked his butt while laughing. Cody jumped on his back to try and pull him under the water, but the poor kid weighed about 60 pounds.
“Hey, hey Mason!” Blu called out as he emerged from the house. “Where have you been sunshine?”
Mason got closer and in a quiet voice, he answered, “I went and picked up the tickets for all of us. Man the malls are freakin’ packed with damn kids just hanging around.”
Jared leaned in kissing Mason, “Kasey is gonna flip out, I think Levi is gonna love all the little kid rides that he will be forced to ride,” he chuckled.
Blu laughed, “I honestly think Levi will be the one dragging Kasey on them.”
Kyle hopped out of the pool and walked over to Blu, he flopped into Blu’s lap.
“You looked too dry,” Kyle laughed before kissing his husband, “So Operation Mickey is in motion?”
“Yup just picked up the packages from the travel agent. There are even keyrings for each package, they’re so cute.” Mason gushed. “Davis hooked us up with an eight-bedroom villa, so we can all stay together. We all have annual passes to the theme parks,” Mason said shrugging his shoulder. “It ended up being cheaper and we have more freedom to do what we want. This is going to be great. The kids are gonna be so excited.”
Mason was practically bouncing around with excitement himself.
“Oh and I managed to rent us a mini-bus for the two weeks. If any of us want to do something separate we can just catch a taxi or grab an Uber.”
“Mason is that one of the little luxury tour buses with a driver?” Kyle asked.
“Uh-huh!” he nodded his head grinning. “That was all Jared.”
“Nice; Babe, did you speak to Tony’s parents? We can cover his costs.” Kyle looked at Blu waiting for an answer.
Blu blew out an exasperated breath, “Yeah, I did. They weren’t happy about it because they couldn’t pay themselves and said no. But I’m thinking I might sick Kaleb on them, or even Dad maybe. Them two together and Tony’s parents are screwed.” He ended with a chuckle. “The voice of unreasonable excitement with the voice of reason will kill them.”
“I don’t want to upset them, but it’s a chance Tony may never get again.” Kyle sighed, “Turn the two loose on them, just keep Tony out of it, that way if things don’t work out he won’t be disappointed.”
“Good idea.” Blu looked around the place, it was crawling with kids now. Everyone they considered family or were family. He got a mischievous grin on his face and picked up his phone that was sitting on the table. He flicked through his contact list and dialed Tony's Dad.
“Hey,” Blu said with some pep, “It’s Blu, I thought you guys were coming to our place today with Tony. Why aren’t you here?”
Blu held his finger to his lips for them all to be quiet, while he listened.
“Antonio, don’t be ridiculous, you and Vanessa get over here now. Bring your bathing suits with you, it’s a pool party dude.” Blu laughed into the phone.
His grin got bigger as he heard Tony’s father sigh in resignation.
“Ah, no just bring whatever you want to drink, we only have beer for the adults.” Blu chuckled. “Awesome see you soon.”
Blu ended the call, “Now they are sitting ducks.”
He high fived Mason and side hugged Kyle, he laid back on the chaise bringing Kyle with him.
Kaleb opened the sliding glass door into the pool area, “What time did you guys plan on eating?”
“Whenever you think Kaleb, you’re doing us a solid,” Blu answered. “Are you going to come and join us soon you’re not supposed to be stuck in the kitchen. We want you to enjoy yourself that’s why we paid for your business to cater.”
“Those guys are the important ones,” Kaleb pointed at the kids, “I’ll be out in a little while,” he said as he retreated back into the kitchen.
Nudging Kyle, Blu lifted his chin in the direction of Kaleb. “Go and get your brother will ya. Those damn kids would eat shit on a stick if we fed it to them. I’ll have a beer while you’re there love.”
Blu chuckled after bossing his husband around.
Kyle shook his head and went into the kitchen.
Jared pointed to the kitchen door and watched as Kaleb stuffed a beer in Kyle’s one hand and a plate of food in his other before shoving him out the door.
“Well I don’t think Kaleb wanted anybody interfering in the kitchen,” Jared laughed out as Kyle walked over to Blu.
Kyle held out Blu’s beer, “Here, Kaleb said the next person to enter the kitchen without an invitation will need more than surgery to remove his foot from their ass.”
“He’s a feisty little fucker isn’t he,” Blu mumbled pissed off, he threw his head back and closed his eyes then screamed out, “NAN!”
Nan came to Blu, a beer in one hand and a chicken leg in the other. He raised his eyebrow at her.
“What?” she said looking around at her grandkids. “It was a leftover in your fridge and I had the munchies.”
“Jesus Christ, Nan,” Blu huffed. “Whatever we need a favor when you’ve finished choking down your snack.”
Nan took a bite of the chicken leg, “What do you want?”
“Christ Nan, say it don’t spray it.” He said wiping away a piece of chicken that had flown from her mouth.
She just shrugged.
“We paid for Kaleb’s company to cater, not him. He’s supposed to be out here enjoying the party. Kyle tried to get him to come out but he just handed him a beer, food, and threw him out.”
Nan looked over to the sliding door, “Hmm, hold this.” She handed Kyle her beer. “And this,” she said giving Blu her chicken leg.
Blu screwed up his face holding the bottom of it between his thumb and forefinger. The second Nan headed for the kitchen he threw it to Khan for him to snack on.
“Gross,” Blu said wiping his hands down his board shorts.
They all watched as Nan stood outside the sliding glass door watching inside. She adjusted her boobs, wretched up her granny panties while yanking on her sundress, then opened the door. Nan slipped inside slamming the door shut behind her. The boys all watched her as she yelled at Kaleb and grabbed him by the ear. The door opened as Kaleb was thrown out. He tried to get back in but was shit out of luck, Kaleb turned around and saw the adults all staring at.
The door opened again, Kaleb quickly turned around, but instead of being let back inside a beer was shoved into one hand and a plate of food in the other.
“NOW!” Nan’s voice echoed through the pool area, it was loud enough to stop everyone in their tracks.
Lincoln’s eyes got big, “Ooh this is gonna be good, I’ve only heard her voice get like that a few times. Once when we fed her that pizza and the other when Dad bombed her and the Judge with the huge pizza order,” he said to Cody.
“Nan, it’s my job,” Kaleb said in a loud whiny tone.
Nan just pointed, flicked the lock on the door then crossed her arms staring at Kaleb.
“Man, he is not going to win this one,” Mason said bewildered. “I’ve never seen her like that before.”
“Ah, that’s mild.” Kyle chuckled remembering the times she’s been truly pissed off.
Kaleb wandered over and kicked a chair before he sat down with his family.
“I swear to god that dream with the talking vagina had Nan’s voice in it,” Kaleb said as he took a long draw of his beer.
“Oh my god,” Blu laughed, “that’s a nightmare, not a dream Leb.”
Davis arrived a few minutes later, he walked over to Kaleb kissing him hello.
“Why so mopey, Leb?” he ran his hand through his husband's hair affectionately.
Kaleb shivered, “The talking vagina… it was Nan.” He gagged and grabbed the beer from Kyle’s hand, chugging it. “We need something stronger.”
“No, you don’t,” Blu said, “not with the kids around anyway. You get way too affectionate on that crap. But I’m happy to get you another beer.”
Blu kissed Kyle’s cheek, “You want another Blondie?” he asked as he stood up.
“Sure, he just finished Nan’s beer.” Kyle laughed as Kaleb gagged again.
“Blu bring me two please, and maybe get Nan a girdle or something to make sure her vagina can’t get free or somehow start talking,” Kaleb looked at Davis, “I think I might be losing my mind.”
A couple of boys ran past Blu.
“No running!” Blu yelled out shaking his head staring at the guilty parties.
“I wouldn’t go in there that woman is crazy. She threatened to stuff a drumstick up our behinds for interrupting her,” the one boy mumbled as he headed back to the pool.
Blu knocked on the glass door and waited for Nan. When he got her attention he held up five fingers, then indicated he wanted drinks. Nan passed five beers through to Blu. He gave one to Kyle, Davis, Mason, and Kaleb.
“So what had those boys running away so fast?” Kaleb asked after chugging half of his new bottle down.
“Take it easy Kaleb, you're not at a bar.” Blu grimaced.
“But Nan’s vagina talks, yuck.” Kaleb ran his hand over his face, “That’s not possible right?”
“We need a change of subject,” Blu said his whole body shivered. “So Mason, how’s your dissertation going?”
Mason chuckled. “It’s done, I’ve finished. Wahoo to me!”
Kaleb looked at Mason, “Congrats, what’re you doing to celebrate your accomplishment?”
“He’s goin’ to Disney,” Jared snuggled up to Mason as he kissed his cheek.
Mason smiled, kissing Jared on the side of his head.
“Actually, I got engaged, and we’re going to Disney to celebrate.” Mason’s cheeks blush.
Kyle smiled over at his twin, “Nice job Jared, don’t let him slip away. I think I have the chain I use to keep Blu attached too.”
Jared chuckled, “Thanks, but I don’t think Mase is into that kinky stuff.”
“Hey Mom,” Blu called out, as he stood to congratulate his best friend and friend. “Mason and Jared got engaged.”
Everyone gathered around Mason and Jared giving their congratulations. Antonio and Vanessa arrived during the chaos. They were both smiling while watching on.
“Hey, Mom, Dad,” Tony said approaching his parents smiling.
“Hi Son, what’s going on?” Antonio asked.
“Mr. Jared and Mason got engaged.” Tony grinned.
“Oh, that’s wonderful,” Vanessa said going over to Jared and Mason to congratulate them.
“Antonio,” Doug approached and shook his hand. He then winked in Blu’s direction and pulled Antonio in another. “So…”
That’s all Blu had heard of the conversation, but he watched as Kaleb pulled away from everyone and followed Doug.
“Did you say something to Kaleb?” Blu whispered in Kyle’s ear.
“Nope, but I’m happy to not hear about talking body parts,” Kyle smiled as he watched the kids playing in the pool.
“Maybe Dad did after I spoke with him, I hope they can convince his parents to let him come.”
“Dad will make him see that we don’t care about the money,” Kyle said as he squeezed Blu’s hand.
“Hmm,” is all Blu said.
Bella wandered over, “Hi Uncle Davis,” she said giving him a hug.
“Hello beautiful,” Davis smiled fondly at his niece. “Are you excited about going to writing camp on Monday?”
Bella nodded vigorously, “Yeah, I can’t believe my Dads are letting me go. I’m really excited, Tony and I get to do it together, so that’ll be fun.”
“That’s great, make sure you have fun, okay?” Davis said squeezing her shoulder.
“We will.” Bella turned to her dads, “Can we please put the volleyball net up, we want to have a game?”
“Just tell the boys to pop the caps off on each side of the pool and the posts slide in there,” Kyle smiled at their daughter as he gave her a one-armed hug, “the net is in the storage box by the pump room door.”
“Thanks, Daddy.” Bella ran off to find Tony.
“Don’t run!” Blu called out after her, shaking his head. “I like how they all listen.”
“Yes Mom,” Kyle snickered as he kissed Blu’s cheek. “Ow, don’t pinch me.”
Antonio came over and sat with Vanessa, “You guys are a piece of work, that’s not fair sicking your Dad and the Jack Russell on me.”
There was no heat in his exchange, and mitigated by the smile on his face. The man slung his arm over his wife’s shoulder, pulling her too him as he kissed the side of her head.
“It seems we are basically kid-free for the next four weeks.” Antonio smiled at his wife.
“Why where are you going?” said their stealthy teenage son.
Gasps could be heard and eyes were darting every which way.
“Well, your Mom and Dad asked if you could stay with us while they went to a Dance Festival,” Kyle smiled at the boy.
Tony looked at his parents warily, “Okay.”
They all let out a breath as Tony accepted the information and walked away.
“Hey Bella, I’m coming to stay with you guys in a couple of weeks,” Tony said loud enough for her to hear, while he walked closer to her.
“Jesus, the kids are like friggin’ ninja’s there’s always one hiding nearby ready to pounce.” Blu clicked his tongue.
Well, we hope you enjoyed this chapter, a fun pool party, not only for the kids, more babbling Kaleb, Nan was in fine form. Are we all excited about the trip to Disney World. My bags are packed, I'm already waiting in the Escalade. Let us know what you think about everything. Remember to leave a reaction, and we welcome your comments.
A special thank you to our Beta-Readers who catch things that we sometimes overlook or forget to address, without their hard work we wouldn't be able to provide you the story we do.
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