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Family Struggles - 20. When It Rains It Pours

When It Rains It Pours:

A few weeks had passed by and the family fell back into a normal routine even with the security detail always being nearby. The construction of the addition and pool were in full swing, the kids are excited to have the work going on and already planning pool parties. If the guys lost track of the kids, they could usually be found peering out the one doorway that has a tarp hanging over it to keep the dust and dirt from entering the main part of the house. Kyle and Blu ended up admonishing the kids at least a dozen times because of anything coming into the house could be harmful to Cody’s health.

Friday night after getting the kids to bed, Kyle and Blu spent some much-needed quality time snuggled together in bed.

Kyle kissed Blu’s forehead as they cuddled.

“Babe, I’ve been thinking…” Kyle paused and slid his head back to make eye contact with Blu. “Our car seems like it’s shrinking, poor Cody looks like a pretzel everytime he gets in and out of the third-row seating. What do you think about looking for a larger SUV?”

“I know, the other day I couldn’t work out how Link got a foot to grow out of his shoulder.” Blu chuckled. “What are you thinking we should get, and if you say mini-van or some such nonsense trust me blue balls will become a welcomed dream when I’m finished with you.”

“Damn… there goes the soccer mom routine for you,” Kyle chuckled. “Well, I’m not really sure. I spotted some larger SUV’s at that car dealership that Levi insisted we get the Viper at, maybe we should take a look there.”

“If we don’t take the kids with us,” Blu paused biting his bottom lip, “maybe we could go for a test drive in the Viper?”

“I wanna see us fit the tribe in that,” Kyle laughed.

“I’m not suggesting we buy it, just fool the car salesmen so we can have a drive, then we’ll look at what else they have there.”

“You better take pictures for Levi, he’ll be pissed,” Kyle snickered to his husband.

“Not on your freakin’ life, that kid can get in this room while we’re sleeping,” Blu laughed out loud.

“Maybe Jared and Mason wouldn’t mind the kids hanging out with them while we go take a look?” Kyle suggested.

“Sure, if not Dad will probably come over and do it. Shall I text him now?” Blu asked as he reached for his phone on the nightstand.

Kyle reached over pinching Blu’s nipple snickering, “Sure, why not.”

Blu quickly sent a group text to Mason, Jared, and his Dad then jumped over straddling Kyle pinning his arms to the mattress.

“Now, as for you,” Blu smiled evilly, “You are going to make my eyes roll into the back of my head and my toes curl, while those guys have a couple of rounds of ‘Not it.’” Blu swooped down kissing Kyle roughly.


Saturday morning Kyle and Blu were up early for their shopping excursion. Kyle had informed the security detail that Blu and he would be going to the car dealership while the kids were going to Jared and Mason’s house.

Levi bounced down the stairs tucking his baseball uniform in, “Do I look okay? I need to make an impression on my first game.”

Kyle smiled Levi ruffling his hair, “You look great, Pop and I will meet you at your game, Uncle Jared is gonna take you there while we go to an appointment.”

“Dad, quit doin’ that to my hair,” Levi smiled as he ran his fingers through his hair straightening it.

Cody and Lincoln came into the room as Levi was straightening himself out.

“Hmmm… you look like a baseball player, but can you hit the ball?” Cody asked his older brother.

Levi smirked at Cody, “You’ll have to see for yourself.”

“If you strike out, I’ll make up a nickname for you,” Cody chuckled as he pulled on his jacket.

“Uh…” Levi looked at Lincoln who had the cheesiest grin on his face, “don’t even say it.”

“Okay, boys, let's go, Uncle Jared and Mason are waiting on you guys. Kasey even has a new game he wants to play with his Evi,” Kyle chuckled as he imitated his nephew.

Blu started the car while Kyle walked the kids over to Jared and Mason’s place, he noticed that Levi forgot his equipment bag. Luckily Levi had been so excited it was packed and at the front door. He threw the bag over his shoulder just as Kyle jumped into the driver's seat, Blu punched Kyle in the arm.

“Just going to run Levi’s bag over to him, if you wanna back up into Jared’s drive. Won’t be a sec.” Blu smiled.

Kyle backed the SUV across the road and waited for Blu, a minute later he jumped in the passenger side.

“I should sit in the back if you want to drive me around like a chauffeur,” Blu said grinning as he secured the seat belt.

“Yes, Miss Daisy,” Kyle said in his best Morgan Freeman impersonation as he started the car and backed out of the driveway once it was clear.

They made their way to the car dealership with their envoy of security following closely behind.


At the car lot, a salesman that looked a few years older than Tony strolled out in dress slacks with a shirt and tie.

“What’s up, dudes?” The kid said offering a smile and handshake.

“Yeah, uh… is your Dad around?” Blu laughed without meaning to be cruel but it just popped out. The guy just seemed so young to him.

“Actually, he’s in his office, do you know him? I can go get him,” The kid said looking back at the building.

Blu opened his mouth, but Kyle pinched his side to shut him up.

The boy rubbed his hands together nervously, “Look I need to impress my Dad. He said, ‘if I wasn’t going to college then I was learning the family business.’ I even got rid of my green hair coloring and bought dress clothes.”

“Good for you, my parents used to own their own business too.” Blu put his arm around the guy's shoulder directing him to the cars Kyle had mentioned the night before. “Would you like a couple of tips on how to get your Dad off your back?”

The young salesman chuckled, “At least working here is an improvement over his first suggestion when I told him I didn’t want to go to college, he had me loaded up to go to a military recruiter. I swear he had me about to piss my pants. So, any suggestions you have I’m open to them.”

“Firstly, don’t call the customer’s Dude, a big no-no. You could turn away serious buyers and I’m guessing your commission on any sale is pretty good money. Am I right?”

“Ya, it’s not bad money. My Dad is so uptight though,” the salesman rolled his eyes. “He threatened if I didn’t turn my hair back to its normal color then I had to shave it off, he wasn’t having a freak working for him.”

Blu nodded his head smiling, “If you don’t want to go to college, that’s fine it’s not for everyone. But take this opportunity seriously, show your Dad he’s wrong about you. Trust me on this, it will give you the edge, you might even find he eventually starts including you, asking your opinion about the business. Find a different way to show your individuality, bright socks, or character ties, something that makes you feel like you are an individual. You’ll be surprised how much that can help, I used to wear a bandana on my head.” Blu shrugged his shoulder, “they owned a nursery.”

“Far out,” The young man stated, “What can I show you guys?”

“You better ask my husband about that, we have a big family and need more space, so have at it, sell him something, we are here to buy.” Blu grinned.

“Cool, so I have a few ideas. Oh, by the way, I’m Bryson.” The salesman directed the group towards a fully loaded conversion van, “This here is a top of the line van, you could fit a bunch of kids in it.”

Blu glared at his husband thinking, “Don’t even say it, Blondie.”

Kyle glanced at Blu chuckling, “Soccer Mom?”

Blu growled playfully at Kyle.

Kyle smiled and looked at Bryson, “I don’t think my husband is ready for a van quite yet. How about a large sized SUV?”

Bryson smiled and pulled out a bundle of folded up papers from his back pocket and studied it, “We have a few that might work, they are a bit fancy.”

“Well, we’ll take a look and decide if they fit our needs,” Kyle patted the young man on the shoulder.

Kyle and Blu followed the man to where there were a bunch of used cars and SUV’s.

“No offense Bryson, we want something that is new, our lives are busy enough without breaking down alongside the road,” Kyle stated kindly.

“Sorry, I just assumed you guys are only a few years older than me that you didn’t have much money,” Bryson stated apologetically.

Kyle chuckled, “It’s not a problem, show us your large SUV’s we want something that can fit at least eight people.”

Bryson smiled and motioned for the other two men to follow him. As they walked by the Viper the man paused, “This would be a fun toy if you didn’t need room for eight people.”

“Any chance I could drive it?” Blu asked hopefully.

The man looked at Blu and back at the Viper, “The dealership requires a safety deposit of fifty thousand dollars in case you crash it. It’s only a hold on a credit card if you can afford it.”

Kyle looked at Blu smiling as he reached into his pocket grabbing his wallet, “You can take it for a drive, Levi will be so jealous.”

“Nah, Blondie, I’d rather go with you or Levi. It can wait.” Blu smiled. “Thanks though.”

“Okay, well Bryson let’s take a look at those SUV’s then,” Kyle smiled, “our Son has his first baseball game today, so we need to find our new car.”

“Sure thing,” Bryson directed them to a secluded spot in the lot that had a line of Escalades parked. “These are the largest SUV’s we have, the black one on the end with the chrome is the Platinum edition. It’s the top of the line from Cadillac and it’s a beaut, she’s got all the bells and whistles. Would you like to take a look at her?”

Blu was already inside the SUV, jumping from one place to the next checking out everything it had to offer. Kyle was shaking his head, every time Blu found something he found cool he would yell out to Kyle excitedly.

“Blondie, check this out,” Blu yelled and was pointing.

Kyle put his hand to his ear as if to say I can’t hear you, while he grinned.

“He said–” Bryson started to say.

“I know,” Kyle laughed gently nudging Bryson, “I’m just having fun. I can hear him.”

“He’s an excitable guy huh?” Bryson asked Kyle quietly.

Kyle smirked, “You have no idea. Can we take her for a test drive?”

Bryson nodded, “Sure, give me a second to grab the keys and a dealer plate. I’ll need your driver's license also.” Kyle dug his license out handing it to the man. “I’ll be right back!” The young salesman said excitedly as he ran across the lot.

Kyle turned back to look at the car to find Blu with his forehead plastered to the window pouting at him.

“You’re getting drool marks on the window like Khan does,” Kyle chuckled.

Blu laughed, then put his hand to his ear and mouthed, “I can’t hear you.”

Kyle smirked and flipped his husband the bird, mouthing “I love you.”

Blu kissed his hand then and smacked his ass as he raised it toward the window.

“Oh, we’re gonna have a hard time explaining to Levi we didn’t make it to his game because Pop got us sent to the big house,” Kyle thought to himself.

The salesman ran across the lot jiggling the keys in his hand, which reminded Kyle of Levi.

“Ready for the ride of your life?” Bryson asked as he handed the keys to Kyle and raced around the back of the vehicle to place the magnetic plate on the tailgate.

Kyle laughed at the man and looked at Blu, “Do you want to drive her first?”

“No Blondie, drive her like you stole her,” Blu smirked.

Kyle smirked, “You might regret telling me that, remember years ago you ended up tossing your cookies from my driving.”

Blu threw his head back and laughed, “Yup, Bryson I hope you haven’t eaten your lunch yet. Hit it Blondie.”

Kyle got in the driver’s seat closing the door. After fastening his seatbelt, Kyle started the engine and gave the engine a mighty rev, before placing it in gear. He eased the vehicle out of the parking space and waited for his moment to enter the roadway and gunned the engine.

“Holy fuck, this is great I’ve never been on a test drive like this,” Bryson yelled excitedly as the power of the SUV had him plastered to the seat.

Kyle glanced into the mirror and smirked, “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet.” He cut a sharp turn onto the freeway ramp opening the motor up.

A police car pulled in behind the car and flipped its lights on.

“Fuck me,” Kyle mumbled as he eased the car onto the shoulder.

“License and registration,” The policeman stated as he strode up to the window.

Kyle reached for his wallet and opened it forgetting he gave his license to Bryson. Three security men walked up and surrounded the vehicle but did not interfere with the police officer doing his job.

“Oh shit,” Kyle looked nervously around the car.

The Officer had one eye on the security team as he observed Kyle’s behavior, “Sir, step out of the car and place your hands on the hood. Are you under the influence of anything?”

“Hell no,” Kyle answered the officer heatedly.

“Don’t take that tone with me, sir,” The officer barked back.

The security guys didn’t move an inch.

Bryson dug through the paperwork he had and found Kyle’s license. “Who are you guys?” the kid mumbled.

“It’s a long story, but we’re nobody special or famous.” Blu’s eyes didn’t leave Kyle.

“Officer–” Bryson started to say.

“Be quiet I’ll deal with you two in a minute,” The officer stated as he proceeded to conduct a DUI test on Kyle. “I need you to say the alphabet backward.”

“Jesus Christ, I’m a Music teacher, not an English teacher,” Kyle mumbled and reluctantly did as he was told.

After Kyle convinced the Police Officer he wasn’t drunk or on drugs the cop had him lean against the hood again and went to speak with Blu and Bryson.

The Policeman leaned toward the open driver’s window, “Okay, can somebody explain where the fire is that you guys were going too?”

“Officer, do you mind if I have a word with you before you write the ticket?” Blu asked.

“No, that’s fine,” The Officer looked at Bryson who was red as an apple and shaking like a leaf with Kyle’s license in his hand which the officer snatched.

“The young man holding Kyle’s license, works for the Cadillac Dealership, his Dad owns it and he just started as a salesman there. It’s not his fault that Kyle was a little overzealous with his driving, is there any chance when you write the ticket that you could leave the car and the young guy out of it. I can give you all of our car details to put against it if you like.” Blu pleaded. “It just wouldn’t feel right he gets into trouble with his father and jeopardize his job and disappoint his father. And officer just so you know we are buying a vehicle from this guy today so we weren’t just playing around.”

“Oh, you’re Ol’ Ben Shepard’s kid. He was such a stick in the mud in high school, my sympathies. We had a report of a vehicle involved in a road rage incident, so I figured I would stop you guys.” The Policeman snickered as Kyle looked truly miserable with his upper body sprawled across the hood. “I’ll tell you what, I’m gonna give you a verbal warning. Promise me to stay off of my highway if you decide to try out for a racing gig.”

The security team could be heard snickering as they watched the whole ordeal.

Bryson sighed with relief. “You’re not tellin’ my Dad?”

“Oh, hell no, he’d try to send you off to the military,” The Policeman scoffed.

“Thank you, officer,” Blu said, putting his hand on Bryson’s shoulder, as the guy was leaning over the console.

“Not a problem,” The officer smirked as he motioned to Kyle, “Young man get in the vehicle and go purchase your car from Bryson.”

“Thank god, I was worried I wouldn’t live this down from Kaleb,” Kyle sighed a breath of relief.

The Policeman looked at Kyle after looking at his name on his identification before handing it back, “You’re related to Nancy Waters?”

Blu nodded, swallowing nervously. God knows what his Nan had been up to.

“I arrested her and a kid named Kaleb a few years back, she was three sheets in the wind from drinking,” The officer shook his head chuckling, “she even beat me over the head with her purse.”

“Oh, crap.” Blu thought.

“Sorry Officer, she’s a handful.” Blu smiled.

The Policeman rubbed his head, “She doesn’t have a license anymore since the hearing, luckily for all of us,” he snickered. “I’ll never forget her, and you’re right she is a handful. Colorful vocabulary too. Have a good day!” He said before going back to his cruiser.


“I’ll be inside, you guys take as long as you need to discuss the vehicle,” Bryson stated as he got out of the car after they pulled the car into the parking space at the dealership.

Kyle nodded and turned in his seat facing Blu, “What do you think of the car?”

“Freakin’ awesome, not too happy with the interest of the local cops though.”

“Christ, I thought I was going to jail, how would that look to Children and Family Services?” Kyle sighed.

“Crap! I didn’t even think about that.” Blu looked horrified.

Kyle played with some of the gizmos on the dash, “I think this will be a nice car for the kids.”

“Me too. What do you want to do Blondie?”

“I think we should offer them an all-cash offer and see how much they are willing to bargain. We have the money and it should save us a decent chunk,” Kyle found one of the headset gadets, “We’ll have to get more of these things for all of the kids and a few extra in case Tony or Kasey are with us.”

“Absolutely, how are we going to do a cash settlement today if it’s Saturday?” Blu asked, “If we put it on Amex is that classed as cash?” Blu wondered out loud.

Kyle shrugged his shoulders, “It should be, or the bank is open until 1 PM, one of us could run over and get a cashier’s check issued.”

“Okay, you talk deal with Bryson and I’ll run to the bank. Text me as soon as you know how much, or did you want to see if we can get it on the card first?” Blu asked.

“We can see about the card first. Are we trading in the Ford or keeping it as a second car?” Kyle asked as he opened his door.

“Uh… do you think we’ll need a second car? I mean we make do now, but I guess we’ve been relying on your brothers too much, huh?”

“I mean we have four kids, sooner or later they’re all gonna have overlapping activities,” Kyle tried to reason to himself out loud, “It’s up to you Babe, plus Bella has two years until she can get her permit.”

“Yeah, we should keep it you’re right, we’ll be running from one sport to another, or an activity or friends house before we know it. God kids are exhausting.” Blu laughed.

Kyle chuckled, “Yeah, but we love our kids. Okay,” he clapped his hands together, “let’s get this done. We only have ninety minutes until Levi’s game.”

Kyle and Blu walked into the dealership and found Bryson’s desk, and took a seat.

“Well, what do you guys think of the Escalade Platinum?” Bryson asked as he sat down some paperwork.

Kyle looked at the young man, “We’re gonna cut to the chase Bryson, we have ninety minutes to be at our son's baseball game. Here’s our proposition, we want that Escalade and we can do an all-cash offer or if you accept the Amex Black card we can pay that way. But I expect ten percent off the price since we’re not dealing with banks and we want it today.”

Bryson’s eyes went wide, “Uh… I… I’ll go talk to my Dad. Can you give me a few minutes?”

Kyle nodded and Bryson scampered off like Kasey would.

A few minutes later, Bryson returned with an older looking man who they presumed what Bryson’s Dad.

“Gentlemen, I’m Ben Shepard, Bryson has explained your offer and we can meet your terms. It’s highly unusual that we receive a cash offer, but I appreciate it when we do. Bryson will get your paperwork drawn up if you have any issues feel free to speak with him or call me at this number it’s my private extension.” Ben handed Kyle his business card before walking away.

“Actually, I’d like to ask for one more thing,” Kyle said stopping the man, as he turned back to look at him. “I’d like it if my husband and son could go for a test drive in the Viper on Monday at lunch.”

“That’s an unusual request,” Ben chuckled, “Send them over Bryson can set it up. I need to finish a conference call with my supplier, I hope you have a good weekend.” The man turned and walked down a long hallway.

An hour later all of the paperwork was signed and placed in an envelope with had the dealerships logo, along with a voucher for the extra headsets the guys requested.

“Thanks for your business, I can’t thank either of you enough,” Bryson stated as he offered his hand before giving the men their paperwork.

Kyle shook Bryson’s hand, “Thank you for working to make our day easier, it was a pleasure to meet you.”

The three men said their goodbyes and Bryson promised to have the Viper ready for its test drive on Monday.

Kyle followed Blu back to the house to drop off the Ford before they headed to the middle school baseball field for Levi’s game.

Blu crawled into the passenger side seat and Kyle took his hand in his.

“The kids are gonna be surprised,” Kyle said leaning over to kiss Blu.

“Yep, and since the seats are separated no more shoving between Link and Levi, the peace is going to be wonderful.” Blu sighed. “Thank you for organizing the Viper ride for me and Levi.” Blu leaned over the console and kissed Kyle quickly.

Kyle smiled and turned on the climate control, “I’d do anything for you and our kids, Babe.”


Kyle parked the car in his usual Principal spot, so the new car was away from the spectators. He met Blu at the back of the SUV and they walked together closely to find their family.

“Can we keep the drive a secret, I want Levi to be surprised and excited?” Blu asked looking at his husband.

“If you promise to take a picture of his face the moment he realizes what is going on,” Kyle smirked.

Blu frowned, “You’re not going to come with us?”

“I just thought it would be a special moment for you two,” Kyle smiled as he bumped shoulders with Blu.

“Thank you, Blondie,” Blu said appreciatively.

“Anything for you Babe,” Kyle smiled as he spotted Lincoln, Cody, and Kasey jumping up and down on the bleachers waving like maniacs.

“Dear god, I wonder who those kids belong to?” Blu smiled.

“I believe they’re those mischievous Waters kids.” Kyle chuckled as they approached the seating.

“Dad, where were you guys?” Cody asked exasperatedly.

“We went to see a man about a dog, nosy. How was Levi when he went to the locker room?”

“Odie ettin puppy?” Kasey gasped and clapped his hands excitedly.

“No,” Blu whined. “I didn't say we were getting a dog but went to see someone about a dog. Hopefully, it will stop pooping on our front lawn. Now Kasey, focus, how was,” Blu waved his hand, “never mind.” He turned to Kyle, “Blondie did you want to check on him and give a speech for the first game or do you want me to?”

“Babe, he’ll be humiliated. He already says we’re overprotective,” Kyle rubbed Blu’s back.

Blu bit his bottom lip, while his foot bounced anxiously as he stood next to Kyle. He eventually sat down on the bleacher in front to the kids noticing that Jared and Mason were giggling at him. Blu’s eyes gazed up at Kyle sadly.

“Tell your stupid brother to be nice to me,” Blu said pouting. “Just wait until it’s Kasey’s turn to do something for the first time.”

“Unc Boo bird poop on our lip,” Kasey stated.

Jared and Mason roared with laughter.

“Whoseywhatnow?” Blu said scrunching up his face.

Cody tapped Blu’s shoulder, “He said a bird is gonna poop on your lip, you know because you’re pouting, Pop.”

Blu sighed and turned to look at the field, “I want a hot dog,” he said out loud.

“Oh, can we have one of those funnel cake thingys?” Lincoln asked giving Blu puppy dog eyes.

“You better ask Dad first, I forgot my wallet. But if he says yes, I’ll have a hotdog with ketchup and mustard and a coke please?” Blu asked.

Lincoln nudged Cody and smiled, the younger boy nodded.

“Daddy, can we have funnel cakes?” Cody asked as all three boys gave him their saddest, most pathetic looks possible.

Kyle rolled his eyes, “Fine, but you have to get them, I believe Pop asked for a hotdog.” Kyle pulled his wallet out and noticed the only money he had was a fifty-dollar bill, and reluctantly handed it to Lincoln, “I want my change back buddy.”

Lincoln gave a mock salute and the three boys headed off on their junk food binge.

“I have a feeling I’m not getting any change,” Kyle laughed.

Blu chuckled. “Sucker.”

“Hey, you’re supposed to be sympathetic I’m your husband.” Kyle turned to Jared who was fighting to hold himself together so he did not laugh at his brother. “See what I deal with?” That was all it took, Jared and Mason laughed hysterically at the pair.

“Works for me, I get a hotdog and I don’t have to go and get it,” Blu said grinning.

Kyle sat down beside Blu and watched for the boys to return.

About fifteen minutes later the trio returned wearing baseball caps with the school logo of a Knight on it and had their hands full of food and drinks.

Cody handed Blu his hotdog while they squirmed their way back to their seats.

Lincoln tapped his Dad’s shoulder and gave him seventy-five cents.

“Wow, a whole seventy-five cents. I’m rich,” Kyle exclaimed throwing a piece of lint to the side and stuffing the coins in his pocket.

Blu chuckled as he went to put the hotdog in his mouth, but it wasn’t there anymore. Kyle had stolen it and took a bite the size of half the American delicacy, he smiled at Blu with sauce smeared on one side of his lips.

“Tases ood,” Kyle mumbled and then his tongue shot out licking the remaining ketchup from his lip.

“Jackass,” Blu grumbled turning behind him and stealing Lincoln’s funnel cake.

“Help! Police! Funnel cake thief!” Lincoln shouted, gaining the attention of the other sports fans.

Blu shot up out of his seat, yelling with his mouth full. “Go, Levi!” His grin from ear to ear. The noise of the crowd became loud and electrified as the families were excited about their kids.

Lincoln crossed his arms glaring at Blu, “That’s twice Pop, remember I know where you sleep. Dad, when can we start trumpet lessons?”

“Oh, fuck my life. Maybe we can build a shed in the backyard.” Kyle thought to himself.

Blu turned to Lincoln, “Really, Link, that’s awesome, I love jazz, blues, big band, and Dixieland jazz. Good for you buddy.”

“The only song I’m learning is Taps!” Lincoln grumbled.

“Okay,” Blu shrugged and turned back to watch the baseball. “Fuck! We are soundproofing the music room with an airlock. He’ll pass out eventually.” Blu thought.

The game remained tied going into the bottom of the sixth inning, Levi was the third player up to bat.

‘Strike one,’ the umpire called out as the ball whizzed by Levi.

Levi stepped out of the batter’s box and tapped his bat on his cleats and watched the coach for his signal and stepped back to the plate. He fouled off the next pitch.

“Hit the ball Levi,” the three younger boys yelled out. Levi looked over at the boys and smiled quickly before staring down the pitcher.

The ball the left pitcher's hand and Levi cocked the bat back, hitting the ball solidly.


The ball cleared the fence, and Levi smiled as he trotted around the bases.

The family jumped up from their seats screaming and generally making a spectacle of themselves.

“Way to go Homer!” Cody yelled out as Levi rounded third which caused him to glare and stumble.

“Dat is’n Omo, dat Evi,” Kasey looked at Cody with a confused look.

“Homer is Levi’s new nickname,” Cody explained to Kasey who nodded.

The next two innings the Knight’s continued dominating the Bumble Bee’s, at the bottom of the eight Levi was up to bat again which had his family chanting for him.

Kasey clapped his hands and shouted, “Go Omo!” as Kyle went to take a sip of his pop and it sprayed out his nose.

“Dude!” Blu squealed at Kyle who was attempting to blot the person's shirt that his soda had sprayed on.

Blu turned around to say something to Kasey, as nearly everyone around them was staring, but Jared had already pulled him into his lap quietly explaining the poor kid's error in vocabulary. Next thing you know the kids were all chanting together while they did the running man, “Go, Homer, Go Homer.” Kasey now had a big ol’ grin on his face having a ball with his cousins.

The Knights ended up winning 9 to 3, the winning pitcher was a kid that had reddish blonde hair named Brody, who got picked up and hoisted onto the shoulders of his teammates.

Levi dragged Brody over to introduce him to his family.

“Hi Mr. Kyle,” Brody said shyly as he recognized the Principal.

“Dad and Pop, this is Brody he lives four houses down from us,” Levi introduced his new friend.

“It’s nice to meet you, Brody, you pitched a really good game,” Kyle said patting the boy's shoulder.

“Hi, sir,” Brody offered his hand to Blu.

“Hey, good job today, you all played a really good game. You should be proud,” Blu said shaking the young boy's hand.

“Thank you,” Brody smiled.

“Uh, Brody, did you want to come home with us, we’re getting ice cream and then you guys can hang out for a few hours?” Blu asked.

“I’ll have to ask my Mom and Dad, they’re… oh, here they come,” Brody waved to his parents.

Brody’s Mom wrapped him in a hug then smothered him in kisses.

“Mom, not in front of the guys, please,” Brody whined and wiped his Mom’s lipstick from his face.

“Oh, honey Mommy loves you baby boy,” the woman stated.

“Mom!” Brody said a little upset.

The woman looked up realizing they weren’t alone, while Brody’s Dad stood quietly behind his wife with his arms crossed.

“Hello! I’m Maria Grecco, Brody’s mother,” she introduced herself, “the cross looking man behind me is my husband Carsen.”

“Hi, I’m Kyle and this is my husband Blu, we’re Levi’s dads,” He patted Levi’s back.

“Mom, they asked me to go with them to have ice cream and then I can hang out at their house after,” Brody sort of asked and told her at the same time.

Carsen stared at Kyle, “We don’t even know these people.”

Blu narrowed his eyes at the man, “You are welcome to join us, of course. That should remedy the situation don’t you think,” he said abruptly at the man, then crossing his arms over his chest mirroring the man’s stance.

Blu didn’t like the man, nope, not one bit. He trusted his gut when it comes to people, and this guy was no good. But, for the sake of Levi’s friendship with Brody, he wouldn’t say anything and put up with the bigoted asshole for now. He could feel the negativity radiating off of this guy. For now, Blu thought it might be best if Kyle dealt with the guy.

“Pop,” Lincoln tapped Blu’s shoulder, “Um, can me and Cody go say hi to Bella. She’s sitting just over there with Tony and his friends?”

His Pop, looked over to where the kids were sitting, happy to see Bella was okay. It was her first sleepover at Tony’s and he was anxious. But there she was safe and sound with Tony’s parents sitting a few rows back. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were taking the pair to a dance competition tonight that would run late into the night.

“Sure buddy, don’t be very long. Make sure Kasey stays here, there are too many people okay?” Blu said.

“Okay, let’s go, Cody,” Lincoln motioned to his younger brother.

“Fine, Maria you can join Brody and his friend for ice cream. I’m going home, I have some stuff to take care of,” Carsen turned on his heels and walked away.

“Douche!” Blu thought.

Maria looked at the group who appeared to be stunned, “I’m sorry since his father died he’s been rather ornery.” The woman glanced at her son, “Brody hasn’t made many friends since we moved here two years ago.”

Kyle gave Maria a nod, “It’s fine, I feel bad that you and Brody are treated like that though.”

Maria looked away quickly, Kyle didn’t miss the fear in her eyes for a quick second. “He’s not always like this, I assure you.”

Blu’s eyes didn’t leave the woman the entire time she engaged with Kyle, watching every move she made, and the way she spoke. He was already sure that her husband was not a good person but now he was positive the guy was at the very least a bully if not worse.

Levi smiled at Brody, “Looks like you get to come with us dude. We can cram in the back seat with Cody, he won’t mind.”

“Cool,” Brody said sadly, as Maria reached out hugging her son.

Levi watched as he kept a neutral face, not wanting to upset his friend.

Lincoln and Cody returned to the family just in time for Kyle to usher them to the car.

Blu hung back as they walked, he was more than thankful to Kyle as he had made security change into regular clothes for the baseball game. He waited until Brent his bodyguard was closer and the others were out of earshot.

“Brent are you able to check this guy out for me,” he flicked his chin toward the Grecco’s, “the kid's father, I get a really bad vibe from him. If he’s abusing either of those two, Kyle and I will want to help them get away from him.”

Brent’s muscular stature tensed, “I’ll check him out Blu, I can guarantee you that I’ll know what type of coffee he prefers by the time I’m done.”

“Thanks, I’ll talk to Kyle about it later, so you can get back to either of us.” Blu moved ahead of Brent so he could be closer to the family. He didn’t want to miss the boy's reaction to the new car.

Cody stopped as they approached Kyle’s normal parking spot, “Dad! Somebody stole the car!” His eyes were huge as he inspected the large black vehicle.

Kyle turned watching the boy’s faces, “Hmmm… I wonder if our keys will work in it?” He hit the button on the fob causing the security system to beep and lights to flash. “Oh, good we don’t have to walk to the ice cream shop.” Kyle chuckled as the boys hopped inside crawling around inspecting the SUV.

“Dad, there are televisions in the backs of the seats!” Lincoln shouted.

Levi crawled in the driver’s seat, “I remember this car, I wanted you to buy the Viper!” The boy said as he proceeded to play with every button and gizmo he could find.

“Ya, no Viper, sorry.” Kyle smiled at Levi who rolled his eyes at him.

Blu laughed as he stood with Kyle while they watched the boys go through the new vehicle like it was a playground.

“Do you think they like it Blondie?” Blu said as he sunk into the side of Kyle.

Kyle smiled as he snaked his arm around his husband’s shoulders, “Hey boys check inside the console, I think there’s some stuff for the television and stereo system.”

Levi dug out the wireless headsets, “OH! This is sooo cool, Brody you can use one if you want, Bella isn’t with us tonight.”

Kyle and Blu laughed, “We better head out Blondie, Cody looks really tired. He’s had a big day.”

Kyle nodded as he observed Cody’s complexion.

“Boy’s take the rear seats so Maria can sit towards the front,” Kyle told the boys. “Cody, are you feeling okay?”

“I’m just tired Dad,” Cody said with a yawn.

The boys each found a seat and had their headphones on, but that didn’t stop the chattering, the boys just spoke even louder.


Kaleb and Davis strolled into the surrogacy clinic and approached the receptionist who was sitting at her desk reading ‘Soap Opera Digest.’ The woman placed her magazine on the desk, “May I help you, gentlemen?”

“We’re here to get our surrogate!” Kaleb blurted out and blushed, “I mean we have an appointment to find a surrogate.”

“And your names?” The woman chuckled.

“Hanson!” Kaleb blurted out.

“Oh, are you part of that boy band from years ago?” The receptionist asked as she tapped away on her keyboard.

Kaleb’s cheeks turned bright red, “Uh… no,” he shook his head. “Your ears would bleed if I sang to you.”

The woman paused from her typing, “So which one of you is Davis? And who’s Kaleb?”

“I’m Davis,” he said his hand raised.

“I’m his husband Kaleb, we sleep together,” Kaleb blurted out.

Davis huffed out a laugh quickly, “We’ll be over there when you’re ready for us. Come on Leb.”

He could hear the security detail snickering around them, even Teddy was with them today and looked amused.

“Leb, baby, you need to calm down.” Davis pulled Kaleb away from the reception desk.

They stood next to the wall, Kaleb was looking a little sheepish to go with his anxious excitement. Davis swept Kaleb’s unruly hair out of his eyes. He kissed his husband on the forehead sweetly.

“You need a haircut, Leb.” Davis tried to distract Kaleb and calm him down.

Kaleb glanced around the room whispering, “I can’t have sex with this chick no matter how bad we want kids.”

Davis couldn’t help but giggle, “Leb, honey, it doesn’t work that way. You know that; just breathe. You need to calm down. Do you think you can do that?”

“I’m not sure, I feel like a lab rat running on one of those wheel things,” Kaleb glared at Teddy who seemed to be amused at him.

Wrapping his arms around Kaleb, he hugged him tight hoping to get Kaleb to relax into him. He needed to calm down before they were escorted from the building. More than likely by their own security team at this point.

Teddy gave Davis a nod and tapped on his cell phone as ‘Mmm Bop,’ played over his cell phone from ‘Hanson.’

“I hate you!” Kaleb muttered which caused the entire security team to howl in laughter.

“Mmm Bop…” The receptionist sang out, “I mean Hanson, the coordinator is ready for you.”

Davis and Kaleb followed the receptionist to the conference room with Teddy following alongside, the rest of the detail maintained their position in the lobby.

Kaleb and Davis stood by the table, as Teddy stood beside the door, and a younger perky redhead female sauntered into the room wearing a red dress that showed her long slender legs.

“Hello, gentlemen, I’m Rochelle. Please have a seat,” she said as she placed a binder on the conference table and she sat down smiling. “I’ve researched some of the requirements that you have provided on your initial intake paperwork. I think I’ve located a few suitable egg donors and wonderful surrogates that we have worked with in the past.”

Kaleb chewed on his lip, “I’m not having sex with these women.” He muttered nervously.

Rochelle laughed and waved her hand, “Oh my heavens, no you definitely won’t be having sex with them.”

Teddy placed his hand over his face snickering.

“So here are a few pictures of the donors that I’m suggesting along with a detailed medical history and family background,” Rochelle slid four sets of papers across the table.

“Thank you, Rochelle,” Davis said, reaching under the table for Kaleb’s hand.

Kaleb read each biography closely.

Once he was done he pushed one paper away immediately, “Something about her just gives me a bad feeling, I’m not sure why. The blonde is pretty, and it says she’s a director of a daycare. I think I like her. What do you think Baby?”

“Yeah, but what about this lady, she’s a chef,” Davis said putting the bio in front of Kaleb, “Look how cute her messy curls are.”

“She scares the shit out of me, I think she might be Gordon Ramsey’s daughter, picture her throwing a fit,” Kaleb chuckled.

Davis bubbled up laughing, looking sheepishly at the Coordinator. “I like the girl you picked too.”

“You’re good if we go with her then?” Kaleb had an unreadable look on his face.

“Yeah, I guess if you like her, we can do that.” Davis smiled affectionately at Kaleb.

He wanted Kaleb to be a Dad so badly, a girl in childcare wouldn’t be the worst choice. By nature, the young lady was nurturing and liked to help others, hopefully, the baby would have the same qualities.

“Okay,” Kaleb slid the paper back to Rochelle, “When can we have her?”

“Dear God,” Teddy snorted.

Davis looked around the room for a giant hole to jump into.

“Leb, honey, this isn’t an organized kidnapping. You really were too nervous to listen when we came for the initial interview, weren’t you?” Davis asked gently.

Kaleb waved his hand, “When do you shoot her with super sperm?”

Grabbing a tighter grip on Kaleb’s hand, Davis started to take over. This woman is going to think they aren’t right somehow.

Rochelle giggled and looked at Davis, “Honey, you’re gonna have your hands full when the baby arrives on top of him,” she pointed at Kaleb while talking.

Davis rolled his eyes, “You say that like he’s not a handful now.”

“I can imagine, he’s like a puppy on speed,” Rochelle snickered.

“He’s also sitting right here,” Kaleb said indignantly as he waved his hand around, “and he can hear you.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean to offend you,” Rochelle smiled as blushed, “Have you thought about who you would like to be your surrogate from the information packs?”

Kaleb looked at the papers and slid two over to Davis, “Either of those two will be good.” He said trying to keep from making a fool of himself. Davis nodded along, in agreement, he put his arm on Kaleb’s back resting his hand on Kaleb’s neck rubbing comforting circles with his thumb.

Davis picked the healthier lady with a bit of meat on her bones, the other woman seemed a little thin for his liking.

“We’ll make arrangements for you and the donor to come in and donate the eggs, then we can get your little bundle of joy growing,” Rochelle said as she picked up the surrogate paper the guys had chosen.


Maria had decided to let Brody stay the night for a sleepover. They had made Link and Levi’s bedroom into a massive fort. After the boys were asleep that night Kyle and Blu headed to their bedroom. Kyle started stripping his shirt off and paused to look at Blu, “There’s something about Brody’s Dad that I don’t like.”

“Already on it, Blondie. I’ve asked Brent to look into him and see what he can find out. I don’t think I want our kids over at Brody’s place much, if at all. It’s going to be hard to find ways not to have that happen though, he and Levi seem pretty tight,” Blu said lying on the bed watching Kyle get undressed.

“I agree, that look that Maria made,” Kyle cringed as images of what Carsen may have done to her and Brody popped into his mind, “I saw fear in her eyes.”

“Yep, certainly didn’t miss that.” Blu licked his lips as Kyle dropped his boxers. “I don’t know what kind of abuser that guy is, emotional, physical, or psychological. Maybe a combination, it wouldn’t surprise me. We’ll keep an eye on Brody, his Mom is a beautiful lady. She kind of reminds me of an older Steph.”

“Babe, focus on my eyes, not my package,” Kyle snickered throwing his boxers at Blu’s head. “If Brent finds anything we have to help them.”

“We definitely do, but we can’t interfere without any proof. That would make life difficult for Maria and Brody. They’ll retreat back and then we won’t be able to help them at all.” Blu reached out to Kyle wearing his boxers like a hat. “I like your package it fits perfectly with mine. Come here, I’ll prove it to you.”

Kyle smirked as he strutted around proud as a Peacock and slid into bed, “You were saying?”

“Uh… I like your package?” Blu questioned as he reached down to play with Kyle.

“Mhmm… maybe we need to try to get you pregnant, it’s always fun trying.” Kyle kissed Blu’s cheek.

“Okay,” Blu said excitedly as he flopped down on his back pulling his knees to his chest.

An hour later both men laid on the bed sated and exhausted from their frolicking like rabbits.

Kyle smiled as he ran his fingers over Blu’s chest, “I think that should do the trick, in nine months we will find out.” He chuckled and kissed Blu.

“Okay,” Blu yawned, “if it turns out like Kaleb I’m gonna sell it on the black market.”

“Oh, he was a cute baby, right up until he learned to talk.” Kyle laughed.


Sunday morning Levi banged on his Dads bedroom door, “POP! Uncle Kaleb and Davis are in the laundry room they have the door locked!”

“There’s a lot of grunting and groaning!” Cody shouted.

“I just heard Uncle Davis say something about switching wash cycles,” Lincoln laughed out.

Blu jumped out of bed in a panic, ripping the door open pushing his way past the kids.

Cody gasped, “Pop, you’re naked.”

He looked down at himself as he doubled back, mumbling curse words.

Kasey walked into his Uncles bedroom with one hand covering his eyes, “Unc Boo bad wod, you sill nakey?”

“Jesus!” Blu cussed, picking up his wallet off the nightstand throwing it at Kyle who was in a fit of hysterical laughter still in bed. “Fix the midget up would ya.” He bitched as he hopped around putting his long PJ pants on. He then took off like lightening down the stairs through the kitchen to bang on the laundry door.

“Kaleb get your ass out here now.”

A deep voice came from behind him.

“What’s your problem? I made everybody breakfast,” Kaleb asked.

Blu spun around to see Kaleb standing with a cup of coffee, he’d passed right by him and Davis too focused on getting to the laundry room. He relaxed sinking back to lean on the laundry door.

“I’ve been had.” Blu put his hand up to chest, feeling his heart rate going a mile a minute. “Those bloody nephews of yours are grounded until they’re thirty.” He looked at Kaleb, head tilted. “Where’s my coffee Shithead.”

Kaleb laughed at Blu, “They’re the best nephew’s in the world, we couldn’t let you sleep all day. All of the family is coming over for brunch, Davis and I have some exciting news.”

Blu pushed himself off the door to get coffee since Kaleb was being of no use.

“You’re moving to Portugal,” he said with his fingers crossed holding them in the air as he walked to the coffee maker.

“Hmm…” Kaleb sipped his coffee, “We’re gonna need a babysitter.”

“Take Levi, he’s grounded for life now anyway,” Blu said absentmindedly only concentrating on making his and Kyle’s morning cup of joe.

“You’re not grounding those poor innocent boys, I had to pay them to work such a lovely drama out of them.” Kaleb smirked, “It cost me seven cheesecakes, one for each of the boys and one for Mason and Jared.”

“Hmm, if you say so,” Blu smiled as Kyle walked into the kitchen, “morning Blondie.”

He handed Kyle his coffee, kissing him a little too friskily for public viewing in the kitchen.

“I had to give Kasey an I.O.U. and he’s charging interest,” Kyle smiled as he pulled away from Blu’s kiss, “I guess Mason watches stuff about finances on television.”

It dawned on Blu why Kasey was there without his Dads, totally unfair. He reached over to the table taking Kaleb’s phone and called Jared’s phone. Of course, there was no answer. He called again, while Kyle watched him with a frown and Kaleb tried to get his phone back.

Jared opened the laundry room door shouting, “Jesus Blu can’t you give us five more minutes?”

“Daddy, wha ya oin?” Kasey moved Blu out of the way to get to his Dad.

“Daddy and Poppy are makin’ sure Uncle Blu’s washer works okay,” Jared smirked at Blu.

“Get out of the laundry room, now!” Blu said with clenched teeth and glared at Kaleb shaking his head.

“You really need a throw rug in there, the floor gets a little chilly,” Jared said as he straightened his shirt.

“I hope you guys like doing your thing at the local laundromat because I’m getting rid of the washer and dryer and turning it into Khan’s bedroom.”

Khan poked his head out the laundry room door when Mason walked out and Spotty done the same.

“Dear god,” Blu rolled his eyes. “I’d hate to see how those pups turn out.” He turned his focus to his family. “Boys apparently the whole family is coming over this morning, showers and get dressed, please. And clean your rooms before you come back downstairs. Then you can tidy the game room. You boys left it in a pig sty last night. Same goes for you, Brody. Now scoot.”

“Unc Boo, Ahn and Potty akin’ puppies,” Kasey stated as he watched Kahn cleaning Spotty.

“Ah, I doubt it, little man,” Blu said, or at least he hoped they weren’t going at it in the small space with Jared and Mason. The thought made Blu shudder.

“Aww, they’d be cute,” Jared smirked at his brother-in-law.

Nan and Stephen came stomping loudly through the house to the kitchen, slamming the front door shut behind them.

“Morning Grandbabies,” Nan said loudly, “it’s a beautiful day outside today, we eatin’ out the back.”

“Sounds good to me,” Kaleb said with a smile, “You look absolutely lovely today Nan.”

“Suck up,” Blu said behind his coffee mug before taking his last sip of cold coffee.

Kaleb waved his hand dismissively at Blu, “I told you we need babysitters soon.”

“Hey, we can’t eat outside, sorry. Cody can’t go out there, it’s too dusty, and there is construction crap everywhere.”

“What are you doing anyway, you need more space or something?” Nan asked peeking out the window. “Hey, Blu they’ve put a hole in your backyard, you getting a bomb shelter or something?”

Lincoln came to Nan’s side, “Over there is gonna be the pool.”

Cody pinched Nan’s behind to get her attention, “And over there is gonna be the hot tub.”

Nan’s grin was so big taking up half her face, “Ya hear that Stephen, they’re getting a hot tub.”

“That’s wonderful Mother, you can try out that bikini you bought on our honeymoon,” Stephen winked at Nan.

“Does it keep stuff from sagging?” Levi asked as he stared at his Great-Grandparents.

“Oh, Blugh! Gross! Go upstairs before you end up in therapy for the rest of your lives. All of you, I won’t ask again.” Blu’s tone had changed to the one he used so the boys knew he was no longer joking.

The three boys glared at Blu.

Lincoln tapped Nan’s arm, “Did you get the stuff?”

“Yeah, later.” She whispered.

“Now Link!” Blu said to him sternly, letting Lincoln know he was two seconds from a consequence.

“Fine, spoilsport,” Lincoln stomped away, “You comin’ Brody? He might ground you for breathing his air today.”

“Lincoln!” Blu scolded his son.

“You might!” Lincoln said as the boys headed upstairs.

Kaleb smiled, “I can’t wait to do that to our kid Davis, it looks fun.”

“Yeah, well it's not. Trust me.” Blu pouted.

Doug and Lily strolled in the front door, closing it behind themselves. Blu noticed his Mom was looking better, back to her normal color, and didn’t seem to be in as much pain.

Kyle grabbed a couple of coffee mugs and poured them some, placing them on the table.

James, Teddy and two other security guys stormed through the front door, James headed upstairs. Teddy and the others came into the kitchen.

“Everyone into the game room, now!” Teddy’s voice boomed through the room.

His two extra’s shuffled the adults into the game room, as the kids were coming down the stairs. They looked frightened as they ran toward their Dad’s. Nan mouthing off and making a regular nuisance of herself, at the same time as hitting on one of the security guys. Cody was wet and only had a towel wrapped around his waist.

“James,” Blu called out, “how ‘bout you bring some clothes for the poor kid! He can’t afford to get sick you know that.” Blu was annoyed, he knew they had a job to do but James knew how ill Cody was.

The family crammed into the game room together, it wasn’t really meant for this many people. The two security guards stayed in front of the door so none of them would try to escape. The room was chosen as their safe place because there were no windows. The door opened and someone handed in some clothes for Cody who was sitting on Kyle’s lap snuggled down. They made their way over to Kyle so he could help the young boy dry and dress.

“What’s happening?” Blu asked the bigger of the two guys.

The man put his finger to his earpiece ignoring Blu, “Yes, sir, all family members secured.”

“I’m not sure, Mr. Waters.” He eventually answered Blu.

After about three minutes of grumbling from the family, they were let back out into the house, with a promise Teddy would be in shortly to explain.

Blu and Kyle swapped a knowing look, sadly smiling at each other. Blu knew how guilty Kyle felt about the whole situation, he waited for Kyle to catch up to him at the doorway.

“It’s not your fault Blondie, so stop thinking what you’re thinking.” He rubbed Kyle’s back for comfort as they followed the rest of the family. Kyle gave Blu a brief smile.

Teddy wandered into the house, “Sorry, false alarm, a neighbor drove by a few times really slowly staring at the house.”

“What do you expect,” Blu chortled humorlessly, “all of our security detail is outside the house. They probably think the freakin’ Queen of England is visiting here.”

“Look Blu, I’d rather all of you be safe than have something happen to one of you. Brent and the rest of the guys are trying their best to not interfere in your lives any more than need be.” Teddy said solemnly.

“I know. But we can’t be shuffled into the game room every time a neighbor wants to gawk at your tanks disguised as men. Not that I blame them,” Blu said the latter quietly smirking.

Teddy smiled at Blu, “Brent seems to have found a special someone. So, roll your tongue back into your mouth. Seems a certain young man from your car lot has taken a liking to him.”

“Bryson, you sly dog.” Blu snickered.

“Ya that’s the guy's name,” Teddy laughed, “Little twinkish if you ask me, but to each his own.” He shrugged his shoulders, “I’m going to go watch for nosy neighbors.” He said as he left the house.

“Shouldn’t Teddy and James be here if you have some terrifyingly freakish news, Kaleb?” Blu asked.

“Jesus Christ no, Teddy was present for the fiasco I made.” Kaleb’s cheeks blushed.

Blu grinned, leaning forward resting his chin on his hand, “Please, do tell?”

Kaleb took Davis’ hand in his and smiled at him.

“We’re gonna be Daddies. I don’t have to screw a woman or nothing,” Kaleb said sincerely with a twinkle in his eyes.

Jared choked on his coffee, “Daddies? Jesus, we are so doomed.”

Blu went to Davis and Kaleb hugging them both, “Congrats guys, that’s so great.” He said sincerely happy for them. As he moved away he said to his kids, “Okay kids, pack your gear we’re moving to Texas.”

The kids ignored Blu as they clung to Kaleb and Davis excitedly.

Kaleb looked at Blu with a goofy smile, “She’s getting shot up with our super sperm soon! I mean the surrogate will be. She’ll be preggers and wa-la we’ll be Daddies.”

Everyone turned to look at Nan as she cursed away, smacking her forehead.

“You better only have one or you’ll get a fatass from sympathy eating during the pregnancy.” Nan mumbled, “Such a waste of a good piece of ass.”

Kyle walked around the table to hug his youngest brother, “Congratulations, are you sure you guys don’t want to just borrow our kids from time to time?”

“NO!” Davis and Kaleb blurted at the same time.

The boys disappeared for a few minutes before returning with a volley of water balloons that struck Kaleb and Davis.

“No, no, you don’t boys, not in the house,” Blu yelled out putting his hands in the air before taking a water balloon to the face.

“Oops! Sorry Pop,” Cody said as he hid behind Nan.

Well there you have the next installment, we hope you enjoyed it and laughed as much as we did along with our Beta-Readers. It was a lighter chapter, other than the incident with Levi's new friend's Dad. Let us know what you think! Remember to leave a review and we will try to respond to all of your comments.
Copyright © 2018 Aaron Hawke & JT Babbage; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

In a way, it’s too bad schools don’t have access to investigators the way the boys do. I’m sure there are plenty of times when teachers and administrators have suspicions about certain students’ parents. Things that don’t quite meet the level required for legal action, but seem to be approaching those levels.



The guys all seem to have a lot more fun than my family did when I was growing up. But I guess that’s what happens when you have a bunch of bros taking care of kids. A bit like the dad in Mr Mom. Lots of ‘unique’ child raising techniques that women would never think of! It seems to work especially well for Levi, but I’m not so sure about their effects on Bella.  ;-)

I was side-eying the schmuck as the mole as well. For all we know, being a colossal prick is just his general nature but he could also use it as a cover.

I don't know what a Viper is if it came up and bit me in the ass but if it's a fast car, I'm all for it. At least I managed not to get pulled over during my test drive. Sheesh.

I don't think Blu is more comfortable with the wealth but the fact that Kyle is actually discussing things first instead of after is probably helping keep him from having a meltdown.

Kaleb is a super dork. Good Lord. He cannot really be that in the dark about how surrogacy works. You don't personally boff the person. Geez! Too bad Davis didn't tape the session for posterity. That would have been priceless!

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On 4/14/2018 at 2:33 AM, droughtquake said:

In a way, it’s too bad schools don’t have access to investigators the way the boys do. I’m sure there are plenty of times when teachers and administrators have suspicions about certain students’ parents. Things that don’t quite meet the level required for legal action, but seem to be approaching those levels.



The guys all seem to have a lot more fun than my family did when I was growing up. But I guess that’s what happens when you have a bunch of bros taking care of kids. A bit like the dad in Mr Mom. Lots of ‘unique’ child raising techniques that women would never think of! It seems to work especially well for Levi, but I’m not so sure about their effects on Bella.  ;-)

Great movie! I loved Mr. Mom.

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On 4/14/2018 at 2:45 AM, glennish said:

Kasey is just so adorable. And with the way Blu swears around him he could by the Viper as his first car when he turns 16.  It was nice of Kyle to let his sons and nephew get decked out in the school colors. Way to go Levi on two home runs.  The whole chapter was laugh out loud funny except for Brody’s Dad and the false alarm with the nosy neighbor.  I’m glad the car shopping trip scored more than a new car for Brent too.  Can’t wait for Levi and Blu to have their test drive.  Thanks Joh and Rob for a Great chapter. 

Thanks, Glenn the family needed a chapter like this one, it was an immense amount of fun to write. We had to stop and wipe tears from laughing so much during its creation.

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On 4/14/2018 at 7:18 AM, tinytoes said:

Blu got away with saying Jackass at the ball game! Lol. MmmBop was my favorite scene this chapter. Kaleb was adorkable. I hope Brody is okay with all these weirdos. I'm sure he never thought his principal didn't live like that. Lol.

Ya Blu definitely got away with the slip for a change. The MmmBop part of the chapter was definitely a lot of fun when I came up with that idea Joh couldn't believe I done that. Brody will be an unfolding character over time you will not get a lot of his character all at once so you will need patience.

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On 4/14/2018 at 7:37 AM, Firewall910 said:

Is anyone in this extended family doing anything to try to help Kasey improve his speaking ability? Trying to READ his gibberish was kind of cute in the beginning but has become as tiresome as Rudolph's incessant meddling.

People need to remember Kasey is two and a half years old, no kid that young speaks great english.

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On 4/14/2018 at 1:28 PM, FanLit said:

When I saw the title of the chapter, I "uh oh'd" for a moment but as I was reading I thought to myself that saying can also be for good things as well as bad and I'm glad that outside of Brody's shady Daddy there wasn't too much bad in the chapter.  Busy but not bad. ☺️

I like seeing Blu more comfortable with the wealth at their disposal, it's like a concession on his part, accepting that the family can benefit from it with rolling in it everyday.

Regarding a previous comment made about Kasey's language, I would think with a family full of educators that it would've been addressed if there were a problem.  

Dahawk, is this an overlooked issue or creative license?  I know children develop at different rates and he seems to be understood by his family.

I also hope they are careful dealing with any troubling situation they may find with Brody's family; even with their security detail Rudolph is enough threat for them-I was side eyeing Bryson as a possible mole initially. 😒😳


Kasey is a two and a two and a half-year-old, so his language will be developing over time.

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