Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Widderkin - 10. Chapter 10
Chapter 10.
High King Aglaron studied the evidence of concern as Maynor approached and immediately raised his privacy wards.
"Yes, my Lord. We don’t understand how, but Keryth's new companion has somehow managed to reverse all the success of our recent effort."
"All? How can that be? Uirebon described the dark child's influence as a minor detail which you planned to clear."
"So I thought, but when I was recovered enough to try, all my efforts were confounded. The human’s mind was hidden despite my possession of all the necessary recognition markers. Uirebon believes the Ancient People have unique protections."
"You attempted to reach him while he was with his People? I instructed Uirebon to warn you about that."
"He did, my Lord, but the action was necessary and I made the reach with great caution."
"Was there a reaction of any kind?"
"None at all, apart from the bewildering absence of the dark child's personality. Lord Uirebon counselled this new reach when the child travelled to join Keryth."
"Necessitating this latest call for power."
"Indeed, my Lord. I had no other option, but the enforced wait, short though it was while the triad recovered, was enough for him to re-establish Keryth's human memories and reconnect with the warrior."
Aglaron’s frown started to match Uirebon's.
"The dark child did all that? What have you discovered, Maynor. I wouldn't have thought it possible."
"Very little, and Uirebon also finds it baffling. Without greater reserves of power my pathway to Keryth's mind was barred. The dark child also had a type of resistance. Pethron’s memories were completely open but he was in his own dwelling and completely unaware of the changes."
"This venture with Keryth becomes increasingly difficult. Is there a way forward, or should we consider recalling Keryth and trying a new approach?"
"My Lord, look on this as a setback, not a difficulty. All we need do is regain control, and with the dark child separated from his People and amenable, we are, in fact, in a better position than last time. Keryth's growing resistance is the biggest factor for consideration, but with adequate power that will be overcome exactly as it always has."
"Hmm! ... Yes, I see, and the procedure returns to it’s proper course. … With several provisos we will proceed."
"My Lord?"
"Our preparation, our coordination, and our resources must be the most comprehensive yet ... and this time I will be present personally. How long to prepare three triads?"
"A third triad?"
"You asked for adequate power, Maynor, so a triad of triads will assist us."
"I will consult with Lord Uirebon but the principal triad, which bore the brunt of effort for this latest reach, will need at least two days for proper recovery."
"Two days here equates almost ten days in the human world. Inform Uirebon he should expedite the recovery."
Kieran and Tan met Woorawa at lunchtime the next day to see how his first classes had gone. Rhys couldn't be with them because Mr B had taken him to College Administration to get all his courses re-established.
"How did it all go, Woorawa? Were there any hassles?"
"Everyone stared at me. Uncle Burrimul said they would but it didn't sink in till it happened. I think I must be the only First Australian a lot of them have seen in real life. It made me feel funny."
"Don't take any notice. They’ll get used you in a couple of days. Were your teachers okay?"
"The Science one was great and the English one was ordinary. They both asked me all sorts of questions to find out what I know and that's when everyone stared at me."
"What did you do in your spare? Go to the library like you said you might?"
"No, I explored the College instead. Rhys told me about the swimming pool last night so I went to check it out and I’m going to join up after we've had something to eat. Where is Rhys?"
"Mr B took him to the main office. Everything’s all right but he has to be there for some of the paperwork. Let's go to the pool now because when he's finished he'll look for us in the College dining room."
"I haven't got any bathers till we see Rhys. He said he'd bring some for me."
"I haven't either so we’ll just get you joined up for the semester. It'll only take a few minutes."
A short time later Tan was carrying on because Woorawa had paid for him to join as well, saying Rhys could teach them both to swim. Kieran kept out of it because Tan was obviously reluctant and only agreeing because Woorawa was so insistent.
"We'll have our first swim tomorrow afternoon, Tan, when lectures are finished."
"I won't be able to. I haven't got any bathers either."
"That won't stop us. We'll visit a shopping centre on the way home this afternoon and get some. I can't wait. Look how beautiful the water is."
Kieran used the pool so much he took what it looked like for granted. Woorawa was right. The water did look good.
"Let's go. Rhys might be at the dining room by now."
Walking into the dining room brought home to Kieran and Tan what Woorawa meant about being stared at. Right now was the busiest time, when everyone came for the good range of meals on offer, and as they joined the back end of the service queue the surrounding conversation stopped and heads turned from all directions to see why. Kieran spoke very softly.
"Do you want to stay here, Woorawa? We could go to the café instead if you like."
"No, it's alright. I might as well get used to it, and Rhys wouldn't know where to find us. What are we going to get?"
Tan and Kieran both pointed to the big menu displayed on the wall behind the dining room staff.
"Whatever you like. I'm going to get a beef burger because they make good ones here."
"I'm having a chicken schnitzel. They're good too."
Woorawa was undecided till he nodded his head.
"Can I have both. I didn't eat much breakfast this morning because I was nervous."
The hum of conversation had rebuilt to normal levels but Woorawa was still being watched.
"Of course you can."
A few minutes later they made their orders and found a spare table near the back of the room. Rhys arrived and Kieran gave him a wave when he saw him searching the room from the entrance. He waved back, went to make his own order, then joined them at the table.
"What's happened? I thought you'd be halfway through your meal."
"Nothing happened. Woorawa signed up Tan and himself to be members at the pool and we just got here. Is everything sorted out?"
"No problems. We had authorisation from the Head of Department. Mr B said you had to fix his mind."
"Yeah. He couldn't understand why you’d want to come back when you'd asked him if you could leave just last week."
"He thought I asked him?"
"He remembered it, till I used the opal, and then he knew you hadn't."
"Did he know you'd magicked him?"
"I don't think so. He looked funny then said his mind must be playing tricks and okayed everything."
"So, was he hard to fix when you didn't know him?"
Kieran shook his head. It had been no different to Rhys or Mr B or Tan. Easier really.
"Wow! ... And Tan’s swimming with us? Did you zap him too?"
Tan jumped in his seat and Kieran quickly shook his head again.
"No way, Rhys. Woorawa made a big deal about it and we’re going to a shopping centre on the way home to get bathers for both of them."
"What for? I've got spare ones at home."
"They'd probably fall off, Rhys. You're bigger than both of us."
"I suppose. You could just tie the string tight but new ones would definitely be more comfortable ... The people at that table are rude. They’re staring at us and it looks like they're talking about us too."
"You should have seen it when we first came in. You’d think they'd never seen a First Australian."
Tan replied.
"I'm sure they haven't. Woorawa's the first one I've seen for real and he’s the only one at College. He is very interesting to look at too, so in a way you can't blame them."
"I'm interesting to look at? How come? No one says that at home."
Kieran, Rhys and Tan all laughed.
"Of course you are. Your skin looks unreal."
"And you’re too good-looking."
Woorawa jabbed at Rhys's arm.
"And your hair’s so curly."
"Lots of people have curly hair, Tan."
"Not that curly. And you smile all the time and that makes your teeth stand out."
Woorawa looked at Tan with surprise.
"My teeth? What are you talking about? No one's ever said that either."
Kieran explained.
"It's the contrast with your skin, Woorawa. Alice Springs people wouldn't notice because they're used to it but it makes your smile special here."
Rhys loved it and nodded towards the people he'd called rude.
"Smile at them, Woorawa. They’ll fall in love with you because you’re so cute."
Woorawa clamped his lips shut but had to laugh when Rhys went cross eyed at him and made silly faces.
"You're a wanker, Rhys."
Three sets of jaws dropped and Woorawa's expression changed to puzzlement.
Tan recovered from his startlement.
"You just told Rhys he ... plays with his private bits."
"No I didn't. That just means he’s being silly."
"Not down here."
Kieran laughed then stage whispered, "Every night! If he doesn't shut his door you'll have to block your ears."
Tan nodded in emphatic agreement.
"As if! You wait till we get home, Kieran. You're dead ... and you too, Tan."
Tan started to say something but Kieran interrupted.
"Hey! Order number 74 just showed on the board. That's your beef burger, Woorawa. Mine’ll be ready in a second so let's go and get them."
Woorawa looked at the huge array of stock in the surf shop and turned to Rhys.
“What sort of bathers do you wear, Rhys? There’s too many kinds here.”
Rhys pointed to the speedo rack.
“We like speed racers. You glide through the water easily with them and there’s no drag.”
“Ok, let’s get them then. What colour do you want, Tan? I got you into this so I’m paying today.”
"What? No ... You don't have to do that. I mean ... Are you sure?"
"Of course. Why not?"
"Well, I like black."
Kieran shook his head.
"Not black. It will look funny, Woorawa with black bathers, like he’s got nothing on. Red would look terrific."
"What colours do you and Rhys wear, Kieran? It’ll be fun if we all match up."
Kieran and Rhys shared a look then burst out laughing.
"What did I say now? Something else rude?"
"No, Woorawa, we’ve both got blue bathers and we call each other twins because of it."
"Quadruplets, Kieran. That would turn it into quadruplets."
"Quins when Mr B coaches us. His are light blue too."
"Really? That sounds great."
Woorawa's mind was made up and in very short order two pairs of sleek light blue racers were fitted and purchased.
"I can't fight you, Kieran, no matter what I do."
"I wonder why, Rhys? Mr B can hold off a bit, and so can Woorawa when he does his chant thing. We'll ask him to teach it to us after tea."
"Aren't you doing maths coaching after tea?"
"Yes, but fifteen minutes before we start won't matter. I think Tan would like to learn the chant too. He’s fascinated with everything about Woorawa."
"So am I. I can't wait for the ceremony thing on the weekend. He said if we do all the dancing and stories it will go for over an hour."
"It’ll be a lot longer than that with all the body-painting and getting ready. We'll get lots of photos of you dancing."
"As if! Hey, that's something we haven't tried. See if you can make me dance without even knowing I'm doing it."
Kieran had to think about that.
"I don't know if I can. It's easy to make you dance and I can make you forget afterwards but I don't know about while you're doing it."
"Why not? It would be like when people are hypnotised. Hey, you might be a super hypnotist."
"No way. The glow thing shows up on the photos on our phones."
"You could be hypnotising us to think that."
"No way, Rhys. I see the glow in the photos too, so I’d have to be hypnotising myself."
"Self hypnotising’s real. Some people do it to stop themself smoking cigarettes."
Kieran shook his head because it just didn't feel right. Two minutes later Rhys was happily dancing to the Irish music Kieran had started on his little sound system. The door opened and Woorawa and Tan poked their heads in to see what was going on.
"I told him he likes it so much he can't stop. Will I make you join in too?"
Tan said Kieran could try but he wasn't going to, then immediately jigged from one foot to the other, copying Rhys and Woorawa's movements till the music finished and Rhys sat on the bed.
"How did I do that? I've never even danced to Irish music before."
Rhys looked puzzled.
"What Irish music? We were talking about hypnotism."
Woorawa and Tan didn't understand till Kieran dramatically pointed at Rhys and told him to get his memory back.
Rhys jumped to his feet and very excitedly told Tan and Woorawa what had happened before turning to Kieran.
"That was amazing. I never would have thought dancing could be so much fun. Can I borrow the music to try by myself? I want to see how different it is when I haven't been zapped. Wow! I wonder if you can make people like anything? … Next time Tan cooks broccoli you can try and make me like it."
"That’ll be easy. I'll make you eat everyone else's."
Rhys turned to Woorawa.
"He's getting stronger at everything. Watch what he can do with the GPS glow."
In an instant the blue glow popped into view, hovered in mid-air, then formed into the shape of an arrow.
"Where's the College?"
The blue arrow swivelled through about 30°.
"Where’s Mr B?"
There didn't seem to be any change, but that made sense because he should be at the College. Woorawa was totally impressed.
"The arrow shape’s brilliant, Kieran. It's probably too far away but can you make it point to Uncle Burrimul?"
Nothing happened.
“He must be too far. I'll try again with the opal."
Kieran closed his eyes, built a mental image of Burrimul and strengthened his opal connection. Yes, that felt right. Now for a kind of push at the arrow. He opened his eyes and found himself the centre of attention.
"The arrow moved, Kieran, and it's pointing in the right kind of direction, but do you think it can be right? It's over 2000 km."
"It's right. I can tell."
"Where's Paris?"
"Paris? Why do you want to know where that is, Tan?"
"I don't. I just thought it might be a good test."
Kieran went through the process again. He opened his eyes and shook his head.
"It won't work. I need something I know about for a focus."
"What about the Valley of Eagles? Have a try at that."
"What are you thinking now, Tan? From this far away it'll be the same as finding Burrimul."
"Not really, I'm wondering if finding people is easier than finding places."
"Hey, yeah. Try it, Kieran."
Kieran thought it was interesting too, and using his connection with the opal, sent another push at the arrow. He didn't close his eyes this time because the finding process was now established and he wanted to watch. Yes, the arrow moved and it was right.
"How come you left your eyes open? Was it easier than finding Burrimul?"
"I had to push just as hard but I knew how to do it this time. The pattern kind of clicked into place like it did with the animals."
"Can you find specific animals? Ones you've talked to I mean, like the sparrows at College."
"I think so."
The arrow moved.
"Yes, and I didn't need the opal to help me."
"Wow! Try the peregrine falcon in the Valley of the Eagles."
After a few seconds the arrow moved again and Kieran grinned at the amazed looks.
"I needed the opal that time but it definitely works."
Rhys laughed and put a hand on Woorawa's shoulder.
"Next time you ring Burrimul tell him Kieran’s mutated into a homing pigeon."
After a pause he surprised Woorawa and Tan by flapping both arms up and down and making a weird cooing sound.
"You cheat, Kieran. You didn't ask me first."
"Didn't have to. It’s still practice time. As long as it's not embarrassing I can make you do anything."
"And flapping my arms and sounding like a bird brain isn't embarrassing? ... Make Tan and Woorawa do it too."
After that happened Kieran was attacked by three vengeful foes and dumped on the bed. He could have made them stop or turn on each other of course but that wouldn't have been as much fun so he started them taking turns at making animal noises instead. The attack dissolved into laughter at the expression on Rhys's face when he started hooting like a monkey.
"This is cruelty. How long before practice time’s over?"
"Just one more thing, Rhys. I think we'll have a fashion parade with the new bathers. What do you all think?"
Tan shook his head and Woorawa laughed. Rhys said he couldn't wait to see this, then had a sudden urge to join in. Ten minutes later Tan was dressed again and asking questions.
"How hard is that, Kieran? I never would have posed like that if you hadn't made me."
"It's not hard at all, and it gets easier every time I try. Did I go too far?"
"No, but I've always been modest so I'm surprised I'm not embarrassed now that practice time’s finished. I think it’s because it was so much fun watching Rhys flexing his muscles like a body builder and me and Woorawa copying him, but I can't tell if you’ve changed something and it's stayed changed."
Kieran thought carefully about everything he’d done before answering.
"I did make you think it would be fun, but I definitely turned it off when we finished. I know I'm not doing anything now because I have to kind of click things in to make them work."
"That's not what Tan means, Kieran. He’s wondering if you might be making permanent changes without meaning to. That's a really serious question. What if you're practising and you tell him he doesn't like maths any more and it stays with him? It could wreck College for him."
Rhys was right and Kieran became very concerned. Could an easy thing like making Tan enjoy showing off his new bathers change him for ever?
"What do you think, Tan? Does anything feel wrong?"
"No, I feel like we've been laughing and having a good time, and it's so exciting and unreal I can't wait to see what happens when we have more practices."
Woorawa interrupted.
"Tan, this is what you should do. Put your new bathers on then walk along the street and make Rhys's muscle poses when you meet someone."
Tan looked horrified.
"No way!"
Rhys joined in.
"Go on! I dare you!"
"Get lost, Rhys. It was fun in here but I wouldn't do it in public ... Unless Kieran made me and I know he won't."
Rhys turned to Woorawa.
"How about you, Woorawa? Would you do it?"
"Not here, but I would at home. People there would know it was mucking around."
"Woorawa was clever, Tan. He just proved you haven't really lost your modesty and Kieran didn't make a permanent change. I reckon you’re just getting used to his warped sense of humour."
Practice time was over so Kieran made do with giving Rhys a jab in the ribs.
"Hey, Woorawa, Kieran wants to ask you something."
"I do? What? Said Kieran.
"About the chanting."
"Yes, when you do that special chant Burrimul taught you it's harder for me to get through to you with the Medusa look, so we wondered if you could teach it to all of us after tea?"
"Sure, it'll be fun, but it’ll be hard too because you have to build the right frame of mind before any chants work properly."
Tan was immediately fascinated.
"How many chants do you know, and what are they for?"
"All sorts of things, Tan, and I'll show you some of them when we do the ceremony."
"Are they words or just special sounds?"
"Both, so you'll have to learn some of my language as well."
"Really? I'll make tea a bit early then. Is that all right with everyone?
The delicious smell brought everyone at a run when Tan called that the food was ready, and then everyone laughed because Woorawa was still wearing his new racing bathers.
"You should put something else on, Woorawa, you look so sexy we won't know if Kieran’s drooling over you or the food."
"Ha! And you won't ever know, Rhys, because you’ll be so busy looking yourself."
Woorawa didn't know what to make of it.
"Do you really think I look ... sexy?"
Kieran and Rhys both nodded then looked for Tan's response.
"Yes, you do, Woorawa. Your skin’s very striking against the light blue material and if there's anyone at the pool tomorrow afternoon there’ll be a lot more staring."
"... Do you want me to put more clothes on? I like the way these feel."
Everyone shook their head and Kieran said he could wear whatever he liked. Eating took over and the food was so good that the murmurs of appreciation left little room for ordinary conversation.
Kieran, Rhys and Tan sat on the couch and Woorawa sat on a seat in front of them and for a few minutes there was laughter as they somewhat self-consciously copied Woorawa's rendition of the first part of the chant. The laughter subsided quickly though, as Woorawa's strong atmosphere of purpose became evident, and the three pupils applied themselves to the serious business of learning both sound and mindset. Half an hour later Woorawa gave his approval and announced that it was time to see if chanting would be a help to Rhys and Tan.
"Let’s try it together first, Kieran, because a group chant’s more effective than a solo, and when I think we’re ready I'll give you a sign to start the Medusa look. Do it very gently for a while, too, so we can get used to fighting against it."
His deep rhythmic voice started and Rhys and Tan immediately joined in. Rhys watched Woorawa for a moment but all his focus was on Kieran. The strange quality of the sound dissipated and the mood clicked into place. A touch on Kieran's knee started the look with just a whisper of force. Nothing happened, and feeling quite excited, Kieran pushed a tiny bit harder. Yes, this was definitely working. He got through to Tan and Rhys, enough to sense a slight struggle. The chanting suddenly strengthened and when the look stopped working Kieran pushed just enough to make it start again. Twice more Rhys and Tan adapted but then the push was too much. Tan faltered in his chanting and put his hand out in the warding sign and Rhys shook his head emphatically for Kieran to drop all the pressure. The chant stopped completely and when Woorawa saw the perspiration on Rhys's brow he was really pleased.
"Wow! That was strong medicine and it worked."
Rhys wiped his brow.
"I don't know about medicine but it was sure hard. What was it like for you, Kieran? Could you tell how much difference it made?"
"It really worked, Rhys. The amount of pressure I was using at the end would have had you running out of the room without the chant. I could feel it each time you built your barriers. Woorawa’s right about doing it slowly."
"Slow! That wasn't slow."
"Yes it was, Rhys. You've been chanting and fighting me for nearly twenty minutes."
"Was it hard for you?"
Kieran shook his head.
"Easy as anything, and I didn't even get close to needing the opal."
"Rhys, can you fight another Medusa look from Kieran? Just a quick one without the chant so we can work out whether your barriers are any better."
"Sure, but let's have a drink first. I feel like a break."
A few minutes later Rhys started a steady chant and Kieran pushed till he couldn't cope and called for a stop.
"I didn't last very long. I think it works better when Woorawa's helping."
"I definitely have to push harder than before you learnt the chant but your barrier was nearly as good when you stopped this time."
"That's what I thought. I bet it's the same if you try it with Tan."
Tan started chanting without being asked and the same thing happened.
"See, Woorawa's got a natural barrier and the chanting lets him share it. Could you tell how much you were getting through to him?"
"When he’s chanting? I don't know. It worked back at the Valley of the Eagles but I can tell he's a lot stronger tonight."
Tan and Rhys looked at Woorawa with great interest.
"If I'm stronger it's because I practised the chant with Uncle Burrimul before I came down here. He thought it was important."
"Wow! He knows a lot ... What about a full on battle with Kieran? You game for that?"
"Of course, and we should all try it every day because it will help Kieran with his practice."
"You’re really keen for me to get lots of practice aren't you?"
"It makes sense, Kieran, but I'm following Uncle's orders really. Every time I ring him he insists that I push you as much as I can."
"Well, it makes sense to me too but I've done over an hour already today and we have to get to our College stuff."
Woorawa looked worried.
"I'm taking too much of your time. We can skip our maths coaching tonight if you like because Tan’s already been helping and Mr B’s coming tomorrow night."
"No way! I like coaching, and I promised, and I'm all organised, and I've been looking forward to it. As soon as we finish this battle we’re into it."
Kieran was surprised and quite touched by the impulsive hug he received. Woorawa settled back on the couch and started his chant then a moment later signalled he was ready. Kieran started with a push that had first affected Rhys and Tan. Nothing happened of course, so he lifted directly to the level where they couldn't cope. Still nothing happened, so this time he gave quite a strong push. Woorawa stayed resolute and, quite amazed, Kieran steadily increased pressure then held it when he knew he couldn't go any further.
Woorawa's mind was a wall he couldn't pass. Maybe he could with the opal? Still keeping the pressure on, he made the familiar connection, felt the tingle that he now thought of as a kind of energy and directed it against the wall. The chant ceased. Woorawa gasped, slumped back against the couch and toppled sideways. Shocked, Kieran reflexively stopped all the pressure and for a panicked moment watched Woorawa's collapse. No! No! No! He must be all right. He jumped forward and held Woorawa's brow.
"Rhys! Magic hands quick!"
Tan looked in disbelief at Woorawa and Rhys now asleep on the couch and Kieran slumped awkwardly on the floor and partly against Rhys's knees. With an awkward struggle he lifted Kieran to the couch then made sure all three were comfortable. The familiar half smiles of a ‘zap’ eased his concern though, and he sat on the chair watching and wondering exactly what had happened and who would wake first.
"Tan, stop looking so worried. We'll stay in the shallow end as long as you like and no one’s going to force you to do anything you aren’t happy with. Do you want to jump in or go down the steps?"
"Is it safe to jump?"
Kieran was surprised by this response as the water here was not much more than waist deep. Tan’s worry must be stronger than his usual calm and logical approach to things.
"Rhys, jump in and show him what it's like. What about you, Woorawa? Is jumping in new for you?"
"Kind of. It was always a bit scary and I only did it when I had someone with me I could trust."
Rhys closed his eyes then opened them again before jumping in and Kieran knew he'd been imagining what it would be like to commit to a jump when you couldn't see.
It was a very sedate jump and his head didn't go under the water.
"Come on, Woorawa, it's great. The water’s terrific."
Woorawa laughed, spread his arms and legs wide in a kind of natural safety jump, then after hitting the water started splashing Rhys who of course responded before turning to beckon Tan.
"Whenever you're ready, Tan. We'll make sure you're okay."
Tan moved to the edge then closed his eyes and made an awkward step forward which resulted in an ungainly type of belly flop. Good grief! He really was frightened. Rhys caught his arms to steady him and told him to climb on his back.
"Your back?"
"Yes, piggyback. We’re going to walk across to the other side of the pool."
Kieran jumped in now, very sedately so as not to startle Tan, and gestured for Woorawa to get on his back. Woorawa was so enthusiastic in his efforts he tipped them both over and when he stood up again Kieran was pleased to see Tan smiling. After twenty minutes of activity, walking round, chasing in the shallow water and a couple of piggyback rides, Tan was relaxed enough to initiate a splash attack on Rhys and receive retaliation without flinching. More activity had him jumping in more confidenctly, opening his eyes underwater, and trusting everyone to support him in an assisted float.
Mr B arrived, took over and quickly showed Tan that floating was easy.
"See how long you can last without putting your feet down and then when I practice safety jumps and survival skills with Woorawa you can join in anything you feel like."
At one stage the pool attendant came over when all five of them were sitting at the pool edge and asked Mr B if he was starting a team for Inter-College competitions.
"It wouldn't be fair, Mike. Kieran’s a fish."
"What's with the uniform then?"
"Looks like a uniform but it's not. They’re all copycats."
"What? All of them?"
Woorawa piped up.
"I'm the copycat. I've never had racing bathers like these and when we got our club memberships I talked Tan into getting them too."
"Well, you look like you mean business and I've already had two enquiries asking if there’s a new College team they can join."
Mr B shook his head.
"No coaching, Mike. This is a friendship group. I think you'll be seeing a lot more of them but I'm too busy myself and I'll only be able to drop in occasionally."
Mike went off and Mr B showed Tan how to skull with his hands while he was floating.
"It's amazing, Woorawa. Your chant makes a huge difference in fighting off Kieran's look. Where did Burrimul learn it?"
"It's part of our People's old knowledge about the artefact, Mr B. He told me he learnt it soon after he became an elder."
When the group had gathered for a practice session with Kieran, Mr B had joined in the chant with Rhys, Tan and Woorawa to battle against the Medusa look. He watched carefully as Woorawa tested his limit against a much more carefully controlled opal push.
"Well, follow his advice and keep practising is all I can say. Have you learned anything new since we last talked?"
"Lots of things ... Show us your muscle poses, Rhys."
Rhys raced out of the room and Mr B gave a puzzled look.
"Where’s he going?"
"I told him to put his bathers on and when he gets back he’s going to parade his bod for us."
"Told him to change? ... Without speaking?"
"It's the same as talking to the animals except easier."
Rhys returned and put on his show. When that finished Tan turned on some music and Mr B did his own version of the Irish jig. As the cheers and clapping finished he turned, with building astonishment at the realisation that what had felt like a natural impulse was really a compulsion.
"I danced for you! How long have you been able to do this? It's hard to believe"
"We only thought of it last night but it's the same as working with the animals so I've probably been able to do it ever since the Valley of the Eagles. We’re a bit worried about it though, so I only do it in practice time with things we might do anyway."
"Worried? ... Well, of course. Kieran, you do need to be comfortable in your own mind about what you do to other people’s. What was the bit that worried you?"
"For a while we thought I might have changed Tan permanently and stopped him being modest like he normally is. Woorawa worked out that it was just what we did last night and nothing else."
"Tan immodest? That would be a change. Did you make him do something rude?"
"It was what Rhys just did, Mr B, but before last night I never would have pranced around in front of people wearing such rude bathers."
Rhys laughed.
"You wore them at the pool when you think they’re rude?"
"The pool’s different. It's okay there."
"What about Woorawa wearing his to tea last night, Tan? Was that rude?"
"That's the whole point, Rhys. Before last night I would have, but now I think it's just fun and I like him wearing them."
Woorawa raced out of the room and was back in a few moments showing off his light blue bathers. Mr B wanted to know if Kieran had made him do it.
"Not this time. I did at last night’s practice time when I made them all go through the poses, but then he told us he likes getting round with hardly anything on."
"I do too. When I was little I didn't wear anything and my people gave me a nickname which means naked boy."
"What about you, Rhys? Would you have felt embarrassed about wearing your bathers round the house before last night?"
"Not me. I'm used to them because I wear them nearly every day for training."
Mr B gave Kieran a curious look.
"Would you wear your bathers round the house, Kieran? You’re the only one who hasn't had his mind fiddled with."
"If the others do I will. I'm the same as Rhys."
"And he likes perving on us all."
Kieran gave Rhys a thump on the thigh and checked to see Mr B's reaction but he was nodding as if that was what he expected.
"That all sounds normal to me but I do want you all to think more about the ethics of this. Get together after a few days and formalise it with rules you’re all happy with.
Are you ready for your coaching, Woorawa? I'm a bit nervous about our meal with Tan not doing the cooking, and a bit of maths will help get my mind off it."
The practice session wasn't officially finished so the next thing Mr B did was bow to both Kieran and Rhys and apologise profusely for doubting their cooking skills.
"Cheeky students!"
The meal turned out great because Kieran and Rhys, who’d decided to share whenever it was their turn for cooking, had chosen a course they’d learned from Tan, and Mr B, now under no compulsion, was most impressed.
"Hmm! I think you’ll need coaching for a long time, Woorawa, if all your meals are this nice."
Kieran jumped on that quickly.
"Why don't we make it a regular thing, Mr B? ... for a couple of nights each week."
Mr B's eyes lit up, and when he agreed they worked out which nights would suit best.
"This is your fourth day here, Woorawa. Have you been missing home?"
"I've hardly had a chance to think about it, Mr B. I speak to Uncle every night but so much has been happening I feel like I’m in the middle of a storm."
"After the last few days I couldn't agree more. What about you, Tan? Do you think you'll cope with our two trouble magnets?"
"It's the most interesting time in all my life, Mr B. I was amazed when Kieran and Rhys even asked me to live here and now I have three good friends. It's like someone made a magic spell and changed my life."
"Kieran’s the trouble magnet, not me. I’m as quiet and sensible as Tan. All the weird stuff comes from him and the rest of us get dragged into it."
Mr B thought that was funny.
"You poor sad thing, Rhys, put upon by all these troubles which I sense you’re enjoying more than any of us."
Kieran joined in.
"Yes, you poor sad thing. Blame it all on me, when you're the one with magic hands that keep zapping everyone unconscious."
Rhys pushed his hands at Kieran in a threatening gesture then helped himself to more ice cream.
"I am so put upon, and Woorawa’s as bad as Kieran. Since he's been here I've had to learn weird chanting, and next weekend I have to get dressed like a wild man and do even weirder dances."
"You don't have to."
"Don't take any notice of him, Woorawa. He stirring because we called him a sad thing."
"What's this about dancing?"
"Woorawa’s putting on a ceremony for Tan, except we all have to join in."
"Really? Rhys, that's special. You should make the most of it."
"I know. It'll be great – except when I'm dancing.”
“Mr B, you should be part of this. Would you like to join in?"
"Woorawa, that's an honour. Of course I would. When do I turn up?"
"It's this coming Saturday evening but we need the afternoon to learn things to make it more interesting for Tan."
After a discussion about what that meant Woorawa went with Mr B for another hour of coaching and Kieran and Rhys helped Tan with cleaning up after the meal.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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