Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Widderkin - 12. Chapter 12
Chapter 12.
"I ripped it down, Kieran. The professor can put another one up in the glass display case."
Kieran agreed, then changed his mind.
"I don't know, Rhys. Woorawa might be annoyed if we do. He'll say it doesn't matter."
"And he'll tell us to put it back up so everyone knows what's going on. That's what he's doing about the comments on his folder."
An angry message from Rhys had sent Kieran and Tan rushing to the library entrance to see the nasty comments defacing a notice about next week's talk Woorawa was giving.
"What comments, Tan?"
"More stuff like this. He told me about it last night just before he went to bed."
Rhys reacted strongly.
"And why didn't he tell us? ... Because it's no big deal and he has to work it out by himself?"
"Exactly, and we shouldn't really go against what he wants."
"How about talking to the professor and getting him to put up a new sign without even telling Woorawa?"
"No way, Rhys. That wouldn't be right."
"Yeah. I shouldn't have said that, but we can't just do nothing."
Kieran shared Rhys's feelings about doing something but he pushed them down and took charge.
"Tan’s right, Rhys. Put the notice back up. We won't have to tell the professor because he'll find out anyway and so will Woorawa. Someone’s sure to tell him about it."
"I suppose. I wonder what the professor will do? He'll be mad as anything."
Tan laughed, which surprised both Kieran and Rhys.
"If he finds out who did it he'll be so mad they’ll probably get kicked out of College. The problem will go away then."
Rhys was halfway through replacing the notice when the nearby lift door opened and Woorawa came out.
"Is that the notice?"
Everyone nodded but, intent on watching his reaction, didn't say anything.
"Ha! That's pretty weak. Don't take it down, Rhys. I want to leave it there."
"I already did take it down but Kieran made me put it back ... Aren't you angry?"
"What for? It's perfect. I hope they do the same to any other notices."
"You do? Woorawa, it's awful. They’re like ... barbarians or something."
"I know, but that's their problem. The professor will be really pleased at the meeting when the lecture hall fills up with all the people who come to find out what's going on."
After the collective silence while the listeners took this in, Kieran gave Woorawa's arm a friendly shake.
"That's ... That's brilliant, Woorawa, but the professor or any other lecturers definitely won't let it stay up."
"I know but half the college has already heard about it."
That would be right. Stuff like this would spread like wildfire.
"Leave it, Rhys. Let's go to the canteen. I'm starving for my burger and schnitzel."
"Mr B's here."
Rhys called from the lounge where he could see the front drive through the old bay window, and a collective grin spread in anticipation for his reaction when he walked in. Apart from a big catch up talk about the happenings of the last two days, the reason for his visit was to practice for Woorawa's special ceremony, and to build the atmosphere everyone was dressed in black T-shirts, red headbands and baggy loincloths made out of a sheet Woorawa had sacrificed to get suitable material. The plan was to tell Mr B he had to dress the same way, and though they all knew he'd happily join in, it was still going to be a good stir.
"Let him in, Rhys. You look wild."
With big white rings round his eyes and a dark red circle on each cheek, he certainly did look wild, and Kieran, Tan and Woorawa gathered behind him to watch. Mr B actually jumped backwards, which was great.
"Good grief! I've come to a house of cannibals. I hope I'm not on the menu."
"You will be if you don't get the same gear on. It's in Woorawa's bedroom and he'll tie your headband properly when you come out."
Mr B gave Rhys a more careful look-over.
"Why are we dressing up now? The ceremony isn’t till this evening."
"We have to be in the right mood to help us learn the chants and the dances. We’re having our practice first because there’s new stuff to show you and then Woorawa’s going to give you special coaching because you've got the most to learn."
Mr B moved past Rhys.
"Hi, Woorawa. Is this mob looking after you properly? I hear there have been some negative events at College."
"Sort of. Rhys bosses me all the time. Tan stuffs so much food into me I'm well on the way to being the Fatty Boomba, whatever it is, and Kieran's coaching makes my brain hurt."
Mr B laughed.
"Nothing's changed since I was here on Wednesday then.
"Nothing's changed with ordinary stuff but we can't keep up with everything else. We’ll tell you everything as soon as you're ready."
"Really? Well I'd better get moving then."
Mr B was back quickly, obviously very intrigued, and after Woorawa had fastened the headband for him they moved to the lounge for a big discussion.
Tan told the story of the car keys first then Woorawa explained the developments that had followed in Kieran's practice session. Mr B experienced the new heat, sound and touch abilities then, after Tan had pulled the blinds, watched the tiny little glow around the candlewick for the several seconds it lasted.
"What was the point of that, Kieran? You've been making glows ever since you opened the artefact."
"This is different because it’s just me, Mr B. It's so hard I can only last for ten seconds. The first time I did it I had it at my normal brightness and I passed out. Rhys had to use his hands to wake me up."
"Ten seconds of that tiny light is enough to send you unconscious?"
"No, that was me not being careful. About six seconds was all I could last on Thursday, then it went up to ten seconds when we tried again last night so I'm going to practice every day."
"To the point of unconsciousness? Kieran, that can't be good for you."
"I know, but watch this. We had the best practice ever last night."
Mr B took in all the nods and smiles then watched with growing concern as perspiration appeared on Kieran's brow and the effort turned his skin pale. When the little glow disappeared Kieran slumped back and looked to Tan who had his watch in front of his eyes.
"How many seconds? I could tell it was longer."
"At least twelve. You started before I had my watch up."
"How’s that, Mr B? When I get to twenty seconds I'm going to try making the glow a bit brighter."
"I don’t like it, Kieran. You look like you've just finished running a marathon."
Kieran glanced at the moisture on his hand from where he’d just wiped his brow.
"It feels like it too, but watch what we figured out last night."
A light blue glow appeared around the hand that was still being held out, spread to cover the rest of Kieran's body, then suddenly intensified till it was quite spectacular.
"Do it, Rhys. I think that's enough."
Kieran swivelled sideways and Rhys, sitting next to him, lifted a hand to each temple. The blue glow dimmed and a flush of colour returned to his features. After about thirty seconds the glow disappeared and Kieran, radiating energy, grabbed Rhys in a happy headlock.
"How's that, Mr B. Do I look like I've run a marathon now?"
In fact he looked more alive and fit than he did before he made the candle glow.
"What did you do, Kieran? You look like you could run two."
"When I flaked out on Thursday night and Rhys used his magic hands to wake me up I noticed the opal was helping as well, so last night we experimented and found that his hands start working after I’ve called on the opal. It's like Rhys uses energy from it to make people better."
"People? You mean someone else too?"
"Yes. That was Tan's idea and it worked when we tried it on Woorawa. His muscles were sore after Rhys made him run too fast and they got better straight away."
"Try it, Mr B. It's unreal. My muscles all felt like I hadn't even been for a swim or a run, and Kieran and Rhys can do it whenever they want. They tried it on Tan and he felt so good he studied for an extra hour last night"
Mr B looked at Kieran and Rhys.
"All right, but I haven't done any exercise since Thursday so I’m already feeling good."
Woorawa laughed.
"Well, you’ll feel even better."
Kieran went quiet for about ten seconds then said Mr B was ready.
"I am? I can't feel anything, and when do I start glowing?"
"We don't need the glow. That was just to show you something was happening. Go on, Rhys. Use your magic hands."
Rhys's hands made contact and Mr B felt himself light up with a sensation of well-being.
"Oh my! This is amazing. How long does it last? I don’t want it to stop."
"The rush bit goes away as soon as my hand stops working and then you just feel better than usual."
The rush bit did go away and Rhys's hands felt pleasant in a normal kind of way. Mr B saw the enormous grin he could feel plastered across his face reflected in four sets of features.
"Have you been practising that between you very much? It feels so good it might be addictive."
"We all felt it for a few tries at last night’s practice but then we talked about it and decided to only use it if we need it."
"Have you got any explanation for what you’re actually doing, Kieran. It seems to need you and Rhys and the opal all at the same time."
"Yes, it's kind of clear in my mind. I tell the opal to put energy or whatever it is into the person and when there’s enough Rhys's hands will start to work."
"And what happens when you do it with Rhys? Does he have to hold his own head?"
"No, it's sort of automatic then."
Kieran and Rhys settled and waited for Mr B's next comment. He was looking thoughtful.
"This is puzzling because I'm wondering how it worked before you had the opal. If you need something from it, then where did that something come from with your migraines and Woorawa's eyes? Could the opal still have been involved before we even knew about it?"
"Maybe Kieran built the energy himself without knowing he was doing it, and when there was too much it gave him a migraine." Tan answered.
"Hey, that fits. That was the only time my hands worked back then."
"It could be, Rhys, but that doesn't explain the deliberate changing of all our memories. I think it must be someone else doing it."
"Someone else has got opal energy, Mr B?"
"It's the best explanation I can think of, Kieran."
There was all-round agreement with this and then Kieran brought up the same question they'd had on earlier occasions.
"I still can't understand why anyone would want to change my memories though. I'm just an ordinary College student."
That brought grins from everyone and outright laughter from Rhys.
"Get real, Kieran! Ordinary students don't talk to animals and set candles alight by thinking at them. Someone does want to stop you doing this kind of stuff because they made you forget when they sent me away."
"Hmm, could be ... Except I was getting migraines before I could do anything at all."
"Hang on, Rhys. You just said Kieran was lighting candles? You meant making them glow didn't you?"
There was a collective grin from the four housemates and Kieran answered.
"That's the next thing we discovered last night. Hold the candle up, Tan."
There was a soft glow, a quick flare then a steadily wavering flame with the first signs of melting wax at its base. Mr B stared then carefully moved his pointer finger close.
"It looks and feels real, Kieran ... It's not a clever combination of both heat and light in my mind is it?"
There were four heads shaking an emphatic no.
"But how? It doesn't seem possible when a tiny glow is so exhausting."
“Tan thought of this one too, Mr B. If I use the opal it's easy. It makes everything easy."
"Real fire! This is scary. Can you do it with anything ... Like a piece of wood or paper?"
"Anything, but when I want a flame I concentrate on one tiny spot."
"What about something big like the kitchen table? Warm it I mean, not burn it."
"I'm sure I could but I'm going to practice a lot more first. I've been rushing too much for some things."
Discussion and practice intermingled for almost an hour before it had to be put aside so Woorawa could start with the chants and dancing practice.
After the evening meal everyone helped clear up, then one by one everyone else had their faces painted. Woorawa was disappointed he couldn't do their torsos and legs as well but with the small supply of red ochre and special clay he'd brought with him he had barely enough as it was. He also kept apologising because everything he was doing was from memories of descriptions his people had given him at other ceremonies, but no one took any notice because the results were still striking. Tan had the best reaction when he checked the bathroom mirror and saw the jagged lightning shapes on his cheeks and the white symbolic eyes staring back at him from his forehead.
The next move was to the lounge room which had earlier been cleared of most of its furniture, and Kieran lit six of Tan’s candles set up in the centre to represent a campfire. Rhys had suggested that Kieran could produce a realistic looking fire but without heat and it had been exciting to try, but then everyone agreed the ceremony should all come from Woorawa. For a moment Kieran thought the candles were going to be too dim but then his eyes adapted and the room took on real atmosphere.
"Everyone ready?"
Woorawa started a soft tap, tap, tap with his music sticks and everyone joined in with their improvised versions. Kieran was using the handle of a knife against a wooden ladle from the kitchen drawer. Then their first chant started, a new one they’d all learnt with Mr B, and built stronger and stronger for a few minutes till Woorawa stopped it with a gesture.
"Yeperenye! Iriperenye!"
Kieran's hair stood on end at the power in Woorawa's voice as he called aloud the first Australian names for the giant caterpillars and stink bugs of his home country.
"Back in the Dreamtime three Yeperenyes came crawling to Mparntwe ..."
For the second time Kieran listened to the creation story of Alice Springs, and while the goosebumps stayed, his wonder grew as the strength and conviction of the story flowed over him.
"Yeperenye! Iriperenye!"
When the story ended with the repeated starting calls Woorawa leapt to his feet and began singing. The words were First Australian, they'd demand the meaning later, and marvelling at the distinctive tone and rhythmic stress patterns, Kieran vowed to learn at least part of this for himself. The song repeated and, using his music sticks, Woorawa danced as well, round and round the circle of enchanted watchers. The song changed to a chant and at Woorawa's signal everyone rose to join in with the steps they'd practised.
Woorawa grabbed his didgeridoo and Keira was astonished how well it matched the chant. They should have been using it in their daily practice.
For the first short while Kieran wished Woorawa was dancing the lead for their movements but he could hardly do that while playing the didgeridoo. The concentration required to keep in step with everyone else quickly took over and filled Kieran with the delight of rhythm and movement. A quick peek showed that Rhys was also completely involved, with none of the self-conscious awkwardness of their practices and, wow, Mr B looked terrific, so light and nimble. The thrum of the didgeridoo stopped and for a minute Woorawa took the lead with the same skill and charisma which had amazed everyone so much at Alice Springs. He finished with a dramatic leap, sat everyone around the little circle of candles again, then stood behind Rhys and placed a hand on each shoulder.
"Brother! Welcome to My Country!"
A flood of First Australian words poured out and he moved behind Mr B who was next in the circle.
"Brother! Welcome to My Country!"
The same flood of words followed and this time Kieran was caught by a strong sense of ceremony.
As Tan received his treatment Kieran thrilled with anticipation. They’d known about the Dreamtime story, the chants and dances of course, but this call was a surprise and, from Woorawa's intensity, something very important.
"Brother! Welcome to My Country!"
The mellifluous declaration sounded out and Kieran's feeling of wonder was compounded by the awed look Tan was directing at Woorawa. Woorawa's hands dropped and his happy smile shone out as he resumed his sitting place.
"Uncle Burrimul sends a message of thanks for the great kindness you give me and welcomes you into our family. Those special words are his gift for our ceremony and he wishes he was here to say them himself."
"Can you translate them for us, Woorawa? You made them sound very official."
"I’ll take you through them later, Rhys, but they’re the words which make you my skin brother, if you want to be ... All of you!"
Rhys stared in wonder, well they all did, then jumped to his feet to give Woorawa a powerful hug.
"Of course I do, Woorawa, but I don't know what to say. It makes me feel special."
One by one everyone followed Rhys’s lead and showed their agreement with a hug which, by the time Kieran did it, felt ceremonial in itself. Woorawa explained what it meant, answered a few questions, then with a big smile started tapping his music sticks.
"This is an exciting dance, Rhys. Doing it means you agree to be my brother and the amount of energy you put into it shows how much you mean it."
"Which dance is it?"
Kieran guessed it would be the most lively of the dances they’d learnt, and one combination leap and arm movement by Woorawa proved he was right. Woorawa did another leap, started the chant that went with it, and in moments the lounge was bursting with movement and energy. Rhys suddenly let out a huge yell of exuberance which spoiled every one else's concentration. Not for long though and everyone quickly followed Woorawa's lead again.
Kieran, his feet stomping in time with Woorawa and everyone else, took in Tan’s rapt expression and was thinking how strange the whole scene would look to an outsider when there was a great crash of sound. Glass exploded everywhere as a large object came flying through the bay window. In the fraction of a second it took for the movement to register in Kieran's mind the missile dropped low and impacted against Tan's leg. Tan’s cry of pain pulled Kieran from shocked disbelief and he started to move. No. No. Wrong idea.
"Don't move! Don't move! There’s glass everywhere."
The room lit up in a bright blue glow of light and Kieran turned to Mr B who at that moment was furthest from the window.
"Watch where you tread, Mr B, and turn the lights on. Tan, there’s glass all around you so keep still till we can reach you."
The overhead light flicked on and Kieran cancelled his glow.
"Mr B and Rhys, find some shoes so you can carry Tan into the kitchen."
Through the gaping hole in the window sounded the loud engine revs of a car accelerating away.
Kieran looked back at Tan who was bent down, holding his left leg and examining his right foot which was turning red at the sides with smeared blood.
"There’s glass under my foot, Kieran. I think I should move it."
"Try to wait, Tan. We won't be long."
Woorawa was making his way very carefully towards the kitchen and Mr B was back, with Rhys behind him rushing to catch up. There was a crunch of glass under their shoes as they approached Tan and again when they carried him to the kitchen and sat him on one of the chairs. Woorawa appeared, carrying Kieran's shoes, and in moments the whole group was safely shod and gathered round Tan. Mr B staunched the slow trickle of blood while Rhys rushed off to the bathroom to collect the first aid kit which they'd bought, at Tan’s urging, only a week ago.
"It's a long cut, Tan, but it will be okay. The bleeding stops when I keep the pressure on so a good clean and a proper bandage should be enough. Is it hurting?"
"I can hardly feel it. It's my leg that hurts. That lump is going to turn into an enormous bruise."
He touched it very gingerly and winced.
"Ouch! That's bad. What was it, a brick or a lump of concrete?"
Tan looked up.
"Woorawa, there’s some ice in the fridge. That might help a bit"
Mr B gave a nod.
"That's a good idea but we’ll check your leg first. Wrap the ice in a tea towel, Woorawa, while I finish bandaging this cut."
While Woorawa went for the ice Rhys collected the heavy object from among the shards of broken glass. It was indeed a brick, wrapped in paper with the word, ‘FREAKS’, showing clearly under the rubber bands holding the paper in place.
"Look at this! They’re total mongrels."
Everyone looked, but not for long, because Tan’s leg was a bigger priority. Mr B went to touch it but changed his mind.
"Test it very gently, Tan, but not that nasty looking part in the middle. It’s right on your shin and I think it needs an x-ray in case it’s bruised the bone."
Tan looked worried.
"Is a bruised bone bad?"
"You wouldn't need a plaster cast or crutches but I think they take a long time to heal. Kieran, could you get Tan’s ordinary clothes please. We'll all get changed and take him straight to emergency."
"You think it's an emergency?"
"No, Tan, but it’s the only way you’ll get an x-ray at this time of night."
"We’ll try something else first, Mr B. Carry Tan to his bed and bring some chairs so we can all be comfortable."
Everyone paused.
"Yes, in case we flake out. I am going to use the opal."
"With Rhys?"
"Yes, remember this afternoon when he called it healing?"
"This isn't just tired muscles, Kieran. It's major."
"I know, Mr B, but Rhys's hands worked for blind eyes and that’s definitely major."
"Well ... Yes, you’re right."
Mr B turned to Tan.
"What do you think, Tan? Are you happy for Kieran and Rhys to try this?"
"Um ... Yes. It might stop the throbbing."
Kieran took in the range of looks he was getting. Mr B and Tan were somewhat dubious. Rhys looked surprised but hopeful, and Woorawa had a huge smile.
In short order Tan was relaxed on his bed with Rhys beside him. Kieran sat comfortably in a chair next to the bed with Mr B ready to support him if he went to sleep, and Woorawa stood beside Rhys ready to do the same. Very carefully Kieran called on the opal and directed the energy or whatever it was into Tan’s leg. It built and built till the understanding he’d gained from the previous practices told him there was enough build up for Rhys's hands to work.
"Okay, Rhys. Try your magic touch."
"Um ... Right on the lump? ... I'll just touch without pressing."
Rhys’s right hand made the lightest contact and Kieran felt the energy stuff disappear. When Rhys's eyes closed and Woorawa held his shoulders so he didn't flop on top of of Tan, Kieran felt annoyed with himself and redirected the opal energy. Rhys's eyes flew open.
"Whoa! Thanks, Kieran. Something must've happened because I nearly lost it. Did you feel it, Tan?"
"It felt weird, all tingly and warm. My leg I mean and I feel sleepy."
Of course he did. Kieran started to direct the energy back to Tan then wondered if he could make it work for both of them at the same time. He could make three or four different objects glow so it should be similar to that. With a burst of concentration he filled both Tan and Rhys with energy. Yes. That worked well.
Rhys lit up with a rush of well-being and grinned at Kieran.
“Whoo! What a boost!"
"Hold Tan’s temples, Rhys, to do the same for him, and then we’ll go back to his leg."
That worked. Tan’s head came up and his quick laugh told Kieran he could concentrate on the injury again. Two general energy streams to keep Tan and Rhys awake, and a special stream to Tan’s leg all at the same time would be best. How to manage it? It took a lot of concentration.
"Keep your hands touching the lump, Rhys. I’ve got everything balanced so neither of you will flake out."
Rhys placed his fingers gently on the swelling and gasped. So did Tan.
"I felt the tingle, Kieran, but it still hurts. Keep going please."
Mr B interrupted.
"I think you should stop working on his leg and try the cut first, Kieran. It's minor compared to that lump and it will be easier to show us if any healing is really happening."
Kieran agreed and concentrated on the cut. At his signal Rhys rested two fingers alongside the bandage. Tan's foot jerked and he made a strange noise.
"Did it hurt?"
"No. It tickled too much and I wasn't ready for it. The biggest tickle feeling I've ever had. Take the bandage off, Rhys. My foot feels different and I want to see."
"Are you sure? It might start the bleeding again."
"I don't think so. The stinging feeling isn’t as strong."
Rhys nodded, carefully peeled the bandage away, then bent his head close to examine the cut.
"The cut’s still there but it's different. You dressed it Mr B. What do you think?"
Mr B bent close and after a few seconds lifted his head.
"It's hard to tell, but Rhys is right. It hasn't got the same angry red look, and taking the bandage off so soon should have started the bleeding again. Can you keep the zap going for a while longer, Kieran?"
"Longer? I don't see why not, but we've never done it like that so we’ll have to be careful. I’ll have to use the opal a lot."
"Start slow and watch Rhys and Tan in case they pass out. And watch yourself, Kieran. If you’re using the opal in a new way you might be affected too."
Woorawa was right and Kieran, annoyed with himself for not doing this all along, immediately loaded himself with energy in case he needed Rhys's hands.
"Ready, Rhys? Keep your fingers in place and we’ll see what happens."
The first zap was normal but it taught Kieran that he had to send extra energy to both Tan and Rhys right when the zap happened to keep them both awake. It also taught him that a continuous zap of the kind Mr B wanted would need a scary amount of help from the opal. No way was he going to call that much in one go, so starting at his normal level and carefully monitoring what was happening with Tan, Rhys and himself, he gradually increased his demand from the opal. Tan’s foot started twitching. What? Oh, it was the tickle factor.
"Woorawa, hold Tan’s foot steady so Rhys doesn't lose contact with it. It's tickling too much for him to control."
When that was sorted Kieran resumed his call on the opal and felt perspiration break out on his forehead. Whoops! Too much effort. How could he fix things? Easy. He reached out and one touch on Rhys's free hand made him feel better. Amazing! Tan’s eyes were closed but he was smiling blissfully. Rhys was staring at the blue glow surrounding his hands. No he wasn't. He was looking past them. His mouth opened and he looked at Kieran with wonder in his eyes.
"That's enough, Kieran. Turn it all off and have a look."
It took a couple of seconds and he sensed Rhys's hands turn a momentary burst of excess energy into life and well-being for each of them. Tan’s eyes opened and he leaned forward.
"Unbelievable! The cut’s gone. I can't even see where it was."
He touched the area gently, then with more force.
"It's like new. I can't even feel where it was."
Rhys laughed as three heads bumped together when they moved for a close look.
"Are you ok, Kieran? You’re sweating."
"Yes. I was concentrating so much on watching you and Tan I forgot about myself. I should’ve been touching your magic hands all the time. Are you tired? I want to get on with Tans’ leg."
"Straight away? Well, I’m sure not tired. The rush thing at the end makes me feel like I could keep going for ever."
Mr B shook his head forcefully.
"No! Not yet. Take a break for a while, especially you, Kieran. I’ve never seen you concentrating as hard as that, not even when you made the candle flame. Have a drink and something to eat while Woorawa and I clean up all that glass and do something about the window. Tan should relax too, because healing that injury’s going to be a lot harder than fixing a simple cut ... In fact I want you all to relax on your beds for ten or fifteen minutes while Woorawa and I get busy."
Hmm! Mr B was right. If it wasn't for the boost from Rhys's hands he'd be completely wrecked right now. Kieran made a little head movement telling Rhys to follow him, and walked straight to the bedroom.
"What? Mr B said I should lie down."
"Yes, but lie down on my bed. Every time you use your magic hands I feel like I want to hug you or hold you or something."
"Hey! So do I. And it keeps getting stronger."
A moment later Kieran was relaxed with two strong arms round him and his headband resting on the towel he’d had the presence of mind to drape over the pillow. Rhys gave a little laugh.
"Two wild men in bed."
"Yes, and two skin brothers. Don't forget that."
"Hey, wow! We are too. Are you comfy? I think we should close our eyes and relax like Mr B wants us to."
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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