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Widderkin - 32. Chapter 32

Chapter 32.

Aglaron, High King of all the Realms, considered the belated but insistent request for communication from the Lore Master with puzzlement and a sense of loss, and, pointless as it must be, accepted out of courtesy and the strength of their long and close association.

"Lord Uirebon? Do you seek a formal audience with me?"

"No, My Lord. I seek permission to join you in person."

"For what purpose? To observe the overthrow of the High Castle and the collapse of balance throughout the Realms?"

"Indeed not, My Lord. My intention is to help fight this illegal Challenge with every resource at my disposal."

Aglaron's reply was tinged with a degree of bitter regret.

"You were in your sanctum too long, my friend. A formal Challenge was presented to the High Court three hours ago and as Lore Master you are now bound to neutrality. The time for your assistance has passed. Your offer moves me but the honour of your position demands I refuse it."

"Not so, My Lord. The Challenge might now be formal, but the broken conventions of its implementation render it illegal. My honour, as both friend and Lore Master, binds my loyalty to you and your position."

"A Challenge can be illegal? Are you certain? That will mean little if it succeeds. Maynor, as new High King, will just proclaim it legal."

"Completely certain, my Lord. I have conferred with the full Court of my Realm and every adviser agrees. The independence of a Realm Lord is sacrosanct and Lord Maynor has torn Ranevargar from his Realm and holds him bound and helpless."

"Maynor still holds Ranevargar helpless? You’ve seen this somehow?"

"My Realm has resources for knowledge unknown to Lord Maynor ... My Lord, we should speak behind the security of your Wards. Permit me to make portal."

"Certainly, Uirebon, but think of your position first. I can hold the High Castle for a time but Maynor's control of the free Nexus energy must eventually allow him to prevail. For the good of your Realm you should consider a position of neutrality."

"And lose my self respect ... There is nothing to consider."

With a vast relief Aglaron cleared the way for Uirebon's portal then welcomed the reality of his physical presence with the double wrist clasp of mutual respect and acceptance.

"Your silence was greatly extended, Uirebon."

"I am sorry for that, My Lord, but Lord Maynor's influence was subtle and hard to clear. I discovered that for at least two centuries he has had quiet dealings with study centres all across my Realm."

"I’ve been deceived for two centuries? His advice through all that time has been faultless and invaluable."

"Indeed, My Lord, and I suspect that your clearly expressed appreciation of its worth may have been a continuing reinforcement of his ambition."

"I always understood his ambition. His strength was the reason I gave him SteWardship of his own Realm ... Uirebon, how do his dealings with your centres concern us?"

"More recently, as we now know, his recognised natural ability for mind manipulation has been given all the time and effort needed to become a master. Beyond his collaboration with me to develop Keryth's treatment, I discovered seven study centres across my Realm where he learnt other aspects of control."

"You think Keryth's treatment was a strategy to help with this Challenge?"

"Not directly, my Lord. From my advisers I also learned that for that same time Lord Maynor has also been studying the control and storage of power. Keryth's treatment was most likely a means for access to your Nexus energy. Three times you allowed him to wield unprecedented power, and each time he learned more of its control. I believe even more strongly that this Challenge was a mistake, decided in haste when Keryth and the mysterious gemstone were apparently his to wield."

"Interesting. He certainly knew how to bind the Nexus energy with his own locks. Uirebon, if Maynor is in collusion with Narello, their constant clashes may have been an excuse to practice the use and control of power."

"Narello is definitely in collusion with Maynor but I begin to suspect that she might not be aware of it."

"Her mind is controlled?"

"I believe so, my Lord, and it also explains why Lord Maynor has taken Ranevargar."

"Yes, it does, and Ranevargar's waning strength makes him quite vulnerable ... Do you have a way of watching his Realm for any contrary signs?"

"I have good news. One of my centres has been tasked to do just that and I can report that a cohort of Maynor's Coursers fled in disarray from a group of the Flying Guardians."

"Aggression against the Coursers? Normally Ranevargar would ignore them, so that is good news indeed. Quite inexplicable though, because Guardian aggression suggests direction from their completely isolated Lord."

"Yet another mystery, My Lord."

"And why would Maynor dispatch Coursers?"

"It must be to find Keryth, which is a puzzle since Maynor already possesses Keryth's gemstone. Maybe the stone confounds him and he needs Keryth present to make use of it."

"Maynor must fail then. Has your centre noticed any sign of Keryth in Ranevargar's Realm? Those shields are beyond me."

"A localised energy flare indicated an incursion by something like a very powerful Chaos Creature, but by the time they focused their attention they could only find three of the Flying Guardians."

"That is not a Chaos Creature. It is an incursion unique to Ranevargar's Realm, requiring a special ability of his Guardians to overcome."

"Another mystery?"

"Not really. That incursion comes from the Unordered Realm and Ranevargar has always taken the responsibility for action to dispel it. It's puzzling that the Guardians could be effective without his presence though, and curious also that a similar incursion happened only days ago when the normal interval is decades long ... Uirebon, why do you consider Maynor's interest in energy storage important? Individuals can have limited and temporary reserves, and Ranevargar's Realm Trees even less, but the only place for significant storage resides within a Realm Lord’s Stone of Power."

"There are other storage methods, My Lord. The Fetch constructs exist only while they can draw from the pool of energy we give them, and the rods wielded by Power Masters also store energy."

"Yes, but in small amounts compared to Nexus energy."

"A hundred and fifty years ago Lord Maynor spent almost two decades working with one of my centres to develop a way of storing power in lesser gemstones.

The study was successful, but then discontinued on his suggestion, and only came to light when I asked my Council of advisers to recall past interactions they might have had with him over the years."

"Your Council has been very busy, Uirebon, but why is this significant?"

"With my Council, I sought an explanation for the power flows you sensed near Narello's boundary, and we suspect that Lord Maynor has been stealing energy and storing it in the gemstones of his famous Ruby collection."

"I have controlled the distribution of all free Nexus energy very carefully, Uirebon. I don't see how that would be possible."

"Lady Narello has Chaos Masters, My Lord. They draw from the energy of Chaos for their own use while leaving you to clear the resulting imbalance. Every Chaos Incursion is most likely the result of a deliberate action which forces you to use power which is then not available for general distribution."

Aglaron stared, aghast.

"Every Chaos Incursion for all that time? Uirebon, that is a vast amount of energy. The High Castle will fall.

"Maybe, My Lord, but we can give ourselves time to prepare. Lord Maynor cannot wield the power directly, and must bring the Power Masters or other holders to his presence. If you deny him the ability to make portals we will have days to prepare while they make the journey."

"Hmm! Yes, I can do that but only by expending energy I can't really afford. It will only delay the inevitable."

"Delay can only work for us, and we will develop other ways to hinder Lord Maynor's assaults.

My Lord, can you confine the disruption of portals to Lord Maynor and Lady Narello's Realms? I have advisers and triads willing to help defend the High Castle."

Aglaron paused.

"Wonderful! But bring them quickly, Uirebon. A general disruption is far easier to manage. How many triads?"

"Three, My Lord. A triad of triads will be far more effective."

"Indeed. We will use them to help sustain the Castle Wards. Are they ready for transport? Negating Maynor's ability to portal is an inspired strategy and the sooner implemented the better."

"They are ready."

The way through the Castle Wards was cleared again, and Aglaron watched three triads and eighteen advisers arrive in a large chamber adjacent to the Great Hall.

"Uirebon, I recognise many of these advisers and their presence weakens your Realm. Are you sure about this?"

"Lord Maynor will only make demands on me and my Realm if he becomes High King."

"He lashed at you in Ranevargar's Grove, and when he learns you have decided against neutrality he will lash again."

"I have considered that, my Lord. The High Castle is my best defence, and if he directs power against my Realm he detracts from his critical assault here."

Aglaron showed his appreciation.

"And your advisers agreed?"

"Every one of them."

Aglaron and Uirebon were both distracted when a flow of power from a newly active triad strengthened the Castle Wards.

"This level of assault is manageable my Lord. Has Maynor made any serious attempt to overcome your Wards?"

"Just the once when he couldn't use the old pass keys. I believe it was a test to gauge and compare his own strength."

"Have you sensed him using Nexus energy for any other purpose?"

"See for yourself. I think something is happening in his Castle but without wasting energy his Wards are impenetrable."

Aglaron’s special sense of energy showed the constant flow of power being directed against the High Castle and, both shocking and puzzling, almost twice as much disappearing into Maynor's own Castle. Uirebon quailed at the magnitude of the battle they were facing.

"So much power, My Lord."

"Yes. We can only be thankful it's not all directed here."

Uirebon considered a moment.

"Ranevargar's mind shield and Keryth's gemstone! They are keys to Lord Maynor's plans which would warrant so much effort."

"That could well be, Uirebon. Let us hope the effort continues without success for a long time. Come with me to the Great Hall. Knowledge that the Lore Master is here and providing assistance will be a great relief to the Court."


Kieran finished all his important inner checks and, by the soft glow he was was providing against the pre-dawn dark, took in everyone gathered close and waiting.

"Are any monsters on the move, Kieran?"

Kieran adjusted the position of his pack straps slightly while he re-checked and started moving.

"Not yet. Why do you want to know?"

"Well, it's too late now but if we could rely on them only being active in the daylight, Krol could leapfrog us forward one at a time and save a lot of walking."

"We'd be separated then and that's too risky, and without Krol to protect us we’re dead meat. And they do move in the night if they sense anything."

"Dead meat? Thanks for the graphically depressing description, Rhys, but I think you’re right. The logistics mean that even with only a five-minute return trip for Krol we’d be separated for twenty-five minutes. I’m really tempted but the gain doesn't justify the risk."

Mr B, along with everyone else, turned to Woorawa.

"It's a great idea but we won't try it. We made it our rule to never get separated unless it's absolutely necessary and Ranevargar emphasised that it’s especially important here in the Unordered Realm."

"Yeah. I suppose. And it would be hard on Krol too ... You were in a specially deep concentration mode for a while, Kieran. What have you found out?"

"A few things, Rhys. Ranevargar’s still asleep so it's all quiet there, but the Griffins got really active yesterday afternoon when the hosts sent them to chase off a new lot of Coursers."

"Coursers back in the Realm? That means they’re still after us, Kieran."

"I don't know about the High King but that Maynor definitely is. He asks about us every time he talks to Ranevargar then gets annoyed because Ranevargar hasn't got a clue what he's talking about."

"It sounds like he gets annoyed fairly easily," said Tan.

"Yes, he wants to take over as High King and Ranevargar thinks it's because his plans aren't going the way he wants them to."

"Well if we’re part of his plans he’ll have to come to Dead World to get us. Do you think he’d be able to get past all the monsters, Kieran?"

"I really don't know, Tan. He might, because Realm Lords are very very powerful, and I’ve seen from Ranevargar's mind that, except for the High King, Maynor’s the strongest of them all. I’m not worried about him coming here though because you need Griffins for protection and he hasn't got any."

A soft glow of light was starting to contrast the horizon line of the dark and desolate plain against the sky and Kieran made another quick check to see if any monsters were stirring.

"You told us he controlled the hosts and all the Griffins when he tried to capture us, Kieran. If he did that again he could make them protect him. He could come after us then."

Kieran stopped in his tracks.

"Good thinking, Woorawa ... I should’ve been shielding the hosts and Griffins ever since the Central Grove. If he took control of even one of them he’d learn way too much."

"You can shield them from here? You've got to be kidding."

"I've got control through Ranevargar's Pearl, Woorawa. I’ll have to call on my Opal, so it might bring a few monsters, but I do need to protect them."

"Well, you’ll have to add in Gryl and all the Panthers who helped us too. They all know we’re in Dead World. Can you keep that many shields going?"

Woorawa was right. Eleven hosts and five Griffins from the Central Grove, plus four more hosts and five Panthers was way too many without making a constant call on the Opal.

"I can because Ranevargar's network makes it possible, but I’ll have to work out something different or Krol will have non-stop monster fights. Hang on while I think."

The party trudged quietly for another five minutes.

"I've got it. It’ll take a big burst of energy to set up but then I can forget them."

"Forget them? You mean with independent shields like you gave Ranevargar?"

"Almost independent, Mr B, but they’re really different to Ranevargar's. They’ll hardly use any energy because they’ll only spring into full life if something tries to get through, and they’ll have a trigger to warn me if that happens."

"I don't understand. How will they work if you’re not using the Opal?"

"The same as yours, Mr B. They’ll all have a pool of energy to draw on, small compared to yours, but big enough to last for about five days."

"This is mind-boggling, Kieran. You can make shields and put pools of energy in all those minds from across the Boundary Wall?"

"Only because I have control of Ranevargar's Pearl, Woorawa. It lets me do things through his special network."

"Unbelievable! Why don't you use it to send energy to Ranevargar then? It might help him break away from that helmet thing."

"I wanted to, Rhys, but before he erased all his memories about us Ranevargar warned me not to. He said new energy would alert Maynor that we were tricking him. I'm ready though, because if his reserve gets low I won't have any choice. He's got about eight days at the moment."

"What? You said it was twelve or thirteen."

"Yeah. Maynor's been attacking Ranevargar's shields with huge amounts of energy. He must think he’s going to wear them down."

"He’s right then, Kieran. Ranevargar will only last a bit over two days at that rate and we’ll still be hiking towards ... Maurice."

The morning light was now bright enough to reveal Rhys’s approving smile.

"I'm watching, Mr B, but I’ll keep to Ranevargar's strategy as closely as I can ... Hang on while I make these new shields."

The patterns that Kieran had been rehearsing during the conversation came to the front of his mind and, reaching through Ranevargar's link, he called on the Opal for the energy to set everything working.

Hmm! Woorawa was right. The Boundary Wall was interfering and he had to make an extra Opal call to push past it.

"Hey! What happened, Kieran? You’d better check for monsters because you lit up like a torch."

"I strained my brain, Rhys. I had to make the Pearl and the Opal work together and the Boundary was a big barrier ... Whoa! Packs off, everyone. It did wake the monsters and we’ve got four incomings."

Krol was completely practised with their defense but Rhys still insisted on the group routine of being ready for unencumbered action with the Spook ropes.


"This flaming pack is breaking all the laws of physics!"

"How come?"

"I've emptied my first water skin and eaten food out of it but it's heavier now than it was yesterday. Isn't it time for our break, Woorawa? We’ve been walking for hours"

Rhys's complaint was more of a group expression than a real one and got four varying responses of agreement.

"Another ten minutes, Rhys, and then we’ll stop for half an hour instead of ten minutes ... Look at that valley, Kieran. Do you know where it goes?"

"I haven't got a clue, Woorawa. Ranevargar only gave me images of the actual course. The rest of Dead World’s a mystery."

"It looks interesting. If there were trees and water and food and no Dragon Quest it would be good to explore."

"Ha! And no lumping great pack to carry. I think you forgot that bit, Woorawa."

"Rhys, you won't even notice your pack by tomorrow. You’ll be so used to it."

"As if!"

The valley did look interesting. The long cliff wall they’d been following all this time made an almost right angle turn along one side of the valley in question, and in the distance closed in to a kind of pass with the mountain flank.

"I reckon there must have been a river flowing through there. You can see where the bed might have been."

"You've got a good imagination, Woorawa. If it’s a river it must have been dry for the last million years. How are your feet, Tan? Will they last another ten minutes?"

"Eight minutes, Rhys, and they’re okay, just aching and tired."

"Mine too."


Woorawa's soft but deep chant took attention from silent contemplation of the flickering rock fire and, following his nod of invitation, everyone joined in. Without stopping he reached into the rock fire for two stones.

Click! Click!!! The sound complimented the chant and four more sets automatically joined in when he stood and his feet started an easy, rhythmic stomp.

Deep weariness passed from Kieran as he drank in the astonishing presence of Woorawa pouring himself into the movement. The spirit took him and he rose with the rest of the group.

Five or ten minutes later, Kieran was too immersed to have a proper sense of time, Woorawa made a dramatic leap over the rock fire and the shared moment came to an end.

"It's sleep time, Kieran. Tomorrow’s an even bigger day than today."


Copyright © 2018 Palantir; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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So for the first time the High King and his son are not opponents but actually working towards the same goal: defeating Maynor.

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1 hour ago, Timothy M. said:

So for the first time the High King and his son are not opponents but actually working towards the same goal: defeating Maynor.

Yes! - How perceptions change.

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3 minutes ago, Dathi said:

Comeuppance for the wretch seems imminent, good job too.  Everyone opposed just needs to stick to the current game plan and all will come right in the end.  Maurice had better have some large brass bits if he is going to be a decisive factor in the impending confrontation.

Another awesome chapter as we have come to expect.  Thank you for sharing this tale, very well done.

Lol - I've heard of brass monkeys but brass dragons is a new one on me.

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52 minutes ago, Dathi said:

I was only referring to certain anatomical features however there are a series of books written that include dragons of various colours and not only by the late lamented Mrs McCaffrey.

Yep! Your message was clear - that's why used 'brass monkeys' with its reference to  a specific cold weather effect. :)

Oh my! I had a bout of re-reading some of the Pern books only just recently.  - she featured Bronze Dragons to some extent but my favorite was the little White Dragon.

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3 hours ago, Dathi said:

I was only referring to certain anatomical features however there are a series of books written that include dragons of various colours and not only by the late lamented Mrs McCaffrey.

Only through human nature can we so strongly identify with steel cannon balls dislodging from their stowage on the dimpled brass monkey in the harshest of weather❄️, to envision a animated brass monkey losing his jewels🙈. A most sensitive vulnerability to male mammals, and one of the softest metals in use outside of jewelry, yet rendering the strongest visualizations of strength by possession; just a curiosity of this expression we all so well identify with. 🤔

And Dragons must have even bigger brass holdings to foster their strength and aggression!

🙄 Sorry, just pondering the curiosities of this expression, the mind is a terrible thing! lol 😂 

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It looks a little better for the high king with the alliance of Lord Uriebon and the realization that Maynor is obsessed with Lord Ranevarger and Kieran and company....

Now if Kieran's group can finish their quest, maybe things will work out.  However, our dear author has a tendency to not make things too easy for our heroes.....

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20 minutes ago, Daddydavek said:

Now if Kieran's group can finish their quest, maybe things will work out.  However, our dear author has a tendency to not make things too easy for our heroes.....

Lol - what could possibly go wrong with something as straightforward as waking a heretofor uncontrollable construct?

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11 hours ago, Palantir said:

Lol - what could possibly go wrong with something as straightforward as waking a heretofor uncontrollable construct?

How to train your...not dragon....kinda, sorta, uncontrollable construct of volatile energy; hmmm. Unlike like the Pearl, and the Opal, this is an energy management issue needing major refinement to bring harmony and purpose to chaos. Our wonderful team of brainstorming problem solvers is bound to find the patterns and solutions to Managing Maurice! Hopefully they figure out the safeguards and blocks to ensure their control before injury or betrayal. 

Edited by Philippe
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32 minutes ago, Philippe said:

How to train your...not dragon....kinda, sorta, uncontrollable construct of volatile energy; hmmm. Unlike like the Pearl, and the Opal, this is an energy management issue is needing major refinement to bring harmony and purpose to chaos. Our wonderful team of brainstorming problem solvers is bound to find the patterns and solutions to Managing Maurice! Hopefully they figure out the safeguards and blocks to ensure their control before injury or betrayal. 

They should be ok - after all Ranevargar has instructed Kieran in the awakening routine. ... Hmmm!

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Aglaron, High King of all the Realms, considered the belated but insistent request for communication from the Lore Master, “My Lord. I seek permission to join you in person. My intention is to help fight this illegal Challenge with every resource at my disposal."

His reply, the time for your assistance has passed. "Not so, My Lord. The Challenge might now be formal, but the broken conventions of its implementation render it illegal. My honour, as both friend and Lore Master, binds my loyalty to you and your position."

"A Challenge can be illegal? Are you certain? "The independence of a Realm Lord is sacrosanct and Lord Maynor has torn Ranevargar from his Realm and holds him bound and helpless."

"Maynor still holds Ranevargar helpless? You’ve seen this somehow?"

"My Realm has resources for knowledge unknown to Lord Maynor ... My Lord, we should speak behind the security of your Wards. Permit me to make portal."

"Certainly, Uirebon, but think of your position first. I can hold the High Castle for a time but Maynor's control of the free Nexus energy must eventually allow him to prevail. For the good of your Realm you should consider a position of neutrality."

"And lose my self respect ... There is nothing to consider."

13 hours ago, Palantir said:

They should be ok - after all Ranevargar has instructed Kieran in the awakening routine. ... Hmmm!

It appears Uirebon has insights into Maynor’s present activities; what and how? Limitations?

While the King doesn’t control the free Nexus energy itself, control of the kingdom has still not slipped from his grasp.

The awakening routine,...which last known to Ranevarger has a huge power requirement; expectations for the exhaustion of all his grove energy stores and then relying of Kieran’s Opal to bring control to chaos.

The King thankful for Kieran’s blocks being beyond them as those protections on Ranevarger and Kieran’s Opal are preoccupying Maynor, otherwise his castle wards would fail.

Maynor has stolen and stored huge amounts of energy to his created Ruby Energy Stone collection, how effective were they judged?

All this talk and concerns of energy use and yet will have only limited knowledge of the Opal’s true power. When the knowledge to create another Nexus was lost during the splitting of the Realms, did the human realm lord/master create his parallel nexus and Kieran’s Opal? Is the power so vast that even Kieran’s understanding perceives unlimited resources? With a possible personal nexus of vast energy, the instructions to tame a beast of unimaginable abilities, and a counsel of true and inspiring friends, Kieran may bring forth a Kingdom beyond Ranevarger’s and Aglaron's dreams.

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It seems that Maynor may be putting out energy in to many directions and levels.  He doesn't seem to realize what he is doing.  This plan may have been in place for many years, but the very situation that allowed it to activate, may well be it's undoing.

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15 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

It seems that Maynor may be putting out energy in to many directions and levels.  He doesn't seem to realize what he is doing.  This plan may have been in place for many years, but the very situation that allowed it to activate, may well be it's undoing.

Agreed! Such arrogance in his own deceit of the King, Maynor seems to have declared his victory without knowing his real foe; one of his own creation perhaps.

All too elusive were the lessons he should have learned for every action there is a reaction. His plan to get Kieran removed from the realm and into the human world, to be used as a pawn, yet creating a warrior of our young prince. The move to the human realm brought about the discovery of Kieran’s friends and counsel, it trained them in their skills and their team work, it led to the discovery of the Opal, and those repeated failures should have been fair warning.

But then the snatching of Kieran’s friend into the elf realms brought our warrior clan to the elf realms. Now the young warriors have allies,  a growing knowledge of the realms, and access to challenge Maynor’s fortress directly. While he remains fixated of his original plan and the breaking of the mental blocks that deny his superiority, he fails to understand he has already been infiltrated mentally and physically.

It has been an exciting adventure and I’m sure the young warriors will continue to surprise and impress.

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18 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

It seems that Maynor may be putting out energy in to many directions and levels.  He doesn't seem to realize what he is doing.  This plan may have been in place for many years, but the very situation that allowed it to activate, may well be it's undoing.

He's sure putting out energy - the High King is 'aghast' at the prospect of what Maynor will be able to throw at him.

Maynor's plan has been developing for at least 150 years according to Uirebon.

- it brings to mind that very apt quotation - 'The best laid schemes o' mice an' men Gang aft a-gley

Hmm! Apply that broadly and the High King, or even the companions, might have unknowns ahead of them as well.

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10 hours ago, Philippe said:

Agreed! Such arrogance in his own deceit of the King, Maynor seems to have declared his victory without knowing his real foe; one of his own creation perhaps.

All too elusive were the lessons he should have learned for every action there is a reaction. His plan to get Kieran removed from the realm and into the human world, to be used as a pawn, yet creating a warrior of our young prince. The move to the human realm brought about the discovery of Kieran’s friends and counsel, it trained them in their skills and their team work, it led to the discovery of the Opal, and those repeated failures should have been fair warning.

But then the snatching of Kieran’s friend into the elf realms brought our warrior clan to the elf realms. Now the young warriors have allies,  a growing knowledge of the realms, and access to challenge Maynor’s fortress directly. While he remains fixated of his original plan and the breaking of the mental blocks that deny his superiority, he fails to understand he has already been infiltrated mentally and physically.

It has been an exciting adventure and I’m sure the young warriors will continue to surprise and impress.

Maynor surely is confident in his prospects. Kieran is already worried about the rate at which Ranevargar's shields are being battered - it could be a race against time - and there's all that ruby energy, too, which hasn't yet come into play.

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So many irons in the fire, my Aussie mate!  A simple story about a young man learning about himself turns into a deeper one involving deception, Faierie and now rebellion.
At the root still is what Kieran will do when he finds out about his father and his heritage...I can't see him giving up his friends for being High King or leaving Earth.  One more question is this: how much of the High King's bias against Kerith due to his own ideas, or a result of Maynor's abilities?  His use of Power is brutish, but he has shown subtlety in his mental games for the most part.
Since the attacks on Kieran on Earth caused his powers to manifest, and those were done by Maynor, has he unwittingly created the foil to his own plans?
More than once I thought we might be nearing a conclusion, but now I see it as yet another hidden device in your wondrous weaving....

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What we have seen with your High King happens in real life, as well.  When rulers have ruled for a very long time, they lose touch with their common constituents, they listen too much to "trusted advisors", and they care only about keeping the status quo.  Aglaron was a fool for listening to Maynor rather than his own heart.  

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6 hours ago, CincyKris said:

What we have seen with your High King happens in real life, as well.  When rulers have ruled for a very long time, they lose touch with their common constituents, they listen too much to "trusted advisors", and they care only about keeping the status quo.  Aglaron was a fool for listening to Maynor rather than his own heart.  

So true!

Could it be that Aglaron is more 'fooled' than 'fool'?

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1 hour ago, Palantir said:

So true!

Could it be that Aglaron is more 'fooled' than 'fool'?

I guess time will tell, that his choice to make.  Will he redeem himself?  I can't wait to find out!

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