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    Wombat Bill
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
May contain graphic sexual content

Catering With Benefits (3) - An Appetite for More - 21. That’s Entertainment

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At the completion of the main course, Max whispered to Charles and Trevor “Please keep an eye on Chris. I don’t know what his problem is with Price but can you stop him from bolting over while I’m not here. Try to distract him until the entertainment starts, then that should keep him occupied for a while.”

They both nodded in agreement, then Max took to the stage and made an announcement, “Good evening again ladies and gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed the meal and the wines on offer. Later in the evening Jonathan Price will make a short address, but before that we have some local entertainers for your enjoyment. First up is a young singer, making his Australian debut performance tonight. I was lucky enough to be here for rehearsals and was very impressed by this young talent. Our second performer tonight is a highly experienced and acclaimed dancer with the Sydney Dance Company. Some of you will no doubt have seen his performances with the company, but tonight you will see him in a solo role for the first time.

Now that I have whet your appetite I will without further delay introduce our singer, previously of The Philippines but now calling Australia home. Please give a big welcome to Juanito Villiar.”

The pre-recorded music track played a saxophone introduction to Something About The Way You Look Tonight, as Juanito walked on stage dressed all in white. He was wearing a white sleeveless vest, unbuttoned, with white pants and sand coloured shoes. His rendition of the song had the audience hushed to complete silence during the performance and rapturous with applause at the end. He took his bow and waved as he left the stage.

Max then returned and asked “What a wonderful rendition of one of my favourite songs. All I can say is, Elton John, you can retire now.” The crowd laughed then Max continued “Juanito will return later for a second performance. But right now a man who really needs no introduction to modern ballet fans. You may have seen him last year in the world premiere of In the Mood, and tonight is also a premiere, because tonight we will witness his first solo performance. Please put your hands together for the wonderful Tristan Coyle performing to All That Jazz from the Musical, Chicago.

As Max left the stage the lights went down and stayed off for five seconds, then a pin spot illuminated a man curled up on the floor. As the spotlight increased in size, he slowly rose to the music, dressed only in tight stretch black jeans and barefooted. His energetic and electrifying routine had the audience spellbound during his performance, and on their feet at the end. As the applause died down the pin spot reduced to darkness. Then as it expanded again and revealed Max standing in the light he said “I’ve always wanted to do that. I’m exhausted just from watching Tristan. How about another hand for Tristan?” Max extended his hand towards the wings of the stage, the spotlight followed and Tristan stepped on stage for another bow.

“Ok that’s enough.” said Max “Spotlight back here thanks, because I have an important announcement. He paused awaiting the audience’s attention then said “Dessert is served.... Enjoy and then we will return with more surprises.”

Backstage Raj gave Juanito a long hug and said “I had no idea, you didn’t tell me you could sing like that.”

“I kept it as a surprise because, I love you Raj.”

“Great to hear, but don’t make him cry Raj, I don’t want to have to redo his makeup.” quipped Edward.

A few minutes later, a puffing Tristan came off stage and Raj gave him a big hug also. “What’s that for?” asked Tristan.

“I’m so happy tonight, I want to hug everybody and besides Snowy’s not here, so I’m his stand in.”

“Thanks Raj, but no need” announced Snowy as he stepped into the room, still dressed in his kitchen uniform.

“Did you see the performance?’ asked Tristan.

“Sure did, I sneaked out of the kitchen when Charlie was looking elsewhere.”

“Now I hate to break up all this lovin’ but it’s time for costume changes ladies.”

“Sure boss.” said Snowy, better get back to the kitchen “Love you.”

Juanito changed into a jungle print shirt, brown pants and sandals. When announced by Max we went on stage and sang The Circle of Life from The Lion King. Part way through his performance Tristan danced on to the stage dressed in a leather jungle loin cloth and feathered necklace.

They had the house yelling for more and so they obliged. Edward had anticipated this and had prepared for the audience demands. The duo encored with Hakuna Matata, this time both singing and in the instrumental break, both danced. The audience responded to the fun of their joint performance with a standing ovation.

When the applause finally slowed, Max ran on stage wearing a lion mask and asked “Am I too late?”

The audience obliged with “Yes!” so Max removed his mask and asked the audience “Pretty damn good hey?” He then looked toward Jonathan and said “You’ve got a pretty hard act to follow. Don’t know how you will top that, but come up here anyway.... Ladies and gentlemen, Jonathan Price, candidate for Sydney East.”

Jonathan said “Thank you Max, and everyone please thank our superb entertainers tonight.”

While the audience applauded again, he took the microphone off the stand, wandered around the stage for a while then finally said “You thought I was a stand-up comedian, didn’t you?” The crowd laughed and Thomas cringed, fearing Jonathan was going off script.

“Well what I am about to tell you is no joke.”

He then talked about the nation’s economy and how it was not taking care of an increasing number of poor and vulnerable groups in society due to the ever widening gap in financial equality.

At the end of his speech he thanked everyone for purchasing a ticket for the evening and assured them all proceeds would go to local charities and he would hand over the cheques or gifts personally.


After meal service Craig changed from his kitchen clothes, found Justin and they went from table to table introducing themselves and seeking feedback on the meal. Responses were all positive and by the time they got to the last table with the media, they were feeling very proud indeed. But the media being what they are, were more interested in looking for a story than critiquing the food.

When asked about Jonathan Prices marriage both held their tongues and claimed that is was a normal happy marriage as far as they knew. When a reporter could get nowhere with that line of questioning he turned his attention to Justin and asked about his role in the catering company. “What do you mean?” asked Justin

“I was speaking to the women on the, girls want to have fun table, and they say they were a bit disappointed that they could not see you in your shorts tonight.”

“Really? Well, before we took over the restaurant we used to do private parties. Some of the ladies on that table have been very good customers.”

Then Craig asked “Why are you asking these questions, tonight is supposed to be about Jonathan Price and his election campaign.”

“Oh, I’ve got all I need about that and you won’t tell me anymore about his private life so I’m exploring other possibilities for future stories.”

“And how would we be of interest for a story?”

“I hear your role, Justin is it, is a story in itself. I should explain, I’m just filling in for a colleague tonight. My usual role is research assistant for the SBS program, Small Business Secrets. I think your story could be suitable for an episode. Here’s my card, can you give me a call as I would like to talk more about your business. Can I have your number?”

Craig looked at the card and said “You can get a business card from the reception desk on your way out... Damien.”

“Thank you gentlemen, I’ll be in touch.”


When Max returned to his table, Chris said to him “The Max mafia here has kept me under control while you were schmoozing up to Price, so can we go talk to him now?”

“Before that, can you tell me how you met him before?”

“My mum runs the Shell servo at Castle Hill and before I left school I used earn extra pocket money by hanging around and servicing the rich customers.”

“What sort of servicing, and did your mum know?”

“Of course she did, it was her that inadvertently gave me the idea.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“It’s true, but when I told her I was going to do it, she wasn’t happy at all.”

“I’m not surprised, but go on.”

“Well, as you know, all servos are self-serve these days and some of the posh bastards think it’s below them to fill their own cars. So, if an expensive car drove in I used to do it for them and they would give me a tip. I made quite a tidy sum on weekends.”

“Oh, is that all.”

“Yeah, what did you expect?”

“Never mind, so what pissed you off about Price?”

“He’d turn up there in his almighty Rolls, with a chauffeur, but I’d get to the pump before him and fill it up, but the cheap bastard wouldn’t give me a tip. So, one day I tapped on his window, he opened it and said “What’s your problem kid?”

I said “Most people show their appreciation for me filling their tank.” I then put out my hand, waiting for a tip. He replied ‘I have a driver for that’ then looked at his driver, who took a two dollar coin out of his own pocket and Price passed it on to me. Can you believe he made his driver pay? Such a cheap bastard.”

“That surprise me, he seems quite a generous man.”

“Yeah, only when he thinks it might do him some good otherwise.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t confront him tonight, it might be embarrassing for me and the station.”

“All right Max, just for you, and besides he’s not worth the bother anyway.”


True to her word, Virginia made a concerted effort to support her husband’s political ambitions. As this was his first public appearance she circulated around the room visiting most tables. She was known by many people, who also knew of her fondest for good champagne. At each table she was offered a new glass of bubbles and in an effort to appear jovial, she finished each glass before moving on to the next table. Her usual stride deteriorated to a shuffle and eventually became a stagger.

By the time she reached the ‘Diamonds are Forever’ table, even her speech was slurred and her conversation becoming garrulous. When Justin came by the table to check if any of the guests needed anything, she recognised him and said “Hi Justin good to see you after all this time.”

“Good evening Mrs Price, a pleasure to see you also. Can I get you anything?”

“Ah, let me think, I have a fresh glass of champers, courtesy of Smidmore here, and I’ve had a wonderful meal, presumably cooked by your lovely man. So I’m doing well thank you, but there is one thing missing tonight.”

“Oh, tell me what that is Mrs Price, I’ll see if I can fetch it for you”

“Thank you Justin, you’re always so obliging.....” She suddenly went quiet and appeared to be thinking.

“Yes, Mrs Price, how can I help?”

“Oh I’m glad you asked my boy. What is missing tonight is your lovely body being on display for all of us ladies to enjoy, and some of the men too.” she said with a wink.

“No Mrs Price, tonight is not one of those occasions. This is Mr Price’s night to meet people and raise some funds for charity.”

“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you doing a little strip for us, if you take my meaning.”

“No it would be quite inappropriate tonight.”

“Not so my dear boy. Tonight would be the perfect occasion. Since Jonathan wants to meet people and have them get to know him, then they should get to know the real man, not just the would-be politician.”

“I don’t know what you mean Mrs Price, if there’s nothing more, I must be moving on to other tables.”

“That’s a good idea my boy. I’m on a tour of the tables myself so why don’t you escort me from table to table and we can both do our assigned jobs at the same time.”

Justin was not keen on what Virginia was suggesting but he thought it was an opportunity to move her away from the guests, who were beginning to show signs of embarrassment. He bent his arm and offered it to her. She took up his offer and he headed towards her husband’s table, in the hope that he might be able to control her. As they approached the table, with Virginia by now leaning heavily on Justin’s arm, Justin said to Jonathan. “Mr Price, I wonder if you would please help me with your wife. She seems to have enjoyed one too many glasses tonight.”

Jonathan had not noticed the situation until he heard Justin call his name. He turned, looked at his wife and said “How good of you to join us Nia.”

“Oh I’m just being the dutiful wife as requested.” Jonathan gave her a stern look and shook his head side to side.

“What’s that Jon, don’t you want me here? No problem, I’m Justin’s date for the night now. We’re going to visit each table and liven up this shindig, just as soon as I can get my date to show a bit of muscle.”

By now she was unstable on her feet so Justin eased her into a chair, much to the disappointment of Jonathan, who then gave Justin his stern look.

“Sorry Mr Price, I don’t know what to do.”

“You know what to do my boy, remove your shirt and we’ll all be happy, won’t we Jon?”

“That’s not appropriate Nia.”

“Oh, you’d rather he removed his pants, I get it, go on Justin.” she replied as she slapped her hand on Justin’s butt. “Now let me see if your arse is still as firm as I remember from my birthday party.” Then looking at her friend Margaret, she said “Oh he is quite a handful, you try the other cheek Maggie.”

Margaret, who had downed a few glasses of wine herself, was just relaxed enough to join in the fun and did as Virginia requested.

On the other side of the room Thomas noticed the commotion at ‘The Candidate’ table and went to Jared, who was nearby.

“I think you better get over there and sort that out. Looks like Mrs P’s causing some ruckus.”

“Why me, your her favourite son.”

“You are security for the night.”

“So you want me to bounce the boss’s wife off the premises?”

“Just try and calm the situation.”

They both walked over to the table as Justin removed Virginia’s hand from his butt and put it in front of him. “Oh, is that what it’s going to take.” She said as she grabbed his bulge.
“NO!” he exclaimed as he removed her hand and held it tightly, so she could not grab him again. Jared walked up to Virginia and took the other hand in a manner that suggested ‘come with me’.

When she realised it was Jared on her other side she said “Oh my two favourite bodies. That’s even better. You two make me feel like the filling in a sandwich.”

Jonathan had by now reached the end of his patience, and took up her sandwich analogy by adding “What, a chicken sandwich made from an old boiler.”

“Wow!” commented someone from the other side of the table.

Virginia was stunned at her husband’s outburst, almost as much as he was, when he realised what he had said in front of the people he was trying to impress.

“Better an old boiler than an old poofter.” she replied.

Realising the situation was becoming toxic, Jared looked at Margaret and asked “Madam, would you mind taking Mrs Price to the ladies room, I think she needs to calm down. I’ll assist her to the door.”

“I think you’re right Jared. I should have stepped in earlier, instead of joining in.” then looking at Jonathan, “Please forgive me Jonathan.”

“Not at all Margaret, but I agree with Jared, if you could please take her to the rest room and settle her. In the meantime I’ll have her car brought around and have the driver waiting to take her home.”

As Jared tried to lift her from the chair she said to him “Get your hands off me you traitor.... No not traitor you’re a double-crosser, having it off with me and my PA at the same time.”

As eyebrows were raised around the table, Thomas stepped in and asked “Please come with me Mrs P.”

“Ah, the other party speaks, you can go fuck yourself also... no wait, you have always had my man to do that for you. Maggie, let’s go to the ladies room, I need to powder my nose.” As they walked away Virginia said to Margaret “What a silly saying, who uses face powder these days. Why can’t women just say, I’m going for a piss?

As the two friends waddled across the room, Virginia said “Oh Maggie, I don’t know if I’ll make it to the loo, I’m wetting myself already.”

Then she laughed and lost all control.

Next Chapter - News Headline - Shit Hits Fan
Copyright © 2021 Wombat Bill; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Jonathan is going to proverbially explode!  All his political plans puffed and popped by Virginia's loose lips and loose balloon of a bladder, and her rambling remarks rumbling through rumors resembling only incongruous and incoherent irregular icicles of verbiage thrown at her hapless husband.

Now the press will really want to investigate their marriage.

I am eager to read the thoughts expressed by @Summerabbacat, @NimirRaj, and anyone else who will comment.

Hopefully, our own wizard of words, our weaver of well-woven tales, will over the next two or three chapters tell us some of the thoughts expressed by some of the characters at this dinner.  We await, @Wombat Bill.

(It has been a long, sometimes frustrating day,.  Apologies for all the alliterative allusions, amigos.)

Edited by ReaderPaul
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Jonathan had by now reached the end of his patience, and took up her sandwich analogy by adding “What, a chicken sandwich made from an old boiler.” 

“Wow!” commented someone from the other side of the table. 

Virginia was stunned at her husband’s outburst, almost as much as he was, when he realised what he had said in front of the people he was trying to impress. 

“Better an old boiler than an old poofter.” she replied.


“Ah, the other party speaks, you can go fuck yourself also... no wait, you have always had my man to do that for you. Maggie, let’s go to the ladies room, I need to powder my nose.” As they walked away Virginia said to Margaret “What a silly saying, who uses face powder these days. Why can’t women just say, I’m going for a piss? 

As the two friends waddled across the room, Virginia said “Oh Maggie, I don’t know if I’ll make it to the loo, I’m wetting myself already.” 

Then she laughed and lost all control.

Oh my goodness, I think I’ve lost all control myself! 😂 🤣 Mrs. Price should have a few drinks more often as seeing her cut loose was/is priceless. I’m guessing the upcoming news headline and subsequent article likely details some juicy info some of which may be what got hinted at by Mrs. P and as for the shit hitting the fan... with all the recent drama that could be anything really as there’s surely a lot of shit flying around. Either way, everyone’s bound to need a stif drink.

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Oh, and @Wombat Bill -- I love your teaser for the next chapter, which might be paraphrased as: "Fecal matter collides with and is scattered by blades of rapidly rotating air-moving device!"

I've got to go to bed now.  I am exhausted, physically and mentally.  It's 3:23 a.m. here.

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Apologies accepted @ReaderPaul; the alliterative allusions are wonderful, especially the reference to our beloved author, @Wombat Bill, as the wizard of words. A most apt description. @NimirRaj for your sake I hope your loss of all control did not mirror Virginia's in all respects.

Now for my comments on the chapter itself. I was totally gobsmacked to say the least as the drama unfolded. It was Virginia whose facade of respectability cracked, not one or more of the women from the Girls Just Want To Have Fun table. The champagne certainly loosened her tongue considerably; the old adage that people say what they really mean when drunk appears to be the case here. Virginia insulted her husband, Thomas, Jared and Justin. The first three I can perhaps understand as they have to varying degrees deceived her, Justin perhaps was just collateral damage. Ultimately Virginia is the one who will suffer the most though as she will I imagine be embarrassed by her actions, more so by her treatment of Thomas if her previous comments about him being like the son she never had were truthful. I hope that when she "lost all control" the loss was not wholly reminiscent of Mrs Emery from Little Britain

Whilst I have sympathy for Virginia for the loveless lavender liaison she has endured (I apologise @ReaderPaul, I could not resist the challenge, but am truly humbled by your superior cleverness), she has seemingly been happy to benefit from the financial rewards of being Jonathan's beard. It remains to be seen if that beard is "shaven off" after the party. I do think Jonathan's reference to Virginia as an "old boiler" was uncalled for, and it was this comment which appears to have been the catalyst for Virginia's voluminous vitriolic verbiage (what a great word @ReaderPaul, I could not resist "stealing" it from you).

@Wombat Bill another chapter and another talent displayed. We your readers have witnessed Edward's castigation of "the group" at the party he and Romel hosted, the acid-tongued barbs of Ed Wiener on various occasions and the violent rant of Brendan at his day in court, however, all pale in comparison to Virginia's remarks to Jonathan, Jared and Thomas. Her remarks were the more malicious because they were to some degree at least truthful, motivated by hurt that she has obviously been feeling for a long time, but suppressed for the benefit of all, herself included. Although the drama which unfolded had a comic element, at the heart of it lay a great deal of unhappiness and regret. Your telling of this event rang true, the melodrama not overdone, the malice just enough. Another "feather in your cap" I say. 

The musical numbers were well chosen, the interlude between Juanito and Tristan very exciting and Max's emceeing with light-hearted banter just perfect. I really enjoyed Snowy making another appearance too. I hope you have further storylines "up your sleeve" for him.

Edited by Summerabbacat
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Everyone, meet @ReaderPaul the poet. I won't even try to emulate your alliterative prose. As for your predictions, oh yes there will be consequences.

I hope you don't stay up to such an hour just to catch the next chapter of CWB. 

@NimirRaj, I am not sure if I enjoyed or was revolted by the image of you loosing control. One would hope that a man of your age would have superb bladder control and therefore you lost control via raucous laughter. 

13 hours ago, NimirRaj said:

Mrs. Price should have a few drinks more often as seeing her cut loose was/is priceless

And a punster as well!

Either way, everyone’s bound to need a stif drink. That's what caused all this.

@Summerabbacat, you've got me wondering about something. After reading your para starting with, @Wombat Bill another chapter and another talent displayed, I had a moment of reflection and am now concerned that is may not be a talent but the real wombat letting loose on these occasions. And you have the hots for Snowy now. 

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12 hours ago, Wombat Bill said:

Everyone, meet @ReaderPaul the poet. I won't even try to emulate your alliterative prose. As for your predictions, oh yes there will be consequences.

I hope you don't stay up to such an hour just to catch the next chapter of CWB. 

@NimirRaj, I am not sure if I enjoyed or was revolted by the image of you loosing control. One would hope that a man of your age would have superb bladder control and therefore you lost control via raucous laughter. 

And a punster as well!

Either way, everyone’s bound to need a stif drink. That's what caused all this.

@Summerabbacat, you've got me wondering about something. After reading your para starting with, @Wombat Bill another chapter and another talent displayed, I had a moment of reflection and am now concerned that is may not be a talent but the real wombat letting loose on these occasions. And you have the hots for Snowy now. 

Agreed @Wombat Bill, @ReaderPaul's alliterative prose was very impressive. And, there is a word I don't think I have heard in a long, long time. Prose. What a great word, makes me think of one of the UK's greatest treasures, Kate Bush.

I forgot to note @NimirRaj's pun as I observed it too. I think what made it even funnier is I think it was completely unintentional.

Your "new talent" illustrated was to present a melodramatic scene filled with malicious exchanges, but do so with some restraint. The scene in question could have been "done to death", with dialogue so grotesque it almost became a parody, but this was not the case. It was like full frontal nudity, with discreetly placed fig leaves.

How delicious, the hots for Snowy. What a wonderful contradiction of weather conditions. Alas, it is not true. He is a character who reminds me somewhat of Justin when we first became acquainted with him, a little naive and shy. I am always attracted (with the most noble of intentions I assure you) to characters who bear the hallmark of the underdog. I feel Snowy and Tristan could bring out the best in each other, even without the "snowballing".

Edited by Summerabbacat
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