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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Cernunnos - 56. Chapter 56

Stirring awake, Cyn heard a hushed beep. Where am I?

Another beep. Inhaling, he recognized the clean scent. I’m… I’m back at the hospital? Opening his eyes, he examined the room. Unlike before, his bed wasn’t the only one around. Cyn squinted and saw Sam sleeping across from him.

The door opened. Cyn skirted to the edge of the firm bed but stopped as Shea’s head poked in. “Hey, pup! You’re awake,” the lycan whispered. He carried in a large, black bowl with a lid. Setting it down on the side table, Shea took the chair next to the buck. “You doing okay?”

Evaluating himself, Cyn scooted himself to a sitting position. His legs were fairly sore and the injured side was tender. “I’m okay. What happened?”

“You passed out. Doc said you were a little dehydrated from the race.”

Glancing away, the deer asked, “Is Sam okay?”

Looking in the leporidae’s direction, Shea nodded. “Yeah, he’s fine. He’s got a concussion, but that’s about it.” He handed Cyn the bowl. “Here, got you a salad from the cafeteria. They were out of ranch, so I got you a packet of vinaigrette.”

Hearing the mention of food excited the buck and hastily removed the lid. After staring curiously at the small container of dressing, he found the simple instructions and peeled back the label. As he poured, Cyn felt Shea’s hand rub against his knee. The wolf was smiling, but Cyn knew there were suppressed emotions. “Sheamus?”

Shea huffed and shook his head. “I could’ve lost you. I could’ve lost my mate.”

Swallowing his current bite of lettuce, Cyn muttered, “You didn’t. We got separated, but everything turned out okay.” He reached and put a hand over Shea’s. The warmth of the lycan’s skin forced a smile on both men.

“Do I need to leave the room?”

Hearing a familiar voice, Cyn turned to see Sam, grinning widely. “How long was I out for this time, Enforcer?”

Shea lifted the deer’s hand and pecked it before rising. “An hour or two. Pam came and caught you snoring. Ronnet said you’re concussion’s almost healed up, so you’re free to get out of here.”

Sam unfurled his blanket with gusto. “Hell yeah!” The man’s feet hit the floor and rose swiftly. He mumbled under his breath and gripped the bed’s guardrails.

“Easy, bud! I said it was almost healed up. Take it easy, alright?”

“Y-yeah, I will.”

Shea snorted and grabbed Sam’s shoulder. “I can’t thank you enough, Sam. It took balls to try to take on Eike.”

“Are you kidding me, and let your mate get nabbed?” Sam asked. “I wasn’t about to leave my running buddy behind!”

“Sam?” Cyn swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stared at the leporidae. “Thank you.”

The rabbit smirked. “Any time, Cyn. Pack’s gotta stick together, right?”

The pack sticks together… They really do act like a wolf pack, even the prey shifters. “R-right. You… you were fast in the race.”

“Me? Hell, you got farther than most! And that was your first time in a half-marathon?”

Cyn nodded.

Shaking his head, Sam’s hands landed on his hips. “That does it, you’re running with me from now on! We’ll make sure you take first place next year.”

First place! Cyn grinned and clenched his fists in the blanket. He wanted another attempt at the marathon. “I’d like that!”

“I’ll get with Shea in the group chat to figure out a schedule.”

Shea reclaimed his seat next to Cyn. “It might have to wait a few days, okay Sam? Arric’s having Eike’s trial ASAP.”

“So he’s being held in our territory, and not Alpha Rogier’s?”

“Right. Arric practically demanded it since it’s his former enforcer. Ken didn’t see a problem with it.”

Trial? Cyn sat in confusion. After all the silver wolf’s done, they still require a trial? “What’s the trial for? Isn’t… Isn’t it obvious what he’s done?”

Sam stared at him while Shea ran a hand over the blanketed leg. “It is, and I agree with you, pup. However, justice still needs to take place, and a trial’s needed. It’s mostly a display of the consequence of breaking laws; a show of punishment, if you will.”

The rabbit, donning his jacket, laughed, “I don’t know. I like Cyn’s idea. Just get it over with! The last thing I want to hear is hate-speech from the asshole’s mouth.” Sam patted his pants, only to pull out a ring of keys and twirled them into his fist. “I’m out, guys! Want me to send Nora in, Enforcer?”

“If you don’t mind. Thanks, Sam!”

The couple waved as Sam left, only to be greeted by Nora shortly after. “Enforcer Farren? Didn’t I tell you if your mate ended up back here I’d put you in a bed?”

Shea rubbed the back of his head and stammered, “I, er…”

The nurse grinned and approached Cyn’s bed. She started typing on the nearby computer. “I’ll let this one slide since it's just a case of dehydration from a marathon race. All jokes aside, I’m thankful it wasn’t anything serious. How are we feelin’, Cyn?”

Dangling his legs, he flexed them. “Still sore, but I should be fine after a shift.”

“If that’s the case, I’ll shoot Doctor Ronnet a message and he’ll okay your release. Since you can shift silently, I’ll let you decide if you’d like to do it now or after you get home.”

Hearing his options, Cyn stood, grunting as his feet hit the tile. He unfastened the drafty gown and made room for himself. As the transformation took place, the tender muscles relaxed. The hospital’s scent grew stronger as the shift completed.

Cyn tensed up as the door opened. Before he could see who was entering, Shea had already risen and covered half of the distance between him and the newcomer. “Oh! Sorry, Doc. Cyn was in mid-shift.”

Ronnet entered, easing Cyn’s instincts. “It’s alright, I should’ve knocked. I’m pleased to hear our favorite cernunnos is awake and healed! Nothing out of the ordinary, I take it?”

The buck snorted and dipped slightly. Reverting to his human form, Cyn let the doctor prod him to measure various vital signs and test muscle reactions. “I’d say you’re fit! I went ahead and printed off the form when I got Sam’s.”

“Thanks, Doc,” Shea said as he pointed at the line Cyn was to sign. He turned back to Nora as she disconnected the lines attached to the deer. “And I promise I’ll keep my mate away from here.”

Nora hummed a tune, signalling her satisfaction. “I think I’ll believe it this time, now we don’t have a crazy bastard on the loose.”

With the paperwork signed, Shea handed Cyn an outfit from a backpack. The cernunnos was delighted to see his blue running shoes and put them on without hesitation. Fully dressed and his hand in Shea’s, Cyn walked down a hallway and nearly screeched with excitement! The wolf stifled a laugh as they approached the elevator. Without instruction, Cyn pressed the down arrow and yipped as it lit.


Entering the holding area, Arric and Keiran walked at each other’s side. The beta examined the pack’s wing of the prison. He understood it wasn’t the most efficient system, but shifters had to be kept separate from human inmates. I don’t think they’d stand a chance if wolves came out for a fight.

Still, having non-violent offenders processed in the same facility as their opposites isn’t exactly ideal. I might look into a holding unit for those who are awaiting trial instead of being housed with sentenced inmates. A wailing alarm brought him out of his plans. The iron bars slid open, allowing the men to advance.

Arric accepted a correctional officer’s submission and followed him down the hallway. “Was he processed as I asked?”

The uniformed man nodded. “Yes, sir. Solitary with shackles and steel neck-brace. If he shifts, he chokes.”

“Good. I want an interview room, one armed guard with silver bullets. Any rash movement, and you have my permission to put him down.”

“Y-yes, Alpha.”

As the officer radioed the instructions over his radio, Kieran whispered, “This could’ve waited until the meeting. The trial’s already set for his execution.”

Arric growled, “I need to hear his thoughts. My wolf wants answers!”

“He’s going to have a smart mouth, especially since I’m here. Are you capable of controlling yourself?”

The alpha snorted. “He says one wrong thing, and I’ll snap his neck.”

“You’re already letting him get to you, and he’s not even out of his cell,” Kieran warned. “Control your emotions, Ari.”

“I won’t allow him to speak ill of my mate,” muttered Arric.

“And I respect that, but I’m not here as your mate right now. I’m your beta, and you need to have your head screwed tight.” Kieran patted the broad shoulder next to him. “Just because you control his fate doesn’t mean he can’t push your buttons. Don’t give him the satisfaction of retaliation.”

Arric’s muscles trembled, but relaxed after a few moments. “The man killed innocents behind my back, coerced members of my pack to commit murder, and tried to abduct Cyn in order to finish the job. If you were anyone else, I’d have told you to shove it.” Their eyes met and they shared a brief smile. “Thanks, Key.”

Being ushered into the interview room, it took convincing for Arric to claim a seat in the steel chair. Kieran waited patiently while his mate’s eyes were glued to the door. This is going to be rough.

Another alarm rang, followed by a clanging of the electronic locks. An armed guard with an assault rifle entered, then the officer from before. Then Eike.

His hair and beard were still disheveled, and the only cleanliness about him was the beige prisoner garbs. Metal clinked against metal as he shuffled in. The steel brace was linked to the cuffs around his wrists and ankles. Kieran sniffed the air. At least they gave him a shower… I think. Eike’s stare was unnerving; clearly irritated and interested in the approaching conversation.

The heavy door closed and the armed guard blocked the exit. The prisoner slinked towards the empty chair, never straying his gaze from Arric’s. Kieran could smell the tension in the air. Eike’s smugness is almost as pungent as Ari’s anger! He sat in silence as the two stared at each other.

Eike slumped as he took a seat. “Must feel nice to see me here, huh Arric?”

The alpha remained silent.

“Silent treatment. Should’ve expected that.” The gray eyes moved to Kieran. “But there’s no way I would’ve thought of this! You’re fuckin’ Keychain, and you made him Pack Beta?”

Arric stood, scooting his chair loudly. As he cornered the table, Eike snickered, “And I thought I was sic—”

His words were cut off as Arric kicked Eike’s chair leg, sending both the furniture and the delta sprawling onto the linoleum. Before the prisoner could grunt, Arric grabbed Eike’s shirt collar and pulled. “Call him that again,” he whispered.

Eike cackled. “What else can you do to me? I’m already dead and you know it!”

“Arric,” Kieran said. “Save it for the trial.”

After a snarl, the delta was picked up. The unarmed officer set the chair up and Arric tossed Eike on it. Still smirking, Eike rolled his neck. “Wow, I’m impressed! He does a better job of holding your leash than the old man.”

Arric’s teeth showed as he sat next to Kieran. “Why?”

“Why what… Alpha?”

“No more games. Why go after the former-prey shifters?”

Eike’s smile gleamed as he sighed. “You came all this way just to pull this corny-ass move? Goodie-two-shoes leader just has to know why the bad guy does the bad thing? You’re an idiot, Claude.”

Kieran leaned forward. “Just answer the question.”

The delta’s smile disappeared and glared menacingly at him. “Shut the fuck up! Grown men are talking.”

The beta stood and planted his hands on the table. Confidence rose within his mind and heart. “You’re in denial. Have been for weeks, haven’t you? The Eike I knew wouldn’t have made a ridiculous move like trying to abduct a cernunnos in the middle of a marathon.” He turned the corner, slithering closer to the larger lycan. “Your wolf’s mentality has been slipping.”

The chains jangled as Eike shook. “Shut up,” he muttered.

“You knew the moment you were caught by the Trio you would be stripped of the Pack Enforcer title, but your wolf couldn’t accept it,” Kieran continued. “I’m not sure when it truly affected your decision-making skills.”

“Shut up!” Eike’s eyes darted to Arric. “Make him shut up!”

Kieran sneered. “But somehow, you found out who Cyn was. Revenge clouded your mind, right Eike? Your wolf clasped onto the one thing that could give you satisfaction.” He strolled behind the trembling man. “And that was closure.

“Tell me, why this cernunnos? You risked so much just to eat him. What makes it all worthwhile?”

Eike growled and rose. Kieran remained without flinching while the armed guard raised the rifle. Flicking his gaze to the gun, Eike huffed. “It feels so good. To outsmart your prey when it has a more intelligent mind. Any normal deer just knows how to run. One with human intellect though, and they create a challenge! They know how we hunt, so it forces us to utilize different strategies.”

“And still, you were thwarted by a buck.”

“I had the fucking fawn! I had him in the woods, and I had him in the streets!”

Arric chuckled. “How far you’ve fallen, Eike. Twice bested by your prey, yet dumb enough to still want to try a third time. Do you even realize Cyn is a member of my pack? That buck is more of a wolf than you are!”

Eike thrashed to a standing position and yelled, “Fuck you!”

“Reduced to expletives,” Kieran purred. “I think we’re done here, Alpha.”

“Agreed,” Arric huffed. “Eike Thomas, for the crimes committed against my pack, consider yourself guilty of attempted murder and kidnapping of a former-prey shifter in my territory, conspiracy for treason, and coercion of my pack members. Your fate will be decided at the next meeting.”

Copyright © 2021 astone2292; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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1 hour ago, drpaladin said:

Justice must be done and most importantly must be seen to be done.

As I see it, Eike must end up to be seen by all as a loser and not as a figure to be romanticized and emulated.

No matter what his punishment is, there will be those who view him as a martyr to a cause.

I say put a bullet through his brain and be done with it. He doesn't deserve the theatrics he no doubt seeks.

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4 hours ago, drpaladin said:

Justice must be done and most importantly must be seen to be done.

As I see it, Eike must end up to be seen by all as a loser and not as a figure to be romanticized and emulated.


3 hours ago, Yeoldebard said:

No matter what his punishment is, there will be those who view him as a martyr to a cause.

I say put a bullet through his brain and be done with it. He doesn't deserve the theatrics he no doubt seeks.

A controversial topic point, both for this story and in real life. I've always had a rough time articulating how I feel about the death sentence, but I won't air my opinions here. That'd be a topic to start in the Pit...

3 hours ago, Baikalisan said:


youtube facepalm GIF by Hyper RPG


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14 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

I think before Elke's termination, he should suffer from the Burdizzo bloodless castrator...Having grown up on a farm it is a tool of many uses. My first (older) boyfriend was sitting at the supper table with us when dad brought it out, put a pencil between the jaws and clamping it closed, with the following comment..."When I say have him home by 11...I mean it!"

Needless to say, it was an interesting date...


On Wikipedia, there is this caption to the photo, used primarily on goats, small calves, and sometimes on humans.

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Another great chapter @astone2292

A pity there's no lycan version of the Phantom Zone (where Krypton's criminals & political prisoners were sent) - but then there's always the risk of someone escaping........


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6 hours ago, CincyKris said:

Seeing Key get the better of a smug Eike was very satisfying!  Good to see that Cyn and Sam are ok.  I'm so jealous that a shift takes away their aches and pains!  

Key's performance was fun to write. It wasn't planned, but when Eike came up with "Keychain," I knew our favorite beta had to do something.

I'm jealous too! I wonder if shifting works on a lingering cough...

5 hours ago, drsawzall said:

I think before Elke's termination, he should suffer from the Burdizzo bloodless castrator...Having grown up on a farm it is a tool of many uses. My first (older) boyfriend was sitting at the supper table with us when dad brought it out, put a pencil between the jaws and clamping it closed, with the following comment..."When I say have him home by 11...I mean it!"

Needless to say, it was an interesting date...


That device just oozes evil! I can't stand to look at it. 

I never gave my dad the opportunity to do something like that, but I imagine he'd have something in his arsenal. He's a meat department manager at a grocery store, so plenty of knives, food-packing machinery... and the meat grinder. 

4 hours ago, Patch1 said:

And you know what I think should happen to Eike!  🌩️ You know I'm all about the lightning!!  Fry his ass!!!!  Hahahaha!  Seriously though, I thoroughly enjoyed Kieran getting the best of Eike..."Keychain" just put the big, bad wolf in his place without lifting a finger.  He just proved why he is the perfect Beta and Mate for Arric!  

Glad Sam is ok!!  The hospital scene with Cyn and Sheamus was so sweet.  Another picture perfect painting of the love between the wolf and the buck!!!  🐺:heart:🦌

I love it! Fried wolf butt.

Kieran's growing in more ways than he anticipated. I wonder what Arric thinks about Eike's decimation?

1 hour ago, Danners said:

Okay, Kieran in Beta mode . . ?

meg ryan orgasm GIF

Sweating Heat Wave GIF

30 minutes ago, Howzat said:

Another great chapter @astone2292

A pity there's no lycan version of the Phantom Zone (where Krypton's criminals & political prisoners were sent) - but then there's always the risk of someone escaping........


I, for one, am not a fan of prison escapes. It's too rare of an event, and unless a prison is just the pits, escape should be impossible.

Let's hope Arric has something wonderful planned.

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