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The Making of a Slave - 13. Changing Times Two

Every time I thought I'd got it made
It seemed the taste was not so sweet
So I turned myself to face me
But I've never caught a glimpse

When I got home that evening I felt very alone. The good feeling from before Christmas vacation had come crashing down. I managed to get myself into another humiliating situation and I hated the fact that I didn’t have it in me to even try putting up a fight. Again, I just took whatever they felt like dishing out and acted grateful when they let me go. I asked myself if this is who I am and if yes, why?

My relationship with Finn had gone full circle, from an acquaintance, to someone that picked on me, to a friend back to picking on me. If he liked me, why would he act this way towards me? Did he feel I rejected him? While I didn’t want him as a boyfriend, I wanted him to accept me and be my friend. It seems that was all lost now.

For the rest of Junior year, I saw a lot less of Finn at school. It was total silence for the first few weeks after the incident with Ian. He sat with Audrey and her friends for lunch. The communication channel opened up a bit - first with exchanging greetings in the hallway between classes and then, towards the end of the school year, we started talking again mostly about colleges and entrance exams.

Another change in my life was becoming a licensed driver. I had passed the written and road test last year but had to wait until my birthday to get my full license. On that exact day, I made a trip to the department of motor vehicles to get it. Having a license was a great feeling of independence and expanded my boundaries beyond what was accessible by bike.

Of course, with the license, you needed a car. Fortunately for me my dad got a new car and kept his old one for me to use - a ford windstar minivan. OK, so it wasn’t a chick magnet, but it was freedom. The first night I drove around with Zack for hours. We went nowhere in particular - just drove around because we could. Zack’s birthday was just two weeks after mine and he too received his full license. However, Zack didn’t have access to a car because his mom needed it.

I ended up doing all the driving for us and was happy to do it. From time to time he’d ask me to drop him off and pick him up from places and I did if I was available. I was the first to drive out of the group that Zack and I hung out with and having a minivan was convenient since it could hold at least seven passengers - more if we squeezed in. Zack even gave the car a nickname - the bus.

My parents were OK with me driving with one caveat - no drinking and driving. I respected this rule. By the time Junior year had rolled around pretty much everyone was drinking. I drank some too but never to excess so following the rule wasn’t difficult.

On St. Patrick’s day, Cillian, an OLIC student that lived a few towns away, had a party at his house. He had invited Zack and allowed him to bring whomever he wanted so we loaded up the bus. We piled in Zack, Patrick, Michael, Austin, Quinn, and two of Quinn’s friends that I didn’t even know. The house was huge in a very rich neighborhood. There must have been over 100 kids there, many from OLIC, including Finn and Audrey.

I grabbed a beer and nursed it knowing I wouldn’t be able to drink. Of course within minutes of arriving, Zack was approached by girls and left to hang out with them. I had a good time walking around and talking to people. I even talked to Finn for a while. There was no mention of the bicycle incident - we just talked about general stuff.

About three hours into the party Zack came to find me. “Hey Andrew,” he called out, “come here a second.”

It was clear he had a lot to drink. I walked over to him and asked, “what’s up?”

He put his hand on my shoulder leaning in to speak into my ear and asked, “can you do me a big favor? I’m with this girl Gwen, and she needs a ride home - can you drive her home?”

“Just me?” I asked.

“No, dummy, I’ll ride along,” he responded.

“Am I driving you home too?” I asked.

“No, we’ll come back after,” he replied. “It’s about a 20 minute ride to her house.”

I shrugged and said, “OK.”

He introduced me to Gwen, a senior at OLIC, who looked like she had drunk about as much as him. I asked Zack in a whisper, “she’s not going to puke in my car, is she?

“No, she’s fine,” he replied. “She can hold it better than me.”

When we got into the car, Gwen and Zack got into the middle row. “So, where to?” I asked, feeling like a NYC cab driver.

Gwen replied, “Just get on 25 and get off at exit 17. Make a right after the exit, go ten blocks and make a right on Holland Drive. My house is 25 third on the right.”

As I pulled away, Zack and Gwen started speaking softly to each other. I put on the radio at a very low volume. After a few minutes, they started making out and shortly after that Gwen took off her top and bra. Zack wasted no time in replacing the bra with his mouth.

I tried to remain calm, keeping my eyes on the road, but couldn’t help looking in the rear view mirror. I should have realized much earlier what was going to happen. Soon more clothes came off. I could see Zack’s shiny white ass in the mirror and it soon started moving up and down.

Then came the moans. No lie, she sounded like a donkey, with long breathy hee haws. It was shocking, funny and exciting for me and the sounds of the sex aroused me. I wasn’t allowed to drink and drive but nothing was said about driving with a hard dick!

This went on for about 10 minutes and just about the time I exited Route 25, I heard Zack ejaculate. There was a few minute pause to collect themselves before they started putting clothes back on. I saw Zack removing his condom. Without saying anything, I reached into the glove compartment, pulled out a box of tissues and handed it back.

I put my signal to turn down Holland Drive when she said, “I need a few more minutes just go past it and come back around.”

Without uttering another word, I did what she asked. I drove around for a few more minutes then pulled in front of her house. She gave Zack another kiss and got out. “Thanks for the ride,” she said.

I waited for her to close the door and said to Zack, “was that thank you meant for me or you?”

We both laughed. When she went inside Zack jumped into the front seat for the ride back. “Make sure you don’t leave the condom or tissues back there,” I said.

“Don’t worry, they’re in my pocket,” he replied. “Wanna see?”

“No thanks,” I replied, while laughing. “Although I appreciate the opportunity to actually witness one of your sex conquests in person.”


The rest of the spring was one of the busiest periods of my life. Preparing for and taking college entrance exams, applying to colleges, writing the essays, and making trips to visit the campuses took up a lot of time.

I went on three separate college visit trips with my family. One was for a week and the whole family went. We visited 5 colleges. Another was a day trip with Zack, his mom and my parents. The last trip was overnight and it was to the college Zack and I really wanted to go to, Harvaleton. It was a very difficult school to get into. Zack came along with me and my parents. It was about a four to five hour drive.

We had scheduled a tour and information session and got there just in time to join the session. The guided tour followed and, after that, Zack and I went off on our own to explore and get a feel for the campus vibe. We walked around for hours revisiting the points from the tour and others spending a lot of time at each place. We talked about our college plans and ambitions and other stuff.

“I really love this school,” I said.

“Yep, same here,” he replied. “I just hope I can get in.”

“I know, me too,” I added.

“You’ll definitely get in,” proclaimed Zack. “You got a perfect score on the entrance exam. How could you not get in? They’ll probably only take 2 from OLIC, 3 at the most. You’ll definitely be one of them.”

“I don’t know,” I replied. “I don’t have nearly as many activities as you do, plus you have swimming.”

“Yea, swimming will help, especially being named captain,” he added. “You have chorus with me, debate, political science club and all the stuff you do for the church. You’ll be fine.”

“Did you put down all the girls you’ve conquered?” I joked.

“No,” he shot back, smiling. “Did you write your essay on jerking off Finn?”

“Touche,” I replied.

“So I guess that’s all over now?” he asked.

“Why?” I asked. “What did he tell you?” I hadn’t said anything to Zack about Finn or the bike thing and was now wondering what he knew.

“He told me you weren’t interested in him,” he replied.

“That’s all he said?” I asked. “Why’d he even talk to you about it?

“Well, I asked him,” he replied. “I saw he was hanging out with Audrey so I asked about you. He said you two talked and you sent out strong vibes that you weren’t interested.”

“Vibes?” I asked. “I didn’t know I was sending out vibes.”

“Yea,” that’s exactly what I told him,” Zack replied while laughing. “Why? Is there more to it than that?”

I shrugged and said, “not really. I mean, he called me over one day over the vacation to get him off while he chatted to Audrey. He tried to get me to do more and offered to do it to me and when I said no he got all pissed off.”

“Hmm, I told you he liked you,” replied Zack. “He took that as rejection.” He put his fist to his mouth as if holding a microphone and started singing The Offspring, “This rejection has got me so low..”

“Ha ha, very funny,” I replied.

“I did tell him that you probably didn’t know you were sending any vibes,” he continued.

“Interesting,” I replied. “He just recently started talking to me again. He went for weeks after Christmas without as much as saying hello.”

“Give him time,” advised Zack, “he’ll come around. I think deep down he still likes you.”

I shrugged, “I guess we’ll see. You have had quite the year, though. If my count is right, I think you’ve bedded 6 different girls so far this year, and it’s only April!”

He stuck out his fingers as he mouthed the names of different girls and said, “well 7 if you count new years eve.”

I shook my head and asked, “is the sex all you’re after now?”

“Honestly, no,” he replied. “I think it’s all they’re looking for.”

“The girls?” I asked.

“Yea,” he replied. “ I mean, I wish I could take credit for being this real lady killer but pretty much everyone has come on to me. And, I don’t even have that big of a dick!”

I laughed loudly and said, “It must be your baby blue eyes and blond hair that make you irresistible.”

“I know, right?” He replied while laughing. “I am still looking for a slave though.”

The conversation came to an abrupt halt when one of the students, who was wearing an armband to signify he was an ambassador for the school, came up to us and asked, “how do you guys like Harvaleton so far? I’m Ted, can I answer any questions?”

We talked to him for a while and he took us to a few places that were not included as part of the tour. He let us in to see a dorm room building and took us to see his personal dorm. It was so much nicer than any other college dorms we’d seen. It was apartment style with a bathroom, living area and three separate bedrooms.

He took us off campus and pointed out the places to eat and bars that didn’t scrutinize fake IDs. When he was done showing us around, he gave us four tickets to an acapella performance that night and said he’d look for us at the show.

We went back to meet my parents back at the hotel. My father had reserved adjoining rooms he and mom stayed in one and Zack and I in the other. They were happy about the acapella tickets and impressed that we asked for four tickets. We went to dinner at a very nice local restaurant and then went to see the show back at the school.

We met Ted afterwards and since Zack and I both liked to sing, he took us to meet some of the performers. It gave us another reason why we both very much wanted to go to the school!

My parents went back to the hotel, which was actually on campus, while Zack and I walked around a little more to take in the vibe at night. We got back after about an hour and knocked on the adjoining door to let my parents know we were back before settling in our room for the night.

There were two double beds and Zack took the one closest to the window. We put the TV on with the volume low. We kicked off our shoes, sat up in our respective beds, with backs against the headboard, and started talking about the day.

“That was a great day,” I said. “It would be awesome if we both got in. We could room together.”

“Yea, for sure,” replied Zack, “and Patrick is hoping to get in too. He could be the third!”

“So you were about to say something earlier today when Ted cut you off - what was it?” I asked.

“Oh yea, about slaves,” he replied. “I’ve done a lot of research on it and it’s a real thing.”

“You did what!?! What is a thing?” I asked.

“Believe it or not, there are people who become slaves - willingly,” he replied. “I just need to find one.”

“You’re nuts!” I replied.

“Seriously,” he added, “I met this guy who tries to match masters to slaves and I have a chat scheduled with him next week.”

I rolled my eyes and said, “such a Zack move. I think it’s ridiculous.”

“Why ridiculous?” He asked. “It’s not for everyone, but don’t judge.”

“Whatever,” I said.

“Anyway, not to change the topic but what made you decide to jerk off Finn? I mean what really drove you to do it?”

“I don’t know,” I replied, “I just sort of went along with what he was asking for.

“Did you like doing it?” He asked.

“I dunno,” I replied, “it wasn’t a big deal.”

“I know it’s not a big deal but did you like it?” He asked. “And why’d you do it for him and not someone else?”

“It was OK, I guess,” I replied, “and I’d do it for someone else. Depends who.”

“Would you do it for me?” He asked.

I paused for a second making sure I processed his last question. I wasn’t expecting the conversation to go in that direction.

“Are you serious?” I asked, as the pace of my heartbeat quickened.

“Well, I always wondered why you’d do it for him but never thought about doing it for me,” he continued.

I was nervous on the inside but outwardly I managed to laugh and say, “Umm, you never needed it. You get more sex than a porn star.”

Zack started laughing along with me, then I added, “besides, you never asked.”

“Well, I’m asking now,” he replied.

My heart was pounding rapidly but I tried to play it as cool as possible and asked, “do you think it would be weird?”

“Weird? Why would it be?” He asked.

“I dunno,” I replied.

“Was it weird when you did it for Finn? He asked.

“That’s different,” I replied, “we aren’t…”

“Best friends..,” he said, cutting me off. “Andrew, this wouldn’t change a thing, you’d be my best friend whether you did it or didn’t do it.”

I know it’s childish but it felt so good to hear him say that - a warm sensation came over me. Still trying to remain cool on the outside I shrugged and said, “as long as it won’t be weird for you, I’ll do it.”

That was all Zack needed to hear. He got right to business and said, “go grab a towel.” By the time I got back from grabbing the towel from the bathroom, he had pulled off his socks and shirt and slid off his pants and boxer briefs. He was totally naked and already semi erect. His dick was straight with a patch of copper blond pubes that matched his hair. There was a fine layer of hair on his legs but none on any other part of his body.

“Why don’t you get naked too?” He asked.

I replied, “I’d rather not..”

“C’mon,” he said, cutting me off, “remember we went over this in your diaper wearing days.”

I exhaled loudly. I didn’t really care about him seeing me naked except that I was getting aroused by all this. That I didn’t want him to see - but rather than argue, I complied. When I slid off my pants, my excitement became apparent. He definitely looked and smiled but didn’t say a word. “Should I use lube?” I asked.

“No, just be careful,” he replied.

He got back on the bed with his back against the headboard and his legs spread out. I kneeled on the floor and took hold of his dick and started gently stroking. I used my other hand to slowly massage his nut sack. His dick felt like a steel rod in my hand.

I was rock hard myself now. There was no hiding it and I didn’t care. I had imagined Zack cumming so many times and now I was going to make it happen for him! “Is this OK?” I asked.

He inhaled through his nose, exhaled slowly and said, “perfect, just keep doing that.”

He was very serious and businesslike in his demeanor. He became focused and, once I got into doing it, he seemed oblivious to the surroundings. I expected him to do more talking and directing like Finn but when he didn’t, I remained silent too.

In some ways it became surreal to me. Part of me was in disbelief that this was even happening and the other part was locked in to making sure I did it well.

I noticed his breathing became more defined and he said, “a little faster.”

I quickened the pace. “That’s it,” he said.

His breathing got finer and he said, “get the towel ready.”

Letting go of his ball sack, I grabbed the towel with my left hand and kept stroking. “That’s it just like that,” he said. “Now.”

He took a long, deep breath and held it and his cock started to squirt. I lifted the towel to catch it making sure I maintained the stroking rhythm. There was a pattern to his cumming - squirt, one one thousand, two one thousand, squirt, one one thousand, two one thousand, and so on. Each shot lasted more than a second and I counted ten of them before the dribbles. He held his long breath in for the first four or five squirts then let it out with a bit of an ‘ooof” sound and breathed out for the last five. He inhaled again after he started dribbling.

The volume of semen was incredible, easily two to three times the amount I produce, and I caught it all in a now soaked towel. He sat there relaxing, catching his breath pausing only to say. “Ohhh that was good.”

A few more minutes passed with his breathing slowing down and he added, “I hope my eventual slave can do it as good as you just did.”

Copyright © 2021 and9993; All Rights Reserved.
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Thank you for reading the chapter - I appreciate any feedback whether positive or negative and will respond to all messages.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Andrew was worried Gwen puking in his car but maybe other stuff ended up there.

Given the name of the story it's interesting that Zack brought up having a slave.If they both get into the same college and end up rooming together you think maybe....🤔

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Andy has been getting ready to become Zack's slave for years and he still seems unaware of this. I think the puzzles should start falling into place for him this night... I can't wait to see it happen. 

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About time we saw Andrew submit to Zach. Zach bringing up slavery in the way you wrote it was unnatural. I know it’s fiction but a better transition would’ve been better on how Zach brought up slavery. Here’s to hoping Zach makes a move at night, slips into andrews bed and rubs his cock against Andrews hole at night😈

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On 12/31/2021 at 3:07 PM, weinerdog said:

Andrew was worried Gwen puking in his car but maybe other stuff ended up there.

Given the name of the story it's interesting that Zack brought up having a slave.  If they both get into the same college and end up rooming together you think maybe....🤔

Haha - thanks, I'm sure they left some DNA evidence in the middle row of seats.  Here's hoping they both get good news from the admissions department!

On 1/1/2022 at 8:31 AM, Arch Hunter said:

Andy has been getting ready to become Zack's slave for years and he still seems unaware of this. I think the puzzles should start falling into place for him this night... I can't wait to see it happen. 

Thank you, Andrew seems to be very slow in analyzing his feelings.

34 minutes ago, masterchris said:

About time we saw Andrew submit to Zach. Zach bringing up slavery in the way you wrote it was unnatural. I know it’s fiction but a better transition would’ve been better on how Zach brought up slavery. Here’s to hoping Zach makes a move at night, slips into andrews bed and rubs his cock against Andrews hole at night😈

Thank you for commenting - there will be more about Zack's methodical research into slavery.  We'll see if Zack was satisfied with Andrew's handiwork - lol.

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I'm loving the flow of this story - just found it and read everything so far in one go, couldn't put it down. Thanks so much for writing it!

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On 1/11/2022 at 11:09 PM, AlreadyForgiven said:

I'm loving the flow of this story - just found it and read everything so far in one go, couldn't put it down. Thanks so much for writing it!

Thank you so much for reading it and commenting - I hope you like the rest!

Edited by and9993
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