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    R. Eric
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  • 5,377 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Makarovia! Yes, I Know Where That is! Sophomore Year - 108. Chapter 108

As promised...Makarovia! Preparing for the Junior year. They are going to confront the Consortium head on!

“And” Peter told the family. “Eric knows how to make Butterbeer!”

There were puzzled looks from everyone. Mom asked the first question, “From those Harry Potter movies?”

Olek’s eyes held surprise, “Those are real?”

Helga chuckled and shrugged, “If it can be dreamed of it can be invented.”

I grudged a nod, “It’s not my formula, but I’ll try it one day.”

Helga smiled, “I can tell this is very fattening.” She touched her abdomen. “My having twins pretty much threatens my figure.”

Grandmother shook her head, “Your body will be reshaped, yes. You are a healthy young woman. I will show you some exercises to shape what’s been reshaped and make it look attractive.”

“Through dance?” Helga asked with a smile.

“That’s an effective way,” Grandmother shrugged. “But I was referring to some very effective exercises, dance just makes it more enjoyable.”

“Not to change this lovely conversation,” Olek ventured on. “I assume Peter and Eric talked to you, Wayne...about what we wished to do in London.”

“He did,” Wayne nodded. “I said yes.” He grinned at Drew, “As Drew was building his career, he would often leave me for weeks...even months and I had to find something to do.” He shrugged, “Now, I will have plenty to do.”

Drew frowned, “I might lose my edge as a reporter. The stories from Makarovia come to me. I have nothing to investigate.”

Peter grinned evilly, “We could send the stories to Mr. Garner.”

“Mr. No Fay, Fag, and Fairy shit!?” I asked Peter.

“Yep,” Peter nodded.

Drew physically moved away slightly, “Aw, he wouldn’t do anything with it on principle after he made an arse of himself with me.”

Wayne grabbed him and did the one-man hug and boasted, “He’s getting the News Reporter of the Year, and...” he held his finger up for his additional point, “the Foreign Reporter AND,” he did it again leaning in, “and Photographer of the Year!”

Drew was looking uncomfortable.

“His broadcast of the Makarovian Underground also won an award!” Wayne added.

“Drew!” I said amazed.

Drew’s eyes rolled, then he looked at me, “It was during the last Christmas Holidays! It was a fluff piece!”

Mario leaned in toward Mom and I saw him ask about the word “fluff.” Mom looked at me questioning wanting to know what that meant here.

Drew sighed, “That was hardly more than a feel-good piece! New, yes, but hardly news.” He grudged a nod, “The truth is the kids won that award.”

“They were just...what? Teasing you with the other awards?” Peter grinned.

“It was Christmas,” Drew began explaining. “The kids really sold it with the talk about Santa...” his head wavered, “or here they call him Ded Moroz, but he’s the same guy.” He grinned. “Add the seasonal music and showing the many decorations with the lights...it was a warm and fuzzy moment that won the award!”

“So?” Olek shrugged. “It was warm and fuzzy. Big deal.”

Helga nodded, “I saw it. It was a good showing of who we are. I loved it!”

Olek chuckled and walked closer to Drew, “You want to show some real journalism. Fine.” He slapped Drew on the shoulder. “An investigative report of the Consortium and the Beauty and the Beast pirate will be an opportunity to do that.” He shrugged, “We’ll give you the report from the Duchess and video footage. Find out who she really is. Tell the world about this group of people and expose them. Who she really is.”

“You want to give names,” Helga stated to be clear.

“Hell, yeah!” Drew said loudly. “And why not? Who’s going to sue me?” He shrugged. “I present facts and have documentation to show a trail of evidence, unlike many reporters. Confidential sources are documented but protected.”

Wayne chuckled, “He gets on average a lawsuit a month.”

“None of which I’ve lost!” Drew proclaimed. “Not once,” He shrugged again, “So, I give names. They are welcome to sue me. I welcome the challenge.”

Wayne frowned, “Perhaps you can discourage him from what he hopes to do next.”

Peter looked at Drew closer, “What are you planning?”

“Wayne,” Drew warned, then looked at us. “I haven’t really planned anything.” He sighed. “This Consortium meets regularly around the world. One of these places has been found...sort of.”

“What?” I blurted. “What are you planning?” I demanded.

“We did get a location from Nelson Carter,” Drew confessed. “I got the from a source and he said French Polynesia was said to be owned by a member of this Consortium! It is a very exclusive resort! Meaning if you have to ask how much, you can’t afford it. You need to be a multimillionaire to stay there. The fact that the princess stayed there twice before she was kidnapped. A month at a time. That is one way they choose a target. Once when she was eighteen and again when she was twenty. Using her daddy’s money.”

“Who owns it?” Olek asked.

“Not a single person,” Drew informed. “A company. Like the house in Boston. They came in during a financial crisis and bailed them out.”

“What are you planning?” I asked again. “What’s the resort’s name?”

Drew’s face scrunched, “I’d rather not say. I don’t want to give anything away.”

“Your face is known,” Peter objected. “How are you...”

“Again,” Drew smiled. “I won’t tell. Any complications there is a record in my computer. I’ll be fine.”

Wayne shook his head, “He’s done this before. He marches headlong into danger, never mind me.”

Drew looked alarmed, “I always think of you! This is what I do. It’s who I am.”

Wayne nodded, “I know. I’d never even think of telling you not to. Just be smart and careful.” He sighed. “It’s like being married to a member of the police force.”

“You’ll be in foreign territory,” Olek said.

“I often am,” Drew nodded.

Helga suddenly brightened, “Can we had your lovely butterscotch drinks?” She rubbed her abdomen. “I’d like a real Butterscotch White Russian.” She saw Olek’s eyes rise. Her finger came up, “One, I swear. Our babies are fine.”

“One,” Olek cautioned sternly.


I once again made the drink I was becoming famous for. I was handing them out and as I was handing Helga hers, I held the drink out of her reach. “I know that having a glass of wine is okay. What did your doctor say?”

Helga rolled her eyes, but smiled, “She told me the occasional drink is fine. My son and daughter will be fine.” She shrugged, “I really want to try your drink. I’m told it is wonderful.” Then she leaned in kissing me on the cheek.

I nodded and handed her the drink, “I’m just protecting my niece and nephew...and you.”

She took the drink, “Thank you.” She sipped it. “This is wonderful!”


The fact that Drew was here for a story was not forgotten. Olek and Peter showed him the many treasures recovered and explained. Drew and his camera panned over the many items found after they have been missing. Then he, Peter and I went over the images of the Beauty and Beast pirate.

Drew looked at Peter and I, “This is a rare thing.” He smiled. “There hasn’t been too many photos of her.” He waved at the image of her taken by the Duchess. Most were video takes where the stilled images were blurry from where they taken from. “I’ll do a facial recognition search of her and try to find her identity. She will not remain an unknown.” He grudged a nod, “I’d like to investigate her on her home turf.”

“In which country?” Peter asked.

Drew nodded, “That’s the problem. I don’t know for sure. According to hearsay, she’s the daughter of a pirate himself. Obviously she’s biracial. She could be from several countries in West Africa.” His head wavered again, “Then again, that all could be hype...to build a reputation. We may never know the real truth.”

“The real truth is...” Olek said coming in the office we were working in, “she’s a threat. Not just to us but the world. She’s robbed and killed. It will be better if she’s brought to justice or...I hate to say it..is confirmed dead.” He smiled at Drew, “I guess you know, you’re our journalist to the world.”

Drew nodded looking somewhat embarrassed.

“Do you doubt that?” I asked. “I told you I’m not shitting you.” I said recalling Drew’s first comment when I first called him making Drew laugh lightly.

“Whatever is happening in Makarovia we always call you!” Peter stated.

Olek nodded and smiled, “With Wayne working with Makarovian Royal Burgers in London, he will need to be there.” He raised a finger, “You’re welcome here anytime. As a matter of fact, I’ll give you rooms in the palace! They will be yours and Wayne’s permanently.”

Drew’s eyes widened as he pointed to the floor, “Here.” He said to confirm.

“Here or in Stryia...” Olek shrugged. “Or in Skoal! You can be anywhere.”

Drew bobbed his head and stated, “Permanently.”

“Sure,” Olek nodded.

Drew smiled a bit quietly, “Can that happen soon?”

“Sure,” Olek agreed, then he asked. “Why?”

Drew waved at the image of the Beauty and Beast pirate. “I will locate this woman and when I do, I plan to go there and find out more about her.”

“You are?” I asked. “How?”

Drew’s eyebrows danced, “Using the BBC’s computer! I will search the databases of Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Guinea, Takoradi, Nigeria...all of them have a government database that will have the information. Even if it is restricted access.”

“The BBC will allow that!?” Peter balked.

“More than half our stories are researched this way!” Drew stated. “There are no jurisdiction rules in journalism. You get the story!” Drew stated the obvious. “The government agencies have too many watchers who will tell you not to do something because of political backlash! I’m no one’s spy. I’m just digging for the truth! Then I’m going there to dig deeper!”

“They’ll recognize you!” I objected.

“They won’t,” Drew grinned and pointed at us. “You wouldn’t recognize me, I promise you. I’ve done it very well before.” Then he looked serious. “I want Wayne to stay here. Surrounded by friends to watch him, he’ll do much better.”

Olek frowned, “Of course, he can stay. We’ll worry with him.”

Drew grudged a nod, “I am looking for the truth.” He stressed. “I work alone and under no watchful eye. I’ve done it many times.”

“Doesn’t he have other businesses to run?” I asked.

“He throws himself in those businesses when I do this,” Drew admitted. “That’s how he dealt with it before.”

“This program you’ll run can break into the computers of these countries?” Olek asked. “Aren’t they...” he looked at me, “encrypted. Isn’t that the word?”

I nodded, “It is. Firewalls and other safeguards will be in place to protect the systems.”

Drew smiled, “We’ve done it before. I...may have done this with some other governments’ computers.” His finger went up, “I’m not saying I did, but those governments have hidden content they have while investigating things around the world. Interpol for instance.” That finger was thrusted, “Again, I’m not saying we did, but we can find what they have and zero in.”

“You’re doing it now,” Olek said to be clear. “You’re not ready yet.”

“Not yet,” Drew admitted. “Just a little more patience. The first is the resort in French Polynesia! There is the Consortium is there! At least one is there and I will find him.”

“How are you doing that?” I asked.

“How do you know that princess was targeted there?” Peter asked.

“Nelson Carter said she was!” Drew answered. “She spent over a million dollars each time without thought! Her daddy’s money was used each time. Lodging and food...” He raised the finger. “Yes, it was there, and they have to import everything. I will be on one of those import vessels.”

“Or...” Olek smiled. “You could escort someone who will go to this resort.”

We looked at Olek curiously, “You would bring Helga!?”

Olek shook his head, “No.” He pointed at Peter and I. “You could go.”

“We just returned from a lengthy honeymoon in the Mediterranean!” I said.

Olek nodded, “The princess was targeted because she was spending her father’s money freely.” He pointed at us. “You could go spending the new Makarovian royal family’s money without thought!” He waved his hands out. “As a matter of fact...I’ll talk to Mario. He can ask his sister if we could use the Duchess again. You can sail there and stay a couple of weeks!” He waved at Drew. “You could go as one of the crew!”

“Would Uncle Alexie do that?” I grinned.

“If I can talk his brother’s wife into talking him into it?” Olek shrugged. “Why not? You loved the Duchess.”

I smiled, “The nouveau riche Makarovian princes go on another honeymoon in the same summer?”

“That would be expensive!” Drew objected.

“And worth every penny to stop these people!” Olek stated. “They endangered us in Boston and London!”

“Or you can go as passengers,” Peter pointed out. “You and Wayne! We are known as the Makarovian Princes. You won’t be the targets. We will.”

“I assume the princess had security,” I said and waved at Peter and myself. “We will, too. The princess wasn’t kidnapped from there.”

Drew shook his head, “No.”

“We should be fine and you can investigate!” Peter said happily.

I raised my finger to point out, “But we get the master stateroom with the round bed!”

Drew gave a quick salute.

Olek looked at Peter and I, “You two will be returning to school in a month. We need to move on this quickly. I’ll speak with Mario.”


The idea of being back on the Duchess was exciting even with what we were doing. Yuri and Boris were originally planning to return to Boston before we were. Telling too many people our plans could threaten what we wanted to do, but we had to tell Yuri.

In Olek’s office we told Yuri.

“Te chto!?” Yuri bellowed in Russian. He glared at Drew, “You want to use them as bait?”

“They are bait now!” Drew stated. “You can’t always protect them at the university. The only place they are always safe is here!” He pointed at the ground. “In Makarovia!”

“As long as these people feel they are secure,” Olek began firmly. “The threat will always be there.”

“I insist on going with you,” Yuri stated equally firmly.

Drew grinned, “Okay, as long as you remember...I am not under your control. I heard what you’ve done in the past and I know you will do well now. I’m used to working alone but I know you are good at investigating. I can use your help.”

“I am security for the royal family,” Yuri said. He pointed at Peter and I. “Then in particular.”

“Be that security when we’re there,” Drew shrugged. “Nothing changes.”

“You are never going to make my job easy. Are you?” Drew muttered.

“If it was,” Peter reasoned with a smile, “you’d leave us in pursuit of a job that was challenging!”

“This way we keep you!” I told him. I grinned at Peter, “Your birthday will be while we’re doing this. We should ask Mom and Mario to go, too.” I looked at Olek. “You and Helga could come as well. You didn’t have a honeymoon. This is the last few weeks you don’t have to worry about your extra...” I considered my words. “The two extra considerations.”

Olek’s head wavered, “We sort of skipped that part. I’ll be busy here and so will Helga. Thank you, but no. Let’s get this started.”

“Won’t we need a reservation?” Yuri asked.

Drew shook his head, “No. There is no reservation number. Guests are by referral. I bet that Middle Eastern princess will do that if we call her.” He brightened. “Peter’s birthday is a great reason to go even for a week. You’re showing up on the Grandduchess will be enough. You may want someone from the palace to call and let them know you’re arriving and why.” Drew shrugged, “It’s a seven-star resort! Possibly eight, if that exists, I can guarantee they will bend over backward to see you will be welcome!” His head wavered again, “I was going in as an employee, now as a guest!? This has ballooned...”

“To get rid of the Consortium!” Olek said. “Sure, it’s Peter’s birthday and should be enjoyed, but we are after the man...or woman who is a member of this group.”

“I’ll call Princess Al Lamia,” Drew said pulling his phone out. He pressed a single button.

“You have her on speed dial!?” Peter balked.

“Yep,” Drew grinned. “You two are not the only royals I have on speed dial. Granted, I use yours the most, but I’ve been in contact with her telling her I would investigate and stop the group.” He stopped as someone answered his phone, “Hel, Sarreentaada.” He said and got up to speak with her more privately.

“Okay,” Peter grimaced. “We will insist he learn Makarovian.”

“We will sail out of what port?” I asked. “The Duchess is berthed in Europe.”

“Probably Sydney,” Peter answered. “It will take a week for it to get to Sydney and then the voyage to French Polynesia...that alone is forty-five thousand kilometers. If we go sixty nots nonstop, three or four days to get there.”

I looked at Peter and I know my amazement showed on my face, “And you just happen to know all that off the top of your head.”

Peter blushed, “I was in my room for years! Remember?” He defended. “I played math games and knowing distance was a game! Figuring how fast and the amount of time... Knowing how long it was by a plane or ship was part of the game. I did more than just jerk off!” He said again unashamed in front of all them here.

Yuri and Olek just chuckled.

“Let’s see if we can get the Duchess first,” Olek laughed lightly. He looked at Peter and I, “Pack!” He picked up his phone and touched a speed dial button. “Mario! Makarovia ha bisogno di un favore!”

I shook Peter lightly, “I understood that!”

“Das ist wunderbar!” Peter smiled as we were walking out of Olek’s office.

“Oh,” I said with a smirk. “That German wasn’t even hard to translate.”


As we packed Peter frowned, “What’s the name of this resort? Did Drew say?”

“No,” I answered. “I wonder where that princess heard about it from.”

“We’ll ask Drew.” Peter shrugged.


I would love to go to Australia as you know of my following Australian Football, but this was to take care of business. I smiled as all our agent friends were joining us again. Including Cosmo.

No, he wasn’t going as an active agent, but he would be with us and his experience would be very valuable. We went to the royal jet’s landing strip and were escorted by Olek and Helga.

“You’re expected in a week,” Olek stated. “And you’ll be boarding in Sydney.”

Mom and Mario weren’t coming. They both used the “I’m busy” excuse. Mario worked from within Makarovia. Mom was still working with the medical side of things in Makarovia. She was working with the military doctors to coordinate visits to the small towns in Makarovia to schedule medical checkups for the many in isolated and hard to get to areas. In the winter those areas were cut off. Remember?


Cosmo refused assistance in boarding the plane. He used his cane, and we had his wheelchair. At the bottom of the steps to board the plane Drew was reassuring Helga and Olek with Yuri at his side.

“Don’t worry,” Drew said. “There have been no kidnappings from the Tour de Luxe.” The he grudged a nodding shape of his head, “That I know of.”

“That’s the name?” Peter asked. “The Lap of Luxury?”

“It really doesn’t have a name,” Drew informed us. “That’s what the frequent guests call it. The name stuck.”

“And how did Princess Al Lamia hear about it?” Yuri asked.

Drew shrugged, “Another...lesser princess told her. Princess Sheikha. Just as she was losing everything. Unlike Princess Al Lamia, Princess Sheikha did some less than honest things. Her father was killed, and he lost his fortune, therefor she lost everything.”

“Could she or her father be in the Consortium?” Wayne asked.

Drew threw his hands out in frustration, “That’s why we’re going!”


I walked up to my grandmother. “I wanted you here to spend time with you.” I began explaining. “I’m so busy now I’ve hardly seen you. Can’t you come with us?”

Grandmother smiled and caressed my cheek, “I’m around. There are children I have to give classes to and a schedule. I love having a purpose.” She rubbed her arms like she was cold, “It a mere few weeks, the seasonal change will make it very uncomfortable for me and I will return to the United States. You will be in your fifth semester...we’ll see each other.” She shook her head, “I don’t plan to die anytime soon. I’ll be a frequent guest in your home in Boston. I promise.” She hugged me tightly. “I am so happy for you. I never dreamed of a life like this for you.” She kissed me on the cheek, then turned me around and shoved me toward the plane gently, “You and Peter enjoy this. Go!”


I boarded the plane with Peter and in minutes we took off. Looking around the plane, it was almost crowded with the dozen with us.

“We’re almost like the Sacred Band of Thebes,” I grinned as I saw Boris and Yuri, Mikell and Mercea, Drew and Wayne.

Peter looked at our agents and friends, “We are,” he grinned. “Those three hundred Spartans were a force to be reckoned with.” He waved at them, “So are they. Someone has declared war against us and these men are our answer.” We were going to war!


We flew over Sydney, and I saw the famous opera house, the bridge and the beautiful bay. There was the pang of longing to be there.

“We’ll come back,” Peter said to assure me.

I looked at him suspiciously, “You can read me that well?”

He nodded with a grin, “Yes, I can. You read me.” He reasoned.

I shrugged a nod, “I can.”

The airport was northwest of Sydney. As usual, there were the Customs Agents.

“And your trip to Australia?” The Customs Agent asked Yuri.

“Merely a drop off,” Yuri informed. “We’re boarding the Grandduchess today. She should be here now.” He presented some papers to the agent. “Our permit for carrying weapons. Our luggage is being unloaded as we speak.” Yuri waved at Peter and I. “Prince Pedro and Prince Eric are the reason.”

The agent looked at us and I did notice the change of expression change slightly. Being a professional he couldn’t react much.

“We’re nearing the end of football season,” I grinned. “Who are you pulling for? The Swans?” I shrugged a nod at Peter, “This is Sydney.”

The agent smiled, “Actually, I’m from Melbourne. I pull for the Demons. You follow our games?”

“I do!” I nodded. “Jake was injured pretty badly. How is he doing?” I mentioned their medium forward on the Demons.

The agent’s smile grew, “He’s recovering well.” He grudged a concession, “His leg was broken, but he’s doing well.”

“Jack Billings was doing very well on the Demons team,” I added.

The agent was lowering the clipboard as he nodded, “He is!”

Peter grimaced, “Frankly, I’m surprised there aren’t more injuries. That is a rough sport!” He looked at me. “I wonder if we can get a team together in Makarovia.”

I grinned at the Customs Agent, “Our rough sport is ice hockey. It’s brutal!”

With our arrival placated, we were taken from the airport to the port. It was so nice to see the Duchess again!

Boarding the Duchess we were greeted by the friends we’d made a month ago.

The first of the uniformed crew smiling grandly was Lucan, the Captain. Formalities were nice, but we were friends! Naturally, I hugged him tightly.

“I knew we’d see you again,” Lucan smiled. “I just didn’t expect it so soon! Welcome back aboard!”

They were all there, including Henri. Peter held Henri out, “Damn! You look great in uniform!”

Henri’s eyes rolled, but he grinned, “I’m...” he thought, “...am turning you on?” His French accent heard clearly.

“And how!” Peter grinned hugging Henri. “We had to come back for your great meals!”

“I have a restaurant in Paris!” Henri said simply. “I was told you were doing this and flew immediately to cook for you and your friends.”

“It doesn’t have to be seafood this time,” Peter said.

“Tonight,” Henri began. “We dine at seven.”

I turned to Drew and Wayne, “Remember, if he gives a time to come for a meal, be on time. He has the food prepared for a certain time.” I smiled. “He is, other than our favorite Russian born chef, our favorite chef!”

Henri nodded, “Apples and oranges, Mouaieurs.” Henri grinned. “Love them both, but they’re different.” He turned to Drew and Wayne, “I know what they desire. Are there any preferences you have?”

Wayne and Drew shook their heads.

Captain Lucan smiled, “The Duchess is being provisioned and your luggage brought aboard. “ He looked at us scrutinizing. “I have a general destination; do you have the coordinates?”

Yuri looked at Drew, “We do.”

Kucan frowned, “I sense this is more than a trip to celebrate Prince Pedro’s birthday.”

“It is,” Yuri nodded.’

Lucan sighed, “I have to ask. Are we doing something illegal?”

“No,” Yuri assured. “We are stopping something illegal.”

“Okay!” Lucan clapped once. “Most of you know where your staterooms are.” He looked at Drew and Wayne, “Gretchen will show you your stateroom. We’ll be on the way shortly.”


Going to the stateroom we had on the honeymoon. Again, I was beginning to feel like I was home, in a way. I didn’t do anything to deserve it. This wasn’t my ship. Jennifer entered the stateroom along with Jennifer.

“Your luggage is over there,” Jennifer waved to the collection of four suitcases and two hanging garment bags. I know, you want to unpack yourselves.”

I shrugged, “How else would we know where things are?”

“We can help?” Jennifer asked. “I’ll iron out any clothes wrinkled after being in your suitcase.”


We spent the few minutes arranging the clothes. It was toward the end Drew walked in the door.

“You should see...” He stopped looking around our stateroom His mouth dropped open. “Daaamn!” He frowned. “You know I planned to slink in and investigate.” He waved at the surrounding yacht. “This is a bit much.”

“No,” Peter shook his head. “It’s to show who we are.”

“Who is that?” Drew asked as Wayne came in.

“A country that was once poor with a sudden glut of money,” I explained. “Whose family will frivolously spend money for their prince’s birthday...”

“Who would also not blink at spending a billion to get him back,” Peter furthered.

“After we defeated them in Boston,” I said. ’And in London...they will try again if they see us as lucrative target.” I waved at Peter and I.

Wayne shrugged a nod, “That makes sense.”


We were on our way, and we showed Drew and Wayne the Duchess. We saw Yuri at his computer in the library. He was connected to the Duchess’s system but was using his computer which was super protected according to Yuri.

I saw his screen as he was looking up Princess Sheikha Taweel. Her image showed a beautiful woman in her middle thirties. Of course she was gorgeous. Her mother had to be beautiful to attract her father.

“Anything new?” Peter asked.

Yuri nodded, “Quite a bit.” He waved at the screen. “This princess inherited the resort her father built after he was killed nine or ten years ago. I believe she also inherited his place in the Consortium.”

“That helps us how? Peter asked.

Yuri grinned, ”Because she’s not as careful.” He raised a finger to make a point. “There is money flowing in and bank records show a steady flow out...to where?” He grinned. “She’s broke!?” He thrust his finger up, “I know she’s not!” He chuckled. “There are deposits in several banks that are...” he used finger quotes, “not required...to cooperate with governments.” He grinned, “When has that stopped me. Evidence gathered won’t be used to prosecute, but they will be held accountable.”

Drew went toward Yuri, “Damn.” He marveled. “Maybe we could link your computer with the BBC’s computer. Together we could really find out more. I knew who her father was and suspected him of being in the Consortium. How did she inherit the membership?”

Yuri shrugged, “Because her father told her he was in it and she used that knowledge to secure her membership? I don’t really know.”

“Coming in on this ship is better than just flying there on your plane?” Drew asked.

“It’s a show,” I answered. “We’re not rushed. It’s less threatening and makes an impression.”

Drew grudged a nod as he looked around the library and more to the Duchess he couldn’t see, “It certainly does.”


We sat at the table for dinner on time. This time there were more people than just Peter and I. We included our Security agents. Merea was looking at the table setting before him a little warily.

“It’s very simple,” Mikell assured. “Start at the outside...” he pointed to the silverware. “And work your way in.”

“Henri is very French,” I instructed. “He normally serves a traditional five to seven course meals in the dining room.”

Merea shook his head and pointed toward the floor. “He didn’t that much down there.” He waved at the table and plate. “I remember those meals in the crew mess. Here it’s still intimidating.”

Peter chuckled with a nod, “The French took,” he did the finger quotes in the air, “getting something to eat,” he grinned, “taking it to a whole new level.”

Boris nodded, “Gastronomic experiences. Meals should never be just to stop the pangs of hunger. It should be a pleasure and relished. It should linger.”

“Not to dismiss when you’re really hungry,” I began. “The quick meal to satiate the hunger pangs is also an experience and can be pleasurable...”

“As long as you don’t eat too fast...” Peter explained further, “and upset your stomach.”

The galley doors opened, and we had three of the crew come out to serve. Henri, Jennifer and Alcan!

“The meal should never be rushed, mes amies.” Henri shook a scolding finger at us. “We start with a light appetizer of seafood stuffed mushrooms.” He looked at Mercea, “I anticipated the seafood based on Prince Pedro’s and Prince Eric’s history.” He looked at Mercea. “I promise you should never leave the table hungry. You should never be...” he said the next word in disgust, “stuffed.” He looked at Drew and Wayne, “I asked about allergies and just food you don’t like and you said nothing about any foods, so...” he uncovered the silver serving tray. “We start.”

We had next the soup course. Lobster bisque. The salad course next. There was the fish dish. The palate cleanser which was a lemony and orange sorbet. The main course, which was also from the sea, fish meuniere (flounder which I have never had flounder so good). And no meal should end without dessert. This chocolaty mousse. Delicious!

We discussed what we were doing.

“We will be what we are,” Yuri explained. “I am in charge of their security. Everyone but Drew.” He grinned, “You are the princes’ friends. Not an investigating journalist. If they recognize you...” he shrugged, “fine.”

“We have a plan!” Peter said happily.


Copyright © 2017 R. Eric; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

Thank you for this update...am eagerly awaiting the next chapter...thanks!!

Humm...a bit of foreshadowing perhaps???

“A country that was once poor with a sudden glut of money,” I explained. “Whose family will frivolously spend money for their prince’s birthday...”

“Who would also not blink at spending a billion to get him back,” Peter furthered.

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Oh, more intriguing.  Loving the way they are treating this trip.  Going to bait this consortium, and hopefully catch them.

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It’s really been a long time @R. Eric Good to see’em back. Pls don’t be a stranger for so long.  Have a nice weekend.  

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7 hours ago, VBlew said:

Oh, more intriguing.  Loving the way they are treating this trip.  Going to bait this consortium, and hopefully catch them.

I never want to be predictable. What happens should suprise you. Don't assume you know!

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