Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Taming Of The Beast - 22. Chapter 22
I'm looking for a beta reader/editor because sometimes I'm unsure if something works or not. Let me know, please and thank you in advance.
Please enjoy!
The siblings looked at each other with menacing grins, they had found their prey, they had tracked her down and had finally seen the evil within her. They could taste it. They could smell it. She may have been a mundane but still the scent of death and decay had wrapped itself around her firmly. She would not survive the horror that awaited her but they both knew that she would try.
“We are not monsters, no, we are –“Eli said as he looked at the doctor.
“Hunter's.” Tris finished for him.
The doctor took a step back, her eyes wide. She had been found; her fortress had been infiltrated by the enemy. Her mind racing as she watched the two in front of her. She was royally screwed she knew that part. She knew that she couldn’t talk her way out of her predicament.
“W-What do you want?” The doctor finally uttered; she knew the fear was evident. She had thought she could handle herself; she had been up against the worst but these two were nothing compared to that. They were the epitome of pure evil.
Tris chuckled. “Isn’t it obvious, we want you.”
“You’ve been such a challenging prey. We’ve enjoyed watching you, witnessing your failures and your accomplishments.” Eli watched the doctor stagger back. “Isn’t it such an accomplishment that you have two very live Lycan’s right in front of you?
“Y-Y-Y-You’ve been watching me.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.
“Oh, yes. We take our time with our prey. We let them wonder, we let them live out their last moments before we pounce.” Eli replied.
Tris raised a brow. “We let them think that they are not being watched. Monitored. We let them think they have got the best of us and most importantly we let them suffer through their moments. It’s what we are good at.”
Doctor Annabelle sighed as she deflated. “This can’t be. I-I-I’ve been very careful…with everything. My research, my office, my experiments. Everything.”
“Yes, you have been very careful, dear Annabelle but not careful enough.” Eli smirked. “We were able to infiltrate and study in plain sight just like you.”
“N-n-no. This can’t be.” Annabelle shook her head.
“We know about dear mother, doctor. Did you really think we wouldn’t find out.” Tris licked her lips. She could smell the doctor’s blood coursing through her veins.
“We know your secrets, doctor. We know what you’re really after.” Eli said, he watched as the doctor fell on the floor. Her eyes wide, fear dripping from her like a broken water tap. She didn’t look anything like the confident woman that they had seen before, the one who mingled and barked orders. Instead, she looked weak, she looked defeated, and she looked like she knew what was coming.
Eli walked towards one of the chairs, he dragged it towards the doctor. He made sure to make screeching noises. “You’re going to tell us everything that you know, or my sister and I will torture the information out of you.”
Tris threw herself on the couch. “I’m just dying to tear you apart.”
The doctor looked at the two monsters before her. She knew that they were not kidding, she knew that given the chance, the female vampire would really tear her apart. She was after all just a mundane, weak and powerless against them however she had allowed her curiosity to lead her to the supernatural. Her curiosity had led her to this very moment. Her curiosity and her ego were to blame.
“You’re not going to kill me. You have orders.” Annabelle said trying to reign herself in. She was stalling she knew that. She chanced a glance at the female who licked her lips hungrily.
Both of them laughed as if she had told them a joke, their eyes turned and for the very first time since they had made themselves known to her. Their eyes dark as the darkness, their orbs cobalt blue and fangs descended from their teeth.
Tris rolled her eyes. “Kill you? Who said anything about killing you. We have orders to retrieve you however it was no specified about the condition you must be in. You will be alive, of course but first, we will have our fun. Our fill. You understand.”
Bitterness filled Eli’s mouth. “Oh, sister mine. Can you smell the scent of fear dripping from her? It’s disgustingly bitter. Shall we get on with it. I’m rather parched from lack of entertainment.”
“Oh, yes brother mine. We should indeed get on with it. Don’t you think so, doctor.” Tris felt giddy. “You’ll make for a fine specimen. My brother and I have been studying up on your kind of experiments. You’ll be our first specimen. I promise I will make you scream in agony.”
The doctor’s heart pounded. She had never been on the other side of the table before. She knew that they were following orders but were bending them as they went. By the time she reached those that wanted her, she might be half-dead. “N-n-no, you can’t. I-I-I don’t want to be one of them.”
“Oh and why not?” Eli asked.
“Those monsters, you monsters I can never survive the process.” The doctor replied. It was true. They had never taken a human before and transformed them into monsters, it had always been monsters being transformed into something else. Something better, something faster. Which was why they needed the patient zero…the prince and the first childe of the king Vashon.
“You’ll survive, don’t worry. It’ll be so much fun. I just can’t wait.” Tris smiled.
The doctor watched as the female Lycan retrieved something from her brother, she looked at what it was and her heart stopped. The syringe had red fluid in, the female Lycan sent a wink her way before she was at the doctor’s side. Kneeling down to her level on the floor, the needle was plunged into her without any hesitation from the female Lycan. She winced.
She could feel the effects of what she had been injected with. “What did you give me?”
“Something-something, you know.” Tris grinned.
The Lycan twins watched as the doctor felt the consequences of the injections, they watched her delirious form. They watched as darkness consumed her. Her body lost itself with a thunk on the floor. She was out like a light. The twins looked at each other with a knowing look.
“Sister mine, would you do the honors.” Eli’s eyes gazed.
Tris, the Royal Guard and twin sister to the Royal Guard Eli nodded, she stood up and retrieved a suitcase big enough. The same one they had bought with them from their Kingdom. It would withstand the cruelty that would follow.
Eli watched as his sister worked, he watched as she poked and prodded the unconscious body of the doctor. She lifted the doctor up and gently placed her inside the suitcase. It was big enough, it was strong enough to withstand and it was also strong enough for their journey. Tris zipped up the case, she walked towards her brother with a grin on her face.
“We are ready, brother mine.”
Walking outside the doctor’s spacious and luxury apartment, Tris dragged along a suitcase. They greeted those that greeted them, they shared a mundane smile with an old lady and as soon as they had entered the apartment they were gone. They made sure to erase each and every evidence of their presence within the building. They had entered undetected however they had exited carrying a package.
Arriving at the safe house, the twins hurried to get their work finished before the doctor would wake. They smiled satisfied with the basement, the doctor on the morgue slab. They had restraints on both her hands and legs. They were going to conduct an interrogation, informal of course.
They had their orders, retrieve the doctor, alive however her condition of alive had not been specified. They knew that both the Crown Prince, Derek and Prince of Lycan’s and Crown Prince of vampires, Bastian never expected them to deliver the doctor in well conditions. They knew that she would be half-dead by the time she arrived.
“Do you think that Lucas Kumar will be a problem, brother mine?”
“No, sister mine. He is just a scientist and judging by his voice earlier he is scared.”
“Should we take him as well then?”
Eli shook his head. “Let’s let them stew. It’ll be much more entertaining”
“As you command, brother mine.”
They heard a groan from the slab in the middle of the room, Tris was the first one at the side of the doctor.
The doctor felt different, she opened her eyes slowly, her eyes heavy from forced sleep. She remembered everything that had happened, she remembered the sheer horror of coming face to face with those who were not afraid of her or her experiments. She remembered the murderous twins. The Lycan’s. Now she remembered that she had never asked them their names. No, she had been too preoccupied with everything else around her.
She struggled against the restraints on her hands. She groaned and then she saw the female monster.
“What is this? What have you done to me?” Annabelle asked.
“Done to you? Oh, dear, doctor. Whatever do you mean?” Tris gleamed.
“What is this? L-“ Annabelle stopped.
“You are going to tell us everything you know, doctor. You are going to reveal your deepest darkest secrets and you are going to empty your stained soul.” Eli came into view holding what seemed like a cleaver.
Annabelle paled. “Please.”
“I wonder, doctor. Did you grant your victims mercy when you turned them into what they are now. Did you grant them mercy when you murdered them all in the name of science.” Eli’s lips parted.
The doctor had no answer for the male monster, she had not granted any of her victims’ mercy. She had not granted them any kind of mercy and she had reveled in that knowledge. She had reveled in knowing that they were at her mercy.
She screamed as the male cut into her beautiful skin, she could feel the flesh splitting into two. She could feel the terror and the horror. She screamed once more when the female poured something inside the wound. They were merciless towards her; she had not expected anything less from them.
“Are you ready to talk yet or should we continue on our fun?” Tris drawled holding a bucket filled with something.
The doctor kept quiet, she would not break not so easily. She would not unless she had no other choice. She knew that these two would do what was necessary.
“Please, a-a-at least.” She breathed. “A-a-at least t-t-tell me your names.”
The female perked up. “We can grant you that. I’m Tris and this is Eli, we are Royal Guards of the Lycan Kingdom.”
“Royal Guards.” Annabelle’s eyes closed.
The male, Eli held a hot branding iron, he grinned down at the doctor on the slab. He had a menacing grin on him. The doctor feared for her own life not for the very first time. She had gotten herself into this, no, she had not. Her mother had gotten her involved. She had dragged her kicking and screaming and now the fruits of her labor were paying off in bloody ways.
She watched as the male, Eli leaned down into her level. He looked at her straight in the eyes, she instantly felt like he was inside her soul.
She looked at the branding iron in his hand, she closed her eyes as she felt it burn on her flesh. She couldn’t stop herself from the scream that left her lips. The branding iron sat there for far too long. She heaved from the pain. She knew that she couldn’t hang on much longer. Not unless they wanted to deliver a corpse. She had only one option of stopping the insanity.
“I’ll talk.” She said through the pain.
Both Eli and Tris looked at her, she swore they looked saddened at her sudden relenting.
“Boo, you’re no fun.” Tris frowned.
“Start with your mother and then work your way up.” Eli ordered.
“My mother wants immortality and the prospect of achieving that came with the knowledge that she must do what must be done. The Alpha’s and Beta’s that sell their own kin supplies us with wolves we need to experiment on, however we needed patient zero in order to truly achieve our goal.” She breathed through the pain. “The failed attempts are thrown away and discarded. Burned beyond recognition.”
“Why do you need our Prince?” Tris asked.
“We need patient zero in order to achieve greatness. A whole new evolved species, better and strong and only loyal to us. We want to control him; we want him to be our weapon.”
“This is good news. You’ve given us so much more than we anticipated.” Eli smiled.
“Tell us, the Alpha’s and the Beta’s that have supplied you with their kin. Tell us their names and where we can find them.” Tris demanded.
Annabelle sighed. “Of-of-of course. In my apartment office. There is a red and green folder that has all of the information you desire and in my laptop. It’s in my bedroom. I’m sure mother hasn’t taken anything yet.”
Eli and Tris nodded. They looked at each other before they walked outside the basement locking it behind them. They were gone after that.
“Here they are. The folders. Tris said to her brother opening one of them. “Jesus, Eli. This is insane. These Alpha’s and Beta’s. They’re creating a mass destruction of a weapon and the only thing they need is Bastian.
Eli came to stand beside his sister. “We won’t let that happen. We’ll fight tooth and nail before we let them take control of our Prince and I’m certain the vampires would have something to say about their Crown Prince being made into a weapon.”
Tris handed her brother the folder so he could read for himself. It took a moment before Eli gasped. “We need to contact Prince Derek and Bastian right now.” Eli said.
“We need to pay a visit to these packs. Rattle a few feathers and pay forth the cruelty tenfold. I’m sure our Princes would not disapprove.” Tris smirked already coming up with ideas to screw with the Alpha’s and the Beta’s on the folders.
“Let’s seal this apartment first. No one gets in and no one gets out. Even through the windows. Do you have the spell that Elder Davina and Elder Run wrote for us.” Eli asked his sister.
Tris nodded. “Of course. They said once the spell is activated. No one will be able to get in unless it’s us, the trusted few and Mason’s people. Not even her mother, Desdemona Glass can enter her beloved daughter’s apartment.”
“I guess it pays to have the vampires on our side.” Eli raised a brow walking towards the doctor’s bedroom, he searched for the laptop until he found it. “I got the laptop and I have copied everything in her computer that has the information. Did you manage to get everything else?” Eli asked his sister.
“I sent a message to our princes. They’ll be at the safe house soon.” Tris said as they made for the door. Closing the door behind them, they both uttered the spell that had been provided by the vampire Elders, the twins knew that the spell came from the wiccan community.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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