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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Taming Of The Beast - 11. Chapter 11

First and foremost I would like to apologize for being so late with my writing. Things just sort of spiraled out of control. However, I don't come empty-handed. A new chapter of many more to come. I hope you enjoy it. Secondly, thank you for your patience.

Bastian had known that his friends worried about him, he could see it and he could feel their emotions every time he felt a surge of pain, his anger, and his carelessness had intensified but he had done well keeping himself in check. Having fought his animal for control, he knew how to rein himself in whenever he needed it. He never wanted to worry his friends but this seemed to take a certain toll on everyone around him, he hadn’t wanted emotions to cloud his judgment but it seemed emotions had begun to take control all on their own. He couldn’t afford to break down and start backing down, not when everything counted on the information they needed. They were after him, they needed him they needed him for their ludicrous plan.

The search for Trevor hadn’t been going too well, they had spent five days searching for the guy that could fit in like a chameleon and Bastian was getting agitated, he wasn’t ever in the mood for his runarounds. They needed to find him and then get him to tell them what he had done. He was a werewolf who had a bone to pick with Bastian and he had decided to do that with others, he knew he was lucky he had never mentioned that he was a Prince or his life would have been different regarding his ex, the way his relationship with the wolf ended Bastian didn’t understand how the guy could be bitter when he knew coming in that it was never going to last. He was not going to commit to him like he wanted him to, it had been obvious to others the way Trevor felt for Bastian but Bastian never felt the same for him. Everyone around them had known from the get-go that both wolves would find their intended mates, they would be torn apart by that need, the want to be with their mates. The call of the mating call would be too strong for both to resist, they would be lured into the siren’s song.

Bastian wanted them to find the man so he could find what they were looking for. He knew deep down even if he would be able to keep Trevor alive long enough for Derek he would end up dead either way. His brother held a deep resentment when it came to those that had hurt and destroyed his younger brother; Bastian knew when he told him of what they had found. Derek would be on a warpath that would only end with corpses.

Now there he stood in front of the man they had been looking for, he seemed out of it and Bastian didn’t care, he wanted to beat the answers out of him one way or another because the more he waited the more he knew his time was running out. They had sent others for him, he looked at Trevor, he could smell the fear oozing out of him but there was something else as well and that was all it took for him to realize that the people his ex-was working for hadn’t disclosed just who he was shitting on.

Bastian rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms against his chest “What the hell, Trevor?”

Trevor couldn’t even look at Bastian but Drew quickly corrected that “I didn’t know, Bastian. I didn’t know…”

“What didn’t you know? That they were murdering innocent people? Let’s cut the crap. You helped kidnap and throw innocents to the wolves, you watched them die and you still didn’t stop. You sent fucking people after me.” Bastian’s voice deep with anger and resentment “You didn’t know I was a Prince, they didn’t tell you that. That I would find out what you had done”

Luciana came into view “I never did like you. I always knew you were a little weasel” Luciana’s knelt before Trevor just as Drew and Taron walked into the empty basement, her eyes changed to their beautiful blue followed by a snarl “What did you tell them, you little shit?”

Trevor knew he never had a chance of leaving alive, he had dug his own grave and now he would lie in it whether he liked to or not, they had betrayed him “They just said they could give me what I wanted, they could give me you” his voice was hoarse from the pain “They said they wanted me to find you so that they could finish what they had started, they said they could make you love me. You broke my heart, Bastian. I loved you, I would have given you anything in the world but instead, you broke my heart. I hoped you would change your mind about commitment but you never did, I knew my heart belonged to you but you never did see that.”

He wanted to rip his throat out and feed him to the dogs but he couldn’t, somehow he understood just how he felt but that never did excuse him for what he had done, he couldn’t see Trevor walking out of there alive and breathing or even with his limbs intact. He wanted to send a message to those who were after him, he needed to make a statement. He was never going to stop fighting for what he wanted which every single last fucker was involved in his capture years back dead and those involved now. Bastian wanted to be the one to end the man who sat before him, he wanted to be the one he saw before he drew his last breath so he would remember how he ended up making the wrong choices.

He walked towards him slowly, he snarled at him but withdrew as he watched Luciana take a scalpel with a devious grin directed at Trevor. They had all known this part would be bloody, but also they had known they needed to do it. The other man’s screams of agony would subside and they would start all over again until he gave them what they wanted, until he broke down and begged for his life. They were lycans but they also loved playing with toys when it came to torture, it came to a great service and what a service it was. They all watched as Lucian ripped Trevor’s shirt apart not caring of her the claws that stung deep into the man’s body which carried screams.

Luciana looked at him for a moment as she cut deep into the man “This is going to hurt, it’s going to hurt and I’m going to enjoy it. I’m going to continue to cut into you and then watch you heal” she heard his screams but didn’t stop “Then I’ll get another one of these fancy torture toys humans use and then I’ll start all over again. I’ll slice you up like an orange and then while you heal by then we know it’ll take a while to heal with what I’m doing I’d already be halfway done. I mean, you really should have shut up and moved the fuck on” she grinned as she cut with precision. They all watched as the blood left his body and spluttered into the floor, the screams seemed to have become a part of the room.

Bastian sighed “Do you realize what you have done? What you have done to innocent people?”

He waited for any sign of guilt but it never came instead he tried to stop himself from screaming “People die every day, Bastian. What’s a hundred when I could get what I’ve always wanted?”

Bastian could feel his beast climbing the walls; he wanted to rip through his skin “Your kin. You watched as they killed and experimented on your kin.”

Trevor looked at Bastian smugly “I’m not remorseful, Bastian. For all, I care they should have fought their way to the top to ensure they stayed alive. I’m just sorry no one ever came out a success. Werewolves, we’re such a disappointment. We boast about power and shit but when we must fight for our lives, we give up.”

Bastian’s anger was boiling from within, he wanted so much to shut him up but he knew he needed to keep him talking enough for him to tell them everything he knew until Luciana got tired and one of them took over “What did they tell you about me?”

“Bastian, the first patient X, the one that got away and repressed his true nature because you were too ashamed of the gift they gave you. You’re truly their greatest accomplishment. They want you so you can create something new, something stronger and something unique. You’re a superior breed. What they did to you was nothing more than pure genius. Your lycan genetics were the perfect host. They have a lot of plans for you…I only wish I would be there to witness as your world comes crumbling down” Trevor said but the moment he finished, Bastian’s claws had already dug through his shoulder he wanted to keep him alive and talking but every single time he kept talking he couldn’t stop himself; he dragged his claws through Trevor’s shoulder enough to notice the blood run down his chest and his victim screaming in pain as Luciana stepped back. They all knew that would sting for hours on end, Trevor would feel like his world was ending sooner than he had originally thought.

Bastian grinned as he became more and more thrilled with his progress he could feel his claws practically latch themselves inside Trevor’s shoulder, he wanted to throw him across the room like a ragdoll and see how much more screaming he could get out of his victim. He wanted the man to feel pain, to feel the kind that you wished could just end but he was interrupted when Hale walked towards Bastian leaning in close range whispering something only he could hear.

Bastian looked straight at his friend with shock “He’s here?”

Hale nodded without looking at their bleeding victim.

The Prince looked down at Trevor as he withdrew his claws from his shoulder, his claws dripping with blood “Don’t die on us now. Our fun has just begun. I’m going to show you just what real pain feels like” He said to the bleeding wolf before he walked out of the basement shutting the door behind him leaving Hale with the others “You’ll wish you’d never made an enemy out of me”

2017 Ash Phoenix; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

On 11/20/2018 at 4:22 AM, LadyDe said:

Give him pain and lots and lots of it. 😈  What did they do to Bastien when he was held captive?  Hope it's something useful and controllable. Maybe being mated will help. Wonder who's here? Brother or mate? Thanks for updating ... a year later. LOL

I swear it is truly not my wish to be this slow but life got in the way but y'know my goal is to actually finish this this year cause I have something else planned and already I have ten chapters of that new story waiting to be loaded but I want to finish this story first. So sorry.

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