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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Sidewinder - 19. Chapter 19 Giddy Up

Warning: Sexual content
Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.


Giddy Up



Boone had his eyes closed against the bright late afternoon sun while Coy’s prized razor carefully scraped the whiskers and warm shave soap off his throat. Relaxed, and completely trusting the man’s skill, he wasn't prepared for his murmured question. “So… when are we going to make love same way a man and a woman does?”

“Sweet Jesus, Coy!” Boone squeaked out after his whole body jerked. He swallowed excess saliva as he thought how best to answer, trying not to move again while sharp steel continued its path up and along his jaw. Coy was continuing on as if he hadn’t said a word. “You sure picked a heck of a time and place to ask me that… you trying to kill me?” His eyes were open now—wide open—and they were being met by the beautiful blue of Coy’s.

“Well…,” he drawled out with a slightly amused but seriously curious expression on his face. “You put me off earlier, in the tent—not that I’m complaining about you feeding me your sap, mind—but I’m hankering to know why you don’t think we’re ready for it. What's there to being ready for fucking? Lord almighty, hold still, will ya?” Coy made another pass of the razor before standing up straight. “You’re done… now we’re both smooth as a hog’s belly.”

“For a few hours, anyways.” Boone got up from his seat on the large, smooth rock at the river’s edge, feeling his neck for blood, but there weren’t none. His gaze focused on the opposite bank, and he judged it to be one hundred and sixty feet away. There was so much to attract his attention, but he was slowly getting used to this new land of theirs.

“Gonna answer my question, or you putting me off again?”

Boone groaned before turning to face him, because the man had a point. “No, Coy, I’m not putting you off, but some things ain’t so easy to speak about.” He sighed before sharing his reason for not being in a hurry to fuck. “Fact is, my first time with Lucas was messy.”


“Yep, it surely was… not that he seemed to mind, but it’s something I’d never thought much of before, about what could be inside there… you know… and I didn’t like it at all.”

“Tarnation… I didn’t think about that either. So you don’t want to make love… that way?” he asked with naked disappointment on his face and in his voice.

Boone was quick to reassure him. “Not what I’m saying at all, Coy. I liked it sure enough, but not once I seen the mess. Not a thing I want to see again.”

Coy had his mouth open as he listened. “I thought a good shit cleaned you out. It don’t?”

“Not always… not the first time I did it… but sometimes, I reckon it does.”

“Something to think on, I reckon.” He nodded slowly, like he was beginning to understand Boone’s concerns. “I’ve heard cowboys joke like it did… things like go take a shit so I can cornhole you, or there goes so and so taking his evening shit so someone can stick their cock up his rear.”

“I heard the same stuff you did, Coy, and like I said, sometimes it’s enough. Ain’t got a lot to go by. Lucas said eating only one meal a day helps. I knew women in the dancehall took it that way for some of the men—I suspect during their bleeding times—so I just assumed the same thing you did, since lots seemed to do it. I never heard nothing about what they did aforehand… but once Lucas saw how it bothered me, he told me some stuff they probably did to… you know… to prepare.”

“What did he tell you?”

“How to… to empty myself completely. Said… he told me he’d done it hisself.”

“Done what?” Coy asked with obvious interest, and appeared not the least bit embarrassed… not at all like Boone had been at the time. Seeing that made it a mite easier to keep talking.

“You know that… my buffalo bladder water bag, the one I keep in my saddle bags? The one I traded the Pawnee squaw for in town?”

Coy nodded as he took a seat on the rock. “Yep. Never seen you make use of it, though. What about it?”

“There was a reason I wanted it. It’s how a man can clean hisself… inside. I have a piece of hollow deer bone I slide in the opening, and I tie it tight with rawhide and… well….”

“Keep talking, Boone. I can see it’s bothering you some, but it’s another lesson I need to hear. I told you I want to learn everything, and that’s the truth. You got no call for any shame with me.”

“You’re right, and I am the teacher here,” he said, grinning through his embarrassment. “I fill the bladder with water and put the end of the deer bone inside me—it’s nice and smooth—not much wider than a pipe stem, and if you put spit on it, it goes in easy enough. Even easier with some lard or tallow. Then I squeeze the bladder and it shoots the water up inside, and all I got to do is hold it there for a spell.”

“That’s all?”

“Yep. Then I squat and let go.”

“And that washes you out?”

“Nothing but clear water comes out after you do it a time or two. I used water what sat in the sun so it was warmed some.”

“Shoot! What’s so hard about that? You did that for Lucas?”

“Nope. We only did it one more time and I just didn’t eat for two days.”

Coy’s eyes widened and his eyebrows lifted high. “I need my food, Boone.” His pained expression made Boone bust out laughing.

“I know you do, and so do I. Was light-headed to tell you the truth, but it was better than having the mess.”

“Guess it would be for sure. So… did you do it for Dan?”

“No! I told you, nothing happened with Dan but a couple of kisses… and some exploring with our hands, but with our britches on.”

“Then how do you know it works?”

“Did it when no one was around, downriver from our old camp at that second bend—lots of cover in that spot. Like I said, I didn’t want the mess again, not ever. Guess some men don’t care, but I do. Anyways, could see with my own eyes the water got clear, and then I gave myself a good soaping.”

“Makes sense it would work, I reckon, and I’m glad for it too. So that’s why you put me off? You really do want to do it again… with me?”

“More than anything, I swear, but it was hard to talk about what needs doing.”

“Don’t know why. Shaving sounds a lot more work.”

Boone laughed again, Coy’s easy observation relaxing him. “Suppose it is at that.”


He lay on his back watching Coy, who was on his knees coating his cock with lard by lantern light. Boone had already done the same to his rump with his own fingers, doing his best to get himself ready. The tent flap was open, but Boone was sweating like a scared colt. Trying to calm himself wasn’t easy—it’d been years since he’d been in this position, and this was Coy, the man he’d loved and hankered for since they were sixteen.

“Do I just push it in, like with a woman?”

“Take some time when you do. I’m not a practiced whore, and that’s a considerable weapon you’ve got loaded. Might take me some time.”

“Is it going to hurt you?”

“No doubt it will, at first,” Boone answered with a smile he hoped hid his nervousness from the man. His eyes focused on the organ that lifted every few seconds, before switching to Coy’s concerned face. “Don’t be fretting now. I’ll be fine. It’ll be as good for me as it is for you… might even be better.”

“You sure?”

Boone lifted his legs and held them under the crook of his knees with his arms, the same position he’d been in for his last time with Lucas. “Yes, Coy, I’m sure.”

The man's expression changed from worry to need when Boone spread himself before him like he did. He shuffled closer until Boone felt the large head at his hole. He grimaced when an eager Coy began to push forward, and tried his best to relax and not cry out. He did hiss, though, when the resistance gave way, loud enough Coy halted and let out a sound of his own. “Jesus! It ain’t nothing like entering those women. I don’t know what I’m doing, Boone, but I’m seeing your face is pure pain.”

“This… this is the hard part for me, but don’t fret okay? It feels good to have you inside me.” He remembered Lucas’s advice from years earlier, and took long, deep breaths to try to ease the tension his muscles held.

“Reckon it’s about the best I’ve ever felt, to be inside you like this, but it feels like you’ve tightened a cinch on my cock.”

Boone couldn’t help himself. He barked out a laugh. “And it feels like you’ve just stuck a horse’s foot up my rear.”

Coy’s eyebrows rose, but his voice was filled with amusement… or maybe relief. “And that feels good to you?”

“Yep, it does, and it’s getting better.”

Coy got serious again. “How much further in do I go?”

Boone’s muscles relaxed more, and he was able to smile at the question. “I don’t rightly know. I hope I can take all of you, but let’s wait a bit more… move back and forth a little… slow-like, like you’re loping on a flat-kneed horse.”

Coy, sweating even worse than he was, did as he asked, barely moving in and out, and Boone could see the jolts of pleasure it gave the man.

He sighed as his body adapted, the tension in his muscles finally letting go completely.

A more confident Coy must have felt the difference because he slid farther forward without being told. “Is this all right?”

Boone nodded, finally remembering to take a breath as he leaned his arms on his legs to position his rear higher. Coy followed, and leaned forward until his lips found Boone’s. The change in position was a shock for Boone, but a damn good one as the man's cock slid deeper. The burn was about gone, replaced by a need that had been asleep too long. He took a deep breath once their lips parted. “Make love to me, Coy.”

“You want me to fuck you?” Coy asked with that devilish grin of his, his breath puffing over Boone’s face.

“Yep,” he answered with a gasp as Coy pushed his length all the way in. “Lord in heaven,” he whispered to the still grinning man. “I thought I already had all of you.”

The man was a fast learner, and Boone soon became the student. Coy's varied strokes as he supported himself with his hands about drove Boone crazy, and it was only a few minutes before his stiff cock unloaded all on its own between them.

Coy’s hips picked up speed while his lips glued themselves to Boone’s, and after a few short rabbit-like humps, he collapsed with his cock buried deep. His arms soon worked their way under Boone’s back, hugging him tight, and the weight made him feel more whole than he ever had in his life. This was the thing he’d wanted most… to feel loved for who he was, and know he belonged to someone. It was still hard to believe that someone was Coy.

“How did I do?” Coy asked with his mouth right against his ear.

He shivered at the feeling it gave him. “Dam, you learn quick.”

The man lifted his head. “That mean lessons are over with?”

Boone snorted and then laughed. “Not yet… there’s still another one for you to learn, if you're willing.”

“Well,” Coy drawled, his eyes shining in the flickering lantern light. “I’m all cleaned out and ready.”

“Might need a few minutes. Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yep… I want the same look you’re wearing right now.”

“What kind of look would that be?”

“Lazy-like… and peaceful. It says I did something good for you, and I’m going to get to do it again somewhere down the trail.”

“Yep, you are. We might even make it a regular thing.”

“Fine with me. Could even miss a meal for that… probably not two, though,” Coy said with a straight face, but his eyes twinkled with amusement.

Boone laughed. No doubt about it—Coy had gained a new cockiness, and it looked damn good on him. “Won’t never be cause for that. We’ll keep you well fed cause you’ll be needing your strength, cowboy.”


Coy took as good as he gave, and was pretty vocal about it. His determination and enthusiasm ensured no doubts would ever creep into Boone’s head about the man’s choice. He was hard all but a short minute, despite the pain he went through at the first, and eventually unloaded across his belly with a howl after a few strokes of Boone’s hand.

The clamping set Boone’s seed to spurting into the warmth, and he took the opportunity to copy Coy, letting loose a howl, but unlike that coyote they’d heard a few days back, there weren't no loneliness in it—Boone had found his mate. He proceeded to fall into Coy’s arms right away, a wave of contented weariness telling him his body had need of sleep.

“There’s a lot of cock inside me.”

Boone snorted, but didn’t move. “Want me to back away?”

“No, sir, I don’t. Was just saying,” he answered, his fingers stroking Boone’s sweat-slicked back.

“You said a lot,” he teased as he lifted his head from the man’s shoulder.

“Ain’t never felt the like afore and had no control over the sounds what came out.”

"I'm hearing that, Coy, I surely am. Think you might want to do it again?”


Boone saw the humorous sparkle again. “Three unloadings for the day is enough, wouldn’t you say?”

“I could probably go another.”

“I wouldn’t bet against such a thing. So, it was a good experience for you?”

“You need to hear it, don’t you.”


“Well, I might have some places that are a bit tender, but they’re worth it to have your seed inside me.”

“Oh, sorry.” Boone lifted his hips and his cock slid out, still hard, but softening some. “You sore?”

Coy answered after a groan and a sigh. “Yep, but no sorer than I expected, and happier than I could ever imagine being. It’s a powerful thing ain't it, what men can share?”

“It surely is.”

Cot stretched beneath him, sighing again as he straightened his legs. “I think you’re right that the Lord made some of us this way… I can feel that in my heart. I think he made people to love people, men or women, and he don’t pay no mind to which we choose.”

“It pleases me to hear you say that. It’s the way I feel about it too,” Boone said, thankful they’d reached this point together. “I should get off you now, if'n you’ll let go of me. I must be getting heavy.”

“Not yet, Boone. I like being close like this, and I’m just saying what I feel. There’s nothing unnatural about the love we have for each other. Will and Ma were dead wrong. Wes and Lee were decent folk, and so are we.”

“So was Dan… and Lucas was a good man too.”

“Didn’t know Lucas other than the sight of him, and to be honest I didn’t like him much, but yeah, Dan was a good man who stood up for the wrong Will done.”

“It’s good you feel that way about Dan. He was a good friend.”

“Well, I admit I was as jealous of him as much as Lucas, but I did like the man, and I knew you were grieving for him.”

“I suppose I was, but only cause he was my friend… one there was no need to hide anything from. It was hard to see him lying dead in the street like that.”

Coy’s arm’s squeezed him tighter before letting go. “You can get off me now. Hard knowing it was my brother what did it. I’m sorry for that.”

Boone pushed up and back and balanced on his knees while Coy sat up and faced him. “Weren’t no fault of yourn.”

“I reckon you’re right. Family—good like my ma or bad like my brother—they can mess you up, but you still miss them when they’re gone.”

“My ma weren’t a regular ma, that’s for sure, but I still miss her. It don’t matter none to me she was a whore. She be the only family I ever had.”

“Wished I had known her like you knew my ma. I’m your family now, and you’re mine… till there’s snow on our roofs and aches in our bones, right?”

Boone chuckled before staring into some very serious blue. “Yep… until then, Coy, that’s my promise. I don’t need anyone but you, and I want nothing more than to be by your side until the Lord feels fit to take me. Someday we’ll have us some matching rockers… and a porch.”

His words were met with a sleepy smile, and he watched in fascination as Coy put his hand to his heart and then to Boone’s nose before returning it to his heart, just like old man Corker had done to Duke and Molly.

Boone returned the gesture before whispering, “I love you too.”




Thanks for reading. There's an epilogue to come, but are you liking how this journey came about, and where the guys are now? I hope you've enjoyed it enough you will take a second to leave a story like/reaction and story recommendation so I can continue to garner new readers. Please share any thoughts you have. Cheers!
Copyright © 2020 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

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Chapter Comments

4 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

Even with the discussion of certain messy issues; this was just sweet.  With the exception of maybe the love of a parent for a child, nothing beats true love for making you feel that everything will work out and everything is just as it should be...

Wouldn't mind a book two for this story either...

Thanks, buddy! I don't know about a Book Two, but there might be one connected to this story. I'm still playing with an idea I've had for quite a while now. Yeah, that messy discussion was needed, and I don't shy away from the realities of life... gay or straight. Happy you saw the sweetness of it, because it shows just how 'in' Coy is. He accepts it and Boone's concerns as he should... with understanding, but not bothered in the least... except for Boone's obvious embarrassment. 

I like you thoughts on true love. Nothing does beat it... and these two are the better for it. 

I'm sorry the story is winding up... it has been a wonderful journey so far. I had no expectations for a multi chapter western, but you guys and ladies proved me wrong. Thanks for the support, and the always encouraging words, centex... I still remember most of them. Cheers! :hug: 

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1 hour ago, ColumbusGuy said:

Yeah, the messy bits can be a mood killer, and I was a bit surprised to see that there had been a 'solution' for it back then...not sure why though as problems always find fixes in every era.  Heck, even the ancient Egyptians had birth control, but I think for them it was the odor of the methods used that were the main reasons for its efficacy!  :)

I'm going to miss these guys, which is something that also surprises me as Westerns aren't necessarily my favorite theme, but once again you've worked your magic and won me over despite my foolish notions.  A story by you is always a pleaser without fail as experience has shown every time.

Yep, better be one hell of an epilogue or three, my dear!  Ha, worked in another exclamation point, and not a dang thing y'all can do 'bout it....


I'm going to miss them too, buddy, much more than I expected. It does my heart good to hear that from someone who has no affinity for western-themed works. I don't know if I've worked magic, but I tried really hard to give the story an authentic feel. :yes:  Thanks for the encouraging and supportive words, my dear friend. I'll be interested to hear what you think of the epilogue. And two exclamation points are okay... in the past you might have used five. :P Much love and respect, CG. Cheers! :hug: 

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55 minutes ago, Onim said:

😭Epilogue???? Oh my...guess I'll have to brace myself...😔Well, I must say that even though we could all use a couple, a few, maybe a dozen more chapters...this was a beautifully written explanation of certain love making 'mechanics' and the expressions of what real LOVE sounds like, looks like, and ultimately should be about...is just fantastic! Thank you for this one, Gar...:heart:💯 Stay safe and well, my friend :hug:

Hello, dear lady. I actually understand wanting more of these guys... they are forever entrenched in my heart... and I really could envision more story, but for now I think this feels right. I am hopeful the epilogue will be satisfying as we close the book on a truly memorable(for me) experience. 

I don't fault other writers for skipping certain aspects in their stories... a lot is understood... but I felt this story should be as authentic as I could make it, so I thought shying away from what was so important to Boone would be wrong. Glad you felt the real love within the act... I always strive to show that. :) Thank you for the kind words of support... I'm feeling quite content on the whole. You stay self as well, my friend... cheers! G. :hug: 

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27 minutes ago, Leo C said:

Awww, that was a sweet end. Now we just need a "happily ever after" in the epilogue.

Thank you so much for this very vivid period piece. Looking forward to seeing some more like this - or whatever you feel like writing..... I guess it can't really go wrong. Thank you for your fabulous work, Gary!

Thanks, Leo! The real Coy has been revealed, and he is a strong, loving, and romantic man. The freedom to be himself is intoxicating. I expect he will take the lead now, more often than not, and Boone will not object in the slightest. His student has graduated with honors. :P 

Vivid is a wonderful word to hear, my friend, and I've heard it twice today in regards to this story. :D  I will have less fear when I write the next western themed story. Appreciate the kind words and support... truly.... and I hope you will agree the epilogue is satisfying when it comes. Cheers... Gary.... :hug: 

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21 minutes ago, 84Mags said:

I teared up when Coy said, “I’m your family now, and you’re mine...till there’s snow on our roofs and aches in our bones, right?”   Then I promptly kissed the hell outta my husband whom I’ve been with since we were both 19. The snow and aches have arrived.  But just like with us, Boone and Coy have what it takes to make it a lifetime.  I have loved every minute of this story and look forward to the epilogue. 

Aww... how romantic. Tell your husband he's welcome. :P  Coy is all in, of that there can be no doubt. I think Coy knows Boone well enough to know what he needs, and what he needs is to hear these things. 

Congratulations on finding your soul mate at such an early age. It is to be cherished, and I'm certain Boone and Coy understand what they have. I am looking forward to the epilogue too, but it will also be a sad day for me when it posts. Saying goodbye to these two will be bittersweet. Thanks for sharing such beautiful thoughts... they inspire me. Cheers! Gary.... :hug: 

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It's going to be sad saying goodbye to my cowboy friends, I will miss them.  I love that when Coy makes a decision, he's all in.  His practicality made a potentially awkward conversation into an exercise of intimacy.  I can't imagine a situation that would break these two apart.

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35 minutes ago, CincyKris said:

It's going to be sad saying goodbye to my cowboy friends, I will miss them.  I love that when Coy makes a decision, he's all in.  His practicality made a potentially awkward conversation into an exercise of intimacy.  I can't imagine a situation that would break these two apart.

Sad for you and me both, Kris. :(  They really have become friends, and I'm pleased you see them that way. Coy might have taken a while to accept who he was, and what he truly wanted, but once he figured it out, he's been a revelation to Boone... and to us. Yes... intimacy... it was a very intimate conversation, made easy by a receptive and open Coy. Boone might think he still needs protecting, but he doesn't... not when it comes to affairs of the heart. His gentle coaxing was beautifully sincere. I agree too... they are in it for the long haul... till there's snow on their roofs and aches in their bones. :) 

Thanks, buddy... I hope you like the epilogue... see you Monday... cheers! G. :hug: 

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42 minutes ago, Albert1434 said:

Man what a great and beautiful chapter! I love cowboy love so sweet :yes: So many great lines!

“How did I do?” Coy asked with his mouth right against Boone’s ear.

He shivered at the feeling it gave him. “Dam, Coy, you learn quick.” 

I just love your writting Gary you do it so well

Great chapter :2thumbs::thankyou::worship:


Thanks, buddy! :D  I went over this chapter a number of times, right up until posting... I mean, I usually do, but this chapter meant so much to get right. Glad you're a fan of cowboy love, Albert. There is an innocence to this time period, for all the violence it was capable of, and I loved exploring that. Thanks for quoting that exchange... Coy does learn quick, doesn't he? 

Appreciate the supportive words, my dear friend. Cheers! G. :hug: 

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Hoping there is a second book after the epilogue, I was so looking forward to watching the boys build the farm into a thriving success!!

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Well, damn, what a sweet note to end on. My poor heart is a puddle at my feet.

Until we read the epilogue, we may never know if the future together they envisioned comes true. I’d like to think it does and that they’re at each other’s side and in each other’s arms until the end of their days. Maybe with a couple strays also cut from the same cloth, living in the safety of conjoined farms where being different isn’t cause for alarm. Someone or other to inherit the love of the land and the spirit of Boone and Coy, someone to keep their memory alive by offering refuge where no venomous sidewinder is welcome.

A beautiful tale, Gary, from your beautiful mind. Now . . . when’s the next one coming?

Edited by Danners
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9 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

Hoping there is a second book after the epilogue, I was so looking forward to watching the boys build the farm into a thriving success!!

Hey, drsawzall! To be honest, I'm having some real mixed feelings about bringing this one to an end. That said, I think, or at least I'm hoping, readers will find the epilogue satisfying, and who knows? Maybe we will see them again. :) I appreciate your support, buddy, and I'm glad these characters got to you. They are special to me, for sure. Cheers... and see you next Monday. Cheers... Gary.... :hug:  

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9 minutes ago, Danners said:

Well, damn, what a sweet note to end on. My poor heart is a puddle at my feet.

Until we read the epilogue, we may never know if the future together they envisioned comes true. I’d like to think it does and that they’re at each other’s side and in each other’s arms until the end of their days. Maybe with a couple strays also cut from the same cloth, living in the safety of conjoined farms where being different isn’t cause for alarm. Someone or other to inherit the love of the land and the spirit of Boone and Coy, someone to keep their memory alive by offering refuge where no venomous sidewinder is welcome.

A beautiful tale, Gary, from your beautiful mind. Now . . . when’s the next one coming?

I like making your heart a puddle, buddy. :D  Coy is proving to be very sweet, isn't he? I'm a dyed-in-the-wool sap, and I like me some company. :P And hey, it ain't over till it's over. The epilogue, which arrives next Monday, will answer some of your questions about how their life is going. I'm thinking it will be satisfying to most. God willing. ;) 

It's nice you think I have a beautiful mind... that's very sweet to say. As far as what's coming next, I do have a new story more than half written, and I do really like it. Just need to get back in the swing of it and finish it. As to when, we'll see....

Cheers and thanks, Dan... see you Monday... Gary.... :hug: 

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I must say, this is a beautiful scene you paint. Boone and Coy joined as naturally as they were meant to be: let no one put them asunder. 

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