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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

Entries in this blog

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 17 - Oct 23)

Morning, y'all!  Sorry about the delay, Wildone is away and I completely lost track of the days!  The promoted author updates were pulled late, so if your story is not listed, please comment with a link to your story!!  Since we're already late, let's get right to it! 2021 Anthology #2 deadline is only a week away!  Get your stories in ASAP! Cia was here on Monday and Wednesday with this month's Classic Author feature! Tuesday, Valkyrie visited: Thursday, Cia was back!

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 16 - Oct 22)

Hey all! I hope everyone had a great week and are ready for the start of a new one. It's been a busy week in the various GA News Blogs, and hopefully you didn't miss anything, but if you did, that's what the Weekly Wrap Up is for! A quick reminder, if you want to participate in the blogs and help provide content, check out the Blog Feature Opportunities thread in the Help and Announcements forum.   October Signature Feature: Geeks By Cassie Q & October Signature Excerpt: Geeks By Cassie Q

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 14 - Oct 20)

Short, sweet and to the point this week   Monday, Cia introduced us to our October Classic Author Feature and a great downloadable banner:   That set us up for an October Classic Author Excerpt:   On Friday, Comicfan channeled Cia to post this weeks Prompts:   Saturday, another great tip was presented to us in a Article from Comicality on Conflict:   Anthologies 2018 Fall Anthology: Fight Back - Due Nov 15th 2018 Fall


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 10/15 - 10/21)

Renee's off enjoying herself at GRL 2017, so you get me today! Good thing it's been a quiet week! If you hold an Author title, take a second to go check out the first round of voting for next year's anthologies. You can find them here. Voting will end in just 3 days on October 25th, so make sure to get your vote in soon! Also, don't forget the Halloween Contest voting has ended, so hopefully you had the chance to vote. Be looking for the contest winners to be announced coming up on Halloween! No


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 1 - Oct 7)

Hope you all have had a great weekend and are ready for the start of a new week!  This past week was a full week here at Gay Authors, from an author promotion to the release of 11 new stories for you to read. Yep, that's right, the Halloween Contest has gone live, so make sure you go read all 11 entries and then send your vote to @Reader1810.   Contests 2017 Halloween Short Story Contest - Voting Open! 2018 Summer Novella Anthology - Due April 15th, 2018 Anthology

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 8 - Nov. 14)

Is late better than never?   Okay I need a show of hands from the 10's of 1000's of you that read the weekly update religiously every Sunday  Yesterday I sat down to watch the heavily advertised Alex Rider Point Blanc. I thought maybe one, maybe two episodes and I'll be good. Next thing you know you are done the whole season and you look at the clock and it is 12:15 AM Have you done this? If so, what show(s)? Just a short preamble this week. Let's see what happened at the blog.


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 7 - Nov. 13)

Is it this upcoming week or is it the week after that our American cousins have their Thanksgiving ? Well I looked at my 'merican calendar and see it is the week after, so I will stop talking about that this week or I will have nothing to talk about next week  You all should be so lucky! We'll skip over and talk about the next holiday, Christmas . Have you thought about my pressies yet? I have one picked out for everyone of you, lol. But really, with all the news about ports being jammed an


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 6 - Nov. 12)

In case you are wondering why we have two blogs up featured at once, don't continually hit your refresh button to try to make one disappear  Or am I the only one that would do that? I remember back in the olden days, when a author would generally post a new chapter on the same day of the week around the same time of day, I'd sit there constantly hitting refresh until I got the new chapter  This was back in the eFic days long before even the idea of post dating   Now where was I? Oh, so due


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 5 - Nov. 11)

Hey! Last week we changed the clocks in a lot of places, who changed the days this week?   Up here in Western Canada, yesterday was Remembrance Day were we remember all the veterans and peacekeepers that all served in our forces and some that died doing so. It is actually a holiday I believe in all Commonwealth countries, but others do a bigger ceremony on other holidays. When I say Western Canada, I know we have it as a stat holiday. This means this weekend has me mixed up. We are taking M


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 3 - Nov. 9)

Well I look outside and it is yet snowing again! This is the 3rd time it has snowed this week, but this time it is actually going to get cold. You all can think of me as I go to the Western Semi Final of the Canadian Football League between my Calgary Stampeders and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers! Will still be snowing tomorrow at game time and with the windchill it will be a balmy -22 C (7.6F). Add in fact that it is getting dark out at 4:50 PM now, it should be a great day!!! I think I shall imbib


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 28 - Dec. 4)

Okay, let me put my grinch hat on   Has anyone got sick of the shall we call them 'Lifetime' Christmas movies?  I mean, they are all basically the same story, just different actors and slightly different stories. But there is always a woman, who has a male adversary at the beginning. The scheming and cajoling and finally they admit they are in love with each other and everything survives what was in peril at the start of the movie.  The bakery, the Christmas tree farm, shall I go on? Okay,


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 27 - Dec. 3)

It is past my bedtime... I think. So does anyone want to come over and fix my painting job at my condo? I've never painted a house or such in my life, and everyone seems to have suggestions, after I've f'uped and it has gone to shit. Well, I'm done the most difficult wall and pulled the tape off around the door frames and unfortunately took off in some spots a couple of layers of paint too!  Krista suggest to bribe someone with cookies, that most men will paint for cookies. So if I bak


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 26 - Dec. 02)

Its starting to feel a lot like Christmas... Well, I hope you all are getting in the festive spirit  Maybe not so much myself. The past two weeks and been nightmarishly busy at work and I don't know if I'm coming or a going. Hoping maybe tomorrow will get me out of my bah humbug mood, as we go out to the forests and find Christmas Trees! I won't be getting one as there isn't enough in room my condo, but at least it is the first Christmassy thingy I'll be doing   So what happened l


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 24 - Nov. 30)

Like in Independence Day....Hello Boys! I'm baaaaaaaack Well, also you gurls, actually everyone! Thank you Renee for taking my place last week So I'm dried out from last weekend, which is a good thing! Last weekend I was at a football game, outdoors and it was hovering around 0C or 32F. Quite pleasant football weather (oh, North American Football I should say). Now this weekend, -30C or -22F, and I'm not enjoying this weather 😠 I'm thinking of all of you in Florida, or Australia or e


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 23 - Dec. 1)

December 1st, WOW   So, if you are counting and partaking in Christmas, that is 23 more sleeps to Christmas Eve, and if Santa shows up this year you'll be opening your pressies in 24 days. Or if you are Jewish, Chanukah starts in 2 days!! Either way, I just want everyone to be forewarned that I will be expecting you all to send me a present this year . If not, then you will have to make a New Year's Resolution in 30 days to make sure you get me one next year   We had a bi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 22 - Nov. 28)

Wow, what a busy week here at the GA News Blog. I should have started this earlier so I could have it maybe done by midnight local time. It is already 11:30 😮  So without large flashing lights and sirens, maybe an announcer with a mike dropped down for the rafters like at a boxing match (I believe he was busy with the Mike Tyson match ), we will be a bit more subtle today in the Weekly Update. So here it goes, we have two days left to get your edited copy for the Fall Anthology into the Ant


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 21 - Nov. 27)

So how are you feeling?   I asked one of my friends south of the border and they said fat and broke  I guess the fat from all the food and drinks on Thursday and the broke from Black Friday sales. Not even realizing it was Black Friday on Friday I called our local  iFly location and ended up getting the Black Friday Deal. Yes, I'm getting more for my money but I'm giving them a lot more of it. I hope my nephews and sister enjoy their time in there for Christmas presents. I hope none of the


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 20 - Nov. 26)

I hope my 'merican friends and their families of origin or found  had a super Thanksgiving holiday. Did you eat too much? I think TG is one of the mandatory 'pass' days that you get to eat what you want, how much you want, and for as long as you want. It is surprising that with New Year's resolutions that people make those far stretched promises to themselves to stop smoking, go to the gym, stop drinking alcohol and such, that there is nothing for Thanksgiving. Maybe there should be promises to


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 19 - Nov. 25)

Wow, what a week of thanks. We were able to tie in thanks, on American Thanksgiving for a lot of our site contributors over the last week and it has been great to let them know how much they are appreciated   Whoa............................ Who did you not fit into last week?   With shame and apologies to him as well as all his avid readers, let's get in some thanks to the person that is the reason that Gay Authors exists! Please join me and all the Admin Team as we extend o


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 15 - Nov. 21)

**Bulletin**Bulletin**Bulletin** Well guess what buckaroos? You have exactly 8 days to finish up your Fall Anthology and submit to our eager and waiting Anthology Proof Team. Please submit now and our proof team members are standing buy. Call 1-800-... oh wait, this isn't a telethon or infomercial. But we would really like to see your name on the list of anthologies for the Shadows or Bridges Fall Anthology. Before I forget, why don't we all collectively say a Happy Thanksgiving to all


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 14 - Nov. 20)

Do any of my American friends like smoked turkey for Thanksgiving? I have it on pretty good authority that it might not be the most healthy food...for you   I've been waiting a week to get that one out  I know! You can't stop laughing at it, just like me  ! Anywho... Canada had our holiday over a month ago and My American Cousins are about to celebrate theirs over the whole next week  It seems that in some jobs, but not in all, this holiday becomes a 5 day weekend ! 


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 13 - Nov. 19)

Has anyone seen Valkyrie?   Oh, there she is   So the folks in Western New York seem to have got over a meter/yard of snow over the past few days!  Here, we haven't got rid of the snow from Nov. 3 yet  Saw pictures from Nova Scotia where the doggies were playing on the green grass! I'm sure you Floridians can make me jealous in just one picture! Do you hear me? No more than one picture  First come, first served! Now not to often I encourage bad words to be used here, but I r


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 12 - Nov. 18)

Wow, what a busy week   Not only personally but also here at the GA News Blog!  I won't bore you with my week although it was Tony the Tiger, Greeeeeeeeeeat! But shall we start off will US Thanksgiving week in the US of A. I'm sure with everything going on in our world's, day to day, and week to week, there is a few things that if we look at our own lives and leave out the rest, there is a lot to be thankful for. Although I'm not 'merican, I'm personally glad that I have GA to come to


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 11 - Nov. 17)

I know most of the members here are from the US of A, and this week is their time to celebrate Thanksgiving. If you want to take a moment and let us know what you are thankful for this year, and you don't have to be American, add in a comment . Then on TV, US shows are having their fall finales, so in that light, I'm dedicating today's blog as the GA Fall Weekly Blog Finale!!     Now on to what wrapped up our fall season , stay tuned for the all new Winter lineup starting tomorrow!!


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 10 - Nov. 16)

Not really much of a preamble out of me tonight. I will give everyone a heads up that Renee will be returning next week to do the Weekly Wrap up for me, as I know for a fact that I will be indisposed one week from tonight 🍻 🍹 🍷  So be gentle to with her, and especially you, @Valkyrie, if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it at all. That should apply to you regarding me but for some reason I know it will be a freezing cold day in hell when that happens On Monday, Cia popped in


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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