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Gay Authors News

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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

Entries in this blog

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 05 - Jan. 11)

Well I'm in a good mood I just finished watching a hockey game that came out the right way   I don't know about you, but do you come to GA for a mood change? What am I talking about? Well this week has had me thinking about a lot of things, Australia burning, Eastern North America in tornadoes, rain and freezing rain. The Royal family in turmoil (okay, so I like the Royal Family, shoot me ). A passenger plane accidentally being shot down in Iran and 100's of lives lost. With that all going on,


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up May 17 - 23

Happy Memorial Day to all our American friends!!  As Elen said, it is time to pull out your bikinis and use them as face masks   Now, I am not suggesting that you put the tops on your top and your bottoms on your face  You might get arrested and for me personally, I don't need to see that . What about your neck of the woods, is it bikini weather yet? I'd ask everyone to post pictures of themselves in their bikinis but I'm scared what I would get sent in   Shall we move on from bikinis


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 5 - Sept. 11)

I'm giddy   My football team has been having a really, really bad year this year. If you are thinking of the CFL, then you got the right league. If you don't know what the CFL is, then there is no hope for you as a true football fan  But, I imagine the majority of you are saying something like why the hell does he talk about sports here! Not a question, but a statement . So they kind of lost on Labour Day against their arch rivals and the rematch was tonight. Needless to say the won, bringi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

I can't believe that February is already over. The spring anthology deadline has passed and we're working on getting the stories ready to go. A quick reminder that tomorrow is the CSR Discussion Day for The Holly and the Ivy, so make sure to stop by and see what everyone has to say. Now, with that said, let's see what happened this week in the blog.   We started the week with a review of Team Building that was supplied to us by Timothy M. It's always great to see what stories are on site, so m

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 1 - Oct 7)

Hope you all have had a great weekend and are ready for the start of a new week!  This past week was a full week here at Gay Authors, from an author promotion to the release of 11 new stories for you to read. Yep, that's right, the Halloween Contest has gone live, so make sure you go read all 11 entries and then send your vote to @Reader1810.   Contests 2017 Halloween Short Story Contest - Voting Open! 2018 Summer Novella Anthology - Due April 15th, 2018 Anthology

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 5 - Nov. 11)

Hey! Last week we changed the clocks in a lot of places, who changed the days this week?   Up here in Western Canada, yesterday was Remembrance Day were we remember all the veterans and peacekeepers that all served in our forces and some that died doing so. It is actually a holiday I believe in all Commonwealth countries, but others do a bigger ceremony on other holidays. When I say Western Canada, I know we have it as a stat holiday. This means this weekend has me mixed up. We are taking M


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 12 - Jan. 18)

Well the Great White North is living up to it's name this week. Snow hurricanes in St John's, and in Atlantic Canada. Huge amounts of snow have fallen in central parts and the the Prairies have been gripped all week in -40 weather. Even the nice green lower mainland of BC is covered in snow and the travel is not recommended. Still, Australia is burning in some areas and other areas next door are flooding.  Okay, the localized weather forecast is completed and I really should get to wrapping


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb 28 - Mar 5)

I hope everyone had a great week and a wonderful start to the weekend. Did anyone do anything special to celebrate Leap Year? Do you have Leap Year traditions? Feel free to share in the comments if you'd like. There were a lot of great things happening in the blog this past week, and a lot of great featured content. Lets see what we had!   C S R Discussion Day: The Holly And The Ivy By Aditus - There was a great discussion day on Monday for the February CSR story, The Holly and The Ivy by Adit

Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: If you hadn't seen the news yet, please help us welcome GayAuthors.org's newest Hosted Author - the one, the only (due to court injunction) - COMICFAN! Congratulations comicfan on your new status!   Kids are back in school (or about to be) and I think that helped make Monday's Featured story feel even more relevant - The Paradox of Friendship by InTheMindofSunshine. Joann414 gave us one her fantastic reviews of this tale (which now has a sequel that's started coming out) and man


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

Welcome to another look back at the week here on GA! Happy looong weekend to the USA'ers too.   Monday we featured TMmCallahan's Dust & Ash. Wicked Witch reviewed this truly wonderful, and looooooooooong story! lol. Trust me, you want to read this!   Wednesday we had the very sad news that a long term member of GA, NaperVic, passed away. A member from nearly the very beginning, Vic was always here to help others and touched many lives of members new and old. He was a mainstay in chat, w


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 27 - Sep. 02)

'Wasting away in Margaretville' RIP Jimmy Buffet. I got to get wasted in Margaritaville in Capitola, CA  Always impressed whenever I heard a new song of his  At least we have his music to remember him by    So what are you up to this Labour Day long weekend if you get it? I'm off to our usual later than most Pride Parade tomorrow. Hoping the T-Storms hold off to the evening.  It is 2:10 AM in my neck of the woods, so let's wrap last week up Monday, Cia presented us with the CSR D


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 19 - Jan. 26)

Huh! I was snuggled into bed with the music of Rent going on in my head (guess what I partially watched tonight ) when I said to myself, 'Self, did you do the weekly update tonight?' Needless to say I had not. So here I am well past my bedtime and thinking if there is anything for a preamble. Since I'm in shut down mode already, I guess not. I don't even have a knock knock joke for you all  So why don't we jump into the wrap up right away! Monday, Cia was out with a new Classic Author


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 25 - Dec. 31)

Well Happy New Year to you all! On behalf of all your peeps here a GA we are wishing you all the very Best in 2023. May it be in health, wealth, or staying wise, our heartfelt wish for all of them. As we continue to move forward day by day, I hope that everyone can settle back into a life where you can choose what you want to do, how you want to do it, and when you want to do it   This program was like all the other ones for regular TV between Christmas and New Years, it was prerecorded at


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

If you haven't seen yet, Myr had a very important blog entry about GA Hosted Authors, eBooks and Fiction Stories, please take a moment and check it out. If you did see it, but didn't see his late posted note, I want to repeat what he said - this announcement does NOT mean that GA is switching to Pay only. GA will always have the majority of content free, as long as Myr runs it.   Also - we now have only 2 days left for our FALL Anthology entries. The "Friends and Enemies" anthology is due Sept


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar 11 - Mar 17)

Hey Y'all!  Hope you have all had a great week. Before we get started on the wrap up, a really quick reminder that it's less than a month before the deadline for the Novella contest. Make sure to get your story in before April 15th!  Now, let's take a look at what happened in the blogs this week.     Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology: Summer - Due April 15th, 2018   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th 2018 Spri

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

WOW! What a week! Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready for a new week to begin. I know I am, since I'll be gone all week! Before I forget, I've got a little reminder before I get to the Weekly Wrap Up!   Reminder: SonoLuminus has decided to participate in Light the Night, a walk to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. She has dedicated her walk, and even named her team, in memory of Robert (aka Trebs) who passed away on August 7th after a long battle with Mantle Cell Ly

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

He's baaacccckkk! Heh - this is my first Weekly Update in seven weeks, but as I mentioned in our Wednesday blog, I've been able to use this time to deal with a number of things and now that I have a handle on my offline life, I can put in a bit more time to this wonderful online community.   So - what has been happening around here? Well, as is usual for the last Monday of the month, we had the Discussion Day for our Can't Stop Reading book club, where May's reads were four Reader's Choice A


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

Sorry all, I'm a little behind on the wrap up for this week! It's time to look back at what happened this past week, but before we do that, a quick reminder. The 2016 Anthology Theme selection is going on now. If you have a suggestion for next years themes, please post them in the 2016 Theme Suggestion thread! However, please read the quidelines I've posted. Now, let's get on to the Wrap Up!   This past Monday started the Signature Week off with a review of Adam Phillips' story Crosscurrent

Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Congratulations are in order for GayAuthors.org's newest Hosted Author - CassieQ!   Can you believe - August is OVAHH - and with it, two-thirds of the year is done. And with the end of the month, this past Monday our Can't Stop Reading bookclub held its discussion day for the August story - Don't Shout by Sasha Distan. Lots of good discussion on the story, and there is a poll for what you want the September CSR story to be - GO VOTE if you haven't yet!   Speaking of voting - we


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 1 - Nov. 7)

What's up world?  I'm beginning to think I'm living in hell. What is the famous saying, when hell freezes over? Well that is happening right now in my little corner of the globe. Snow, winds of 80 km/hr or 50 mph, and just downright miserable since about 4 hours ago. I think it is time to throw the flannel sheets on the bed 🥶. So I do want to do a special shout out to @Renee Stevens and @Valkyrie, who have agreed to postpone the deadline for the fall anthologies to the end of the month


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (August 7 - August 13)

I hope everyone has had a great week. Before we get started on this week's wrap up, we would like to congratulate GA author Albert Nothlit for winning silver with the Florida Authors & Publishers Association's 2016 President's Book Awards for his novel, Earthshatter, published with Dreamspinner Press. Read more about Earthshatter, and check out the full list of Albert's stories that can be found on GA.   Featured Story: The Alliance   To start our week off right, we featured Puppilull'

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (June 4-10)

Okay, so let me start out with a possible apology. I wrote the update earlier on and thought I saved it as a post dated blog. If anything pops up in the future saying it is today's wrap up, I do apologize   I wonder if this is covered in the GA Users Manual   Anywho...... It was a busy week in the GA News Blog. We had an extra feature this week! Make sure you check out Myr's Tech Blog post from yesterday to see about what has happened but also what is coming   Monday: W


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 5 - Dec. 11)

Well hopefully you all have calmed down after me getting a lot of our pet peeves with Christmas romance movies off of our chests   This week, let's turn things right upside down 🙃 Shall we check our Story Goals, see how we are doing 11 days into December? How about the Words of the Day? Actually Aditus kind of laid down a challenge with the Words of the Day. Sandbag, Pestilence, Gyre, Poikilotherm, Tu quoque, Occident, Hagiography Our week was finished up with anot


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan 22 - Jan 28)

I hope everyone has had a great week this past week. Just a quick reminder that you only have a little over a month left to get your April Fool's Day short stories in if you want to be a part of the contest. Make sure to read through the guidelines if you're planning to participate! Also, don't forget to join us for the CSR Discussion day of The Pledge by Mikiesboy. It's only about 10,000 words, so if you haven't already read it, you still have time! Now, lets see what you might have missed this

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 21 - Apr. 27)

Hey all. This week we continued to focus on the tragic news of @Comicality's passing. I know when I do the wrap up, I'm kind of doing what I hope some of your are doing. catching up on what happened over the week. When I heard we were out of Comsie's articles and also another blog when we heard he was having some health concerns, never did I know this would happen . I enjoy reading all the blogs over the week and liked Comsie's Weekly Writing Articles. They just made sense.  If for som
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