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Gay Authors News

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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

Entries in this blog

Weekly Wrap Up Nov 4 - Nov 10

Lest we forget   In case you are wondering what this is, it is something that is done in countries around the world, but my exposure has always been in Canada. Today is November 11th and Remembrance Day. It is a day to reflect on those that have served and still serving for their countries. It doesn't matter what side they were on, they were willing to put their own lives on the line to defend what they believed in. This year also marks the 100th Anniversary of Armistice, the end of th


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone had a great week this past week. A lot of stuff going on this week and there were quite a lot of story updates as well. That's always a good thing as it just means more reading material for all the readers here at GA! Let's see what happened this week in the GA News Blog, shall we?   We started the week out by announcing this months CSR story! Have you read "Tears of the Neko" by Craftingmom? If not, you have an entire month to read it before it's time for the discussion day!

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (May 15 - May 22)

Well, it's the end of the week and it's time to take a look at what happened in the various GA blogs this week. A quick reminder, if you're wanting to participate in the summer anthology, the deadline to get your submissions to the proof team is this coming Thursday. I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with for the theme "Wicked Games". Also, I'm trying out a new format for the weekly wrap up, so let me know what you think!         Anthology Announcements:   ***NO

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug 09 - Aug 15)

Back for a week and then gone again! That's right, you're stuck with me again this week. @wildone got called out of town unexpectedly and asked me to do the wrap up. If you haven't already done so, please go vote in the Anthology Theme Selection for next year!  We've only had fifteen votes for the top themes next year. With almost 1,300 authors and almost 27,000 members in total, 280 of whom are already members of the Writer's Circle club, I had hoped for a much better turnout. All members are e

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (May 20 - May 26)

I hope you all have had a great week this week!  Have you had a chance to check out the Spring Anthology yet? Nine brand new stories for you to sink your teeth into. Before we get started this week, a couple of reminders for you:   Reminder #1: New authors are automatically put into the moderation queue and have to be approved by staff. Please read the FAQ on posting stories prior to uploading your first story. One common mistake new authors to the site make is uploading multiple chapt

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 4 - Apr. 10)

Now anyone that follows me, yeah, all ten of you , heard that my computer decided that the warranty is up, and it gave me 5 years of loyal service that it was ready to hit the recycling bin  Went out and got a new one, paid the warranty (is it worth it? ), and the $150 to transfer my data from the old hard drive to the new one. I asked, is that possible if the old one is dead? Oh yeah, no problem. Fast forward 24 hours, yeah, your hard drive is not in good condition and we can't transfer the dat


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan 14 - Jan 20)

Hard to believe that another week is already over!  I hope everyone has had a great week and a great weekend so far. Let's take a look at what happened in the blogs for this week.     Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology: Summer - Due April 15th, 2018   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th 2018 Spring Anthology: Encounters - Due May 15th 2018 Fall Anthology: Fight Back - Due Nov 15th 2018 Fall A

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov 17 - Nov 23)

Wow, it's been quite a while since I've done one of these, but @wildone asked if I could fill in this week, and I told him I'd give it my best. Between life with a little one, and many other things going on, I just want to give a huge Thank You to Steve for continuing to do the Weekly Wrap Up's for me!!!  Currently, it's getting our Christmas light show set up and ready to go by December 1st (have you ever tried to make 7 pvc stars and wrap them in lights?), among chasing a 16 month old Baby J a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 30 - Nov 5)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. If you're someplace that practices daylight savings, don't forget to turn your clocks back an hour. Just a reminder that there are open blog opportunities. If you'd like to see something of yours featured in the blog, then go check out the possibilities in the Blog Feature Opportunities thread. On the same note, if you have an idea for a blog feature, send me a PM and let me know. I can't guarantee it will be feasible, but I'm always looking for ide

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov 18 - Nov 24)

Most of the Americans have stuffed their faces and unstuffed their wallets on Black Friday of all their cash for the official kickoff to the Christmas season. So, when does the holidays start for you? I realize that there is many other holidays other than Christmas, so what do you do celebrate and does it involve buying me presents  ?   Let's jump off to the weekly update right away.   Monday, Cia brought us this month's Classic Author Feature:   Then on Wednesday


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (May 7 - May 13)

Hello all from the province that is on fire  Thanks to all the people from all over the US of A, the rest of Canada, some Aussies and other foreigners for coming to help. Nice to know that everyone can come together and help out when things like this happen   So, whatcha reading?  I'm just leaving it at that. Or if you aren't reading what are you writing?  Besides a response to me   Well since we are on the cusp of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, curious if any summer plans are bein


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 3 - Apr. 9)

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, or Good Night! No matter how you look at it, I'm late  A big thank you to Cia for stepping in last week to do the Wrap Up for me! I'm just going to just go with the facts today, not too much more . On Monday, after working on Sunday, Cia introduced us to an all new Can't Stop Reading Feature: Then on Wednesday, it was the fist one of the month! This meant Aaron dropped by with another great episode of Ask An Author: Thursday was anothe


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (May 29 - June 4)

I hope everyone had a great weekend. As we get ready to start a new week, it's time to take a look back at what happened this past week in the GA News Blog. There was a lot of great things going on, and if you haven't already checked out the past week's post, now is the chance for you to get a glimpse and maybe go read up on the posts you missed. And we're going backwards this week!     Anthology Announcements:   ***NOTE: All Deadlines are for submission to the Anthology Proof Team

Weekly Wrap Up (May 5 - May 11)

What up buttercup? Strange thing to say, but 3 different people said that to me this past week, and after all, this is the weekly update  So make sure you try saying that phrase to someone this week and see what kind of reaction you get   So what's up with Gay Author News this week? On Monday, Cia brought us a new CSR feature for the Merry Merry Month of May ♪♪: Wednesday we has a reveal of the last Author Guess Who. Whooo are you, who who who who ♪♪: Friday, Wayne dro


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 19 - Apr. 25)

Help So, did I get your attention  ? Seriously, we need help from as many members as possible! I have been in conversation with @Carlos Hazday and he has 1 question left to ask an author(s) for Ask An Author. Needless to say, no questions, no Ask An Author . Your question could be about anything you want to ask. You can specify an author or authors you want directed to, or just ask the question and Carlos will put it out there still. If you click on his name above and then click o


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 27 - Jan. 2)

I said my New Year wishes on Friday, so in case you missed them, Happy Hopeful New Year   I thought I would start the blog off a bit different as it was the last week of the year. How did we do on our Story Goals for the year? Well, I'm happy to say that I'm proud of everyone that contributed to the site over the past year from Authors, Poets, Readers, Editors, and everyone else that has a membership at GA  I was also thinking, just imagine our numbers if we had the 1000's of guest that pop


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend so far. Now it's time to take a quick look back over what has happened this week. Before we do that, just a quick reminder that the deadline for the Secret Admirer Contest is approaching, so make sure to get your entries in soon! Now, let's see what happened in the blog this week.   To start our week off, Cia brought us the January Signature Feature: Beloved By Don H   To continue Signature Week, we looked at an excerpt of Beloved.   Friday, Comicfa

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun 5 - Jun 11)

Hope everyone has had a great week and weekend! We're going to get right up into the wrap up this week, and guess what, we're even going to go backwards! Have you been looking for something new to read? Something short maybe? With the release of the 2016 Summer Anthology, you have 8 brand new stories to check out. If you check Thursday's blog entry, you'll find links to all of them. Don't forget to leave the authors a review to let them know how much you appreciate their work.   Before that, w

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan 21 - Jan 27)

Hiya all!  Hope you all have had a great week!  Before we get into this week's wrap up, I wanted to take a quick second to point you in the direction of a giveaway that we are doing on GA. We'll be providing a code in the next couple of newsletters that will let you enter to win 1 of 3 copies of Barbed Wire Cowboy. For more information, check out the thread in the announcement forum!  Now, lets get to our weekly wrap up!           Contests 2018 Summer Nov

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 26 - May 2)

Whoa, just about forgot to do up the weekly update today. Why you ask? I've occupied most of my day playing with myself  Now get your minds out of the gutter. I woke up this morning and having nothing pressing to do, I sat down in front of the computer and played solitaire by myself. Then after some lunch, I fired up the PS4 and played the Campaign on COD 🔫 . Well that kept me occupied for a lot of hours. After dinner, I was tired of being online, so I looked in a not often used cupboa


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug 15 - Aug 21)

Howdy all!  Steve asked me to take over this week. I'm still a little rusty at doing the weekly wrap up, but let's see what we had going on this past week. Not going to do a huge intro though, because it's been a big week here with my little man joining many others in starting school this week (yes, he's already 3 years old and starting preschool!).  And of course, after finally getting to be around other kids, my little man has caught a cold and wants snuggles with his mama. So let's take a loo

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 8 - Dec. 14)

So shall we start with a weather update Today was the first day this week where it didn't snow. And it was cold 🥶 I'm thinking my Australian and Southern Hemisphere friends need to have a visitor Anyone has a couch I can borrow for a month or two? Shall we look at the Weekly Renee Wrap Up this week. Someone was busy   Monday, Renee brought us a Featured Story from @mollyhousemouse on a story by @Mikiesboy Wednesday, who wants to have some fun with Author Guess Who? Thur


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug 20 - Aug 26)

Happy Sunday, y'all! I hope you all have had a great week. Just a quick reminder that there's only about 2 1/2 weeks left until the Halloween Contest deadline, so make sure to get your stories in by the 15th of September.   Contests Halloween Short Story Contest - Due September 15th, 2017 Anthology Announcements: ***NOTE: All Deadlines are for submission to the Anthology Proof Team*** 2017 Fall Anthology: The Fall Out / Secret Spaces - Due November 15th, 2017

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has had a great week so far and that everyone is staying safe and warm. We had a busy week here at Gay Authors, so let's just get right down to it and take a look at what we had going on.   We have so many stories here on GA that sometimes it can be hard to find something you want to read. To help with that, Monday's are our featured story day in the blog and this week we featured Toy Soldiers by Dabeagle! If you haven't already read it, then this is your chance to check it out

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 26 - May 1)

Well did you tune into Justin Timberlake and NSYNC yesterday and today as they sang their song, Its Going To Be May. Honestly, listen to it   So that brings up some other May holidays May the Fourth (be with you). Cinco de Mayo Revenge of the Fifth (Sith)  Okay, before you all have me committed , shall we wrap up the last week of April?  It was a short week again, but Cia was here on Monday with bells on to bring us the April CSR Discussion Day: The


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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