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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jun 23. - Jun. 29)

    By wildone

    First off, to our millions of Canadian members, Happy Canada Long Weekend! Sounds like it is a scorcher no matter where you are. Here in my little burg, believe it or not we have been on extreme water restrictions, like fluhing the toilet once per day, 3 min showers, no outside watering at all, etc. since 23 days ago when we had a main feeder line from our water treatment plant, big enough to drive a truck through, broke  A city of 1.5 million and and 80% of the city and surrounding towns and ci

November Classic Author Excerpt: Sorry Mom by Duncan Ryder

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring Duncan Ryder's short story, Sorry Mom, from the 2010 Anthology "I'd Never Do That"? Maybe you read it before, or maybe it was a new to you story. Or maybe I wasn't able to convince you to read it yet... maybe this excerpt will do the trick!    I picked this part of the story first because I didn't want to give away the whole story and second because I wanted something that shows the poignancy of this story and Duncan's writing. Enjoy! Want t


Cia in Classic Feature

November Classic Author Feature: Sorry, Mom by Duncan Ryder

November is here, and with it a story that many readers enjoyed back in 2010 during the Spring Anthology. With a theme like "I'd Never Do That" and a title of Sorry, Mom the story could have gone anywhere. Well, I'm not going to tell you! I'll feature a reader's thoughts below, but then you'll just have to check out the story yourself to find out.  Sorry, Mom by Duncan Ryder Length: 2,042 Description: When you find your future, you shouldn’t have to give up your past.


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 10 - Nov. 16)

Not really much of a preamble out of me tonight. I will give everyone a heads up that Renee will be returning next week to do the Weekly Wrap up for me, as I know for a fact that I will be indisposed one week from tonight 🍻 🍹 🍷  So be gentle to with her, and especially you, @Valkyrie, if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it at all. That should apply to you regarding me but for some reason I know it will be a freezing cold day in hell when that happens On Monday, Cia popped in


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 800 and Prompt 801

November is just flying by. Already halfway through the month and again we are at a Friday. Time for new prompts. Oh, and in case you didn't notice we now have 800 different prompts to help get your creative juices going. Prompt 800 - Creative Tag - The meal You figured a nice meal with a few friends would be a nice way to share the holiday. That quickly went from four to nearly forty people. What happened to your small meal and how will you deal with it? Prompt 801 - Creativ


comicfan in Prompts

Story Archive Updated

We've updated Stories again! Story Collections All members will now have the ability to create a list of stories List can be public or private List can be ordered or unordered. The feature also allows for Curated lists of stories to be created by the staff.  For example, we can create a "Gay Author's Classics" collection of stories.  Or any number of other options. Review link added to Last Chapter of Complet


Myr in Technology Archive

Author Guess Who #5

Once again, doing this from my phone, so please forgive the lack of extra formatting. You'll have a couple of weeks to guess who this author is, and then I'll do the reveal. Happy Guessing! What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you? I enjoy singing and acting in amateur performances, though I’m not very good at it. What prompted you to write your first story? Reading an article in the paper about online story writing. What genre of books do you enjoy read

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Guess Who

Featured Story: A Vampire to the Rescue

Well, you get an extra dose of me this week, since it's a US holiday and I had some time to spare to help out with the blog this morning. Speaking of, thank you to any and every veteran who has ever served to protect the freedom and security of their country! And, without further ado... please enjoy Aditus' review of @comicfan's story, A Vampire to the Rescue!    A Vampire to the Rescue Comicfan Reviewer: Aditus Status: Complete Word Count: 3,949 Halloween is over, and all


Cia in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 3 - Nov. 9)

Well I look outside and it is yet snowing again! This is the 3rd time it has snowed this week, but this time it is actually going to get cold. You all can think of me as I go to the Western Semi Final of the Canadian Football League between my Calgary Stampeders and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers! Will still be snowing tomorrow at game time and with the windchill it will be a balmy -22 C (7.6F). Add in fact that it is getting dark out at 4:50 PM now, it should be a great day!!! I think I shall imbib


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 798 and Prompt 799

The year just keeps flying. I'm already looking ahead to Thanksgiving, mainly because I work in retail. So the prompts reflect that. Prompt 798 - Creative Tag - First Line "So are we inviting friends or making it a family holiday?" Prompt 799 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a fat turkey, a long table, a parade, a winter coat, and an apple pie. So while no one did last week's prompts we did have someone do prompt 786. Take a l


comicfan in Prompts

Ask an Author 2.0 #25

Welcome to the final installment of Ask an Author. Yep, you read correctly. I’m out of questions, so unless I get a few new ones, there will not be a December blog entry. In the meantime, a member sent in a query for several authors.   "Which is harder to write and why... short stories (so much has to be crammed into so little space) or a chapter story (so much research to get it right, like CJ and his environs or Donny and Louis in Mikiesboy's Changes & Changes Again?)  

November CSR Feature: Those Cerulean Eyes by Arran

Happy November! Just 2 months left until 2019 comes to a close, and I thought I'd feature a story that just came to a close as well, Those Cerulean Eyes by Arran. Long-time member of the site, this is one of a few stories Arran posted this year. Did you read it? If not, here's your chance before the Discussion day at the end of the month! Also, I'm still looking for ideas on how to feature site stories and authors to change up the first/last Monday of the month blog. The CSR format has been goin


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 27 - Nov. 2)

Every week we have different blogs featured here on the GA News Blog. For the past month and a half, Thursdays have been used to feature a past Anthology or Contest with new stories from that feature spread out over a month. This blog is done by the omnipotent one, the big kahuna, the big cheese, the master of all, the seerer of all things GA, aka @Myr Well I didn't happened to notice this past Thursday that Myr's anthology blog wasn't featured on Thursday 😮 and not until Thursday night.T


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 796 and Prompt 797

Wow! Welcome to November. Is it me or is the year just flying by? Well, it is now Friday, November the first. That means it is time for some new prompts. Prompt 796 - Creative Tag - The Heckler You were doing your job and having a good day until he showed up. This man had a nasty comment about everything you did, the way you looked, and how you spoke. At first, you were ready to cry and just hide. However, something inside you decided it was time to give this joker his just desser


comicfan in Prompts

Halloween Hunt is On! Scary Short Stories

It's the Halloween Hunt Short Story Reveal Day on All Hallow's Eve eve! Which story will scare you the most? The rule was for authors to check their comments, then write a story being chased by their story creation. A criminal cyborg, a vengeful spirit... Who did they get? Read the following and find out. Don't forget to share your appreciation via some likes, comments, and reviews!   


Cia in Fun Stuff

CSR Discussion: Spirit & Spare Parts

So begins the week of Halloween short stories!! We featured several stories this month and welcomed members to decide why they liked them to share with other readers. What drew you in? Title? Description? Type of monster-riffic plot to enjoy? Well... I can't wait to hear it! Share your thoughts and comments below.    me Zombie Tired of the same old zombie thing? Looking for different?  Well drop in to visit with Stephen and family. Nice twist on this well-worn genre. Great job, ti


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 20 - Oct. 26)

Wow, I didn't even realize it was Saturday night going onto Sunday morning in my here parts! But then again, for some reason I didn't realize we were in the last week of October too 😮 Halloween on Thursday, and then November on Friday, we are well on our way to wrapping up 2019 and into the 2020's Before I get looking too far into the future, the meaning of the wrap up to do a visit of the past, so let's look what happened here the past week on the GA News Blog. Monday, Cia brought us


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 794 and Prompt 795

October is flying by and we are nearly at the end. So just Halloween, Samhain, and then the day of the dead or All Hallows Day left. Maybe these prompts will help with the mood and get you writing? Prompt 794 - Creative Tag -  Dia de Muertos Working late on Halloween was not what you had planned on doing, but your boss had you and your department manager, Joseph Torres, stay to finish up. Joseph wanted to get home so he could help his wife prepare for a trip to the cemetery. He ex


comicfan in Prompts

October Classic Excerpt: The Leanai Scath by Andy78

Did you see Monday's blog post featuring this month's Classic Author story and ad? This month's selection is a short story, so I don't want to share too much of it with you because that might spoil too much before you read it. Andy has a real knack with writing one shots that draw you in and make you want to know (and force him to write) more, and The Leanai Scath is no exception.  So much of this story seems like it's just a normal tale, but then there are nuances that let you know that so


Cia in Classic Feature

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