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  • Myr

    Poetry Deep Dive 3

    By Myr

    Top Read Poems by sub-genre since Mar 2024. Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Ballad a poem that tells a story and was traditionally set to music. Usually follows a form of rhymed (abcb) quatrains alternating four-stress and three-stress lines. Lyrics for Tony - a collection of poems by AC Benus Complete a Glass Floor Underfoot by AC Benus Complete Audre Lorde Knows What I Mean – 2021 in review by AC Benus Temporary Hold 1940, 1970 and Today – plus other poems

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 16 - Feb. 22)

Ho Hum So is there such a thing as the February Blahs? I mean, the shortest month of the year is going to be one day longer this year and it just means another day of meh. Sorry if your birthday is in February, I'm not calling you boring or anything of the such . Maybe it is because the anxiousness of waiting for spring to be sprung for the Northern Hemisphere. Like some things are better, I'm not going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark, so the Earth is tilting itself in an attemp


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 818 and Prompt 819

Boy, time flies when all you do is  work. We made it to another Friday, so, let's see if these new prompts appeal to you. Prompt 818 - Creative Tag - Money Woes This hasn't been your year. First there was there was the accident, where someone totaled your car, but they drove off afterwards and your insurance wouldn't pay for the hit and run. Then there was the hospital bill from your fall where you broke your arm. You have insurance but considering it is only February you hadn't b


comicfan in Prompts

February Classic Author Excerpt: Archangel by Andrew Q. Gordon

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring @Andrew Q Gordon short story, Archangel? This is an older anthology feature from the theme "Walk on the Wild Side". What does that have to do with angels? Hmm.... Well, I picked this excerpt because it doesn't show that, but I really wanted to feature some of the smooth flow of Andrew's work and how well he could craft characters and stories that suck in readers from the beginning. He has many popular stories featuring characters who are evolving into t


Cia in Classic Feature

February Classic Author Feature: Archangel by Andrew Q. Gordon

February is a month people tend to focus on that cute little angel with the diaper and wings, the bow and arrows... but Archangel is not about Cupid, oh no no no. What kind of angels? Well... Length: 10,683 Description: Everyone thinks Nick is the 'nicest guy they know.' But is he really as 'angelic' as they think? This submission is dedicated to Cia - who challenged me to write something for this Anthology. Hopefully it is worthy of she whom it is dedicated to. A R


Cia in Classic Feature

Traditional Forum View VS Fluid Forum View

Now that the forums are consolidated, one of the features added to the system years ago is a LOT more useful.  You can now select Fluid View and see all topics in a single list, instead of having to go to different forums to see the most recent topics.  You can see them all in one go and filter to see only the forums you are interested in. If you are not a fan, you can still use the Traditional view, which is the button next to the one with the giant red arrow, shown above.  


Myr in Technology Archive

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 9 - Feb. 15)

So did you survive the latter half of the week? Did you and your significant other rekindle the spirit on St Valentines Day? 💘Or did you wait for Saturday and celebrate Singles Day? Or did you do like so many others and just ignored them both equally? We had a pretty good week here at the GA New Blog, so let's jump into it and see what all happened! Monday, Renee brought another great review from our Review Team Member, @Puppilull Tuesday, Renee was back again with a new Signatu


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 816 and Prompt 817

Happy Valentine's Day. Will it be romantic or bloody? Let's look at the prompts and decide.  Prompt 816 - Creative Tag - Bloody Valentine. Being single for Valentine's day sucks! However, you got a strange card saying you should be cherished, followed by one saying you took my heart, and then a box with a bloody heart in it and note. The note reads 'Yours is next.' What is going on? Prompt 817 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a san


comicfan in Prompts

Signature Feature: Parker Owens

It's time to take a look at another Signature author!  This month, we're taking a look at @Parker Owens. I'll share a few of their stories, but would love to hear what your favorite story is from Parker! I'll only be sharing complete stories, so if it's a story that you've read, why not go and leave a review on the stories main page! Parker Owens writes poetry about the natural world mathematics, and heartache. His stories speak of loneliness, longing and love. Follow him on the bac

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Signature Feature

Featured Story: Josh.mp4

Sorry all, I'm running a little behind today, so let's just get right to the review! Josh.mp4 Albert Nothlit Reviewer: Puppilull Status: Complete Word Count: 34,936 I’m sure many of you know and love Albert Nothlit for his science fiction adventure stories, that bring strange worlds and even stranger creatures alive. I’ve read them and have been on the edge of my seat to find out what will happen to the main characters. You see with Albert, you never really know. Stories can t

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

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