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  • Myr

    Poetry Deep Dive 3

    By Myr

    Top Read Poems by sub-genre since Mar 2024. Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Ballad a poem that tells a story and was traditionally set to music. Usually follows a form of rhymed (abcb) quatrains alternating four-stress and three-stress lines. Lyrics for Tony - a collection of poems by AC Benus Complete a Glass Floor Underfoot by AC Benus Complete Audre Lorde Knows What I Mean – 2021 in review by AC Benus Temporary Hold 1940, 1970 and Today – plus other poems

January CSR Discussion Day: Silverwolf by Wayne Gray

This month's feature is a popular one, Silverwolf by Wayne Gray! Did you read it? Well, you have the chance to share your love for the story below, or ask extra questions, or beg for a sequel... whatever quirks your fancy. But first, you get to enjoy my interview with Wayne.   Have you ever gone out in public, realized your shirt is on backwards, and just didn’t care? Backwards, no. Inside out? Yes, and I didn't care. If you had 30 minutes of free time, what would you do? Hr


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 19 - Jan. 26)

Huh! I was snuggled into bed with the music of Rent going on in my head (guess what I partially watched tonight ) when I said to myself, 'Self, did you do the weekly update tonight?' Needless to say I had not. So here I am well past my bedtime and thinking if there is anything for a preamble. Since I'm in shut down mode already, I guess not. I don't even have a knock knock joke for you all  So why don't we jump into the wrap up right away! Monday, Cia was out with a new Classic Author


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 810 and Prompt 811

Well, January is flying by and we've made it to another Friday. That means new prompts! Prompt 810 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a blanket, a stuffed toy, a pair of shorts, a glass of water, and a sudden storm. Prompt 811 - Creative Tag - Choices With every wish comes a choice and with every decision the fear of what if. Unfortunately, in just three days you've been given three choices and no easy way to decide. Your job just of


comicfan in Prompts

January Classic Author Excerpt: The Long Way by DomLuka

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring long-time and uber-popular author, Dom Luka, The Long Way? This story has always been one of the most read on GA, a popular coming of age story that leads readers on a journey of self-discovery along with the main character. Domaholics know just how addictive these stories can be, so it should be no surprise this one was featured for your reading enjoyment.    Now on to the scene I picked! It should be fairly self-evident why... Want to read


Cia in Classic Feature

January Classic Author Feature: The Long Way by DomLuka

New month, new year, new round of features of stories by GA's Classic Authors from years gone by! So many loved stories from the past are missed by current readers, so we like to feature the great stories by promoted authors so they don't fade into obscurity. Now this month's story... well, it may be one of THE classicest of classic stories on GA, lol, and is still loved by many.  The Long Way by DomLuka Length: 319,403 Description: When a secret gets out and things unexpe


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 12 - Jan. 18)

Well the Great White North is living up to it's name this week. Snow hurricanes in St John's, and in Atlantic Canada. Huge amounts of snow have fallen in central parts and the the Prairies have been gripped all week in -40 weather. Even the nice green lower mainland of BC is covered in snow and the travel is not recommended. Still, Australia is burning in some areas and other areas next door are flooding.  Okay, the localized weather forecast is completed and I really should get to wrapping


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 808 and Prompt 809

Is it me, or is this month just flying by? Here we are at another Friday and hopefully things go well. I do apologize. Last week was a mess of mistakes. Seems I mis-numbered the prompts and then I didn't post them in the prompt thread. Not one of my best moments. However, all that has been corrected and I have new temptations for your consideration. Prompt 808 - Creative Tag - Partners You were paired up to solve the murder of the little fairy. Someone must have gotten a laugh out


comicfan in Prompts

Signature Feature: Cole Matthews

So, with the new year, I like to see what features I can add. This year, I decided it would be great to try and feature our Signature authors once a month (when possible). So, to get this feature started, let's take a look at some stories by @Cole Matthews! I'll be picking three stories to share from each of our signature authors, and it would be great if the members would weigh in with what their favorite story is from that month's author!  I'll only be sharing complete stories, so if it's a st
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