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  • Myr

    Poetry Deep Dive 3

    By Myr

    Top Read Poems by sub-genre since Mar 2024. Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Ballad a poem that tells a story and was traditionally set to music. Usually follows a form of rhymed (abcb) quatrains alternating four-stress and three-stress lines. Lyrics for Tony - a collection of poems by AC Benus Complete a Glass Floor Underfoot by AC Benus Complete Audre Lorde Knows What I Mean – 2021 in review by AC Benus Temporary Hold 1940, 1970 and Today – plus other poems

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 2 - Feb. 8)

Why was the man dancing in front of the bottle? Okay, so that was on the board at my dad's senior residence today. Maybe it should have stayed there Shall we see what transpired in the GA Weekly Blog this week? Cia was here on Monday and she gave us the February CSR. Since we have an extra day in the month, you'll all have enough time to read Renee was back on Tuesday with her fun and games and another Author Guess Who Carlos popped in with the not to be mistak


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 814 and Prompt 815

Welcome. Next Friday is Valentine's day and I have some new prompts to help create the mood. Prompt 814 - Creative Tag - Cupid's Beau When you left to go out this morning the last thing you expected to do was fall over a stunning young man. As you apologize profusely you hear him mention a "missed shot" and a "missing arrow." When he finally straightens up and looks you in the eyes you feel drawn to him. When he asks you out, what happens? Prompt 815 - Creative Tag - Fir


comicfan in Prompts

Ask an Author 2.0 #28

Welcome back.  One of the advantages of asking several authors the same question is the opportunity to discern something about their writing. Their responses, shared in this blog verbatim, can give us glimpses into their style. This month’s replies may also tell us if their work is to be read one handed. A while back, a reader suggested one of my stories did not belong on Gay Authors. The complaint was I barely included sex scenes. Before I could reply, several others jumped in and made it

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday in Author Interviews

Author Guess Who #8

Another month and it's time for another Author Guess Who! We're always open to more participants, so if you're interested in answering the guess who questions, you can either PM me, or copy them from here, change the answers, and PM it to @Renee Stevens.  The reveal will happen on February 18th! Now, who thinks they can figure out this month's author??? What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you? My first car was a stick-shift, and I had issues with it dying on inc

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Guess Who

February CSR Feature: Self-Portraits by Richie Tennyson

Happy February! Do you have some time for Cupid this month? Feeling the love? Or just living through the end of the season and hoping for the change in weather wherever you are? Or maybe you're still focused on those New Year resolutions and working on you... No matter what February means for you, the first Monday of the month means a new CSR feature for readers to enjoy! And this one is another newer story I hope you will enjoy!   Self-Portraits by @Richie Tennyson Length: 41,7


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan.27 - Feb. 1)

Well happy February all! I'm in another great mood tonight  So please just humour me for a bit. See, my hockey team got their butts handed to them on the scoreboard tonight  As most of you know, I live in Calgary and our arch rivals are in the other major city in Alberta, Edmonton. So back in the 80's and 90's, the two teams had games that were legendary for everything good, and some bad, in hockey. After 20 years, both teams are both relevant again to each others and the game tonight was a


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 812 and Prompt 813

We made it to the end of January. You know that means Valentine's Day is right around the corner. These prompts will either help you create something romantic or perhaps murderous. It all depends on how you take them. So, another Friday collection of prompts for you. Prompt 812 - Creative Tag - First Line "Do you think it will finally happen tonight?" Prompt 813 - Creative Tag - The Roses After a long day at work you find a long stemmed red rose on your door step. T


comicfan in Prompts

Important Anthology Changes

Okay, so it's almost bedtime for me, but I wanted to get this out so that everyone knew some of the stuff going on before the upcoming anthology deadline. Author Incentives Participation was down for the last anthology. After some discussion, it has been decided to offer some author incentives. Incentives seemed a good way to possibly encourage authors to participate. After the final set of anthologies has been posted for the spring anthology, I will be doing a drawing. Authors get a s

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Politics and GA

So what is Steve doing writing a blog outside of the Weekly Wrap Up?  Well, once every four years something happens that affects our site in an unusual way. It overtakes a lot of the US of A as well as the rest of the world. What am I talking about? The US Presidential and Term Elections is what. Now before you hit the report button and report me for talking about politics outside the Pit, please read on. As many of our long-term members know, and I imagine new ones as well, polit


wildone in News Archive

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