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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

September's CSR Feature: The Matchmaker by Arch Hunter

Well, being a 'back to school' month in the U.S. and elsewhere I went with a teen fiction because it's all about the school drama this time of year for so many teens and adults in the world. Who doesn't want to escape their own reality to visit someone else's?  The Matchmaker by @Arch Hunter Length: 31,066 Description: Kevin is an insecure teen boy on a journey to find the love of his life.  There's Kevin's best friend, Torry and his brother Dexter. There's also Sarah, t


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 27 - Sep. 02)

'Wasting away in Margaretville' RIP Jimmy Buffet. I got to get wasted in Margaritaville in Capitola, CA  Always impressed whenever I heard a new song of his  At least we have his music to remember him by    So what are you up to this Labour Day long weekend if you get it? I'm off to our usual later than most Pride Parade tomorrow. Hoping the T-Storms hold off to the evening.  It is 2:10 AM in my neck of the woods, so let's wrap last week up Monday, Cia presented us with the CSR D


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

The Switch Up

The Switch Up While I definitely have a great deal of fun writing short, one time, stories whenever I can, and they’ll always have a very special place in my heart...I think I still prefer to write stories that are a little bit longer even more. I like having the room to breathe, you know? To explore my own characters and develop them a bit more so they end up becoming a bit more three-dimensional in my mind, and they’re a lot easier to work with once I get a chance to know them a little bit


Comicality in Writing Tips

A Typical Monday

What’s a typical Monday for you? For example, heart attacks occur most often on Mondays. PT #161, Write about being late for work on a Monday. Describe what else happens. The bus is late, you forgot important papers at home, or the elevator doesn’t work and your office is on the fifth floor. Play around with minor catastrophes. PT #162 Write about a normal, mundane Monday with a twist. Maybe let your protagonist meet a special person.   Please include the prom


Aditus in Prompts

Anthology 101 - Revisited

The submission date for anthology stories to the proof team is fast approaching.  The proof team is already hard at work putting the finishing touches on several exciting anthology submissions.  It's not too late to start writing, especially if you're like me and have to wait till the last minute to do anything!  I thought it would be a good idea to re-feature the anthology guidelines and the anthology 101 FAQ.  Please feel free to ask here, in the anthology forum, or send me a PM if you need an


Valkyrie in Anthologies

August CSR Discussion Day-Soul Music: Love Encountered by northie

Wow, I can't believe it's the end of August already! Back to school (for me) and time for you all to get to enjoy this interview with northie, hopefully after you've already enjoyed Soul Music: Love Encountered. Did you know there's a sequel too? Make sure you leave your comments below, but first... northie took the time to answer these questions.  Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? Vegetables - absolutely. I enjoy eating vegetarian and sometimes, vegan dishes. Fruit? Not so much.


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 20 - Aug. 27)

Whew it was warm out today. Even with lots and lots of sunscreen, I'm a little red . Luckily when I got home around dinner time, I sat down and turned on Netflix and much to my surprise season 3 had appeared on a series that I really liked the first two seasons of in the spring, Ragnarok. I'm not sure if I plugged it here before or not , but if not, it is about Viking mythology, in todays setting 😮  Before you all run off and jump on your longboats to pillage and plunder unsuspecting p


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Vocabulary I think that a truly important part of being a good and effective writer comes from having a decent and flowing vocabulary at your disposal for all occasions. Now, I have mentioned this briefly before in other articles before, but I never really went into depth about what this means and how to develop and expand it in ways that will be useful to you in some way. You see, what you want is to allow your word usage to grow and change and evolve over time...all while still sounding na


Comicality in Writing Tips

Once in a Blue Moon

This month a rare astronomical occurrence is taking place... a blue moon!  Not only is it a blue moon, but also a supermoon.  So what is a blue moon?  While it is possible for the moon to appear blue under certain conditions, a blue moon is actually an extra full moon that occurs within a season.  Generally two full moons in one month.  A supermoon happens when the moon is close to earth and appears larger than normal.  Now that we're all educated on lunar occurrences, let's go howl at the moon


Valkyrie in Prompts

Author Guess Who #16

Before you shake a finger at me, we're changing the Author Guess Who schedule for a good reason! All next month, the GA Blog Squad will promote the upcoming Anthology. Knowing this, we're giving y'all a warm-up round. Let's see if we can get some guesses, and don't forget to pay close attention to the interview...   What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you? I started college at the age of 16. I wasn't the youngest, though, as one of the friends I made at col


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

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