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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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June CSR Discussion Day: Misunderstood by Marty

Are you dying in the weather where you are? It's well over 100 here, so I'm hiding indoors. What better way to beat the heat than enjoy my interview with Marty and discuss his story, Misunderstood, featured in this month's CSR? I could use some cold, even if it's just reading about it!   Chocolate or Vanilla? I'm going to assume you are referring to ice cream here. So, if that's the only choice I am being given, I would have to choose vanilla (although raspberry would be my first prefe

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun 20 - Jun 26)

Wow, it's been a while since I've done one of these, let's see if I remember how!  I'm going to get right to it before little fingers come help me (he's supposed to be sleeping, but that doesn't always happen). So let's get right into it! Before Cia could kick off the Classic Author Week, Myr jumped in on Sunday with a couple of blogs about updates to the site. Then for Monday and Wednesday, Cia brought us the Classic Author Features! Going back a day, on Tuesday I (Renee) share

Changes Coming to Profiles

As the schedule currently sits, we are planning on upgrading the forum software to the newest version in the next couple of weeks depending on how the software patching process for the Stories Archive software goes.  As part of that roll out, I'll be changing how we handle new member registration as well as the information available in the profile.  One of the more visible changes is that we are going to remove the birthday and Age in Years fields and replace it with the Age Range demographic op


Myr in Technology Archive

2021 Spring Anthology Wrap Up

So, has everyone read all the anthologies?  If not, here's another chance to check them out!       2021 Spring Anthology Support Team Anthology Coordinator Renee Stevens Tech Support Myr Proof Team Rec Valkyrie Parker Owens Anthology Banner Creation Mann Ramblings  

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

June Classic Author Feature: Yankee by The Zot

June is Pride month! We often see stories of coming out or teenage coming of age stories that are very popular during this month. They are read as inspiration, a reminder, a hope... whatever the reason, they exist because we still struggle this battle. So how about a Classic to remember?  Length: 80,483 Description: Justin's a fish out of water no matter where he goes, and never more so than when this Boston kid has to move to rural Georgia. Sometimes things don't work out the wa


Cia in Classic Feature

Consolidating Blogs

As you may have read in the "Blog Updates" Announcement, we have consolidated various site blogs down to 2 different blogs. One for Writing and one for everything else.  The big tool that allows us to do that, and still find content is the "View a Category" option.  Here is an example from the Writing World Blog: When you select it, the categories pop up and you can select which ones you want to read.  Unfortunately, we have to manually update all the blogs to categorize them.  So the


Myr in News Archive

Writing Tips Upgrades to Writing World

As part of the always ongoing site improvements, we are in the process of changing up the blogs.  We are taking the opportunity to consolidate blogs now that categories are working again in the blog software.  As part of that change, we've designated this blog to be the center of our Writing news.  So, Writing Tips is now Writing World.  We encourage all our site authors to follow this blog and to let us know if you want to see something else featured in this blog.


Myr in News Archive

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 13 - Jun. 19)

I'm on holidays this week   It's pouring rain outside   I guess I can tolerate it as long as it ends on Sunday, I am going camping to the mountains during the week. Nothing like enjoying a hot day by a mountain lake and jump into it to cool down. Are you crazy   That water is COLD!!! My boys will be hidden upside of me for at least a week! Well I hope you have a great week as well. We had a bit quieter week here at the GA Blog. Shall we take a look back just in case you missed any


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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