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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Featured Story: Famous Last

Sorry all, a bit behind today, so I'm just gonna give you today's review! Famous Last by lomax61 Reviewer: Talo Segura Status: Complete Word Count: 92,849 This book, published in November 2020 is set in contemporary Britain during the pandemic, something which the author handles well. It has a very British tone with expressions such as, "Freezing his bollocks off..." and, yes it's the winter, the story takes place over a few months leading up to Christmas and the New Year.

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 06 - Jun. 12)

Did you hear the news?  😮 😮  The 2021 Anthologies have started to be published   A special thank you to all of our authors and volunteers that make these events possible. Make sure to check out his weeks stories and read, like, review and comment    Now those started on Friday and hopefully you've had the chance to read, but there was a lot of other stuffs on the site this week  Shall we look at them all?  Monday Cia presented us with a brand new Can't Stop Reading featured s


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Lost in the Middle

It can be a virtual No Man's Land sometimes when you're writing. A place where you may not be sure or feel quite confident about where your next 'peak' or your next 'valley' may come in terms of telling the story that you wanted to tell. And I feel like it's times like this when you really have your skills and instincts tested in a major way...all for the sake of keeping things moving smoothly. And more importantly...moving forward. For this article, I'd like to bring up the subject of gett


Comicality in Writing Tips

Anthology Entry Revisited: The Seven7h Magpie

Upcoming Anthology Due: October 31, 2021 Top Themes A Winding Path An Unconventional Gift Pot Luck Themes Pick Your Poison     -     Lockdown     -     Left Behind     -     Dire Monotony     -     Mutation is Progress     -     Blood Moon Birthday Presents     -   

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Pride Month Flash Fiction Challenge Details

Okay, so here's more details for the flash fiction contest! Want the chance to win a 3 month subscription to Premium content? We're hosting a Pride month flash fiction contest! Just a reminder: All entries must abide by GA's content guidelines, which can be found here: Flash Length: 100 to 1000 words Poetry: Up to 3 poems Deadline: June 19th Subject:  Stories must be new, never before posted, flash stories. After you write your story: Posting: Post

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Fun Stuff

June CSR Feature: Misunderstood by Marty

Happy Pride Month! You know I like to theme stories sometimes to holidays or special events, and what could be better than a coming out story for Pride month? We know this time of the year is a great one to reflect on what our personal identity on the spectrum of the rainbow can mean to us and how that has affected our lives... and the stories we read no less! I hope you will enjoy June's bite-size selection for the CSR! Misunderstood by @Marty Length: 3,120 Description: Simo

Weekly Wrap Up (May 30 - Jun. 5)

Sorry everyone, I totally forgot and there will be no wrap up this week   Well, that was what I thought to write when I woke up in my nice warm bed after 3 days of record setting heat and today being cold, windy, multiple thunderstorms and even a tornado just south of the city. I was woken for no particular reason from my slumber and realized crap, I haven't done the wrap up  So I thought of grabbing the iPad and typing the above and falling back to sleep. But nooooooo, I


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Plot Twists

I believe that one of the best ways to spice up a certain type of story, depending on what you happen to be writing at the moment...is to grab your audience and turn them upside down with an effective plot twist. As many of you have heard me say in past articles...the readers that you are doing your very best to entertain are much more savvy and experienced when it comes to reading fiction these days. This is the information age, and things keep speeding up. You're not speaking to folks with a l


Comicality in Writing Tips

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