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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Featured Story: Days Like This

Sorry all, running late today, so let's get right to today's story review! Days Like This by Drew Payne   Reviewer: Timothy M Status: Complete Word Count: 98,599 Some authors on GA attract attention from many readers the moment they start publishing a story. Others sneak up on us, quietly putting out a short story here and a longer tale there, until one of them gets noticed, often acquiring a small group of dedicated fans who like the author’s style. It’s always rewarding

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 5 - Sept. 11)

I'm giddy   My football team has been having a really, really bad year this year. If you are thinking of the CFL, then you got the right league. If you don't know what the CFL is, then there is no hope for you as a true football fan  But, I imagine the majority of you are saying something like why the hell does he talk about sports here! Not a question, but a statement . So they kind of lost on Labour Day against their arch rivals and the rematch was tonight. Needless to say the won, bringi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Anthology Entry Revisited: The Keys to the Far Castle

Upcoming Anthology Due: October 31, 2021 Top Themes A Winding Path An Unconventional Gift Pot Luck Themes Pick Your Poison     -     Lockdown     -     Left Behind     -     Dire Monotony     -     Mutation is Progress     -     Blood Moon Birthday Presents     -     Falling for Fall     -     Elves or Elvis?     -     Life’s Past     -     The Woods Rings of Fire     -     Plateau Wolves     -     Rock     -     Men and Women     -     A Legend Retold Ech

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

September CSR Feature: Thwarted by Renee Stevens

Happy September, we're in the home stretch of 2021! This month, in honor of Labor Day in the U.S., I'm featuring a story about soldiers. For all those who work with their hands, who build, who labor, thank you! I hope you enjoy reading Renee Stevens' story, Thwarted. Maybe we can lure her back to writing again with some comments!  Thwarted by @Renee Stevens Length: 62,434 Description: After getting out of the military, Mark is unsure what he wants to do with his life. Then he


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug.29 - Sept. 4)

Well this week wrapped up nicely   Before I get into the usual, I do need to talk to you all about a serious issue that has been brought to my attention this week. Usually you are given much more notice than 20 days, but with everything going on as well as where the wrap up falls this month, I'm late letting you know   You only have 20 or maybe only 19 days left to get my birthday presents!  As usual, I have to ask that you keep them under $5000.00 USD  They can be sent to me at Wildon


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Wayne's Prompts #5

(Oops, was supposed to post this last night  ) It is the Friday on the start of a long weekend I think everywhere in North America  If you live elsewhere and have one as well, just remember you don't have to do a prompt response this weekend  Maybe let it digest for a bit and maybe something will happen over the weekend that will have you saying DAMN, that was a prompt suggestion. Then you can write your story. Unless it is being stuck in H E double hockey sticks or any other macabre settin


wildone in Prompts

Ask An Author 3.0 #9

What is this? Is it the first Wednesday of the month? What does that mean? Why am I asking all these questions? Maybe I should... Ask An Author! We have another three questions for a wonderful author. Let's get right into it! Due to potential spoilers, some details will be redacted.  • • • • • Effigy Geron Kees Michael finds himself in a predicament: someone knows his darkest secret, and hates him for it. But who? A brief tale on the subject of fear.   This s


astone2292 in Author Interviews

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