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  • Valkyrie

    Oh Sh** Prompts

    By Valkyrie

    We've all had moments where all we can do is say "oh, sh**" and then either brace for the inevitable or stare in disbelief as the inevitable cockily saunters past.  For example, I was driving home from work one day and was sitting in my car at a red light.  There was one car ahead of me.  The light turned green, and the car ahead of me proceeded through the intersection.  For some reason, I didn't go right away.  I hesitated and allowed a good couple of car lengths between us before proceeding. 

Prompt 836 and Prompt 837

Welcome to another Groundhog's Day, um, oh I mean Friday. Other watching the television, reading, and raiding my fridge, I have been writing. In fact, here are two new prompts for everyone. Prompt 836 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - an airline ticket, a silk robe, a blue suitcase, a corgi, and a cursed gold coin. Prompt 837 - Creative Tag - Cursed Your mother used to tease you that if you didn't have bad luck you'd have no luck at


comicfan in Prompts

April Classic Author Excerpt: Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Did you catch Monday's blog post featuring a fanfiction story? Yes, we do have fanfiction on GA, and the Harry Potter world is always a big favorite! Did you download the graphic, read the review by a reader? Or are you just popping in to see what excerpt I chose to tempt you into clicking?  Well I shall not keep you in suspense any longer!  Want to read more? Click here! 


Cia in Classic Feature

April Classic Author Feature: Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Well, no foolin' April is half over! Serious! We are rolling right along into a new season, the year is a third over already, and there's no time like the present to take some time for yourself to enjoy a story. How about a fanfiction of Harry Potter? The wizarding world is always a fun vacation stop!     Length: 133,106 Description: Harry Potter's sixth year started with Draco attacking him in revenge for his father's capture at the Ministry of Magic A Reader sai


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 12 - Apr. 18)

Soooo, The other night I woke up with my pillow on the side of my face and I had hair in my mouth and in my nose  I've never had a beard for more than a week before in my life, but I let it grow out over the past 5 weeks. The unibomber had nothing on me  And the eyebrow,s even Albert Einstein would be jealous  So enough was enough and woke up today and got out the cordless waterproof clippers and got rid of the damn beard! Next, got out the actual hairdresser clippers and started to use a #


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 834 and Prompt 835

Welcome to Friday. It is Friday isn't it? I hope so. Anyway, did you know Friday is named after Frigg, wife of Odin? Why do I mention that? Read the prompts. Prompt 834 - Creative Tag - Friday  Having seen your child hurt by bullies you curse and wish that Friday would just vanish, Instead a large woman pounds on your door. "Why would you curse my day?" The woman demanded. Not knowing who she is you explain what is going on. "My name is Frigg and I shall teach you an important les


comicfan in Prompts

Stories System Updated 4/15

We have patched the site with the latest update.  There are a handful of requested changes in this update. Story System Reputation First up, on the Authors listing, we can now sort by "Highest Story Reputation" Under an author's icon, you'll now see 2 numbers.  The Green number is the Site Reputation Total.  (The likes across the entire site).  The number in the gray box is the Story Reputation. (This is the likes from just the stories/chapters/comments in the story system)


Myr in Technology Archive

Featured Author: Myr

Well, usually it would be a single story review for our feature today. But, we thought it might be nice to turn the focus onto our fearless leader. With that in mind, we visited Myr's stories and picked some of the various comments from readers to highlight the many stories that Myr has on site. Myr specializes in short stories in the fantasy and sci-fi genres. He generally leaves his readers begging for more, probably because most of his spare time is spent on improving GA and dealing with tech

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 5 - Apr. 11)

Has the past month flown by for you too?  It seems like only a little while ago that we were being told to baton down the hatches and start practicing physical distancing. Work days blend into supposedly days off and daily chores and tasks are being done more. As even one member commented, her Dad was washing walls, walls!!!! I see the blogs are starting to really take off. Interesting reading how so many people are dealing with the times as well as their thoughts on it too. Some of your status


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 832 and Prompt 833

Well we have reached the major holidays of spring in quarantine. However, at least we are still here for Passover and Easter, I have new prompts to get you in the spirit. Prompt 832 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a dinner invitation, an egg, a bitter herb, a new shirt, and a bowl of soup. Prompt 833 - Creative Tag - The Egg Hunt When your mother asked for help at the local egg hunt you figured it would be helping to hide the eggs


comicfan in Prompts

Signature Feature: Headstall

It's Signature author feature time! This month we're taking a look at @Headstall! I'll share a few stories by Headstall, but feel free to share your favorite Headstall story in the comments. I'll only be sharing completed stories, so if it's a story that you've read, take a minute and go leave a review! A proud father of four, Headstall's personal journey has been a series of twists and turns, and his stories often reflect his experiences. He is an unapologetic romantic who writes f

Author Guess Who #9

Wow, there are a lot of things going on in the world right now. So, I thought, maybe it's time for something a little light-hearted, like maybe a new Author Guess Who!!!!  We're always open to more participants, so if you're interested in answering the guess who questions, you can either PM me, or copy them from here, change the answers, and PM it to @Renee Stevens.  The reveal will happen on April 21st!! Now, who thinks they can figure out this month's author??? What is one thing that most

April CSR Feature: Clockwise Series by Aditus

April Fools is over so you know this month's feature is no joke... I'm happy to announce you get to read a 4 part series by Aditus, Clockwise! Sweet, sexy, just that bit of spring romance that's starting to float in the air... Clockwise Series by @aditus Length: 12,370 over 4 stories Description: We witness important events that happen to a certain time in Romeo's and Julian's life as we move on clockwise. * A/N: This series features Romeo, a side-character of  'Red Running Shoe

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 29 - Apr. 4)

Well, I'm kind of tired of asking the usual question at the past 3 or 4 updates  As I was looking through the blogs and activity this week, I noticed a couple of things that I thought I'd mention. First off, for anyone reading @Dabeagle's story Corners you will see really high numbers of reviews and likes and overall interaction. I think that with so many of us home bound, Dabeagle has found for the lack of a better expression, a captive audience and growing audience. I also noticed it


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 830 and Prompt 831

Hello! Well we made it through another week. The world gets a bit scarier, and living in New York has me in the center of the hot spot at the moment. In an attempt to focus on anything other than the news, I present to you new prompts. Prompt 830 - Creative Tag - First Line Where do you think you're going? Prompt 831 - Creative Tag - Owned When you woke up this morning you found a metal collar around your neck. As you raised your hand to feel it, you discovered a ta


comicfan in Prompts

Ask an Author 2.0 #30

ATTENTION: All COVID 19-related restrictions have been lifted. The pandemic is over!     Ooops, April Fools’ Day here in the old U S of A. Welcome back! And welcome to the best month of the year. We celebrate fools—we all know a few of those—this month. Mother Earth has her day this month. My niece—didn’t I just hold her as a newborn?—will turn twenty-four this month. And a foolish, tree hugging, white-haired, old biker has his birthday this month. Happy April, y’all.

March CSR Discussion Day: Elixir by Comicality

March came in like a lion, and it's still roaring down on us. The world is in an uproar, and if you're not affected by the current happenings, well... you're one of a very rare, lucky few. But the joy of GA is that you can escape into many different worlds through the stories if you just need to get away. How about this one? Did you read Elixir by @Comicality this month? You can share your thoughts below, but first, enjoy this interview with him! If you were an animal, what would you be?


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekl Wrap Up (Mar. 22 - Mar. 28)

So what is new in your neck of the woods? Well I know that the news is something we are watching closely or avoiding due to the nature of it. When I log into GA, I think of all our members in all the different hot zones and hope that all of you are safe, if you in there or anywhere else . I was noticing over the past week that a few pop up topics have arisen in the Lounge to lighten the mood. Maybe pop into the hilarious topic, Make Us Laugh #2. Or you could go old school and check out wher


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 828 and Prompt 829

Well the world has been quarantined and people seem to be wondering what they can do. My suggestion is write. To help get your mind off things here are some new prompts. Prompt 828 - Creative Tag - Pygmalion You'd only learned to carve after your accident. Originally you created birds and small creatures, but when you were left with a piece that was nearly seven foot tall it was suggested you carve a man. It began almost accidentally, but soon you found yourself carving your ideal


comicfan in Prompts

Featured Story: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Hello out there!!!! It seems like it's been a while since I've posted anything in the blog. With everything going on in the world, let's focus on something else. Like the fact that it's time to take a look at another story that you might have missed. I hope you enjoy Parker's review of Between a Rock and a Hard Place by @Dodger.  Have a great week and stay healthy and safe!   Between a Rock and a Hard Place Dodger  Reviewer: Parker Owens Status: Complete Word Count:

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 15 - Mar. 21)

So, what is new in your neck of the woods? I'm sure that you all have some stories, some frustrations, some concerns, some fears and and lots of other things on your mind. With the pandemic in full swing in basically the whole world now, it has to be affecting everyone in at least a small way. My heart goes out to those that can't work, or are laid off, and don't have some kind of social safety net to lessen the blow somewhat. Lets hope that this blog finds you all safe and sound and taking


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 826 and Prompt 827

I hope everyone enjoyed their St. Patrick's Day even if you were quarantined. The world is different place than it was a month ago. However, I usually focus on the positive and hopefully one of the prompts this week will help brighten your day. Prompt 826 - Creative Tag - The Good Day What makes a day a good day? Is it the morning kiss from your significant other? Maybe it is the cat not throwing up a hairball in your shoe? Or making all the lights going to work? Write a story whe


comicfan in Prompts

GA's Newest Promising Author: lilansui

Please join myself and the Author Promotion Team in congratulating @lilansui in becoming GA's newest Promising Author. lilansui has been a member at GA for almost eight years, and in that time has posted over 1,370,000 words across thirty-one stories. Many of her stories feature complex plots in exotic locations that just draw you in. Browse through them and I'm sure you'll find something you like, and probably lots you'll love! You can find all of lilansui's stories at her author page, so settl


Graeme in News Archive

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