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  • Myr

    Poetry Deep Dive 3

    By Myr

    Top Read Poems by sub-genre since Mar 2024. Top 10 Most Read Poetry - Ballad a poem that tells a story and was traditionally set to music. Usually follows a form of rhymed (abcb) quatrains alternating four-stress and three-stress lines. Lyrics for Tony - a collection of poems by AC Benus Complete a Glass Floor Underfoot by AC Benus Complete Audre Lorde Knows What I Mean – 2021 in review by AC Benus Temporary Hold 1940, 1970 and Today – plus other poems

Prompt 824 and Prompt 825

Time flies. Next week is Saint Patrick's Day. It seems to be a bigger deal in the United States than in Ireland, but this year everything seems to be impacted by the coronavirus. Here is hoping everyone is well. To take your mind off such sad things here are some new prompts to consider. Prompt 824 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a rainbow, a corned beef sandwich, a four leaf clover, a black eye, and a leprechaun. Prompt 825  - Creative


comicfan in Prompts

Signature Feature: Comicality

Time to look at another Signature author!  This month we're taking a look at @Comicality (or Comsie as he is also known). Comsie has been with the site from the start. I'll be sharing a few of Comsie's stories here, but would love to hear what your favorite story is from Comsie. Also, all stories listed are marked as complete, so if it's a story that you've already read, why not take a few minutes and go leave a review on the story main page! omicality's Shack Out Back The Shack Out B

Featured Story: Nothin' Town

Shall we see what caught the Review Team's eye this month? Nothin' Town Sasha Distan Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Complete Word Count: 5,619 Sasha Distan's American Songbook series takes place in rural USA, featuring cowboys, farm hands, rodeo enthusiasts and al the other kinds of people who populate the countryside and the small towns. There are two longer stories, which were very popular with readers, but the rest of the series are short stories showing a small slice of ru


wildone in Reviews

Author and Story Discussion Links

With the latest update to the Stories archive, you can now assign default discussion locations for both Author and Stories.  This gives authors one more change for interacting with their readers. I have added FAQ entries for these two new options:  



Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 1 - Mar. 7)

*hiccup*  Sorry, I decided to start celebrating St Patrick's Day a wee bit early this month  Bet I'm the first one to wish you a Happy St.Patrick's Day as well  Duty still calls and no matter how many green beers I may or may not have consumed in the past 12 hours, I'm dedicated  to you all so give me a hug  Hands above the waist  !!!! Tell me why, I don't like Mondays...But this past Monday I enjoyed Cia's CSR Feature: On Wednesday, bloody Wednesday (sure you find a well kn


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 822 and Prompt 823

Welcome to March. Okay, so it is a few days in, but it is the first Friday of the month. So it is also a month for the Irish with St. Patrick's Day here in the United States, which reminds me that it is time for new prompts. Prompt 822 - Creative Tag - First Line "What on earth are you wearing?" Prompt 823 - Creative  Tag - Promises Your grandmother always warned you not to make promises you couldn't keep. However, you never thought she was being serious. Until you


comicfan in Prompts

New Stories Update Mar 5, 2020

By now, you have probably noticed that we have upgraded the Stories software on the site.  There are a bunch of what I would call quality of life updates and a major new feature. There is now an easy way to update your Author Profile area: For promoted author, you can now update your logo here yourself.  Banners need to be 848x121 pixels. All authors will be able to add their website link and author bio.  This is also where future Author Profile fields will show up, if/when


Myr in Technology Archive

Ask an Author 2.0 #29

First Wednesday of the month, so we’re back at it. One question, five authors including me. I decided not to ignore my name on the list of authors the questioner supplied. I liked this one. Since responses are listed in author alphabetical order, I get to go first. ◊ ◊ ◊ Are there themes that can’t seem to let you go? Ideas that you never seem to tire of exploring?   ◊ ◊ ◊ @Carlos Hazday The predominant theme in nearly all my work is one of the most common ones in

March CSR Feature: Elixir by Comicality

How's 2020 treating you so far? Hopefully a little better than the ups and downs faced by the characters in the story featured in this month's CSR blog... Elixir by Comicality. We all know teens have strong emotions, but this strong...?  Elixir by @Comicality Length: 7,221 Description:  Young Danny has suddenly found himself having strange and powerful feelings for another boy for the very first time. He's never experienced any homoerotic feelings before...but one day, out of t

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 23 - Feb. 29)

Happy Leap Year   I hope everybody is going to have a great Leap Year Day! If you were born on the 29th, I have to say in all honesty, you're looking old for your age Wait!!! What??? Oh, I've been just informed I'm an idiot and Leap Year Day was yesterday   Looks like I will have to wait another 4 years to get the day right! Huh, so I'm wrong again, go figure. To have a Leap Year Day fall on a Sunday I'll have to wait until Feb 28th, 2032 😢 Oh well, what is 12 yea


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Topics and Moderation

On GA we like to allow members to discuss a variety of subjects relating to writing, reading, gay fiction, the LGBTQIA community, and more. There are many places on the site to post topics and information, depending on where the conversation fits best. In recent months, we have discovered that topics regarding 'inclusivity' regardless of the subject being sexuality, gender, culture, etc... continually veer into either a heated debate or political commentary or themes. Due to this creating a repe


Cia in News Archive

Prompt 820 and Prompt 821

Wow, February just flew by and here we are at the last Friday of the month. Guess that means new prompts for one and all. Prompt 820 - Creative Tag - A New Love Valentine's Day is long over but just before the month is over you get a call from a stranger, stating he is a lawyer and asking you to come for the reading of a will. You find your Grandmother had a great love before your grandfather, he never got over her, and he has left his estate to the oldest of her grandchildren whi


comicfan in Prompts

February CSR Discussion Day: Self-Portraits by Richie Tennyson

Did you catch this month's CSR featured story, Self-Portraits, by Richie Tennyson? Have you read the story? It's a quick read, for all that it is more than forty thousand words. Make sure you share your thoughts about the story or Richie's other stories. But first, as always, enjoy my interview with him!    Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point? I do the most half-hearted feeble bed-making. I don’t see much point but I know I should at l


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

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