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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept .22 - Sept. 28)

    By wildone

    Depending on where you live, how many days do you have to get in your entries for the In Too Deep annual Anthology? Calling on Poets, Authors, and even readers to get them in. So how many days do you have to the end of October 1st? 1 days 2 days Oh crap, still not too late but pushing it   I am just back from a relaxing week up in the mountains at the lake where I was having a nice, quiet birthday . I'm refreshed and rejuvenated, got a hair cut today as well. I was going to go f

Grammar Guide 7 - Point of View

Welcome to Week 7 of our Grammar Guide. This week is all about Point of View.  We aren't talking about the arguing thing though (thankfully).  We are looking at this in how it relates to rules of grammar and how it gets applied in writing.  First up, let's talk about the Grammar Point of View: Grammar has three points of view: First person - The speaker of the sentence (I/We) Second Person - The person spoken to (you) Third Person - The person or thing spoken about (he


Myr in Grammar Guide

2016 Secret Admirer Contest - Revisited

In 2016, thirteen stories written for the Secret Admirer Contest posted in time for Valentine’s Day. The stories were very different; some made readers cry and others made them laugh. One year later, a story review was posted for Valentine's Day to remind readers of all those wonderful tales. Since this month's blog review falls on Valentine's Day itself, we decided to repeat the Special Review. But in addition, we would like to ask you to tell us which love story on GA is your favorite and


wildone in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 6 - Feb. 12)

💝💞🥰😻 Happy Valentines Day Eve 💜❤️💛🫀 Well enough of that   Now I'm curious, is there a story that you read here at GA, or maybe not, that is nothing less than an amazing love story? Is there a story that you have written that is your idea of being one of the greats?  I know we all have been challenged as authors and poets to try a different genre when writing. So how about we challenge our readers here on the site to try a genre of love stories. Just need a list started to get us a


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

The Next Project

I am sure that there are a lot of people out there who will be quick to tell you that writing your first story is the hardest part of becoming an author. There is so much that is unknown, unpracticed, and an anxiety that builds up before you even get started, not to mention the horror involved with actually getting to the middle or the third act of a story that you've already put some much time and effort into already...only to wonder whether or not you're doing any of this right. It can be sooo


Comicality in Writing Tips

February 11 No weather for Mad Hatters

Around here you have to hold onto your hat, unless you want a workout. Let's make it a theme.   PT 21 List of words. You had a stressful week at work and no time for grocery shopping. There's a storm outside, and you are hungry. Besides rice and canned beans, all you have in your fridge is two eggs, shrimp, one red pepper, a dragon fruit, fish sauce, and a jar with kimchi. What’s cooking? And to stay with the Valentine theme, sorta... PT22 While on a second honeym


Aditus in Prompts

Grammar Guide 6 - Verb Tenses

Welcome to the next topic in our fun Grammar Guide series. This week are are hopping into the fun world of English Verb Tenses.  English has three basic verb tenses: Past - actions that occurred in the past Present - actions that are occurring at the moment Future - actions that will occur in the future. In English, these 3 basic verb tenses each have 4 aspects and this means, (if you're keeping up with the math), 12 verb tenses. Simple - actions that ar


Myr in Grammar Guide

February CSR Feature: The Connecticut River Boys by Tallguyct

Well, can you believe we're already one month into 2022? How's your year going? Do you have plans for this month's love fest day? Or is the day after chocolate discount day more your thing? Whatever your love life is like, you can enjoy this month's tale of love, loss, woe and wooing in Tallguyct's short novel, The Connecticut River Boys.    The Connecticut River Boys by Tallguyct Length: 45,178 Description: Following the party where Dave and Craig, both in their 60s, ce


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 30 - Feb. 05)

Wow, what a week it has been for me   First I was back to work. I did not take up the offers of my peers to get a shotgun in my face or get pushed over Niagara Falls  Actually I had a pretty good week doing nothing  I'm all for that  So this week I did all the things that I put off all week last week: laundry, bills, cleaning, trying to pick out new flooring. Whew, you're lucky I'm not in bed catching up on my sleep since I'm so tired  Or maybe you wish I was in bed   First week of the


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Write What You Know

I know you guys have heard it before. It's been said time and time again to every writer who's ever taken a class, read a book, or watched a video, on writing before. They all say, 'write what you know', and it is assumed that you can't go wrong as long as you stay in that comfortable little pocket and don't stray too far away from it. It sounds like it makes perfect sense, doesn't it? At the most...you'll have to do a little research on your own to get the terminology, the facts, and the detail


Comicality in Writing Tips

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