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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Poetry Anthology Announcement!

    By Valkyrie

    The GA Poetry Anthology is returning for 2025 with the theme "Diversity"!  It's the perfect theme to show off the diverse world of poetry and its various forms.  I look forward to reading what our site poets come up with!  Please note the earlier due date.  The extra few days will give me more time to get submissions ready for the big reveal in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.     2025 Poetry Anthology - Due: March 30, 2025 The 2025 Theme is “Diversity” Feel free to

Venting Machine

Venting Machine It'll happen at some point. Don't try to dodge it, duck it, or outrun it. You can be the nicest, most docile, most hard-working person on planet Earth...you can back out of conflicts, you can work yourself to the point of utter exhaustion trying to avoid an argument or attempt to keep the peace...but that sinister beast is going to creep up, raise its head, and find you every single time. It happens. It's never a matter of 'if'...but 'when'. And all you can do is try to find


Comicality in Writing Tips

Roads Less Travelled - The Genre Edition

I love murder mysteries, but I love other kinds of writing as well.  Whether it's Tolkien or Asimov, I can really enjoy a good sci fi series or a great book of fantasy.  So, I'll offer up a couple of prompts in those genres.  Please simply take the kernel of the idea and play with it.  You don't need it to follow the prompt exactly.  It's the concept that's fun.  Try something different!!!   Prompt #49 - The Lycan Hunter - A werewolf hunter hears about a pack on the other side of the c

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Grammar Guide 20 - More on Sentences

This week we wrap up on construction of sentences.  Our first part talks about Parallel Construction in sentences. Parallel words, phrases, and clauses improve the flow of ideas and heighten its impact.  Similarity of form helps readers recognize similarity of content or function. Use consistent voice throughout sentence Ensure consistent voice (active or passive) and an introduction to each clause in a series Bad: Joey was worried that the exam would


Myr in Grammar Guide

May Classic Author Feature: The Dream Dreams the Dreamer by Andy78

May is a month of changes, and this story is one I think fits perfectly with that theme. Have you ever read our Classic Author, Andy78's story, The Dream Dreams the Dreamer from the 2013 A Night to Remember Anthology? If not, check it out now!   Length: 2,546 Description: Matthew dreams that he is recruited as an Angel of Death. A Reader said: A very enjoyable read, Andy. Seeing I'm getting up in years, I hope when the Angel of Death comes for me that it's someone cute


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (May 8 - May 14)

I think I'm going to start out today wrap up with a question for you all  Are you superstitious? This past Friday was Friday the 13th  Did anything untoward happen to you? Were you worried something might happen to you? If, and there probably isn't a lot of us, you like sports do you have rituals or things you do on game day or right before the game? If you wear a shirt or something before an event and the outcome isn't positive, do you avoid that piece of clothing going forward. My Ca


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Genre Fatigue

Genre Fatigue ::Giggles:: Really? Are people out there trying to make that a 'thing' again? It doesn't exist, you know? No, seriously...it's a business based illusion. Its not real. The idea that you cant write and release an awesome story because the 'idea' has been done to death and nobody wants to see it anymore…? Its all bullshit. Don't ever buy into that brainwashed mode of thinking about the stuff that you write. Your story is your own. Period. If there are 150 fantasy novels


Comicality in Writing Tips

Prompt May 13th

Do you want to write a story, maybe for the upcoming anthology,  but nothing inspires an idea? How about this? PT# 47 For weeks, someone has this uneasy feeling they forgot something important: a birthday, an anniversary, an invitation. Then a long-forgotten childhood friend calls them. “I just wanted to remind you about—” About what? I’m curious to read your story. Or, you send someone on a scavenger hunt. PT# 48 The protagonist steps out their door and finds


Aditus in Prompts

Grammar Guide 19 - More Clauses

This week we go over even more clauses. This week we continue our discussion on clauses. Clauses can be categorized by whether or not they are necessary to the meaning of the noun in the sentence.  An essential clause, also called a defining clause or a restrictive clause is essential to the meaning of the noun in the sentence. Example:  The car that I just bought in the driveway. The restrictive clause, that I just bought, distinguishes the car from any and all others.  


Myr in Grammar Guide

Featured Story: Brother by Yeoldebard

What a way to start the week off with another great review from our Review Team. @chris191070 presents this months feature!   Brother by Yeoldebard Reviewer: chris191070 Status: Complete Word Count: 191,715 Here we have Jason, a neko who lost his voice and parents aged six. He's adopted by a family of wolves and things change rapidly for him. Then we have Devyn, who was born a wolf and doesn't understand the rules of his two-legged family. All of a sudden Jaso


wildone in Reviews

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