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Weekly Wrap Up (May 8 - May 14)



I think I'm going to start out today wrap up with a question for you all :) Are you superstitious?

This past Friday was Friday the 13th :o Did anything untoward happen to you? Were you worried something might happen to you? If, and there probably isn't a lot of us, you like sports do you have rituals or things you do on game day or right before the game? If you wear a shirt or something before an event and the outcome isn't positive, do you avoid that piece of clothing going forward.

My Calgary Flames (Yaaaaaay) lost the other night and tonight will be playing the deciding 7th game in their series with the Dallas Stars (Boooooo :P ) Thing is, I wore a jersey for game 5 that they won, and wore the same one for game 6 and lost, so if I was a superstitious person, what should I wear tonight? 

Oh, btw on Friday the 13th, around 11:30 PM a black cat ran in front of me 🐈‍⬛  ... just saying :P. This  might be my last blog here :gikkle: 

So let us all know our superstitions :) 

Well enough of that, what happened here this week on the GA Blog? I'm sure you are all dying in suspense, so don't let me hold it back anymore!

Monday, it was my pleasure to put up a great Review from @chris191070 on behalf of our super Review Team:

It was kind of a quiet week after that until Myr took control of the blog and gave us a new Grammar Guide. With the title, you'd think he is a lawyer :yes: 

Friday, @Aditus brought us another 2 prompts to get your creative juices flowing 0:) He also did a couple of plugs for upcoming writing events here at GA:

Saturday, Comsie was here with an article about Genre Fatigue. It is an interesting read so if you didn't catch it on Friday, take a look now:

Oops, just about skipped over the word of the day and the status of this month's goals:

travail, precentor, raiment, remuneration, nuncupative, indurate, lamia


Anthologies, Writing Challenges, and Contests

Sub-Genre Rewrite the Prompt Challenge - Entries due by May 22, 2022

2022 Anthology - Anniversary - Submitted to @Valkyrie for the proof team by Sept. 1, 2022


Blog Opportunities

Guess the Author: Open to all GA authors. PM @Renee Stevensor @wildone to participate

Story Review: Send it in to @wildone or @Timothy M. 


And here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories

  1. A Fresh Start by Comicality **Complete**

Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. rima fragmenta, Fragments of a Rift: Fifty Sonnets for Kevin by AC Benus
  2. The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Prose by AC Benus
  3. CDMX by Carlos Hazday
  4. Jay's Loelife by Mrsgnomie
  5. Gap Year by Mark Arbour
  6. Carême in Brighton — a mystery novel by AC Benus
  7. Ancalagon by Cia
  8. The Best Year by Krista
  9. The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Poetry by AC Benus

Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories

  1. Finding Good Trouble by Ronyx
  2. House of Frost by Dabeagle

Recently Updated 'Promising Author' Stories

  1. Never Too Late To Believe by northie
  2. To the Weyr by Mawgrim
  3. Hidden Secrets by Mawgrim

Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. Love Of Family (Revised) by Ajbt2001
  2. ARROW by CLJobe
  3. Chicago Wildlife by Young Sage
  4. Blueblood 5.1: Red Alert!! by R. Eric
  5. I Hate This Town by Demiurge
  6. Dear, Grocery Shoppers by astone2292
  7. Bodark Creek by RichEisbrouch
  8. Canaan Club by Westley D.
  9. Good Guys Don't Date Bad Boys by Laura S. Fox
  10. The Priest's Tale by Tim Hobson
  11. Teens In Love by Ajbt2001
  12. Death in the Shadows by astone2292
  13. Himalayan Home by quokka
  14. Come Back To Us by LittleCherryBlossom26
  15. Waif and Stray by AlreadyForgiven
  16. Awoken by the Wolf by Georgie DHainaut **Complete**
  17. A New Family Unit by Ajbt2001
  18. You Complete Me by Salander
  19. An Awkward Revolutionary by James K
  20. Time after Time by sansyeux


Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (and Recommend with a share to the forum topic!) 

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  • Site Administrator

This past Friday was Friday the 13th :o Did anything untoward happen to you? Were you worried something might happen to you? If, and there probably isn't a lot of us, you like sports do you have rituals or things you do on game day or right before the game? If you wear a shirt or something before an event and the outcome isn't positive, do you avoid that piece of clothing going forward.

I'm not superstitious about Friday the 13th, but that day absolutely nothing went according to plan :unsure:  I needed to leave work early, so of course every single person I was scheduled to see was late.  And the reason I had to leave early arrived at my house early, while I was finishing up my last session :facepalm:  Thank goodness they were able to come back about an hour later, when I was actually home.   It was my vet service bringing Joker's ashes home, so it was a very emotional day for me.  :(  

I don't have any sports rituals, but my family did.  When my grandma was alive, she always wore her "Grambo" Bills shirt and wasn't allowed to watch the game, because every time she did, they lost.  :P  Hmm... maybe I should start watching the Sabres.  Since they lose just about every game, maybe they'll start winning! :Steve2: :gikkle:   


Oh, btw on Friday the 13th, around 11:30 PM a black cat ran in front of me 🐈‍⬛  ... just saying :P. This  might be my last blog here :gikkle: 

Knighty says that's good luck :P  

black cat revenge GIF

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3 minutes ago, Valkyrie said:

I'm not superstitious about Friday the 13th, but that day absolutely nothing went according to plan :unsure:  I needed to leave work early, so of course every single person I was scheduled to see was late.  And the reason I had to leave early arrived at my house early, while I was finishing up my last session :facepalm:  Thank goodness they were able to come back about an hour later, when I was actually home.   It was my vet service bringing Joker's ashes home, so it was a very emotional day for me.  :(  

I don't have any sports rituals, but my family did.  When my grandma was alive, she always wore her "Grambo" Bills shirt and wasn't allowed to watch the game, because every time she did, they lost.  :P  Hmm... maybe I should start watching the Sabres.  Since they lose just about every game, maybe they'll start winning! :Steve2: :gikkle:   

Knighty says that's good luck :P  

black cat revenge GIF

I owned a black cat, Butch.  He always brought me good luck.  Does that count?  Considering the Sabres??? Good luck with that this year.

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  • Site Administrator
2 minutes ago, raven1 said:

I owned a black cat, Butch.  He always brought me good luck.  Does that count?  Considering the Sabres??? Good luck with that this year.

Knighty is my third black cat.  Joker was a tuxedo kitty.  I've only had one cat that wasn't black.  I like getting them because they're the least likely to be adopted.  

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, CassieQ said:

I also own a black cat.  His name is Houdini.  He's a master of hiding, getting into things that he shouldn't, and outsmarting his owner.  

I think I already knew your cat's name from a post you made on CotT2.  He does sound a lot like my Butch.  Butch like to perch on the dining table and swat my hand as I walked past if I forgot to stop and admire him. :yes: You should stop by CotT2 more often.  I know that folks there miss you and Val.

Edited by raven1
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It was a national holiday in Denmark (Stor Bededag), so I didn't even think about it being Friday the 13th. :facepalm:

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Posted (edited)

The only thing you need to fear, @wildone is when you get cheeky and press your luck with me. :D  I also didn't even realize it was Friday the 13th. Not having to work Fridays, I just sort of morning like usual, say bye to the brats and start my Friday routine of cleaning, napping, and pretending to do work whenever the husband has a view of me. So you know, don't really keep up with the date on that day. 

I wasn't superstitious playing sports either, mostly because I heard that some people don't wash their socks or they wear the same underwear if they have a good game or are on a streak of good games... and there I was half gagging at the thought of people doing that. So no... not for me. Aaron is a bit superstitious, but not about sports. During hunting seasons he gets bent all out of shape. He doesn't shave, that's bad luck. He doesn't wear the same outfit (he wrinkles his nose when I call his camo an outfit btw), and he uses different scent repellants, because apparently it is bad luck to use the same one. 

From a writing interest, it would be a bit funny to write a character with those quirks. It has probably been done here, but I've not read a story with a sports central theme that has a superstitious character. 

Generally, there are just some things a lot of people don't do... Walk under ladders, break mirrors, step on cracks in the sidewalk (unless you have a vendetta against your mother). A bird that flies into an open window is a bad omen, if you kill a spider it will rain, etc.  :P I think I remember being told that one of my grandfathers wouldn't parallel park in the spot closest to a Stop sign, because he thought it was bad luck, I hadn't heard it since. That was back before the town he grew up in got stop lights though, so you know, quite a ways back there. 

Edited by Krista
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