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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept .22 - Sept. 28)

    By wildone

    Depending on where you live, how many days do you have to get in your entries for the In Too Deep annual Anthology? Calling on Poets, Authors, and even readers to get them in. So how many days do you have to the end of October 1st? 1 days 2 days Oh crap, still not too late but pushing it   I am just back from a relaxing week up in the mountains at the lake where I was having a nice, quiet birthday . I'm refreshed and rejuvenated, got a hair cut today as well. I was going to go f

June Classic Author Feature: Yankee by The Zot

June is Pride month! We often see stories of coming out or teenage coming of age stories that are very popular during this month. They are read as inspiration, a reminder, a hope... whatever the reason, they exist because we still struggle this battle. So how about a Classic to remember?  Length: 80,483 Description: Justin's a fish out of water no matter where he goes, and never more so than when this Boston kid has to move to rural Georgia. Sometimes things don't work out the wa


Cia in Classic Feature

Consolidating Blogs

As you may have read in the "Blog Updates" Announcement, we have consolidated various site blogs down to 2 different blogs. One for Writing and one for everything else.  The big tool that allows us to do that, and still find content is the "View a Category" option.  Here is an example from the Writing World Blog: When you select it, the categories pop up and you can select which ones you want to read.  Unfortunately, we have to manually update all the blogs to categorize them.  So the


Myr in News Archive

Writing Tips Upgrades to Writing World

As part of the always ongoing site improvements, we are in the process of changing up the blogs.  We are taking the opportunity to consolidate blogs now that categories are working again in the blog software.  As part of that change, we've designated this blog to be the center of our Writing news.  So, Writing Tips is now Writing World.  We encourage all our site authors to follow this blog and to let us know if you want to see something else featured in this blog.


Myr in News Archive

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 13 - Jun. 19)

I'm on holidays this week   It's pouring rain outside   I guess I can tolerate it as long as it ends on Sunday, I am going camping to the mountains during the week. Nothing like enjoying a hot day by a mountain lake and jump into it to cool down. Are you crazy   That water is COLD!!! My boys will be hidden upside of me for at least a week! Well I hope you have a great week as well. We had a bit quieter week here at the GA Blog. Shall we take a look back just in case you missed any


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Featured Story: Famous Last

Sorry all, a bit behind today, so I'm just gonna give you today's review! Famous Last by lomax61 Reviewer: Talo Segura Status: Complete Word Count: 92,849 This book, published in November 2020 is set in contemporary Britain during the pandemic, something which the author handles well. It has a very British tone with expressions such as, "Freezing his bollocks off..." and, yes it's the winter, the story takes place over a few months leading up to Christmas and the New Year.

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 06 - Jun. 12)

Did you hear the news?  😮 😮  The 2021 Anthologies have started to be published   A special thank you to all of our authors and volunteers that make these events possible. Make sure to check out his weeks stories and read, like, review and comment    Now those started on Friday and hopefully you've had the chance to read, but there was a lot of other stuffs on the site this week  Shall we look at them all?  Monday Cia presented us with a brand new Can't Stop Reading featured s


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Lost in the Middle

It can be a virtual No Man's Land sometimes when you're writing. A place where you may not be sure or feel quite confident about where your next 'peak' or your next 'valley' may come in terms of telling the story that you wanted to tell. And I feel like it's times like this when you really have your skills and instincts tested in a major way...all for the sake of keeping things moving smoothly. And more importantly...moving forward. For this article, I'd like to bring up the subject of gett


Comicality in Writing Tips

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