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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept .22 - Sept. 28)

    By wildone

    Depending on where you live, how many days do you have to get in your entries for the In Too Deep annual Anthology? Calling on Poets, Authors, and even readers to get them in. So how many days do you have to the end of October 1st? 1 days 2 days Oh crap, still not too late but pushing it   I am just back from a relaxing week up in the mountains at the lake where I was having a nice, quiet birthday . I'm refreshed and rejuvenated, got a hair cut today as well. I was going to go f

Author Guess Who #14

Well well well, it's that time again. I hope you all have your thinking caps on, cause I'm ready to see if anyone can guess the author this month!  I keep hoping that eventually one of these will stump members, but it never happens. *sigh* Oh well, we'll keep trying! What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you? Although I sold off most of the collection a few years ago, I once had over 3,000 Hard Rock lapel pins. There are 300 odd ones left on display at my place.

Featured Story: Desert Air

Hard to believe it's already March!  Then again, my days get all mixed up since we don't do a whole lot!  Anyway, hope you all enjoy this review from our review team!   Desert Air by quokka Reviewer: chris191070 Status: Complete Word Count: 134,256 Well if we fancy an escape from the cold weather that many of us are suffering from, what better than a visit to Perth, Western Australia. We meet Jexon Kendrick a veterinary student wh

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 28 - Mar. 6)

We seem to be well on our way to April. Has spring sprung in your neck of the woods? Are the bees buzzing, the birds chirping, and the flowers growing up? Well I want everyone to take note that we are only about 5 weeks from April 1st. So to get everyone  having some fun this year, as last year I think most of us were shell shocked, let's plan a really good April Fools Joke for this year. If you have a good idea share it with everyone so if anyone is drawing blank, they can maybe borrow the idea


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


You know, there's a quote that says that jealousy in a loving relationship is a lot like salt in your food. Just enough can enrich and enhance flavor, but too much can bitter the taste. I think that, when it comes to putting cliffhangers in your stories, perhaps from chapter to chapter, or maybe even from completed novel to completed novel...the same rule applies. I mean, sure, you can write cliffhangers all day long if you really wanted to...but it can get tiresome in the long run. In fact, I t


Comicality in Writing Tips

Prompt 864 and Prompt 865

March has come in with wind and cold. Here we are on the first Friday of the month and that means new prompts for everyone. Prompt 864 - Creative Tag - First "I wondered how long it would take you, but now I know!" Prompt 865 - Creative Tag - Luck of the Irish They say a kiss from the Irish is lucky. You aren't so sure, especially since you ran into one Sean McDabney. Sean is 6'4", solid muscle, fair skin, hair that glows like burnt copper, and just twenty-one years


comicfan in Prompts

Anthology Entry Revisited: Shared Blankets

Upcoming Anthology Due: April 1, 2021 Top Themes On the Road Forbidden Pot Luck Themes But Wait; There’s More     -     Through a Glass Darkly     -     Of Gods and Monsters     -     It Takes All Kinds     -     Darkness Falls Boys of the Hills     -     You Wouldn’t Understand     -     On the Beach     -     Great Balls of Fire     -     Laughter, the Best Medicine

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Ask An Author 3.0 #3

Good news, Renee hasn't fired me yet! Even better news, it's time for another Ask An Author! As requested, we got ourselves a nice love story that will just melt the hearts of any Valentine's Day haters. I haven't even brought out the questions yet, and I know this is one heck of a Q&A session! We got some juicy ones for you in this interview with @Dabeagle, one of GA's Classic Authors!  • • • • • The Right One Dabeagle Corbin's girlfriend is late after their first time. Add

March CSR Feature: Yeoldebard's The Elf Hunt

Welcome to March. Wow, the seasons are changing already. Well, I hope they are. And this story is about changing perceptions... are those you think bad really bad? Hmm Well, let's see. Have you read Yeoldebard's story The Elf's Hunt? Why not give it a shot this month, then come back on the discussion day to share your thoughts! The Elf's Hunt by @Yeoldebard Length: 37,827 Description: Hope is a rogue. But that doesn't mean he's bad. Not that the world cares. All they see is a

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 21 - Feb. 27)

So the last week of February already! Monday we are into March and I think some people are looking forward to an early spring! Me, an early spring is the last week of April . Well lets hope that maybe, just maybe, we can have a good spring and jump into a summer of hope  I'm holding out for it. This week was yet another busy one. Do you realize we now have 6 days a week of GA blogs, on top of the daily Word of the Day . There is so much to take in I'm glad we have a team of staff and very d


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


If any one of you...male or female...says that you haven't done it before... ...I'm calling BULLSHIT!!! LOL!!! Don't you DARE tell me that you haven't seen a gorgeous boy or girl on screen, and got all excited over what it might be like to have them be...you know...'yours'. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's ok. Hollywood picked that actor to make sure that your naughty parts keep tingling whenever you see them on screen. It's perfectly normal. Consider it a guilty pleasure


Comicality in Writing Tips

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