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Napervic: 1968 - 2013, Rest In Peace



It's with great sadness that we report that one of our most notable members, NaperVic, passed away recently.


As many of you know, Vic was an active guy who enjoyed working out and running with his dog Mina. He had been warming up for a race when he suffered a major heart attack. After being rushed to the hospital, he remained unconscious until he slipped into a coma. Though he put up an amazing fight to survive, he finally succumbed to his injuries and passed away.


Vic has been active on GA for over 8 years and has touched the lives of so many people here. He's always been that friend you could lean on when times were tough. His personality is matched by none, and he will be greatly missed. The hole many of us will feel in our heart where Vic once was may never be filled, but our loving memories of him will live on forever.


Here's to you, Vic. May you rest in peace knowing you made the world a better place. We invite those who experienced this wonderful man to leave your thoughts here or in the thread we've started in DomLuka's forum.

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I only knew Vic through chat since becoming a member last September and I'm envious of those of you who had the chance to know him better. His entrance into the chat room always created a flurry of energy and excitement that I am going to miss greatly. Everyone will miss his kindness and sense of humor.


His loss saddens me immensely and it must pale in comparison to those of you who were close to him. I miss him and I hardly knew him.


Goodbye, Vic. It was an honor.

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So long, :vic2:  I'll miss you.


And just so you know, if we end up in the same place, I'm totally holding you to baking for me. 

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Awww. Vic, you made me laugh and smile every time I chatted with you. <3 I am so sad you didn't have more years but you obviously touched so many people.



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I didn't have the pleasure of getting to know Vic, I only just got here. But I offer my sincere condolences to you all. I can see you all loved him.

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I'm still stunned by this. :(


I only knew Vic through chat, but he was probably the friendliest guy in there. There's not many of us who would never really have had an issue with anyone in there, but he was probably at the top of the list.


Shortly after I became a Chat Mod in January, he talked to me in private about it for a little bit - basically, he was "testing" me. :P Though I only really knew him for just the several months, I could tell that it was just Vic being Vic - somewhat joking around with it, but he'd spent time "behind the scenes", and he really cared about this site. I think it was his way of helping me ease into the role.


It's probably going to be oversaid, that his loss leaves behind a void at the site that can't quite ever be filled...but I think that the best thing we can do is to keep on making this place worth coming back to. :)


Cheers, Vic - wherever you are now!

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I've known Vic since I joined over six years ago. Like many here I met him in chat, where he was a constant fixture. He was always friendly, full of humour and helpful. As fate would have it I became very close to others on the site and in some way I can't help but feel the worse for that missed opportunity.


I was sad to hear the news of what happened months ago. His ultimate passing must have been freeing for a spirit too strong trapped in a body that couldn't keep up. My thoughts are with his family, which seems to be a great many of the people here. The word "friend" doesn't do justice to the relationships you've made.


It was an honour to know you Vic, thank you for sharing your life with us.



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My condolences to Vic's family.  I will miss him.  This comes hard.


Goodbye Vic.

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Naper Vic was a great friend from my first day at GA.  He was a genuine encourager.  :thankyou: 


I miss you Vic. 

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Vic will be greatly missed.  He was the first person to welcome me to chat when I joined a few years ago.  Even thou I make the mistake of asking, "Who's Dom?".... once ( I never asked again ;) ) He was one of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure to talk to.  He was kind and supportive to so many people.  I feel blessed for the time that I spent with him.  RIP Mr. Vic

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I met Vic in chat through our combined fanship for Dom's stories. He was and always will be the number one defender of the Domaholics. Through the years our talks deminished, but the few times I logged into the chatroom and he was in, we hit it off like it was an everyday occurence that we talked. We usually had a fight over who was the oldest and who was the earliest member.

He will be missed tremendously by everyone who ever got in touch with him.

Rest in peace and keep an eye out for the rest of us down here.

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Like some I only knew Vic through chat.


My heartfelt condolences to his family and to all those here at GA who knew him far better than I did.


I will miss him.


Rest in peace Vic

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  • Site Administrator

I can only echo what has already been said.

Rest in Peace, my friend.

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I came to GA when it was just a fledgling website, following Domluka like a disciple followed Jesus.  There was a cadre of us that did that, with Vic and Sharon foremost among them.  That was over 8 years ago, an online eternity.  As I began writing, and devoting more of my time to that, Vic and I spent less time conversing, but that didn't diminish our bond.  He was like those friends I have in college, guys I don't see all that often, but when we do connect, it's like we never had a moment's separation. 


Vic was one of the people I'd turn to when I needed counsel, usually over something stupid that happened here.  To Vic, this wasn't just a website, it was a community, something he reminded me of, and something he fostered.  It wasn't about administrators or moderators, it was about the members.  He certainly saved me from some ill-advised rants.  :-)


I hope, Vic, that you have found a place devoid of sunshine rainbows and Hershey's kisses, and is instead populated by hot gym rats.  As long as I live, you will be in my memory, and I will cherish our friendship. 

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This is a sad day! I'll pray for his soul. May Lord embraces him in his ever merciful bosom. Rest in peace. May Lord grants his loved one's respite.

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Wow this is a surprise, who would have thought a healthy fit guy like Vic would have a heart attack.


Rest in peace Vic, you were a great guy and I loved talking to you whenever I saw you in chat.

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:o Shocked.


He always made me smile and was such a wonderful ray of sunshine in chat. Such a happy person, and so full of life.

We will miss you big guy. Our loss is heavens gain.

Rest easy bud. Make those angels smile.


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