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Old "Friends"

I introduced my best friend in high school to my best friend from college and they got married and had 5 kids -- all of whom still call me "Uncle". Then his brains turned to mush,  he married the Whore of Babylon, had other kids and forgot about his first family.  I've not spoke with him in ages. Last time we talked he apologized for only calling when he needed money -- them promptly asked for money.

The oldest boy is angry, but still wants his dads love. He's given L second chance after second chance; oldest daughter changed her last name to her moms' dad's last name; second boy is just sad (he has no money to pay child support so W could get new clothes for school but the last time W saw him he had a brand new PlayStation and X-Box.  Not talked to #4 in private so not sure what his thoughts are and I doubt that #5 remembers anything about him ever being around.

He got my number yesterday from his oldest. They  were on their way back from some trip they took [with $$ that should be going towards back child support].  He want's me to "meet his family".  Resisted the urge to remind him I have met his family and perhaps he's forgotten about them and his responsibilities to the young adults who are STILL HIS CHILDREN?  Weather was bad last night so I had assumed I'd lucked out and avoided this meeting.

Nope.  They apparently stopped somewhere last night. He called just a few minutes ago and will be in town in about 90-minutes. I could -- and probably should -- have lied and said I was busy with something but didn't. Meeting in a public place so less likely to blow up and tell him what a worthless human being I think he actually is.

Wish me luck.

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Wow ... i won't write down what i'd have told him to do.  i zero patience or kind thoughts to fathers of that ilk.  they make me sick.

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yes, a public place seems a good idea to me as well. much luck to you Fae.
if it were me it'd be a good thing that i know how to stay quiet

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Fae Briona


2 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

yes, a public place seems a good idea to me as well. much luck to you Fae.
if it were me it'd be a good thing that i know how to stay quiet

lol -- it's probably a good thing that when I start to get extremely emotional I tend to stop speaking

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Fae Briona


Well......   that was "fun."  Lots of nodding and non-committal murmurings from me.

"They never tell me anything!  I didn't even know about W's graduation until I saw it on Facebook after-the-fact."   Gee...   Here's a thought:  you know [theoretically] that your boy is 18, you know that High Schools have graduation ceremonies in May, how about PICKING UP THE PHONE AND ASKING HIM WHEN IT'S GOING TO BE!?

Was also saying how he was glad he had a relationship with the oldest again and said he hoped the others would come around eventually.  He did make one statement about how he might, possibly, have done things during the breakup that contributed to things being messed up now; but why is it all their responsibility to fix things?  How about [again] PICK UP THE PHONE, call them, own up to "I know I messed things up", and tell them [honestly] that you'd like to try and salvage what you can of the relationship.

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It never fails to surprise by just how horrible we can be to our families.  How very, very sad. 

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Carlos Hazday


That man needs a beat down. You're too damn nice...

Parker Owens


This makes me so very sad. It amazes me how awful people can be. I understand people fall out of love, but how can one fall so far away from one's own children?

Fae Briona


He want's to "stay in touch."  That's not going to happen.

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